Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dt.patterns.metadata.creator.panel

Panel creator.


Class Summary
AbstractApplicationsPanel This class is an abstract representation of a panel in the wizard.
ApplicationsPanelComponentLayoutPanel This class represents the component layout panel in the wizard.
ApplicationsPanelComponentsPanel This class represents the components panel in the wizard.
ApplicationsPanelCreator This class is the creator wizard for the Applications Panel.
ApplicationsPanelModel This class represents the Applications Panel component.
ApplicationsPanelPageButtonsPanel This class represents the page buttons panel in the wizard.
ApplicationsPanelSubheader This class represents a subheader item in the collections table.
ApplicationsPanelSummaryPanel This class represents the summary panel in the wizard.
ApplicationsPanelTitlePanel This panel represents the title panel in the wizard.
ApplicationsPanelUtils This is the utility class for Applications Panel specific panels.
ApplicationsPanelWizardPageProvider This class is the wizard page provider for the Applications Panel creator wizard.
ApplicationsSubheaderTableDecorator This class represents the decorator for the subheader collections table in the title panel.
AttributeDragSource This class handles a drag from the source.
AttributeDropTarget This class handles a drop on the target node.
AttributeNode This class represents an attribute node in the tree.
AttributeTransfer This class represents the transferable object for an item in the tree.
MenuOptionValueObject A simple class for carrying menu option selections.
PanelBinderDefinitionValidator Validation class used as a callback from the "Select a datasouce" window to ensure a Panel datasource is used.
SubSection This class represents the Subheader node in the tree in the component layout panel.

Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dt.patterns.metadata.creator.panel Description

Panel creator.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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