Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface DataDirectorListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GaugeModelAdapter, GraphModelAdapter, ModelAdapter

public interface DataDirectorListener
extends java.util.EventListener

The listener for notification of changes to data.

Method Summary
 void pollingRequired(PollingRequiredEvent polling)
          Event fired to inform listeners that the given DataDirector requires polling to retrieve data using the DataDirector3 events getStatus and possibly fireEvents.
 void viewDataAvailable(DataAvailableEvent e)
          Responds when data is ready or revoked.
 void viewDataChanged(DataChangedEvent e)
          Responds to changes to the actual data or metadata.
 void waitDataAvailable(WaitDataAvailableEvent e)
          Responds when data is available to replace a WaitData.

Method Detail


void viewDataChanged(DataChangedEvent e)
Responds to changes to the actual data or metadata.

e - Information about the change in the data.


void viewDataAvailable(DataAvailableEvent e)
Responds when data is ready or revoked.

e - Information about the data provider.


void waitDataAvailable(WaitDataAvailableEvent e)
Responds when data is available to replace a WaitData. When a view requests a data value that a data source has not fetched yet, the DataDirector returns a WaitData object instead of the data value. Then, when the data has been fetched and is available, the DataDirector calls this method.

e - Information about the fetch.
See Also:
DataDirector, WaitData


void pollingRequired(PollingRequiredEvent polling)
Event fired to inform listeners that the given DataDirector requires polling to retrieve data using the DataDirector3 events getStatus and possibly fireEvents.

event - Event informing listener of data needing polling

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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