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Oracle® Audit Vault Administrator's Guide

Part Number E14459-02
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10 Audit Vault Sybase ASE (AVSYBDB) Utility Commands

Use the Audit Vault Sybase Database (AVSYBDB) command-line utility to manage the relationship between Oracle Audit Vault and a Sybase ASE source database and collector. When you run these commands, remember the following:

Table 10-1 describes the AVSYBDB commands and where each is used, whether on the Audit Vault Server, on the Audit Vault collection agent, or in both places.

Table 10-1 AVSYBDB Commands

Command Where Used? Description



Adds a collector to Oracle Audit Vault



Registers an audit source with Oracle Audit Vault



Alters the attributes of a collector



Alters the attributes of a source



Drops a collector from Oracle Audit Vault



Drops a source from Oracle Audit Vault



Displays help information for the AVSYBDB commands


Collection agent

Adds the source user credentials to the wallet, creates a database alias in the wallet for the source user, and verifies the connection to the source using the wallet



Verifies that the source is compatible with the collectors

10.1 avsybdb

The AVSYBDB command-line utility, which you use to configure a Sybase ASE database with Oracle Audit Vault.


avsybdb command -help

avsybdb command [options] arguments


Argument Description
command Enter one of the commands listed in Table 10-1.
arguments Enter one or more of the AVSYBDB command arguments.
-help Displays help information for the AVSYBDB commands.

Usage Notes

Issuing an AVSYBDB command generates the following log file: $ORACLE_HOME/av/log/sybdb-%g.log. The %g is a generation number that starts from 0 (zero) and increases once the file size reaches the 100 MB limit.

10.2 add_collector

The avsybdb add_collector command adds a SYBDB collector for a Sybase ASE source database to Oracle Audit Vault. Oracle Audit Vault verifies the source database for the collector requirements.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault Server


avsybdb add_collector -srcname srcname -agentname agentname 
        [-collname collname] [-desc desc]


Argument Description
-srcname srcname Enter the name of the source database for which the collector is to be added. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive.

Typically, the host is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the server on which the Sybase ASE source database is running, and the port number is 5000.

-agentname agentname Create a name for the agent that will use the SYBDB collector.
-collname collname Create a name for the SYBDB collector. Optional. If you do not create a name, Oracle Audit Vault names the collector SybaseCollector.
-desc desc Enter a brief description of the collector. Optional.

Usage Notes


The following example shows how to add a SYBDB collector to Oracle Audit Vault on Linux and UNIX platforms.

$ avsybdb add_collector -srcname sybdb4 -agentname agent1 
Enter a username : source_user_name
Enter a password : password

***** Collector Added Successfully*****

10.3 add_source

The avsybdb add_source command registers a Sybase ASE source database with Oracle Audit Vault for audit data consolidation.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault Server


avsybdb add_source -src host:port -srcname srcname [-desc desc]


Argument Description
-src host:port Enter the source database connection information: host name and port number, separated by a colon.

Typically, the host is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the server on which the Sybase ASE source database is running, and the port number is 5000.

-srcname srcname Create a name to associate with this source database. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive. Oracle Audit Vault uses this name to connect to the Sybase ASE source database.
-desc desc Enter a brief description of the source database. Optional.

Usage Notes

The avsybdb add_source command prompts for the source user name and password. This user account must exist on the source database.


The following example shows how to register a source with Oracle Audit Vault.

$ avsybdb add_source -src lnxserver:5000 -srcname sybdb4 -desc 'HR Database'
Enter a username : source_user_name
Enter a password : password

***** Source Verified *****
***** Source Added Successfully *****

10.4 alter_collector

The avsybdb alter_collector command modifies the attributes of a SYBDB collector.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault Server


avsybdb alter_collector -srcname srcname -collname collname 


Argument Description
-srcname srcname Enter the name of the source database to which this collector belongs. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive.
-collname collname Enter the name of the collector to be modified.
attrname=attrvalue Enter the attribute pair (attribute name, new attribute value) for mutable collector property and attributes for this collector type. This argument is optional. Separate multiple pairs by a space on the command line.

Usage Notes

Table 10-2 SYBDB Collector Attributes

Attribute Description Mutable Default Value


Name of an agent to replace the agent that was specified by the avsybdb add_collector command that was used for this source database. This feature enables you to move a collector from one agent to another. It is useful for failover recovery if the host computer running the original agent fails. When you enter a value for AGENTNAME, enter it using the same case that you used when you ran the avca add_agent command.

After you replace the agent, you must run the avsybdb setup command and avctl start_collector command. See "Examples" for more information.




The description for this collector. The value you enter is not case sensitive.




Number of connections to the database




The delay time (in milliseconds) of the collector




The maximum number of records to be fetched by the collector




The following example shows how to alter the NO_OF_RECORDS attribute and the collector description for the SybaseCollector collector in Oracle Audit Vault:

$ avsybdb alter_collector -srcname sybdb4 -collname SybaseCollector 
NO_OF_RECORDS=1500 DESCRIPTION="Sybase collector 45" 

***** Collector Altered Successfully *****

The following sequence of commands demonstrate how to move a collector from one collection agent to another agent:

  1. From the Audit Vault Server, configure two agents, A and B, on two separate hosts.

    For example:

    $ avca add_agent -agentname A -agenthost
    Adding agent...
    Enter agent user name: agent_user_name
    Enter agent user password: agent_user_pwd
    Re-enter agent user password: agent_user_pwd
    $ avca add_agent -agentname B -agenthost
  2. Configure collector L to run under agent A and collect from source S.

    For example:

    $ avorcldb add_collector -collname L -srcname S -agentname A
  3. The node that runs agent A fails.

  4. Move the collector L from agent A to agent B.

    For example:

    $ avorcldb alter_collector -collname L -srcname S agentname=B
  5. From the Audit Vault collection agent home, configure agent B to connect to source S.

    For example:

    $ avorcldb setup -srcname S
    Enter Source user name: source_user_name
    Enter Source password: password
  6. From the Audit Vault Server, restart the collector.

    For example:

    $ avctl start_collector -collname L -srcname S
    Starting Collector...
    Collector started successfully.

10.5 alter_source

The avsybdb alter_source command modifies the attributes of the Sybase ASE source database.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault Server


avsybdb alter_source -srcname srcname 


Argument Description
-srcname srcname Enter the name of the source database to be modified. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive.
attrname=attrvalue Enter the attribute pair (attribute name, new attribute value) for mutable source properties and attributes for this source type. This argument is optional. Separate multiple pairs by a space on the command line. See Table 10-3 for more information.

Usage Notes

Table 10-3 lists the source database attributes, a brief description of the attribute, whether the attribute is mutable, and the default value. You can modify one or more source attributes at a time.

Table 10-3 Source Attributes

Attribute Description Mutable Default Value


The source type name for this source database. The default name is SYBDB.




The name for this source database




The source database host name




The source database host IP address




The source database version




A new description for this source database




A new port number for this system where the source database audit data reside




The following example shows how to alter the DESCRIPTION attribute for the source database named sybdb4 in Oracle Audit Vault:

$ avsybdb alter_source -srcname sybdb4 DESCRIPTION="HR Database" 

***** Source Altered Successfully *****

10.6 drop_collector

The avsybdb drop_collector command disables (but does not remove) a SYBDB collector from Oracle Audit Vault. The drop_collector command does not delete the collector from Oracle Audit Vault; instead, it disables the collector. Therefore, you can neither add a collector by the same name as the one that was dropped nor enable a collector that has been dropped.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault Server


avsybdb drop_collector -srcname srcname -collname collname


Argument Description
-srcname srcname Enter the name of the source database to which the collector (specified in the -collname argument) belongs. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive.
-collname collname Enter the name of the collector to be dropped from Oracle Audit Vault.

Usage Notes

The drop_collector command does not delete the collector from Oracle Audit Vault. It only disables the collector. The collector metadata is still in the database after you run the drop_collector command. If you want to recreate the collector, create it with a different name.


The following example shows how to drop the collector named SybaseCollector from Oracle Audit Vault:

$ avsybdb drop_collector -srcname sybdb4 -collname SybaseCollector

***** Collector Dropped Successfully *****

10.7 drop_source

The avsybdb drop_source command disables (but does not remove) a Sybase ASE source database from Oracle Audit Vault.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault Server


avsybdb drop_source -srcname srcname 


Argument Description
-srcname srcname Enter the name of the source database to be dropped from Oracle Audit Vault. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive.

Usage Notes


The following example shows how to drop the source named sybdb4 from Oracle Audit Vault:

$ avsybdb drop_source -srcname sybdb4 

***** Drop Source Successfully *****

10.8 -help

The avsybdb -help command displays help information for the AVSYBDB commands.

Where to Run This Command

Either Audit Vault Server or collection agent home


avsybdb -help

avsybdb command -help


Argument Description
command Enter the name of an AVSYBDB command for which you want help to appear.

Usage Notes



The following example shows how to display general AVSYBDB utility help in Oracle Audit Vault:

avsybdb -help

The following example shows how to display specific AVSYBDB Help for the add_source command in the Audit Vault Server home shell.

$ avsybdb add_source -help
  avsybdb add_source command
          -src <host:port> -srcname <srcname> 
          [-desc <desc>]
  Purpose: The source is added to Audit Vault.
       -src        : Source DB connection information
       -srcname    : Name of a source 
       -desc       : Optional description of the source
     avsybdb add_source -src lnxserver:5000
        -desc 'HR Database'

10.9 setup

The avsybdb setup command adds the Sybase ASE source user credentials to the wallet, creates a database alias in the wallet for the source user, and verifies the connection to the source using the wallet. You also can use this command to change the source user credentials in the wallet after these credentials have been changed in the source database.

Where to Run This Command

Audit Vault collection agent


avsybdb setup -srcname srcname


Argument Description
-srcname srcname Enter the name of the source database. Remember that the source database name is case-sensitive.

Usage Notes


$ avsybdb setup -srcname sybdb4 
Enter a username : source_user_name
Enter a password : password

***** Credentials Successfully added *****

10.10 verify

The avsybdb verify command verifies that the Sybase ASE source database is compatible for setting up the specified collectors.

Where to Run This Command

Either Audit Vault Server or collection agent home


avsybdb verify -src host:port


Argument Description
-src host:port Enter the source database connection information: host name and port number, separated by a colon.

Typically, the host is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the server on which the Sybase ASE source database is running, and the port number is 5000.

Usage Notes


The following example verifies that the source is compatible with the SYBDB collector on a Linux or UNIX system.

$ avsybdb verify -src
Enter a username : source_user_name
Enter a password : password

***** Source Verified *****