Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use ConnectionException
oracle.jdeveloper.db Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products). 

Uses of ConnectionException in oracle.jdeveloper.db

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db that throw ConnectionException
 void Connections.addConnection(java.lang.String connName, java.util.Properties props)
          Creates a connection in the underlying namespace with the given name and properties.
 void DatabaseConnections.addConnection(java.lang.String connName, java.util.Properties props)
          Creates a connection in the underlying namespace with the given name and properties.
static void AppDatabaseConnections.copyConnectionBetweenStores(java.lang.String sourceStore, java.lang.String targetStore, java.lang.String connName)
          Copies the given connection between two different connection stores.
static void AppDatabaseConnections.copyToApplicationResources(java.lang.String connName, Context ideContext)
          Utility method to copy the given named connection from the Resource Palette's connections to the Application Resources for the Application (Workspace) in the given IDE context.
static void AppDatabaseConnections.copyToApplicationResources(java.lang.String connName, java.lang.String newName, Context ideContext)
          Utility method to copy the given named connection from the Resource Palette's connections to the Application Resources for the Application (Workspace) in the given IDE context.
 void Connections.disconnect(java.lang.String connName)
          If the connection store has a cached connection for this connection name then disconnect it.
 void DatabaseConnections.disconnect(java.lang.String connName)
          Disconnect the cached JDBC connections for the given connection name, and closes the associated Database as well.
 boolean DatabaseConnections.disconnect(java.lang.String connName, boolean force)
          Disconnect the cached JDBC connections for the given connection name, and closes the associated Database as well.
 java.sql.Connection ConnectionInfo.getConnection()
          Returns a JDBC Connection for the connection.
 java.sql.Connection DatabaseConnections.getConnection(java.util.Properties props)
          Returns a new JDBC connection for the given connection Properties.
 java.sql.Connection DatabaseConnections.getConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a JDBC connection for the given connection name.
 java.util.Properties Connections.getProperties(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a Properties object containing the properties for the given connection name.
 java.util.Properties DatabaseConnections.getProperties(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a Properties object containing the properties for the given connection name.
 javax.naming.Referenceable Connections.getReferenceable(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns the Referenceable for the given connection name, containing the details about the connection.
 javax.naming.Referenceable DatabaseConnections.getReferenceable(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns the Referenceable for the given connection name, containing the details about the connection.
 java.sql.Connection DatabaseConnections.getUniqueConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a JDBC connection for the given connection name.
 boolean Connections.removeConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Removes the connection with the given name.
 boolean DatabaseConnections.removeConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Removes the connection with the given name.
 void Connections.saveConnections()
          Saves this connection store.
 void DatabaseConnections.saveConnections()
          Saves the database connection store.
 void Connections.testConnection(java.util.Properties props)
          Takes the given properties for a connection and attempts to create an actual connection to test the properties are valid.
 void DatabaseConnections.testConnection(java.util.Properties props)
          Takes the given properties for a connection and attempts to connect to the database.
 boolean Connections.updateConnection(java.lang.String connName, java.lang.String newName, java.util.Properties newProps)
          Updates the definition of the given connection with the new set of properties.
 boolean DatabaseConnections.updateConnection(java.lang.String connName, java.lang.String newName, java.util.Properties newProps)
          Updates the definition of the given connection with the new set of properties.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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