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Oracle© Fusion Middleware Extensibility Framework (REX) for Oracle Enterprise Repository
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity

Class Summary
Answer Objects of this class represent answers to a survey taken.
ArtifactStoreBean The ArtifactStoreBean class defines repository definitions of external stores for artifacts.
Asset Objects of this class represent assets in the Oracle Enterprise Repository.
AssetSummary Lightweight Asset object returned by asset queries through the OpenAPI
AssetType Representation of an Asset Type within Oracle Enterprise Repository.
AssetUsageType Representation of an Asset Usage Type within Oracle Enterprise Repository.
AssignedUser Representation of an Assigned User within Oracle Enterprise Repository.
Categorization This class represents a categorization in the Oracle Enterprise Repository.
CategorizationType CategorizationTypes serve two purposes.
Choice Objects of this class represent choices in the survey system.
ChoiceList Objects of this class represent choicelists in the survey system.
Contact The Contact class represents individuals that may be associated with an Asset in OER.
Department This class represents Departments within an organization.
EntityUUID Objects of this class contain a UUID to associate with an OER entity.
Extraction The Extraction class encapsulates associations between three entity types: Users, Assets, and Projects.
ExtractionDownload Attached to Extraction objects - provides download links to access the files associated with an asset usage.
ExtractionLogEvent An object to reference multiple extractions/usages of the same asset to the same project by the same user.
FileInfo This class describes a file which is part of an Asset.
FileType A type descriptor for a FileInfo object.
IExtraction Lightweight representation of an extraction/usage's state.
KeyValuePair A simple key/value pair object used for factory validation errors.
LogEntry The LogEntry class contains the submitter comments for Assets.
MetadataEntrySummary Metadata Entries represent additional data associated with a Repository Asset.
MetadataEntryTypeSummary Metadata Entry Types define parameters for Metadata Entries associated with a Repository Asset.
NameValue This class represents a Name/Value pair.
PermissionValue Represents permissions assignments within OER.
PolicyAssertion A policy assertion represents a condition or requirement associated with a policy.
PolicyAssertionResult A policy assertion result represents the outcome of a single assertion.
Project This object represents Oracle Enterprise Repository projects, including name, description, start and end dates, and estimated time estimates.
ProjectAsset An extension of the Asset object that includes extraction status information.
ProjectAssetValue Representation of a ProjectAssetValue within Oracle Enterprise Repository.
ProjectAssetValueSummary Represents the total value of an asset related to a specific project.
ProjectAssetValueSummaryItem Represents the total value of an Asset related to a specific project and Asset Usage Type.
ProjectEntities Representation of ProjectEntities within Oracle Enterprise Repository.
ProjectSummary Lightweight Project object returned by queries through the OpenAPI
ProjectUserType This object describes the possible values for project - user relationships
Question Objects of this class represent choicelists in the survey system.
RelatedEntity The RelatedEntity class encapsulates different types of relationships that can exist between entities in the ALER, including assets, projects, and users.
RelationshipType The RelationshipType class encapsulates different types of relationships that can exist between assets in the OER.
Results The Results class manages a set of validation errors based on key/value pairs.
ReuseDTO This data transfer object consolidates information about reuse statistics.
SettingsDescriptor Defines all the distinctive attributes for a setting except for its actual value.
SettingsSection Each SettingsSection contains a list of SettingsDescriptors.
SettingValue Contains the actual value for the specified setting.
SFIDAttribute Represents an observed attribute of an SFID candidate.
SFIDCandidate This class encapsulates the concept of an observed SFID, in a client context.
SubmissionFileInfo An object to contain information about an asset's uploaded file.
SurveyTaken Objects of this class represent a surveytaken in the BEA survey system.
TabBean This class encapsulates an Oracle Enterprise Repository Asset Tab.
TabTypeBean This class encapsulates an Oracle Enterprise Repository AssetType Tab.
UniqueElement Custom additional unique key which can be applied to Assets.
Vendor The vendor who is responsible for assets.


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Oracle© Fusion Middleware Extensibility Framework (REX) for Oracle Enterprise Repository
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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