Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class NavigatorManager

  extended by oracle.ide.view.MultiManager
      extended by oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
Addin, Controller
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class NavigatorManager
extends MultiManager

The NavigatorManager is responsible for managing the creation of the system navigator and transient navigators opened on selected nodes.

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String SOURCE_NAVIGATOR_PROPERTY
Fields inherited from interface oracle.ide.controller.Controller
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  void addContextMenuListener(ContextMenuListener l, java.lang.Class cls)
          Adds a context menu listener to all NavigatorWindows.
protected abstract  NavigatorWindow createNavigatorWindow()
          Subclasses must override this method to create the NavigatorWindow.
static NavigatorManager getApplicationNavigatorManager()
          Returns the NavigatorManager instance that represents the Application Navigator or null if no such navigator exists.
 ChildFilterFactory getChildFilterFactoryForType(java.lang.Class elementClass)
static NavigatorManager getConnectionNavigatorManager()
          Deprecated. the Connection Navigator is being removed in 11.0 to be replaced by the Resource Catalog, Database Navigator (from SQL Dev) and Application Server Navigators.
abstract  ContextMenu getContextMenu()
          Get the ContextMenu to be shared by all Editors.
static Element getFolderFromContext(Context context)
          Returns the narrowest Element that represents the specified Context.
 HelpInfo getHelpInfo()
          Get the help topic id for the navigator managed by me.
 java.util.List getHostedDockables()
          Deprecated. use getHostedViews() instead.
 java.util.List<HostedView> getHostedViews()
 NavigatorWindow getNavigatorWindow()
          Returns the NavigatorWindow.
 URLFilter getURLFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass)
static NavigatorManager getWorkspaceNavigatorManager()
          Returns the NavigatorManager instance that represents the Workspace Navigator or null if no such navigator exists.
 boolean isSystemNavigator(ViewId viewId)
          Returns true if the view identified by the give viewId is the system navigator.
protected  ViewId newViewId(Element folder)
          Returns the ViewId for a NavigatorWindow opened on the specified Element.
 NavigatorWindow openNavigator(Context context)
          Open a navigator based on the specified context.
abstract  void registerExtension(Extension ext, java.lang.Class cls)
          Register a navigator extension.
 void registerFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass, ChildFilterFactory childFilterFactory)
          Associates a ChildFilterFactory with the specified elementClass.
 void registerFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass, java.lang.Class childFilterClass, URLFilter urlFilter)
          Associates a childFilterClass filter and urlFilter with the specified elementClass.
 void registerHostedDockable(HostedView hostedView)
 void registerHostedDockable(ViewId viewId)
 void registerHostedDockable(ViewId viewId, float weight)
abstract  void removeContextMenuListener(ContextMenuListener l)
          Remove the specified ContextMenuListener.
static void setApplicationNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager navMgr)
          Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Application Navigator.
static void setConnectionNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager navMgr)
          Deprecated. the Connection Navigator is being removed in 11.0 to be replaced by the Resource Catalog, Database Navigator (from SQL Dev) and Application Server Navigators.
static void setWorkspaceNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager navMgr)
          Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Workspace Navigator.
 NavigatorWindow showNavigator(Context context)
          Convenience method programatically identical to casting the result of showView(context) to a NavigatorWindow.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.view.MultiManager
createDockableView, createShowAction, createToggleToolbarAction, findOrCreateView, findView, getAcceleratorFile, getDefaultName, getDefaultView, getDefaultViewId, getDockableFactory, getLastView, getNewView, getOrientation, getRelativeView, getShowAction, getToggleToolbarMenuWeight, getViewCategory, getViewId, getViews, handleEvent, initialize, isToolbarVisible, setToolbarVisible, showLastView, showView, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String SOURCE_NAVIGATOR_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public NavigatorManager()
Method Detail


public static NavigatorManager getApplicationNavigatorManager()
Returns the NavigatorManager instance that represents the Application Navigator or null if no such navigator exists.


public static void setApplicationNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager navMgr)
Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Application Navigator.


public static NavigatorManager getWorkspaceNavigatorManager()
Returns the NavigatorManager instance that represents the Workspace Navigator or null if no such navigator exists.


public static void setWorkspaceNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager navMgr)
Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Workspace Navigator.


public static NavigatorManager getConnectionNavigatorManager()
Deprecated. the Connection Navigator is being removed in 11.0 to be replaced by the Resource Catalog, Database Navigator (from SQL Dev) and Application Server Navigators.

Returns the NavigatorManager instance that represents the Connection Navigator or null if no such navigator exists.


public static void setConnectionNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager navMgr)
Deprecated. the Connection Navigator is being removed in 11.0 to be replaced by the Resource Catalog, Database Navigator (from SQL Dev) and Application Server Navigators.

Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Connection Navigator.


public abstract ContextMenu getContextMenu()
Get the ContextMenu to be shared by all Editors.


public final boolean isSystemNavigator(ViewId viewId)
Returns true if the view identified by the give viewId is the system navigator.


public final NavigatorWindow getNavigatorWindow()
Returns the NavigatorWindow.


protected abstract NavigatorWindow createNavigatorWindow()
Subclasses must override this method to create the NavigatorWindow.


public NavigatorWindow openNavigator(Context context)
Open a navigator based on the specified context. If an existing navigator based on the context exist it shows it. If the system navigator contains the context selected element, it shows the system navigator, and expands the corresponding node. Otherwise, it opens a new navigator.

context - the context to open the navigato on.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if context is null.


public final NavigatorWindow showNavigator(Context context)
Convenience method programatically identical to casting the result of showView(context) to a NavigatorWindow.


public abstract void addContextMenuListener(ContextMenuListener l,
                                            java.lang.Class cls)
Adds a context menu listener to all NavigatorWindows. The listener will be called when users pop-up the menu on nodes of type cls. Specifying null for the cls parameter will cause the listener to be called when a menu is pop-up on any node type.


public abstract void removeContextMenuListener(ContextMenuListener l)
Remove the specified ContextMenuListener.


public void registerHostedDockable(HostedView hostedView)


public final void registerHostedDockable(ViewId viewId)


public final void registerHostedDockable(ViewId viewId,
                                         float weight)


public final java.util.List getHostedDockables()
Deprecated. use getHostedViews() instead.


public final java.util.List<HostedView> getHostedViews()


public final void registerFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass,
                                 java.lang.Class childFilterClass,
                                 URLFilter urlFilter)
Associates a childFilterClass filter and urlFilter with the specified elementClass.


public final void registerFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass,
                                 ChildFilterFactory childFilterFactory)
Associates a ChildFilterFactory with the specified elementClass.


public final ChildFilterFactory getChildFilterFactoryForType(java.lang.Class elementClass)


public final URLFilter getURLFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass)


public abstract void registerExtension(Extension ext,
                                       java.lang.Class cls)
Register a navigator extension. Extensions are called when the navigator builds the context. Extensions get a chance to update the context before it is returned to the client requesting the context.

ext - the extension to register.
cls - the Element class for which the specified extension will be called.


public HelpInfo getHelpInfo()
Get the help topic id for the navigator managed by me.


public static final Element getFolderFromContext(Context context)
Returns the narrowest Element that represents the specified Context.


protected ViewId newViewId(Element folder)
Returns the ViewId for a NavigatorWindow opened on the specified Element.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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