Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Interface ToDomConverter

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Color2Dom, Converters.TypeSafeEnumerationConverter

public interface ToDomConverter

Classes that implement this interface are capable of converting an object type (or types) into a DOM tree.

Method Summary
 boolean toElement(ObjectWrapper wrapper, org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.Class type, Object2Dom o2d)
          Populates the specified Element according to the state of the object in the ObjectWrapper using the specified Object2Dom instance for recursion.
 boolean toObject(ObjectWrapper wrapper, org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.Class type, Object2Dom o2d)
          Creates an object of the given type that is represented by the contents of the specified Element parameter.

Method Detail


boolean toElement(ObjectWrapper wrapper,
                  org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                  java.lang.Class type,
                  Object2Dom o2d)
Populates the specified Element according to the state of the object in the ObjectWrapper using the specified Object2Dom instance for recursion.

Implementations of this method should first check the specified type to determine if conversion is supported for that type.

wrapper - The ObjectWrapper containing the object to be converted.
element - The parent Element to which any newly created Elements should be appended.
type - The Class type of the object being converted to an Element.
o2d - The Object2Dom instance to use for recursion, if necessary.
true if the conversion from object to Element occurred successfully; false otherwise.


boolean toObject(ObjectWrapper wrapper,
                 org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                 java.lang.Class type,
                 Object2Dom o2d)
Creates an object of the given type that is represented by the contents of the specified Element parameter. The given Object2Dom is used for recursing into other objects.

Implementations of this method should first check the specified type to determine if conversion is supported for that type.

The object produced by this method must be set on the specified ObjectWrapper before this method returns. Additionally, if the ObjectWrapper already contains an object when this method is invoked, this method should unmarshal the specified Element's state into the existing object rather than creating a new one, if possible.

wrapper - The ObjectWrapper that wraps the object that results from unmarshalling the specified Element. If a pre-existing object is in the ObjectWrapper, this method should attempt to unmarshal the Element into the existing object rather than creating a new one.
element - The Element which is being unmarshalled into an object.
type - The Class type of the object being unmarshalled from an Element.
o2d - The Object2Dom instance to use for recursion, if necessary.
true if the conversion from Element to object occurred successfully; false otherwise.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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