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Create a JDBC Data Source

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Use this page to create a JDBC data source. A JDBC data source is an object bound to the JNDI tree that provides database connectivity through a pool of JDBC connections. Applications can look up a data source on the JNDI tree and then reserve a database connection from a data source.

Configuration Options

Name Description

A unique name that identifies this data source in the WebLogic domain.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


The JNDI path to where this data source is bound. By default, the JNDI name is the name of the data source.

To specify multiple JNDI names for the data source, enter each JNDI name on a separate line.

Applications that look up the JNDI path will get a javax.sql.DataSource instance that corresponds to this data source.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Database Type

Select the database management system of your database. The Administration Console tailors the list of known JDBC drivers to the DBMS you select and constructs connection properties in a format that the DBMS supports.

Database Driver

Select that driver that you want to use to create physical database connections. The data source pools the database connections for use and reuse by your applications.

* indicates that the driver is explicitly supported by Oracle WebLogic Server.

If your driver is not listed, select "other."

Supports Global Transactions

Select this option if database connections from this data source will be used in global transactions.

You may need to enable this option for use with EJBs.

If you enable support for global transactions with a non-XA JDBC driver, you must select an option for transaction processing.

Logging Last Resource

Select this option if you want to enable non-XA JDBC connections from the data source to participate in global transactions using the Logging Last Resource (LLR) transaction optimization. This option is recommended in place of Emulate Two-Phase Commit.

With this option, the transaction branch in which the connection is used is processed as the last resource in the transaction and is processed as a one-phase commit operation. The result of the operation is written in a log file on the resource itself, and the result determines the success or failure of the prepare phase of the transaction. This option offers some performance benefits with greater data safety than Emulate Two-Phase Commit.

Emulate Two-Phase Commit

Select this option if you want to enable non-XA JDBC connections from the data source to emulate participation in global transactions using JTA. Select this option only if your application can tolerate heuristic conditions.

With this option, the transaction branch in which the connection is used always returns success for the prepare phase of the transaction. This option offers performance benefits, but also has risks to data in some failure conditions.

One-Phase Commit

Select this option if you want to enable non-XA JDBC connections from the data source to participate in global transactions using the one-phase commit transaction processing. With this option, no other resources can participate in the global transaction.

Two-Phase Commit

This option is automatically selected if you select an XA JDBC driver. With this option, database connections from the data source fully participate in global transactions. The WebLogic Server transaction manager enforces the two-phase commit protocol.

Database Name

Enter the name of the database that you want to connect to.

Service Name

Enter the service name of the database to which you want to connect.

Host Name

Enter the name or IP address of your database server.


Enter the port number on which your database server listens for connection requests.

Database User Name

Enter the database user name that you want to use to create database connections.

Driver Class Name

The full package name of JDBC driver class used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool in the data source.

For example: com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver

The driver must be the name of a class that implements the java.sql.Driver interface. Check the driver documentation to find the full pathname.

Note that the driver class must be in the classpath of any server to which the data source is deployed.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


The URL of the database to connect to. The format of the URL varies by JDBC driver.

The URL is passed to the JDBC driver to create the physical database connections.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


The list of properties passed to the JDBC driver that are used to create physical database connections. For example: server=dbserver1. List each property=value pair on a separate line.

To enable driver-level features, add the driver property and its value to the Properties list. WebLogic Server sets driver-level properties in the Properties list on the driver's ConnectionPoolDataSource object.

For security reasons, when WebLogic Server is running in Production mode, you cannot specify database passwords in this properties list. Data source deployment will fail if a password is specified in the properties list. To override this security check, use the command line argument "" when starting the server.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Test Table Name

The name of the database table to use when testing physical database connections. This name is required when you specify a Test Frequency and enable Test Reserved Connections.

The default SQL code used to test a connection is "select count(*) from TestTableName"

Most database servers optimize this SQL to avoid a table scan, but it is still a good idea to set the Test Table Name to the name of a table that is known to have few rows, or even no rows.

If the Test Table Name begins with "SQL ", then the rest of the string following that leading token will be taken as a literal SQL statement that will be used to test connections instead of the standard query. For example: SQL BEGIN; Null; END;

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

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