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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (
Class GroupSpaceWSClient

  extended by

public class GroupSpaceWSClient
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides the utility methods to perform commonly used Group Space operations. The consumers of this class are expected to initialize the context class, and then instantiate the group space ws client by passing the context. After this, they can start calling individual APIs. This client uses "SAML base token passing with message emcryption" policy. It uses OWSM libraries internally. The GroupSpaceWSClient is mainly dependent upon the keystore configuration and encryption key for message protection and client authorization. It also requires SAML issuer token name from the server. Certificate generated at the server side can be used by the client to sign the SOAP message with its signature. This certifcate must go in the keystore file which can be of type JKS or Oracle Wallet. Consumer can either set the end point URL [the URL where the web service is running] by explicitly calling setSpacesWebServicesEndPointURL() through the client API call or he can set it up on connections.xml The entry in connections.xml would look like this:

 <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
 <ns2:References xmlns:ns2="">
    <Reference name="SpacesWebServiceEndpoint"
       <Factory classname="oracle_adf_model_connection_url_URLConnectionFactory"/>
          <XmlRefAddr addrType="SpacesWebServiceEndpoint">
                <urlconnection name="SpacesWebServiceEndpoint"

When client runs as a J2EE application in the Oracle container for Java, it does not require all the configuration parameters. It requires the path to policy location where OWSM policies are specified, SAML issuer name, the currently logged in user and the webservice endpoint.

Once the client is initialized. One can call the the APIs to get the metadata about the group space. The API throws GroupSpaceWSException if the call to Spaces WebService does not go through.

The call from a J2EE application looks like following:

 GroupSpaceWSContext context = new GroupSpaceWSContext();
 GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context);

The rest of the details will be picked up by the container from container level keystore and wallet file. The end point can be alternatively set in the connections.xml file which goes as a part of the project.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ANNOUNCEMENT_SERVICE_ID
          A String to represent the Announcement Service ID
protected static java.lang.String CLASS_NAME
static java.lang.String DISCUSSION_FORUM_SERVICE_ID
          A String to represent Discussion Forum Service ID
protected static java.lang.String ERROR_RES_BUNDLE_NAME
static java.lang.String LIST_SERVICE_ID
          A String to represent List Service ID
protected  oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger LOGGER
protected proxyClient
static java.lang.String RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID
          A String to represent the Recent Activity Service ID


Constructor Summary
GroupSpaceWSClient(GroupSpaceWSContext newContext)
          This is the constructor for the the client APIs.


Method Summary
 void addMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName, java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> members)
          Using this API, bulk users can be added to the Group Space.
 GroupSpaceWSMetadata createGroupSpace(java.lang.String spaceName, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String keywords, java.lang.String baseTemplateName)
          Create API creates a new Space object from an existing Space template.
 GroupSpaceWSMetadata createGroupSpaceTemplate(java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String templateDisplayName, java.lang.String templateDescription, java.lang.String baseSpaceName)
          Create a Group Space Template CreateGroupSpaceTemplate API creates a new SpaceTemplate object from an existing SpaceName.
 boolean deleteGroupSpace(java.lang.String spaceName)
          Deletes the given group space from WebCenter application
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDiscoverableGroupSpaces(java.lang.String queryPattern)
          Returns a list of discoverable Group Spaces matching a specified query pattern.
 java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> getGroupSpaceMembersInfo(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
          Gets the information about the members in a group space.
 GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceMetadata(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
          Gets the spaces metadata for given group space name.
 GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceMetadataByGuid(java.lang.String groupSpaceGUID)
          Gets the spaces metadata for given group space name given the GUID of Group Space.The details about the GUID can be obtained by passing the spacename to the API getGroupSpaceMetadata() which returns the GroupSPaceMetadata which contains the GUID details about the template.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaceRoles(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
          This API returns all the Roles for a given Group Space like moderator,viewer etc.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaces(java.lang.String queryString)
          Gets the list of spaces for a given query string.
 java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMetadata> getGroupSpacesWithMetadata(java.util.List<java.lang.String> groupSpaceNames)
          Gets all the spaces metadata for a list of space name.
 GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata(java.lang.String templateName)
          Gets the spaces metadata for given group space name.
 GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadataByGuid(java.lang.String templateGUID)
          Using this API the template metadata can be obtained by passin the Guid of the template.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaceTemplateRoles(java.lang.String groupSpaceTemplateName)
          This API returns all the Roles for a given Group Space template like Group Project, Comuninity of Interest.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaceTemplates(java.lang.String queryString)
          Gets the list of space template for a given query string.
 java.lang.String getGroupSpaceURL(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
          This API returns the access URL for a group space Gets the group Spaces URL, given an internal group space name.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPublicGroupSpaces(java.lang.String queryPattern)
          Returns a list of public Group Spaces matching a specified query pattern.
 java.lang.String getServiceRSSFeedURL(java.lang.String groupSpaceName, java.lang.String serviceID)
          This API returns the RSS Feed URL for a given Group Space and a Service ID.
 java.lang.String getServiceRSSFeedURLByGuid(java.lang.String groupSpaceGUID, java.lang.String serviceID)
          This API returns the RSS Feed URL for a given Group Space GUID and a Service ID.
static getSpacesWebService()
          This API returns SpacesWebService
protected  java.lang.String getTranslatedMessage(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object[] args)
          This API gets the translated message
 java.lang.String getWebCenterSpacesURL()
          This API returns the access URL of WebCenter Application deployment Gets the WebCenter pplication URL on which the current client is working upon
 void init(GroupSpaceWSContext context)
 void inviteMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName, java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> members)
          Invites the List members to the Group Space Group Space
 boolean isGroupSpaceMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
          This method returns true or false if the current login user is a member of a given group space Sample usage: GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(groupSpaceWSContext); boolean isGroupSpaceMember = client.isGroupSpaceMember("Finance Project");
 void removeMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName, java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> members)
          Using this API, bulk users can be removed from the Group Space.
static void setContext(GroupSpaceWSContext ctx)
          Set the context for the Group Space instance for the current run
 void setCustomAttribute(java.lang.String groupSpaceName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String type, java.lang.Object value)
          This API creates custom metadata attributes for a current Group Space.
 void setGroupSpacesWebServiceEndPoint(java.lang.String endPoint)
          This API sets the end point of the Group Spaces WebService for current client.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected proxyClient


protected static final java.lang.String ERROR_RES_BUNDLE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String CLASS_NAME


protected final oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger LOGGER


public static final java.lang.String ANNOUNCEMENT_SERVICE_ID
A String to represent the Announcement Service ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID
A String to represent the Recent Activity Service ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DISCUSSION_FORUM_SERVICE_ID
A String to represent Discussion Forum Service ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LIST_SERVICE_ID
A String to represent List Service ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public GroupSpaceWSClient(GroupSpaceWSContext newContext)
                   throws GroupSpaceWSException
This is the constructor for the the client APIs. It requires an instance of GroupSpaceWSContext to be passed by the clients after setting the required context properties.
newContext - The new configuration context which is required by the web service proxy client
GroupSpaceWSException - if an error occurs during instantiation process

Method Detail


protected java.lang.String getTranslatedMessage(java.lang.String key,
                                                java.lang.Object[] args)
This API gets the translated message


public static void setContext(GroupSpaceWSContext ctx)
                       throws GroupSpaceWSException
Set the context for the Group Space instance for the current run
ctx - The context of the Group Space
GroupSpaceWSException - Throwx exception if it fails


public void setGroupSpacesWebServiceEndPoint(java.lang.String endPoint)
                                      throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API sets the end point of the Group Spaces WebService for current client. This API is useful in the situations where the URL end point is not known or it needs to be set dynamically. It throws UnsupportedOperationException if the end point is already set through connections.xml. Following example shows how an add member operation can be performed: GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context); client.setGroupSpacesWebServicesEndPointURL("");
endPoint - End point URL


public void setCustomAttribute(java.lang.String groupSpaceName,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String description,
                               java.lang.String type,
                               java.lang.Object value)
                        throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API creates custom metadata attributes for a current Group Space.

Creates custom metadata for given Space name. The metadata created for one group space should not be used for other group space. Each custom a support following attributes: name, description, type, value. To instantiate CustomLetadata.Attribute class, a user would need to call:
GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(context);
wsClient.createCustomAttribute("attribute_name", "description", "java.lang.String", "value");

This attribute object should be used only at the time of creating the a Group Space.

groupSpaceName - Name of the Group Space
name - Name of the custom attribute
description - Description of the custom attribute
type - The type of the attribute. Should be the Canonical name of the class
value - Object value, It will be stored in the form of String. This API class internally calls toString() method on this object while storing the value


public java.lang.String getWebCenterSpacesURL()
                                       throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API returns the access URL of WebCenter Application deployment Gets the WebCenter pplication URL on which the current client is working upon
URL in String format
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if it can't resolve the URL


public java.lang.String getGroupSpaceURL(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
                                  throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API returns the access URL for a group space Gets the group Spaces URL, given an internal group space name.
groupSpaceName - Internal name for a group space. Do not specify a group space display name that includes spaces. WebCenter Spaces converts spaces to underscores in the internal name. For example, a group space named My Group, has the internal name My_Group.
URL in String format
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if unable to resolve the URL


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaceTemplates(java.lang.String queryString)
                                                        throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets the list of space template for a given query string. Gets the list of Group Space Template for a given query String. A search string can be a regular expression. This API would fail to return the more than 500 group spaces
queryString - Query string for which the spaces template needed to be searched
Returns list of string. Every string is a group space template name
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting list of group spaces fails


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaces(java.lang.String queryString)
                                                throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets the list of spaces for a given query string. Gets the list of Group Spaces for a given query String. A search string can be a regular expression. This API would fail to return the more than 500 group spaces
queryString - Query string for which the group spaces needed to be searched
Returns list of string. Every string is a group space name
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting list of group spaces fails


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPublicGroupSpaces(java.lang.String queryPattern)
                                                      throws GroupSpaceWSException
Returns a list of public Group Spaces matching a specified query pattern.
queryPattern - string that matches whole or part of the names of the public group spaces to be returned
list of names of public group spaces matching the specified query pattern.


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDiscoverableGroupSpaces(java.lang.String queryPattern)
                                                            throws GroupSpaceWSException
Returns a list of discoverable Group Spaces matching a specified query pattern.
queryPattern - string that matches whole or part of the names of the discoverable group spaces to be returned
list of names of discoverable group spaces matching the specified query pattern.


public GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata(java.lang.String templateName)
                                                   throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets the spaces metadata for given group space name. This API returns the bean object which providers getters for Group Space metadata. This bean is immutable and provides no setters.
templateName - Name of the group Space
Returns GroupSpaceWSMetadata
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting metadata fails


public GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceMetadata(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
                                           throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets the spaces metadata for given group space name. This API returns the bean object which providers getters for Group Space metadata. This bean is immutable and provides no setters.
groupSpaceName - Name of the group Space
Returns GroupSpaceWSMetadata
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting metadata fails


public java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> getGroupSpaceMembersInfo(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
                                                             throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets the information about the members in a group space. This API returns the bean object which providers getters for Group Space metadata. This bean is immutable and provides no setters.
groupSpaceName - Name of the group Space
Returns GroupSpaceWSMembers
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting metadata fails


public void addMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName,
                      java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> members)
               throws GroupSpaceWSException

Using this API, bulk users can be added to the Group Space. In order to user this API, you need to pass List of GroupSpaceWSMembers. For each member an object of type GroupSpaceWSMembers has to be created List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> addMem = new ArrayList();
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("pat","viewer");
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("vicki","viewer");

members - List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> -The list of members who have to be added to Group Space, the list should not be more than 50. If it more than 50 then it throws IllegalArgumentException
groupSpaceName - name of the space to which the user needs to be subscribed
java.lang.Exception - if an exception occurs during adding a user as a member of a group space


public void removeMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName,
                         java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> members)
                  throws GroupSpaceWSException

Using this API, bulk users can be removed from the Group Space. In order to user this API, you need to pass List of GroupSpaceWSMembers. For each member an object of type GroupSpaceWSMembers has to be created List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> remMem = new ArrayList();
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("pat");
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("vicki");

members - List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> List of members who have to be removed- THe list should not be more than 50, if it is more than 50 then it throws IllegalArgumentException exception
groupSpaceName - name of the space from which the user needs to be deleted
java.lang.Exception - if an exception occurs during deleting a user as a member of a group space


public GroupSpaceWSMetadata createGroupSpace(java.lang.String spaceName,
                                             java.lang.String displayName,
                                             java.lang.String description,
                                             java.lang.String keywords,
                                             java.lang.String baseTemplateName)
                                      throws GroupSpaceWSException
Create API creates a new Space object from an existing Space template. It calls the template's clone method to get the clone of the template and then constructs the Space Object out of it. It automatcally creates the MDS location for given Space name.
spaceName - The name of the new Space. Throws IllegalArgumentException if its NULL
displayName - The displayName of the Group Space Throws IllegalArgumentException if its NULL
description - The description of the Group Space
keywords - Keyword list that best describes this Group Space
baseTemplateName - The template based on which the Group Space needs to be created.
GroupSpaceWSMetadata Group Space Metadata
GroupSpaceWSException - if the Group Space creation failed


public GroupSpaceWSMetadata createGroupSpaceTemplate(java.lang.String templateName,
                                                     java.lang.String templateDisplayName,
                                                     java.lang.String templateDescription,
                                                     java.lang.String baseSpaceName)
                                              throws GroupSpaceWSException
Create a Group Space Template CreateGroupSpaceTemplate API creates a new SpaceTemplate object from an existing SpaceName.
templateName - The name of the new Tempalte. Throws IllegalArgumentException if its NULL
templateDisplayName - Template Display Name
templateDescription - Template Description
baseSpaceName - The space from which the template is based upon Throws IllegalArgumentException if its NULL
GroupSpaceWSMetadata SpaceTemplateMetadata
GroupSpaceWSException - if the Group Space creation failed


public boolean deleteGroupSpace(java.lang.String spaceName)
                         throws GroupSpaceWSException
Deletes the given group space from WebCenter application
spaceName - name of the group space to be deleted
Returns true if operation executes successfully, false otherwise
java.lang.Exception - if an exception occurs during space deletion


public void inviteMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName,
                         java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> members)
                  throws GroupSpaceWSException
Invites the List members to the Group Space Group Space

Using this API, bulk users can be invited to the Group Space. In order to user this API, you need to pass List of GroupSpaceWSMembers. For each member an object of type GroupSpaceWSMembers has to be created List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> inviteMem = new ArrayList();
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem1 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("pat","viewer");
GroupSpaceWSMembers mem2 = new GroupSpaceWSMembers("vicki","participant");
An invite will be sent to the users and the users can accept the invite for being part of the Group Space or reject the invite if they do not intend to join the Group Space.

members - List<GroupSpaceWSMembers> List of members, the number of members should not exceed 50
groupSpaceName - name of the space to which the user needs to be subscribed
java.lang.Exception - if an exception occurs during adding a user as a member of a group space


public GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadataByGuid(java.lang.String templateGUID)
                                                         throws GroupSpaceWSException
Using this API the template metadata can be obtained by passin the Guid of the template. The details about the GUID can be obtained by passing the template name to the API getGroupSpaceTemplateMetadata() which returns the GroupSPaceMetadata which contains the GUID details about the template. This API returns the bean object which providers getters for Template metadata. This bean is immutable and provides no setters.
templateGUID - GUID of the template
Returns GroupSpaceWSMetadata
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting metadata fails


public GroupSpaceWSMetadata getGroupSpaceMetadataByGuid(java.lang.String groupSpaceGUID)
                                                 throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets the spaces metadata for given group space name given the GUID of Group Space.The details about the GUID can be obtained by passing the spacename to the API getGroupSpaceMetadata() which returns the GroupSPaceMetadata which contains the GUID details about the template. This API returns the bean object which providers getters for Group Space metadata. This bean is immutable and provides no setters.
groupSpaceGUID - The Guid of the Grou Space.
Returns GroupSpaceWSMetadata
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting metadata fails


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaceRoles(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
                                                    throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API returns all the Roles for a given Group Space like moderator,viewer etc. Given a group space name, this API gets all the available roles in the group space. It returns the user friendly role names [i.e. moderator, viewer] , these roles can be used with APIs like grant/revoke etc.
groupSpaceName - The Name of the Group Space whose roles are to be listed
List of Roles


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGroupSpaceTemplateRoles(java.lang.String groupSpaceTemplateName)
                                                            throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API returns all the Roles for a given Group Space template like Group Project, Comuninity of Interest. Given a group space template name, this API gets all the available roles in the group space template. It returns the user friendly role names [i.e. moderator, viewer], these roles can be used with APIs like grant/revoke etc.
groupSpaceTemplateName - The Name of the Group Space Template whose roles are to be listed
List of Roles


public java.util.List<GroupSpaceWSMetadata> getGroupSpacesWithMetadata(java.util.List<java.lang.String> groupSpaceNames)
                                                                throws GroupSpaceWSException
Gets all the spaces metadata for a list of space name. This API returns the list of space metadata bean object. Each bean object provides getters for Group Space metadata. This bean is immutable and provides no setters. Sample usage: GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(groupSpaceWSContext); List<String> groupSpaceNames = new ArrayList(); groupSpaceNames.add("Finance Project"); groupSpaceNames.add("HR Project"); List<GroupSpaceWSMetadata> metadataList = client.getGroupSpacesWithMetadata(groupSpaceNames);
groupSpaceNames - List of the space name that used to retrieve the the list of space metadata
Returns List of GroupSpaceWSMetadata
GroupSpaceWSException - Throws Exception if getting metadata fails


public boolean isGroupSpaceMember(java.lang.String groupSpaceName)
                           throws GroupSpaceWSException
This method returns true or false if the current login user is a member of a given group space Sample usage: GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(groupSpaceWSContext); boolean isGroupSpaceMember = client.isGroupSpaceMember("Finance Project");
groupSpaceName - - The exact name of the Group Space as a String
groupSpaceName - of the group space
true or flase if the current login user is a member of a given group space


public java.lang.String getServiceRSSFeedURL(java.lang.String groupSpaceName,
                                             java.lang.String serviceID)
                                      throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API returns the RSS Feed URL for a given Group Space and a Service ID. Sample usage: GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(groupSpaceWSContext); String recentActivityURL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURL("Finance Project", GroupSpaceWSClient.RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID);
groupSpaceName - - The exact name of the Group Space as a String
serviceID - - the exact serviceID as retrieved from
The RSS Feed URL for the serviceID and GroupSpace


public java.lang.String getServiceRSSFeedURLByGuid(java.lang.String groupSpaceGUID,
                                                   java.lang.String serviceID)
                                            throws GroupSpaceWSException
This API returns the RSS Feed URL for a given Group Space GUID and a Service ID. Sample usage: GroupSpaceWSClient client = new GroupSpaceWSClient(groupSpaceWSContext); String recentActivityURL = client.getServiceRSSFeedURLByGuid("s88b17951_8784_4555_8b7b_b2c2e4c2ef95", GroupSpaceWSClient.RECENT_ACTIVITY_SERVICE_ID);
groupSpaceGUID -
serviceID -
The RSS Feed URL for the serviceID and GroupSpaceGuid


public static getSpacesWebService()
This API returns SpacesWebService


public void init(GroupSpaceWSContext context)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (

Copyright © 2009, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.