Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.common

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ApplSession Historically, the Context object has been the main window through which product teams access AOL/J functionality - it provided security API's and access to database connections and services like profiles and messages.
ApplSessionAttribute Apps-specific implementation of LwsSessionAttribute
ApplSessionContext This class implements the ContextProvider interface to provide a representation of all the relevant AOL context state that can be serialized and deserialized and passed along in a BPEL process.
ApplSessionFilter The ApplSessionFilter takes care of setting up and making available an ApplSession for use by applications code that executes within the request, assuming the application is configured to use ApplSession's.
ApplSessionManagement The ApplSessionManagement class implements the LwsSessionContext interface, and handles all aspects of LwsSession management, including creating, attaching to, validating, and destroying the session object.
ApplSessionNamespace The ApplSessionNamespace contains the attribute-value pairs of a given namespace for a given session.
ApplSessionPortletFilter The ApplSessionPortletFilter was initially removed, replaced by the use of the ApplSessionContext interceptor, but has been reintroduced to provide us with event points that will fire after the portlet request has completed, so we can perform cleanup like clearing out any ThreadLocal's used.
ApplSessionUtil This is a utility class on top of the ApplSession class, which will likely be the primary window that product teams access ApplSession functionality through.
GroovyScriptEvaluator Is capable of running arbitrary groovy scripts.
PreferencesBean Preferences Bean to get user preferences at run time for formatting/NLS.
TrustedCallbackHandler CallbackHandler needed to support the ApplSessionUtil.initializeSession call to the JpsLoginModuleFactory.getLoginContext().

Annotation Types Summary
Copyright Required for all Oracle Applications java classes.
Version Required for all Oracle Applications java classes.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 2011 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.