Using Quick Invoices

This chapter provides an overview of quick invoices and summary invoices, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Quick Invoices and Summary Invoices

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicQuick Invoice Overview

The Quick Invoice Entry component (VCHR_QUICK_PNL) provides efficient data entry for large volumes of similar invoices and invoices for which you can use defaults to complete most of the voucher details. The Quick Invoice Entry component contains minimal online edits; default and edit processing are handled by the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD). This makes the component easy to configure and upgrade and offers improved performance when saving data.

The Quick Invoice Entry component enables you to enter minimal invoice information, such as the business unit, vendor ID, invoice ID, invoice date, and merchandise amount. The Voucher Build process completes the other required fields for the voucher records using defaults from the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy. You can also use the Quick Invoice Entry component to copy purchase order and receiver information to create vouchers—either by copying purchase orders and receivers directly to the quick invoice at the time of entry, or by specifying key field information for the Voucher Build process to use in associating voucher lines with specific purchase order or receiver schedule lines. You can also set up session defaults that automatically populate voucher fields for an entire session, and you can override those defaults for a particular voucher.

The Quick Invoice Entry component comes with two templates: the complete worksheet and the simple worksheet.

The add and search page of both worksheets display the Freight Amount, Misc Charge Amount (miscellaneous charge amount) and Sales Tax Amount fields. When you complete these fields, the system uses the values to automatically populate the worksheet's Balancing region.

Both worksheets display four invoice lines by default; the system automatically deletes any unused lines when you click Save. Use the Session Defaults page to modify the number of lines that display.

The complete worksheet enables you to enter more voucher line information than the simple worksheet. If you have a purchase order-related voucher and want to copy from a purchase order or receiver, select the complete worksheet. On the complete worksheet, you can enter multiple invoice and distribution lines. In addition, you can copy purchase orders (POs) and receivers to the voucher lines or specify PO and receiver default information for the Voucher Build process to use in locating POs and receivers for completing the voucher. The complete worksheet also enables you to limit the number of voucher lines and distribution lines called up when you open a quick invoice voucher in update mode.

The simple worksheet is the default worksheet. It provides minimal voucher header and voucher line entry, leaving it up to the Voucher Build process to use the session defaults and the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy to fill in the rest. The combined voucher line and distribution line facilitate data entry for supplier invoices that have a limited number of ChartField distributions requiring entry. You should use the simple worksheet for vouchers with no associated purchase order. The simple worksheet also has these restrictions:

Both simple and complete worksheets enable you to:

You can configure either worksheet to your organization's particular needs.

You also use the Quick Invoice Entry component in the update/display mode for reviewing vouchers staged by the Voucher Build process to PeopleSoft Payables from external sources, as well as for correcting Voucher Build process pre-edit errors.

Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, and the vendor has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the vendor is under financial sanctions review. You can save the voucher, however, the system does not allow payments to vendors with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked.

If you enable financial sanctions at the installation level, the system validates the vendor against financial sanctions lists (for example, the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list) when you attempt to save the quick invoice. The system does not perform validation during quick invoice entry if you enable financial sanctions at the bank level.

See Financial Sanctions Validation and Transaction Processing.

See Also

Entering Quick Invoices Using the Complete Worksheet

Entering Quick Invoices Using the Simple Worksheet

Processing Batch Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurchase Order and Receiver Copy Functionality for Quick Invoices

There are two ways to use purchase order and receiver information to complete quick invoice vouchers:

Copy Purchase Orders or Receivers to the Quick Invoice

To copy a purchase order or receiver directly to the quick invoice voucher at the time of entry, use the Copy PO or Copy Worksheet feature, just as you would in the Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS). You must use the complete worksheet.

Note. If you voucher only a partial quantity of a purchase order line that you have copied, the Voucher Build process prorates the partial quantity down to the voucher distribution lines.

See Copying Source Documents to Create Vouchers Online.

Specify Purchase Order and Receiver Information for the Voucher Build Process to Use in Building Voucher and Distribution Lines

To specify purchase order and receiver field values for the Voucher Build process to use in locating and copying purchase order and receiver lines to the voucher:

  1. Enter a voucher in the Quick Invoice Entry component using the complete worksheet, and specify identifying information about the purchase order or receiver (or both) on the voucher line and in the PO/Receiver defaults fields, ignoring the distribution information.

    See Voucher Build Processing Logic for Associating Voucher Lines with Purchase Order and Receiver Lines.

  2. Save the voucher.

  3. Run the Voucher Build process.

    The Voucher Build process attempts to find the purchase order or receiver line.

    If it finds the information, the process retrieves the additional line information from the purchase order or receiver, as well as default voucher header data.

    If the voucher has multiple purchase orders, the Voucher Build process uses the information from the purchase order on the first voucher line to populate voucher header information.

    The system uses similar copy logic when copying purchase order payment terms and accounting template information. When you select multiple lines from different purchase order at the same time, the data (payment term and/or accounting entry template data values) from the first purchase order is copied into voucher. However, for any subsequently copied purchase order lines, the data values of the first purchase order line overwrites the existing data (payment terms and/or accounting entry template) in the voucher.

    If the Voucher Build process fails to match the voucher line to a purchase order or receiver line, the process generates a pre-edit error, which you can review on the Voucher Build Error Detail page.

The process copies the distribution information from the purchase order or the receiver. The process then prorates the distributions from the amount on the invoice line.

See Also

Processing Batch Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSummary Invoice Processing

The Summary Invoice Entry component (VCHR_SUMM_PNL) enables you to enter minimal invoice and purchase order information, such as vendor, PO number, invoice number, invoice date, nonmerchandise amounts, and gross amount, to create a voucher. You do not enter voucher line or distribution line information. The Voucher Build process builds the voucher from the selected purchase order and associated receipts.

Establish tolerance levels to validate the source document's merchandise amount against the invoice's merchandise amount. If the differences falls within the tolerance levels, the system applies the difference to a tolerance miscellaneous charge code specified on the Payables Definition - Summary Invoice page. This reconciliation allows the summary invoice to be balanced and the Voucher Build process to create a voucher. If the difference falls outside the tolerance levels, the system assigns the summary invoice a voucher build status of Tolerance. The Voucher Build process does not select invoices with a voucher build status of Tolerance. Use the Quick Voucher Entry component to resolve these differences.

To create a voucher using the Summary Invoice Entry component:

  1. Enter invoice and purchase order information in the add and search page or the Summary Invoice Entry page.

  2. Copy receiver or purchase order information to the summary invoice.

    The system first searches for receiver information to copy. If it cannot locate this information, it then searches for and copies purchase order information.

  3. Compare input invoice information with the purchase order and receiver information.

  4. Save the voucher.

    Once you save the summary invoice, access the summary invoice using the Quick Invoice Entry component for further updating before the Voucher Build process creates the voucher.

  5. Run the Voucher Build process.

    The Voucher Build process uses the same logic for copying a single purchase order and receiver information to the voucher as the it does for creating vouchers from the Quick Invoice Entry component.

    Note. The system does not copy sales tax, use tax, and value-added tax (VAT) amounts from the purchase order. You must enter these amounts. Also, if you enter freight and miscellaneous amounts, these amounts override any amounts that were entered on the purchase order.

See Also

Entering Summary Invoices

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoucher Build Processing Logic for Associating Voucher Lines with Purchase Order and Receiver Lines

When the Voucher Build process builds voucher records from purchase orders and receivers, it uses default processing logic to match the voucher line information it has received with purchase orders and receivers. When you use the Quick Invoice Entry component to enter basic voucher information for the Voucher Build process to build into voucher records, you can accept this default processing logic or specify a voucher build code that identifies special processing logic for the Voucher Build process to follow. These voucher build codes specify how the Voucher Build process finds matches between voucher line information and receivers or purchase orders. You define voucher build codes using the Voucher Build Criteria component (VCHR_BLD_DEFN).

There are two ways of building vouchers from purchase orders or receivers:

Note. You copy and associate purchase order and receiver information to the summary invoice using the Summary Invoice Entry component.

If you do not specify a voucher build code for the quick invoice, the following default association criteria apply:

  1. The Voucher Build process attempts to match voucher lines to receivers before purchase orders:

  2. If there is no match to a receiver, the Voucher Build process attempts to match a purchase order:

Note. Purchase orders and their associated receivers that are marked with the procurement card (PCard) settlement method cannot be processed through Voucher Build association logic.

See Understanding Source Document Copy Functionality.

If this default association logic does not meet the organization's needs and you do not want to rely solely on voucher build codes to override the logic, you can modify it by using these tools:

Note. Test any new dynamic SQL thoroughly.

See Also

Specifying Voucher Build Criteria

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicQuick Invoice Entry Component Configuration

Configuring the Quick Invoice Entry component is relatively simple. For example, there are fields in the table structure underlying the component (such as VAT-related fields) that are not included in the component but which you can easily add if they suit your business requirements.

Component configuration should only be performed by persons with PeopleTools training and experience.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before entering and processing quick invoices and summary invoices, you must set up the standard procurement control tables and establish the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy, including entering approved vendors in the system. In addition, you:

See Also

Specifying Voucher Build Criteria

Selecting General Controls

Click to jump to parent topicEntering and Updating Quick Invoices

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Select to run an on-demand Application Engine process after you have saved the quick invoice.

Processes are numbered to indicate the order of how the processes run. For example, if you select 3. Doc Tolerance (document tolerance), the system automatically initiates the number 1 and 2 processes (in this example, 1. Voucher Build then 2. Matching), and then the number 3 process (in this example, 3. Doc Tolerance).

Note. Available processes depend on your implementation and the quick invoice's processing status. Therefore, the numbers may be different than those listed below.

Select from the following:

1. Voucher Build: Select this option to launch the Voucher Build process (APVCHR_BLD).

2. Matching: Select this option to run the Voucher Build and Matching (MATCHING) processes.

Note. This option always appears. However, the system runs the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH) only when the quick invoice voucher includes copied purchase order information.

3. Doc Tolerance (document tolerance): Select this option to run the Voucher Build, Matching, and Document Tolerance (DOC_TOL) processes. This option displays only if you activate it at the installation level.

4. Budget Checking: This option appears only when the Commitment Control feature is enabled. Select this option to run the Voucher Build, Matching, Document Tolerance, and Budget Checking (BUDGET_CHK) processes.

5. Voucher Post: Select this option to run the Voucher Build, Matching, Document Tolerance, Budget Checking, and Voucher Post (PST_VCHR) processes.

6. Journal Generate: Select this option to run the Voucher Build, Matching, Document Tolerance, Budget Checking , Voucher Posting, and Journal Generator (PST_VCHRGL) processes.

See Setting Up On-Demand Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter and Update Quick Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name



Quick Invoice (complete worksheet)


  • Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice

    Select Complete in the Quick Invoice Template field on the Add Search page.

  • Click the Examine Error Messages button for a voucher with Voucher Build pre-edit errors on the Build Errors page to access the Quick Invoice page in update/display mode.

  • Click the Correct Errors link on the Voucher Build Error Detail page to access the Quick Invoice page in update/display mode.

Enter and update invoice header, line, and distribution information, along with PO and receiver details for the Voucher Build process to use in building a voucher.

When you enter the page in update/display mode from the Find an Existing Value page, you can search for vouchers by build status, including vouchers that have been staged for review by the Voucher Build process, vouchers with Voucher Build process pre-edit errors, or vouchers to be built.

Copy Worksheet (purchase order)


Select PO Only in the Worksheet Opt (worksheet option) field on the Quick Invoice page (complete worksheet).

Enter PO search criteria and select the lines from one or more purchase orders for copying to the Quick Invoice page (complete worksheet).

Copy Worksheet (receiver)


Select PO Receipt or Recp Only (receipt only) in the Worksheet Opt (worksheet option) field on the Quick Invoice page (complete worksheet).

Enter receipt search criteria and select the lines from one or more receivers for copying onto the Quick Invoice page (complete worksheet).

Quick Invoice Entry - Miscellaneous Charges


  • Click the Miscellaneous Charges link on the invoice header on the Quick Invoice complete worksheet page to access the Miscellaneous Charges page for the invoice header.

  • Click the Miscellaneous Charges link on an invoice line on the Quick Invoice complete worksheet page to access the Miscellaneous Charges page for invoice lines.

  • The link appears only if you have copied a purchase order with freight or miscellaneous charges.

This page applies only when you have copied a purchase order with freight or miscellaneous charges. For invoice headers, review or override the miscellaneous charge codes, accounting entry type, and charge amounts for the invoice. For invoice lines, select whether or not to apply the miscellaneous charges to the line.

Quick Invoice Entry – Review Errors


Click the Review Errors link on the complete or simple worksheet. This link appears only when the worksheet has build errors.

Review and correct worksheet errors.

Distribution Lines


Click the Distribution button on an invoice line on the Quick Invoice page (complete worksheet).

Enter distribution information for a specific invoice line.

Quick Invoice (simple worksheet)


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice

Select Simple in the Quick Invoice Template field on the Add Search page.

Enter and update invoice header, line, and distribution information for the Voucher Build process to build into a voucher. The simple worksheet requires minimal voucher data entry. You can only enter the simple worksheet in update/display mode if you have not yet run the Voucher Build process for the voucher.

Session Defaults


Click the Session Defaults link on the Quick Invoice page (complete or simple worksheet).

Enter voucher defaults for an adhoc session or use an existing available session default. These defaults override the values that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

See Entering Session Defaults.

Override Session Default


Click Override Session Default on the Quick Invoice page (complete or simple worksheet).

Override optional voucher header defaults for the current quick invoice.

Quick Invoice Entry - Payment Details


Click Payments on the Quick Invoice page (complete or simple worksheet).

Enter and update specific payment information for a quick invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Quick Invoices Using the Complete Worksheet

Access the Quick Invoice page for complete worksheets (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice).

General Invoice Information

You must enter a vendor ID, invoice number, invoice date, and total amount. Other fields are optional. If you leave the optional fields blank, the Voucher Build process completes the voucher according to the defaults that you set up in the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy or the session defaults.

Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, and the vendor has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the vendor selected is currently under financial sanctions review. You can save the quick invoice, however, the system does not allow payments to vendors with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked.

Print Invoice

Click to create the invoice in a PDF file format. The system opens a new window where you can view and print the invoice.

Calculate (calculate on-demand balancing) and Difference

Click to perform on-demand balancing validation, which calculates the difference between the invoice lines plus the applicable charge amounts (miscellaneous, freight, and tax amounts) and the gross invoice amount. This amount appears in the Difference field when the voucher is out of balance. The system populates the Difference field with 0.00 when the voucher is in balance.

Edit Combinations

Click to perform on-demand combination edit validation, which audits ChartField combinations.

Attachments (n)

Click to add or view attachments related to this quick invoice. Attachments are available after the quick invoice becomes a regular voucher.

Comments (n)

Click to enter comments for a quick invoice to explain payment schedules, issues with the vendor, or anything else that you need to document the invoice. Any comments that you enter in this field are meant for your reference only. You can enter up to 254 characters for a comment. If you exceed 254 characters, the system displays a warning message that it can save only 254 characters and truncates the message. Comments are available after the quick invoice becomes a regular voucher.

The system displays (0) if no comment is attached to this voucher. The system displays a number if there is one or more comments associated to this quick invoice.

Line Amount

Displays the combined total of the invoice line amounts.

Misc Amount (miscellaneous amount)

Displays the miscellaneous charge amount.


Displays the freight charge amount.

Entered VAT Amount

Displays the entered VAT amount.

This field only displays if the invoice is VAT applicable.

Sales Tax

Displays the sales tax charge amount.


Displays the combined total of the invoice lines and the miscellaneous, freight, and tax charge amounts.

Tax Exempt

Select to override the default sales and use tax setup for the voucher and make it exempt from sales and use tax.


Click to access the Quick Invoice - Payment Details page, where you can enter payment information for the voucher.

Session Defaults

Click to access the Session Defaults page, where you can select existing available session defaults or set adhoc default values for all of the invoices that you enter in the current session. These defaults override the defaults that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

See Entering Session Defaults.

Override Session Defaults

Click to access the Override Session Default page, where you can override the session defaults for the current invoice and specify optional voucher header field values.

Miscellaneous Charges

Click to access the Quick Invoice Entry - Miscellaneous Charges page for the voucher header, where you can review or override the miscellaneous charge codes, accounting entry type, and charge amounts for the invoice.

Note. This field appears only if you have copied a purchase order with freight or miscellaneous charges.

Note. You can click the Miscellaneous Charges link on each voucher line to access the voucher line Quick Invoice Entry - Miscellaneous Charges page, where you can select whether or not to apply the miscellaneous charges to the line.

Copy From a Source Document

In add mode, this group box provides fields for indicating purchase orders or receivers that you want to copy to the voucher or that you want the Voucher Build process to build into a voucher.

In update/display mode, this group box also includes fields for delimiting the number of voucher lines that appear in the Voucher Lines scroll area.

See Reviewing and Updating Quick Invoices, Staged Vouchers, and Vouchers with Pre-Edit Errors.

Important! If you intend to copy information from a purchase order or a receiver, do not begin by entering information on the add and search page. Leave these fields blank. Also ensure that the line entry default is one (1).

Note. The fields in this group box are not available for entry if the voucher style is Prepaid. You cannot copy a purchase order or receiver to a prepaid voucher.

Any values that you enter in this group box are copied to the voucher and distribution lines, where you can override them.

See Voucher Build Processing Logic for Associating Voucher Lines with Purchase Order and Receiver Lines.

PO Unit (purchasing business unit) and PO Number (purchase order number)

Enter a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit and PO ID. You can either copy the purchase order information onto the voucher lines by clicking Copy PO, or you can let the Voucher Build process use the PO business unit and PO ID (along with appropriate PO information you enter on the voucher lines) to locate the purchase order lines and build the voucher and distribution lines from them.

If you enter a PO business unit only, the Voucher Build process uses the PO IDs that you enter on the voucher lines to locate the purchase order lines.

Copy PO (copy purchase order)

Enter a PO business unit and PO ID in the PO Unit and PO No fields and click this button to copy purchase order fields onto the voucher. If you don't know the PO business unit, use the Copy information from a worksheet into this invoice field to access the appropriate copy worksheet, where you can search for a purchase order to copy.

Note. The system behaves differently when you have one (1) or multiple lines specified on the search dialogue. After entering the PO values and clicking the Copy button, when there is only one line, the functionality copies the PO into the quick invoice. When the number of lines on the search dialogue is greater than one, the system accesses the Copy Worksheet page. If you primarily use the quick invoice to copy POs into vouchers, consider defining a one line default in your session defaults for efficiency's sake.

Copy From

Select a value and click the Go link to access the appropriate copy worksheet for copying purchase orders and receivers onto a voucher. The copy worksheets enable you to search for purchase orders and receivers and select the lines that you want to copy to the voucher. Options are:

None: Do not copy information.

Purchase Order Only: Access the copy worksheet for purchase orders (that is, the Copy Worksheet - PO Lookup Criteria page).

PO Receipt: Access the copy worksheet for receivers (that is, the Copy Worksheet - Receiver Lookup Criteria page). When you select this option, you can search for receivers by purchase order and receiver information and the system returns only receivers that reference purchase orders.

Non PO Receipt (non purchase order receipt): Access the copy worksheet for receivers (that is, the Copy Worksheet - Receiver Lookup Criteria page). When you select this option, you can search for receivers by receiver information only, and the system returns only receivers that do not reference purchase orders.

These copy worksheets function as they do in the Voucher component.

See Copying Source Documents to Create Vouchers Online.

Voucher Build Association

Build Code

Enter a voucher build code, which defines how the Voucher Build process associates invoice lines for the voucher with a PO or receiver. Once the process finds an association, it uses the PO and receiver lines to complete the voucher line and accounting distributions.

If you don't enter a voucher build code, default association processing logic applies. The processing logic—whether defined by a voucher build code or by default—determines the fields that you are required to enter in this group box and on the voucher lines in order for the Voucher Build process to locate a purchase order or receiver and build a voucher from it.

You set up voucher build codes on the Voucher Build Code Definition page.

Recv Unit (receiving business unit) and Recv No (receiver number)

Enter a PeopleSoft Purchasing receiving business unit and receiver ID. The Voucher Build process uses these values, along with the other receiver information that you enter in this group box and on the voucher lines, to locate the receiver lines and build the voucher and distribution lines from them.

If you enter a receiving business unit only, the Voucher Build process uses the receiver IDs that you enter on the voucher lines to locate the purchase order lines.

Packing Slip, Bill of Lading, and Carrier ID

Enter the relevant receiver data. The Voucher Build process uses these values, along with the other receiver information you enter in this group box and on the voucher lines, to locate receiver lines and build the voucher and distribution lines from them.

Invoice Lines

Most of the fields in this scroll area are identical to those in the Invoice Lines scroll area on the Invoice Information page in the Voucher component. Any differences are documented here.

Note. The purchase order- and receiver-related fields in this scroll area are not available for entry if the voucher style is Prepaid.

Distribute By

Select to distribute by either Amt (amount) or Qty (quantity).

Item ID and Description

If you enter an item ID reference code, the Voucher Build process uses this value to match voucher lines to receiver and purchase order lines.

Merchandise Amount

Displays the merchandise amount for the voucher line. The Voucher Build process computes this value if you enter the quantity and unit price or copy the voucher line from a purchase order or receiver.

PO Business Unit, PO Number, Line Number and Schedule Number

Enter values to identify the related purchase order. The Voucher Build process uses this information to locate the purchase order line and build the voucher and distribution lines from it.

Receiving Business Unit Receipt Number, and Receipt Line (receiver line number)

Enter values to identify the related receiver. The Voucher Build process uses this information to locate the receiver line and build the voucher and distribution lines from it.

Line Match Opt (line match option)

Select whether to use matching. Options are:

  • Full Match

  • No Match

See Running the Matching Process.

Miscellaneous Charges

Click to access the Quick Invoice Entry - Miscellaneous Charges page for the voucher line, where you can select whether or not to apply the miscellaneous charges to the line.


Select to make the voucher line discount-applicable. By default, this check box is selected.


Click to access the Distribution Lines page, where you can enter distribution information and copy down distribution lines.

See Also

Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Distribution Line Information

Access the Distribution Lines page (click the Distribution button on an invoice line on the Quick Invoice page).

Use the Distributions scroll area to enter multiple distribution lines for each voucher line. You can select the Copy Down check box on a distribution line to copy that line's general ledger business unit and ChartField values to new distribution lines. To avoid recycle status, you must enter at least an account if the voucher is not associated with a PO or receiver. For prepayment vouchers, you can leave the Account field blank, and the Voucher Build process will supply the prepayment account from the Accounting Entry Template.

Most of the fields are identical to those on the Invoice Information page in the Voucher component, except that there are no edits against these fields in the Quick Invoice Entry component. Any other differences are documented here.

See Creating Vouchers Online.

Note. The system does not recalculate balancing differences when exiting the page; you must click the Calculate button to refresh the totals. For example, if you short distribution line field amounts here, they remain out of balance on the Quick Invoice page until you click the Calculate button.

Important! ChartFields that display here depend on how you configure options on the Standard ChartField Configuration page.

See Completing the Standard ChartField Configuration Page.

VAT Apport CF (VAT apportionment ChartField)

If you use VAT apportionment to track the organization's recoverability, select the business unit whose ChartField values the system uses for VAT apportionment control:

Dist GL BU (distribution general ledger business unit): The system uses the general ledger business unit on the voucher distribution line to determine the VAT apportionment.

Txn BU (transaction business unit): The system uses the PeopleSoft Payables business unit in which the voucher is entered to determine the VAT apportionment.

Txn GL BU (transaction general ledger business unit): The system selects the general ledger business unit to which the PeopleSoft Payables business unit is mapped to determine the VAT apportionment.

See Establishing the PeopleSoft Payables VAT Default Hierarchy.

See Defining VAT Use Types and Apportionment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Quick Invoices Using the Simple Worksheet

Access the Quick Invoice page for simple worksheets (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice).

Note. Descriptions of many of the fields on this page can be found in the discussion of the Quick Invoice complete worksheet page and in other chapters in this PeopleBook.

See Entering Quick Invoices Using the Complete Worksheet.

You must enter a vendor ID, invoice number, invoice date, and total amount. Other fields are optional. If you leave the optional fields blank, the Voucher Build process completes the voucher according to the defaults that you set up in the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy or the session defaults.

Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, and the vendor has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the vendor selected is currently under financial sanctions review. You can save the quick invoice, however, the system does not allow payments to vendors with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked.

Prepaid Ref (prepaid reference) and Auto Apply (automatically apply payment)

Enter a prepayment reference and select to have the system automatically apply the payment to a subsequent invoice with that prepayment reference.

See Entering Prepayment Vouchers Using the Quick Invoice Entry Component.

Invoice Lines

Enter the extended amount and distribution information for each voucher line. You can enter one combined distribution line per voucher line. You can select the Copy Down check box on a distribution line to copy that line's General Ledger business unit and ChartField values to new distribution lines.

See Also

Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Defaults

Access the Override Session Default page (Click Override Session Default on the Quick Invoice page).

Note. The fields that appear in the Non-Merchandise Charges group box—and the presence of the Non-Merchandise Charges group box itself—depend on the display options selected on the Session Defaults page for your session. The Miscellaneous Charge, Freight Charge, and Sales Tax Charge fields do not appear if you are entering a prepaid voucher.

Discount Terms

Discount Amount Control

Specify whether or not to accept the default payment terms or to enter your own due date and discount information. Values are:

Terms: The system uses the calculated discount amount. The system calculates the discount amount according to the payment terms, due date, and discount due date that you enter here. If you leave these blank, the system calculates the discount amount according to the payment terms that are populated by default through the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

User: The system uses the discount amount that you enter in the Discount Amounts field.

Note. The system does not use any discount amount you enter here if you select Terms as the discount amount control value.

Note. Discount terms fields are grayed out if you are entering a prepaid voucher. If you enter discount terms or multipayment terms in the Terms field for a prepaid voucher, the voucher will fail voucher build processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Payment Information

Access the Quick Invoice - Payment Details page (click Payments on the Quick Invoice page).

Note. Each row in the Payment Details scroll region is a payment schedule, and each schedule can be defined with only one payment message. When you add rows in this area, this indicates that the system (during the Voucher Build process) should create additional payment schedules, which can each have a different payment message. Remember that even though each payment schedule can be defined with one message, you can create and use payment message codes defined with multiple messages. This enables you to have multiple payment messages display on the check advice.

Most of the fields on this page are identical to those on the Payments page in the Voucher component. Only fields that differ are discussed here.

See Entering Payment Information for Vouchers.

Payment Message

Enter a payment message of up to 70 characters to appear on the remittance advice (check stub), or select a message code for a predefined message to appear on the remittance advice.

You define message codes on the Payment Messages page.

See Also

Establishing Standard Payment Messages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Prepayment Vouchers Using the Quick Invoice Entry Component

Access the Quick Invoice page for a complete or simple worksheet (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice).

You can enter and apply prepayment vouchers using either the complete or simple worksheets.

Entering Prepayments

To enter prepayment vouchers using the complete worksheet:

  1. Select a voucher style of Prepaid on the add search page.

  2. Enter your voucher information, session defaults, and session default overrides.

    Note. You cannot copy POs or receivers. Nor can you enter nonmerchandise amounts (except VAT), discount terms, or multipayment terms.

  3. (Optional) Enter a prepayment reference in the Prepaid Ref (prepaid reference) field.

  4. Select or deselect the Auto Apply option.

To enter prepayment vouchers using the simple worksheet:

  1. Select a voucher style of Prepaid on the add search page.

  2. Enter your voucher information, session defaults, and session default overrides, as necessary.

  3. (Optional) Enter a prepayment reference in the Prepaid Ref field.

    Note. You can also enter prepayment references and select the Auto Apply option on the Override Session Default page, as you do for the complete worksheet.

  4. Select or deselect the Automatically Apply Prepayment option.

    This option functions the same way as the Auto Apply option on the Override Session Default page for the complete worksheet.

Applying Prepayments

To apply regular vouchers to a prepayment using the complete or simple worksheets if you entered a prepayment reference on the prepayment voucher, enter a prepayment reference for the regular voucher. The regular voucher will be applied to the prepayment, subject to the conditions described in the discussion of entering prepayment vouchers.

To apply regular vouchers to a prepayment using the complete or simple worksheets if you did not enter a prepayment reference on the prepayment voucher, you do not need to enter a prepayment reference for the regular voucher.

See Also

Entering Quick Invoices Using the Complete Worksheet

Entering Quick Invoices Using the Simple Worksheet

Processing Prepayments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Updating Quick Invoices, Staged Vouchers, and Vouchers with Pre-Edit Errors

Access the Quick Invoice page for a complete or simple worksheet in update/display mode (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice Entry, Quick Invoice).

Note. All quick invoice vouchers staged by the Voucher Build process appear in the complete worksheet. Those entered in the Quick Invoice Entry component and not yet processed by Voucher Build appear in the worksheet of entry.

The Quick Invoice Entry component is used for reviewing and updating vouchers staged for review by the Voucher Build process, as well as for correcting vouchers that have Voucher Build process pre-edit errors. For this reason, the Quick Invoice Entry component provides the following special functions when accessed in update/display mode:

Note. Quick invoices created with the simple worksheet are converted to complete worksheets by the Voucher Build process.

Note. In all other respects, the Quick Invoice page and the other pages in the Quick Invoice Entry component—the Session Defaults page, the Override Session Default page, the Quick Invoice Entry - Payment Details page, and the Quick Invoice Entry - Miscellaneous Charges page—function the same way in update/display mode and add mode.

See Also

Voucher Build Process Errors

Reviewing Voucher Build Process Errors

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Summary Invoices

This section discusses how to enter summary invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter Summary Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name



Summary Invoice


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Summary Invoice Entry, Summary Invoice Entry

Enter invoice and purchase order information, such as vendor, PO number, invoice number, invoice date, nonmerchandise amounts, and gross amount, for the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) to use in building a voucher.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Summary Invoices

Access the Summary Invoice Entry page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Summary Invoice Entry, Summary Invoice Entry).

When you are adding a new voucher, you can use the fields on the add and search page for the Summary Invoice Entry component to prepopulate the new voucher.

Business Unit

Displays the PeopleSoft Payables business unit. You must enter the PeopleSoft Payables business unit on the add and search page.

Vendor ID

Select the vendor by entering the vendor ID or short vendor name. The system populates the transaction currency from the vendor. Selecting a vendor filters the selection of a purchase order.

Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, and the vendor has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the vendor selected is currently under financial sanctions review.

PO Unit (purchasing business unit)

Enter a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit. This field is required in order to display a list of available purchase orders.

PO No (purchase order number)

Enter a purchase order number to be copied into the summary invoice.

Freight Amount

Enter the freight charges from the invoice. This amount overrides the freight amount from the purchase order.

Misc Amt (miscellaneous amount)

Enter the miscellaneous charges from the invoice. This amount overrides the miscellaneous amount from the purchase order.

Sales Tax, Use Tax, and VAT (value added tax)

Enter the applicable tax charges from the invoice. The PeopleSoft Payables business unit's settings determine what tax fields are displayed.

Gross Amt (gross amount)

Enter the total invoice amount.

Packing Slip

Enter the packing slip number to further limit possible receipts for copying.

Build Status

Displays the build status after you save the summary invoice. The system assigns the summary invoice a voucher build status of Build if the difference between the document source merchandise amount and the invoice merchandise amount is within the tolerance levels or if tolerance levels are not defined. The system assigns the summary invoice a voucher build status of Tolerance if the difference falls outside the tolerance levels. The Voucher Build process does not select invoices with a voucher build status of Tolerance.

Source Document

Displays the source document that is being copied. Options include Purchase Order or Receipt.

Source Doc Freight Amount (source document freight amount)

Displays the freight amount on the source document. If you do not enter a freight amount on the summary invoice, the system copies the freight amount from the source document.

Source Doc Misc Amount (source document miscellaneous amount)

Displays the miscellaneous amount on the source document. If you do not enter a miscellaneous amount on the summary invoice, the system copies the miscellaneous amount from the source document.

Source Doc Merch Amount (source document merchandise amount)

Displays the merchandise amount on the source document.

Invoice Merchandise Amt (invoice merchandise amount)

Displays the merchandise amount on the invoice. The system subtracts the freight amount, miscellaneous amount, and the tax amount from the gross amount to determine the merchandise amount.


Displays the difference between the source document merchandise amount and the invoice merchandise amount. The system compares the difference with the tolerance levels established and determines whether to apply the difference to miscellaneous charges or put the voucher in a Tolerance voucher build status for further review.

After you save the summary invoice, access the Quick Invoice Entry component for further updating.

Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, and the vendor has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the vendor is under financial sanctions review. You can save the summary invoice, however, the system does not allow payments to vendors with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked.

If you enable financial sanctions at the installation level, the system validates the vendor against financial sanctions lists (for example, the SDN list) when you attempt to save the summary invoice. The system does not perform validation during summary invoice entry if you enable financial sanctions at the bank level.

See Also

Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation