Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class DBSequence

  extended by oracle.jbo.domain.DBSequence
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable, DomainInterface, KeyAttributeInterface, NativeTypeDomainInterface, XMLDomainInterface, XMLDomainWriter

public class DBSequence
extends java.lang.Object
implements NativeTypeDomainInterface, XMLDomainWriter,, KeyAttributeInterface, java.lang.Comparable

A lightweight, tier-independent wrapper that allows working with attributes that should get their number values from database sequence on insert of a new row.

If you designated an Entity Object attribute to be of type DBSequence, the framework assumes that the attribute value will be refreshed when that Entity Object is posted to the database This implementation assumes that there is an insert-trigger on the table corresponding to the Entity Object, that populates the corresponding column value with a number when the Entity is inserted into the database.

At runtime when a new Entity instance is created, this domain automatically fills in a temporary negative value as a place-holder for the attribute that is marked to be of DBSequence type. When the new Entity is posted, this value is updated from the database.

JDeveloper 3.2.3
See Also:
EntityImpl, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String AM_IMPL_CLIENT
Constructor Summary
          Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.
DBSequence(java.math.BigDecimal num)
          Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.
DBSequence(java.math.BigInteger num)
          Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.
DBSequence(DBSequence seq)
          Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.
DBSequence(java.lang.Integer num)
          Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.
DBSequence(java.lang.Long num)
          Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.
DBSequence(Number num)
          Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.
DBSequence(java.lang.String numberString)
          Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.
DBSequence(java.lang.String seqName, ApplicationModule am)
          Uses the given sequence name to get a Sequence value that is stored for the value of this DBSequence instance
Method Summary
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object other)
          Returns -1 if DBSequence is less than other's value, 0 if DBSequence and other are equal, 1 if DBSequence is greater than other's value.
static java.lang.Long createInstanceWithAM(ApplicationModule am)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.3. Use new instance of this class to get the next value.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
          Test if the specified value is equal to this Sequence object.
 byte[] getBytes()
          Internal: Applications should not invoke this method. Converts this domain value into a bytes, so that the oracle.jbo.Key object can render this domain into a short string form.
 java.lang.Object getData()
          Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.
 java.lang.Object getNativeObject()
static ORADataFactory getORADataFactory()
          Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.
 Number getSequenceNumber()
          Returns the value of this Sequence as an oracle.jbo.domain.Number
 Node getSerializedDomainXML(Document xmlDoc)
          Creates the xml node in the given xml document for this domain's data in hex format of the byte[] representation of the data.
 long getValue()
          Return this domain's value as long.
 Node getXMLContentNode(Document xmlDoc)
          Creates the xml node in the given xml document for this domain's data.
static XMLDomainFactory getXMLDomainFactory(java.lang.Class attrClass)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 int hashCode()
          Computes a hash code for this Sequence object.
 java.lang.String printXMLDefinition(java.util.Hashtable allDefs, pw, boolean bContainees)
          Prints the DTD info for this domain in the given print writer.
 void setBytes(byte[] bArr)
          Passes in the bytes that represent the value of this object.
 void setContext(DomainOwnerInterface owner, Transaction trans, java.lang.Object ctx)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Datum toDatum(java.sql.Connection conn)
          Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.
 java.lang.String toString()
          For testing purposes only: Returns a string representation of the generated sequence value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String AM_IMPL_CLIENT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DBSequence()
Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.


public DBSequence(java.math.BigInteger num)
Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.


public DBSequence(java.math.BigDecimal num)
Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.


public DBSequence(java.lang.Long num)
Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.


public DBSequence(java.lang.Integer num)
Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.


public DBSequence(Number num)
Create an instance of DBSequence with the given number as its value.


public DBSequence(DBSequence seq)
Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.


public DBSequence(java.lang.String numberString)
Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.

Called from AttributeDef for default values only.


public DBSequence(java.lang.String seqName,
                  ApplicationModule am)
Uses the given sequence name to get a Sequence value that is stored for the value of this DBSequence instance

This method will increment the specified database sequence when it is invoked.

seqName - The name of the database sequence that will be used to generate sequence values.
am - The application module instance that will provide the JDBC connection and the marshalling context for the sequence requests.
Method Detail


public static ORADataFactory getORADataFactory()
Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.

Initializes the Number Domain. This method is invoked when JBO is initialized.

the ORADataFactory for the Number Domain.


public java.lang.Object getNativeObject()
Specified by:
getNativeObject in interface NativeTypeDomainInterface


public long getValue()
Return this domain's value as long. This method may be used to access the value for this domain in EL-expressions.


public java.lang.Object getData()
Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.

Specified by:
getData in interface DomainInterface
The value that this sequence object represents


public void setContext(DomainOwnerInterface owner,
                       Transaction trans,
                       java.lang.Object ctx)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
setContext in interface DomainInterface


public Number getSequenceNumber()
Returns the value of this Sequence as an oracle.jbo.domain.Number


public java.lang.String toString()
For testing purposes only: Returns a string representation of the generated sequence value.

toString in class java.lang.Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
Test if the specified value is equal to this Sequence object.

equals in class java.lang.Object
other - The object to which the Sequence should be compared.
true The specified object is equal to the this Sequence.


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object other)
Returns -1 if DBSequence is less than other's value, 0 if DBSequence and other are equal, 1 if DBSequence is greater than other's value.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable
other - input Oracle DBSequence
integer result of comparison


public int hashCode()
Computes a hash code for this Sequence object.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
the hash code of this Sequence object.


public static java.lang.Long createInstanceWithAM(ApplicationModule am)
Deprecated. since 9.0.3. Use new instance of this class to get the next value.

A class method that may be invoked to retrieve the next value from a database sequence.

am - The application module instance that will provide the JDBC connection for the sequence request


public Datum toDatum(java.sql.Connection conn)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Internal: Applications should not invoke this method.

Converts this Number Domain object back into an SQL NUMBER object.

conn - OracleConnection Not used.
A Datum containing NUMBER object.
SQLException - Never.


public byte[] getBytes()
Internal: Applications should not invoke this method. Converts this domain value into a bytes, so that the oracle.jbo.Key object can render this domain into a short string form.

Specified by:
getBytes in interface KeyAttributeInterface
a byte array representing this object


public void setBytes(byte[] bArr)
Passes in the bytes that represent the value of this object. This method is to be used by the oracle.jbo.Key object to pass in key value read from a stream in byte array format.

Specified by:
setBytes in interface KeyAttributeInterface


public java.lang.String printXMLDefinition(java.util.Hashtable allDefs,
                                           boolean bContainees)
Prints the DTD info for this domain in the given print writer. Returns the DTD string to be added to this domain's container entity/domain.

The allDefs hashtable contains predefined XML definitions and is passed by whatever calls this method.

Specified by:
printXMLDefinition in interface XMLDomainInterface
allDefs - a hashtable of predefined XML definitions passed from whatever calls this method.
pw - print writer into which the defnition is being printed.
bContainees - if true, prints definitions of contained objects.


public Node getXMLContentNode(Document xmlDoc)
Creates the xml node in the given xml document for this domain's data.

Specified by:
getXMLContentNode in interface XMLDomainInterface
xmlDoc - name of the XML document in which the node should be created.


public Node getSerializedDomainXML(Document xmlDoc)
Creates the xml node in the given xml document for this domain's data in hex format of the byte[] representation of the data.

Specified by:
getSerializedDomainXML in interface XMLDomainWriter
xmlDoc - name of the XML document in which the node should be created.


public static XMLDomainFactory getXMLDomainFactory(java.lang.Class attrClass)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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