Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use ExternalToolType
oracle.ide.externaltools Contains interfaces and classes that allow external tools in the IDE to be invoked, manipulated and extended by extensions. 
oracle.ide.externaltools.macro Contains APIs related to macros that can be expanded when invoking external tools. 

Uses of ExternalToolType in oracle.ide.externaltools

Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools that return ExternalToolType
 ExternalToolType ExternalToolOptionsEnvironment.getType()
          Get the type of tool being created or edited.
 ExternalToolType ExternalToolManager.getType(ExternalTool tool)
          Gets the type of the specified external tool

Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools that return types with arguments of type ExternalToolType
abstract  java.util.Iterator<ExternalToolType> ExternalToolManager.getRegisteredTypes()
          Gets all registered external tool types.

Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools with parameters of type ExternalToolType
 java.util.Iterator<ExternalTool> ExternalToolManager.getExternalToolsByType(ExternalToolType type)
          Deprecated. since Use ExternalToolManager.toolsOfType(ExternalToolType).
abstract  ExternalTool ExternalToolManager.invokeCreateWizard(java.awt.Component parent, ExternalToolType type)
          Invokes the Define External Tool wizard programmatically.
abstract  void ExternalToolManager.registerType(ExternalToolType type)
          Deprecated. since where external tools must be declaratively registered
abstract  java.util.Collection<ExternalTool> ExternalToolManager.toolsOfType(ExternalToolType type)
          Returns external tools of a specific type.
abstract  void ExternalToolManager.unregisterType(ExternalToolType type)
          Deprecated. since where external tools must be declaratively registered

Uses of ExternalToolType in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro

Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro with parameters of type ExternalToolType
 void MacroTextField.configure(MacroRegistry registry, ExternalToolType type, boolean onlyDirectories)
          Configure this macro text field to use the specified registry, external tool type, and whether to only show directories.
abstract  MacroPicker MacroRegistry.getPicker(ExternalToolType type, boolean onlyDirectories)
          Get the macro picker UI.
 MacroTextField MacroRegistry.getTextField(ExternalToolType type, boolean onlyDirectories)
          Get a completion-insight enabled text field for this registry.
 boolean MacroExpander.isAvailableForType(ExternalToolType type)
          Deprecated. since use isAvailableForType that takes id instead

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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