Oracle Fusion Middleware User Messaging Service Java API Reference

Class AccessPointFactory

  extended by oracle.sdp.messaging.AccessPointFactory

public class AccessPointFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Factory class to create AccessPoint objects for use with the Messaging API.

Sample usage:


Method Summary
static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(AccessPoint.AccessPointType apType, DeliveryType deliveryType, java.lang.String value)
          Create a new access point.
static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(AccessPoint.AccessPointType apType, DeliveryType deliveryType, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String keyword)
          Create a new access point.
static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(Address address)
          Create a new access point from an Address object.
static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(Address address, java.lang.String keyword)
          Create a new access point from an Address object.
static List<java.lang.String> expandAccessPoint(AccessPoint accessPoint)
          Utility method to generate a list containing the expanded set of addresses from an access point.
static List<java.lang.String> expandAccessPoint(AccessPoint accessPoint, boolean withKeyword)
          Utility method to generate a list containing the expanded set of addresses from an access point, either with our without keywords included.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(AccessPoint.AccessPointType apType,
                                            DeliveryType deliveryType,
                                            java.lang.String value)
Create a new access point.

apType - the access point type.
deliveryType - the access point address delivery type.
value - the access point address value.
a new access point with the specified apType, deliveryType and value.


public static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(AccessPoint.AccessPointType apType,
                                            DeliveryType deliveryType,
                                            java.lang.String value,
                                            java.lang.String keyword)
Create a new access point.

apType - the access point type.
deliveryType - the access point address delivery type.
value - the access point address value.
keyword - the access point keyword value. If a keyword is specified, incoming messages will only match the access point if the first token of the message's subject (if present) or text/plain part (if present) matches the keyword.
a new access point with the specified apType, deliveryType, value, and keyword.


public static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(Address address)
Create a new access point from an Address object.

address - an object of oracle.sdp.messaging.Address interface
an AccessPoint of type SINGLE_ADDRESS built from the input address.


public static AccessPoint createAccessPoint(Address address,
                                            java.lang.String keyword)
Create a new access point from an Address object.

address - an object of oracle.sdp.messaging.Address interface
keyword - the access point keyword value. If a keyword is specified, incoming messages will only match the access point if the first token of the message's subject (if present) or text/plain part (if present) matches the keyword. * @return an AccessPoint of type SINGLE_ADDRESS built from the input address and keyword.


public static List<java.lang.String> expandAccessPoint(AccessPoint accessPoint)
Utility method to generate a list containing the expanded set of addresses from an access point. If this is a single address access point, the address is returned. If this is a number range access point, then the range expression is expanded and all addresses within the range are returned. Equivalent to calling expandAccessPoint(accessPoint, true)

accessPoint - the access point to expand
a list containing the expanded set of addresses from the access point.


public static List<java.lang.String> expandAccessPoint(AccessPoint accessPoint,
                                                       boolean withKeyword)
Utility method to generate a list containing the expanded set of addresses from an access point, either with our without keywords included. If this is a single address access point, the address is returned. If this is a number range access point, then the range expression is expanded and all addresses within the range are returned.

accessPoint - the access point to expand
withKeyword - flag indicating whether the access point keyword should be included in the returned strings.
a list containing the expanded set of addresses from the access point.

Oracle Fusion Middleware User Messaging Service Java API Reference

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