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Oracle® Audit Vault Administrator's Guide

Part Number E14459-02
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add_agent command (AVCA utility), 6.1
add_collector command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.2
Oracle databases, 8.2
SQL Server databases, 9.2
Sybase ASE databases, 10.2
add_source command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.3
Oracle databases, 8.3
SQL Server databases, 9.3
Sybase ASE databases, 10.3
Audit Vault collection agents, 6.1
collectors for IBM DB2 databases, 11.2
collectors for Oracle databases, 8.2
collectors for SQL Server databases, 9.2
collectors for Sybase ASE databases, 10.2
general steps for using Oracle Audit Vault, 1.2
main tasks, 1.1
managing security, 5
alert processing
about, 3.2.5
managing, 3.2.5
setting time zones, 6.23
alert settings
disabling globally, 3.2.5, 3.2.5
e-mail notifications for, 3.6.1
enabling globally, 3.2.5, 3.2.5
error messages, B.1.5
trouble ticket notifications for, 3.7.1
alerts, A.3.6.3
functions not working, A.3.6.3
not firing, A.3.6.3
alter_collector command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.4
Oracle databases, 8.4
SQL Server databases, 9.4
Sybase ASE databases, 10.4
alter_smtp command (AVCA utility), 6.3
alter_source command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.5
Oracle databases, 8.5
SQL Server databases, 9.5
Sybase ASE databases, 10.5
DB2DB collector attributes, 11.4
DBAUD collector attributes, 8.4
MSSQLDB collector attributes, 9.4
OSAUD collector attributes, 8.4
REDO collector attributes REDO collector
altering, 8.4
source database collector attributes, 3.3
SYBDB collector attributes, 10.4
archive log disk space
monitoring in Audit Vault Server, 4.3
about, 3.3.1
altering Audit Vault Console, 3.3.2
altering in shell, 3.3.3
source databases
about, 3.5.1
altering in Audit Vault Console, 3.5.2
altering in shell, 3.5.3
audit data
loading to Audit Vault,
loading to warehouse, 7.2
purging from warehouse, 7.3
setting a retention period, 6.24
audit events
error codes, B.1.2
viewing categories, 3.2.6
audit trail cleanup
Audit Vault repository, 4.11
IBM DB2 audit files, 2.6.6
new features, Preface
Oracle source databases, 4.10
SQL Server audit files, 2.4.7
Audit Vault administrator roles
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
See also Oracle Database Vault, administrator roles
Audit Vault collection agents
adding, 6.1
checking status of pre-Release collection agent, 7.15.1
checking status of Release agents, 7.4
configuring connectivity for Oracle RAC nodes, 4.8
configuring for Oracle RAC nodes, 4.7
debugging advice, A.3.3.2
dropping, 6.9
errors log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
port numbers used by,
port numbers, changing, 4.9
ratio to collectors,
redeploying av.ear or AVAgent.ear file, 6.15
remote agents, affect on SYSDBA and SYSOPER audit data,
running command in Windows environment, 2.2.4
securing, 6.19
starting, 7.9
status blank on Windows Services Panel, A.3.3.1
stopping, 7.15.3
troubleshooting tips, A.3.3.1
UNIX environment variable settings, 2.2.3
using on Windows, 2.2.5
wallet credentials not successful, A.3.3.4
Audit Vault collectors
adding for DB2, 11.2
adding for Oracle database, 8.2
adding for SQL Server, 9.2
adding to Sybase ASE, 10.2
adding, general steps, 2.1
about, 3.3.1
altering in Audit Vault Console, 3.3.2
altering in shell, 3.3.3
DB2DB collector, 11.4
DBAUD collector, 8.4, 8.4
MSSQLDB collector, 9.4
OSAUD collector, 8.4, 8.4
REDO collector, 8.4
SYBDB collector, 10.4
checking status of, 2.9.2, 7.6
collector not starting, 7.11
from IBM DB2, 11.6
from Oracle databases, 8.6
from SQL Server databases, 9.6
from Sybase ASE databases, 10.6
host computer failure, A.3.4.7
moving collector to a different agent
about, for DBAUD, 8.4
about, for SQL Server collector, 9.4
about, for Sybase collector, 10.4
example for DBAUD, 8.4
example for SQL Server, 9.4
example for Sybase ASE, 10.4
new features, Preface
ratio to collection agents,
starting, 7.11
stopping, 7.14
troubleshooting tips, A.3.4.2
Audit Vault Configuration Assistant (AVCA) utility
add_agent command, 6.1
alter_smtp command, 6.3
create_credential command, 6.4
create_wallet command, 6.5
deploy_av command, 6.6
disable_remedy command, 6.7
disable_smtp command, 6.8
drop_agent command, 6.9
enable_remedy command, 6.10
enable_smtp command, 6.11
generate_csr command, 5.6.2, 6.12
-help command, 6.13
import_cert command, 5.6.2, 6.14
redeploy command, 6.15
register_remedy command, 6.16
register_smtp command, 6.17
remove_cert command, 6.18
secure_agent command, 6.19
secure_av command, 6.20
secure_remedy command, 6.21
secure_smtp command, 6.22
set_server_tz command, 6.23
set_warehouse_retention command, 6.24
set_warehouse_schedule command (deprecated), Preface
show_remedy_status command, 6.25
show_server_tz command, 6.26
show_smtp_config command, 6.27
table of, 6
test_remedy command, 6.28
test_smtp command, 6.29
log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
new features, Preface
Audit Vault Console
checking status, 3.2.2
checking status of, 7.5
debugging advice, A.3.5.2
deploying in an Oracle RAC environment, 4.6
logging in, 3.2.3
starting, 3.2.3
stopping, 3.2.4, 3.2.4
troubleshooting tips, A.3.5.1
Audit Vault errors, 3.2.7
Web browser hanging, A.3.5.1
Audit Vault Control (AVCTL) utility
-help command, 7.1
load_warehouse command, 7.2
purge_warehouse command, 7.3
refresh_warehouse command (deprecated), Preface
show_agent_status command, 7.4
show_av_status command, 7.5
show_collector_status command, 2.9.2, 7.6
show_oc4j_status command, 7.15.1
show_remedy_status command, 7.7
show_smtp_status command, 7.8
start_agent command, 7.9, 7.9
start_av command, 7.10
start_collector command, 7.11
start_oc4j command, 7.15.2
stop_agent command, 7.12, 7.12
stop_av command, 3.2.4, 7.13
stop_collector command, 7.14
stop_oc4j command, 7.15.3, 7.15.3
table of, 7
log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
new features, Preface
Audit Vault data warehouse
about, 3.4.1
error messages, B.1.7
loading data
using Audit Vault Console,
using shell,
new features, Preface
purging data
using Audit Vault Console,
using shell,, 3.7.2
setting a retention period
setting with Audit Vault Console,
setting with avca set_warehouse_retention command,
setting data retention period, 6.24
Audit Vault IBM DB2 (AVDB2DB) utility
add_collector command, 11.2
add_source command, 11.3
alter_collector command, 11.4
alter_source command, 11.5
drop_collector command, 11.6
drop_source command, 11.7
-help command, 11.8
setup command, 11.9
table of, 11
verify command, 11.10
log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
syntax, 11.1
See also IBM DB2 databases
Audit Vault Microsoft SQL Server Database (AVMSSQLDB) utility
add_collector command, 9.2
add_source command, 9.3
alter_collector command, 9.4
alter_source command, 9.5
drop_collector command, 9.6
drop_source command, 9.7
-help command, 9.8
setup command, 9.9
table of, 9
verify command, 9.10
log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
new features, Preface
syntax, 9.1
See also Microsoft SQL Server databases
Audit Vault Oracle Database (AVORCLDB) utility
add_collector command, 8.2
add_source command, 8.3
alter_collector command, 8.4
alter_source command, 8.5
drop_collector command, 8.6
drop_source command, 8.7
-help command, 8.8
setup command, 8.9
table of, 8
verify command, 8.10
log file, A.2
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
new features, Preface
syntax, 8.1
See also Oracle databases
Audit Vault Server
about, 1.3.2
administrative tasks
archive log disk space, 4.3
backup and recovery operations, 4.5
changing user passwords, 5.4.1
configuring collection agent connectivity for RAC, 4.8
configuring collection agent to listen to RAC nodes, 4.7
flash recovery area, 4.4
SYSAUX tablespace usage, 4.2
alert settings, managing, 3.2.5
audit event categories, viewing, 3.2.6
Audit Vault Console status, checking, 3.2.2
checking errors, 3.2.7
error codes
alert errors, B.1.5
attribute definition errors, B.1.4
collector errrors, B.1.3
data warehouse errors, B.1.7
event errors, B.1.2
generic errors, B.1.1
policy errors, B.1.8
service-side audit service errors, B.1.6
performance tuning, A.3.2.1
port numbers used by,
port numbers, changing, 4.9
securing, 5.6.3, 6.20
starting console, 7.10
troubleshooting tips, A.3.2.1
UNIX environment variable settings, 2.2.2
Audit Vault Sybase ASE Database (AVSYBDB) utility
add_collector command, 10.2
add_source command, 10.3
alter_collector command, 10.4
alter_source command, 10.5
drop_collector command, 10.6
drop_source command, 10.7
-help command, 10.8
setup command, 10.9
table of, 10
verify command, 10.10
log file
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1
syntax, 10.1
See also Sybase ASE databases
configuring HTTPS communication, 5.6.3
securing Audit Vault, 5.6.3, 6.20
securing Audit Vault collection agent, 5.6.3, 6.19
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
AVCA_SMTPUSR environment variable, 6.3
AVDB2DB command-line utility
See Audit Vault IBM DB2 (AVDB2DB) utility commands commands
AVMSSQLDB command-line utility
See Audit Vault Microsoft SQL Server Database (AVMSSQLDB) utility commands
AVORCLDB command-line utility, 8.1
See Audit Vault Oracle Database (AVORCLDB) utility commands
AVSYBDB command-line utility
See Audit Vault Sybase ASE Database (AVSYBDB) utility commands(AVMSSQLDB) utility commands


back-up and recovery for Audit Vault Server, 4.5
BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System Server
See trouble tickets


See Oracle wallets
collection agents
See Audit Vault collection agents
See Audit Vault collectors
log file, A.2
coraenv UNIX script, 2.2.2
create_credential command (AVCA utility), 6.4
create_wallet command, 6.5


data warehouse
See Audit Vault data warehouse
DB2 collector attributes, 11.4
DB2DB collector
db2jcc.jar file, 2.6.1
DBAUD collector
attributes, 8.4
DBAUD collector attributes, 8.4
DBSNMP account
how Oracle Audit Vault handles, 5.5
deploy_av command (AVCA utility), 6.6
deprecated Oracle Audit Vault utility commands, Preface
disable_remedy command (AVCA utility), 6.7
disable_smtp command (AVCA utility), 6.8
drop_agent command (AVCA utility), 6.9
drop_collector command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.6
Oracle databases, 8.6
SQL Server databases, 9.6
Sybase ASE databases, 10.6
drop_source command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.7
Oracle databases, 8.7
SQL Server databases, 9.7
Sybase ASE databases, 10.7
Audit Vault collection agents, 6.9
collectors from IBM DB2 databases, 11.6
collectors from Oracle Database, 8.6
collectors from SQL Server, 9.6
collectors from Sybase ASE, 10.6
about, 1.5
DV_ACCTMGR roles and privileges granted
about, 5.5
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5


e-mail notifications
about, 3.6.1
altering SMTP configuration, 6.3
configuring, 3.6
configuring for secure server, 6.22
configuring users for, 3.6.2
disabling SMTP configuration, 6.8
enabling SMTP configuration, 6.11
finding SMTP configuration, 6.27
finding SMTP status, 7.8
log file
Audit Vault Server, A.1
registering for, 6.3
registering SMTP service, 6.17
testing configuration, 6.29
unregistering SMTP service, 6.17
enable_remedy command (AVCA utility), 6.10
enable_smtp command (AVCA utility), 6.11
environment variables
LANG, 2.2.2
LIBPATH, 2.2.2
PATH, 2.2.2
error and log files
Audit Vault collection agent
{collector-name}{source-name}{source-id}.log, A.2
agent.err, A.2
agent.out, A.2
av_client-0.log, A.2
avca.log, A.2
avorcldb.log, A.2
sqlnet.log, A.2
Audit Vault Server
agent.out, A.1
av_client-0.log, A.1
avca.log, A.1
log file location, A.1
debugging advice for Audit Vault collection agents, A.3.3.2
debugging Audit Vault Console, A.3.5.2
error messages, B
failed commands
configToolFailedCommands, A.2
AVAgent-access.log, A.2
operational errors, 3.2.7
Oracle Enterprise Manager
logging, A.1
sqlnet.log, A.2
See also troubleshooting
See also reference chapters for utilities


failover recovery for collectors, 8.4, 9.4, 10.4
example for DBAUD, 8.4
example for SQL Server, 9.4
example for Sybase ASE, 10.4
flash recovery area
monitoring in Audit Vault Server, 4.4


generate_csr command (AVCA utility), 5.6.2, 6.12
granting required privileges
for policy management, 2.3.1
to source database user
for the REDO collector, 2.3.1
to source database user for the DBAUD collector, 2.3.1
to source database user for the OSAUD collector, 2.3.1


-help command
AVCA utility, 6.13
AVCTL utility, 7.1
AVDB2DB utility, 11.8
AVMSSQLDB utility, 9.8
AVORCLDB utility, 8.8
AVSYBDB utility, 10.8
HTTPS communication, 5.6, 5.6.3


IBM DB2 databases
adding collector to Oracle Audit Vault, 2.6.5
compatibility with collector, 2.6.3
converting binary audit file to ASCII text file, 2.6.6
creating user account, 2.6.2
IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ, 2.6.1
jar file missing, A.3.4.5
modifying collector attributes, 3.3
modifying source attributes, 3.5
planning configuration, 1.6.5
registering with Oracle Audit Vault, 2.6
removing from Oracle Audit Vault, 3.8
See also
Audit Vault IBM DB2 (AVDB2DB) utility
setting up in collection agent home, 11.9
source database errors, B.1.2
unable to connect to source database, A.3.4.6
verifying compatibility with collector, 11.10
import_cert command (AVCA), 5.6.2, 6.14
initialization parameters
redo log audit source release 10.1, 12.5
redo log audit source release 10.2, 12.3, 12.4
redo log audit source release 9.2, 12.6
redo log
audit source release 10.1, 12.5
audit source release 10.2, 12.3, 12.4
audit source release 11.2, 12.2
audit source release 9.2, 12.6
init.ora parameters
See initialization parameters


keytool utility, 5.6.3


LANG environment variable, 2.2.2
languages supported, 2.2.2
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, 2.2.2
LIBPATH environment variable, 2.2.2
load_warehouse command (AVCTL utility), 7.2
log file locations and descriptions
Audit Vault collection agent, A.2
Audit Vault failed commands, A.2
Audit Vault Server, A.1


managing collection agents and collectors
collection agents, pre-Release, 7.15.2
collection agents, Release, 7.9, 7.9
collectors, 7.11
collection agents, Release, 7.12
collectors, 7.14
Microsoft SQL Server databases
checking collector status, 2.9.2
collection agent credentials, adding, 2.4.6
collector, adding to Oracle Audit Vault, 2.4.5
compatibility with collector, 2.4.3
creating user account, 2.4.2
downloading SQL Server JDBC Driver, 2.4.1
jar file missing, A.3.4.5
modifying collector attributes, 3.3
modifying source attributes, 3.5
planning configuration, 1.6.3
registering with Oracle Audit Vault, 2.4
removing from Oracle Audit Vault, 3.8
setting up in collection agent home, 9.9
source database errors, B.1.2
unable to connect to source database, A.3.4.6
verifying compatibility with collector, 9.10
See also Audit Vault Microsoft SQL Server Database (AVMSSQLDB) utility
MSSQLDB collector
MSSQLDB collector attributes, 9.4
My Oracle Support
about, Preface


new features in this release, Preface
not able to be created, A.3.6.3


OC4J agent
checking status for, 7.15.1
checking status for Release, 7.4
collection agent components,
failing to start, A.3.3.3
how it fits in general process flow, 1.3.5
log file locations, A.2
requirements for IBM DB2, 2.6.1
requirements for SQL Server, 2.4.1
requirements for Sybase ASE, 2.5.1
starting, 7.15.2
stopping, 7.15.3
using in Windows, 2.2.4
when starting Audit Vault Console, 3.2.3
Oracle Audit Vault
administrative tasks for high volume systems, 4
components, 1.3
configuring source databases, 2
how administrators use, 1.1
how components work together, 1.3.5, 1.3.5
how it is secured, 5
languages supported, 2.2.2
maintenance tasks, 3
new features in this release, Preface
roles, 5.2
tools, 1.4
user accounts creating during installation, 5.2
See also entries beginning with Audit Vault
Oracle Audit Vault clients
error messages, B.2
Oracle Container for Java
See OC4J agent
Oracle Database Vault
how it implements security, 5.5
included in Audit Vault Server, 1.3.3
Oracle Database Vault administrator roles
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
about, 1.5
roles and privileges granted, 5.5
Oracle databases
adding collectors to Oracle Audit Vault, 2.3.4
checking collector status, 2.9.2
collection agent credentials, adding, 2.3.5
collectors not working, A.3.4.2
compatibility with collectors, 2.3.2
creating user account, 2.3.1
modifying collector attributes, 3.3
modifying source attributes, 3.5
planning configuration, 1.6.2
registering with Oracle Audit Vault, 2.3
removing from Oracle Audit Vault, 3.8
setting up in collection agent home, 8.9
source database errors, B.1.2
unable to connect to source database, A.3.4.6
verifying compatibility with collectors, 8.10
See also Audit Vault Oracle Database (AVORCLDB) utility
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control console, 5.3
Oracle MetaLink
See My Oracle Support
Oracle Real Application Clusters
avca add_agent command failing on node, A.3.7.1
configuring collection agent connectivity for, 4.8
configuring collection agents for, 4.7
creating collectors for, 2.3.4
creating source database user account, 2.3.1
deploying av.ear file to nodes, 6.6
troubleshooting tips, A.3.7.1
where to run AVCA commands, 6
where to run AVCTL commands, 7
Oracle wallets
creating, 6.5
creating credentials, 6.4
credentials not successful, A.3.3.4
generating certificate requests, 5.6.1, 6.12
how Oracle Audit Vault uses, 5.3
importing certificate requests, 6.14
locations, 5.3
removing certificates, 6.18
updating XDB certificate, 5.7
ORACLE_HOME environment variable, 2.2.2
ORACLE_SID environment variable, 2.2.2
oraenv UNIX script, 2.2.2
OSAUD collector
attributes, 8.4
OSAUD collector attributes, 8.4


guidelines for changing, 5.4.1
PATH environment variable, 2.2.2
performance tuning
Audit Vault Server, A.3.2.1
port numbers
Audit Vault collection agent
changing, 4.9
Audit Vault Server
changing, 4.9
purge_warehouse command (AVCTL utility), 7.3
purging audit trail
IBM DB2 audit files, 2.6.6
new features, Preface
Oracle Audit Vault repository audit trail, 4.11
Oracle source databases, 4.10
SQL Server audit files, 2.4.7


redeploy command (AVCA utility), 6.15
REDO collector
attributes, 8.4
refresh_warehouse command (AVCTL utility) (deprecated), Preface
register_remedy command (AVCA utility), 6.16
register_smtp command (AVCA utility), 6.17
Remedy trouble ticket service
registering with Oracle Audit Vault, 6.16
Remedy trouble tickets
See trouble tickets descriptor properties file, 3.7.2, 3.7.2
remove_cert command (AVCA utility), 6.18
source databases from Audit Vault, 3.8
cannot be viewed, A.3.6.1
checking time zone used for, 6.26
data not showing, A.3.6.2
new features, Preface
setting time zones, 6.23
roles used with Oracle audit Vault, 5.2


scheduling audit collections
See Audit Vault data warehouse
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
SMTP configuration, 6.22
secure_agent command (AVCA), 6.19
secure_av command (AVCA), 6.20
secure_remedy command (AVCA utility), 6.21
secure_smtp command (AVCA utility), 6.22
Audit Vault by mutual authentication, 6.20
Audit Vault Collection Agent by mutual authentication, 6.19
Audit Vault collection agents, 6.19
Audit Vault Server, 5.6.3, 6.20
Oracle Audit Vault accounts, 5.2
server.xml file, 5.3
set_server_tz command (AVCA utility), 6.23
set_warehouse_retention command (AVCA utility), 6.24
set_warehouse_schedule command (AVCA utility) (deprecated), Preface
setup command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.9
Oracle databases, 8.9
SQL Server databases, 9.9
Sybase databases, 10.9
SHLIB_PATH environment variable, 2.2.2
show_agent_status command (AVCTL utility), 7.4
show_av_status command (AVCTL utility), 7.5
show_collector_status command (AVCTL utility), 2.9.2, 7.6
show_oc4j_status command (AVCTL), 7.15.1
show_remedy_status command (AVCA utility), 6.25
show_remedy_status command (AVCTL utility), 7.7
show_server_tz command (AVCA utility), 6.26
show_smtp_config command (AVCA utility), 6.27
show_smtp_config command (AVCTL utility), 7.8
SMTP servers
See Audit Vault e-mail notification service
source databases
about, 1.3.1
altering collector attributes, 3.3
altering source database attributes, 3.5
general steps for adding to Oracle Audit Vault, 2.1
removing from Audit Vault
about, 3.8.1
using Audit Vault Console, 3.8.2
using shell, 3.8.3
supported database products, 1.3.1
UNIX environment variable settings, 2.2.1
See also IBM DB2 databases, Microsoft SQL Server databases, Oracle databases, and Sybase ASE databases
log file, A.2
start_agent command (AVCTL utility), 7.9, 7.9
start_av command (AVCTL utility), 7.10
start_collector command (AVCTL utility), 7.11
start_oc4j command (AVCTL utility), 7.15.2
Audit Vault collection agent, Release, 7.9
Audit Vault Console, 3.2.3
collectors, 7.11
state of
Audit Vault collection agents, pre-Release, 7.15.1
Audit Vault collection agents, Release, 7.4
Audit Vault Console, 3.2.2, 7.5
collectors, 7.6
stop_agent command (AVCTL utility), 7.12, 7.12
stop_av command (AVCTL utility), 3.2.4, 7.13
stop_collector command (AVCTL utility), 7.14
stop_oc4j command (AVCTL utility), 7.15.3, 7.15.3
Audit Vault collection agents, for pre-Release, 7.15.3
Audit Vault Console, 3.2.4
collectors, 7.14
Sybase ASE databases
adding collector to Oracle Audit Vault, 2.5.5
collector status, checking, 2.9.2, 2.9.2
compatibility with collector, 2.5.3
creating user account, 2.5.2
jar file missing, A.3.4.5
jConnect for JDBC driver, 2.5.1
modifying collector attributes, 3.3
modifying source attributes, 3.5
planning configuration, 1.6.4
registering with Oracle Audit Vault, 2.5
removing from Oracle Audit Vault, 3.8
See also
Audit Vault Sybase ASE Database (AVSYBDB) utility
setting up in collection agent home, 10.9
source database errors, B.1.2
unable to connect to source database, A.3.4.6
verifying compatibility with collector, 10.10
SYBDB collector
SYBDB collector attributes, 10.4
SYS account
how Oracle Audit Vault handles, 5.5
SYSAUX tablespace
monitoring in Audit Vault Server, 4.2
SYSDBA privilege
how Oracle Audit Vault handles, 5.5
remote collection agent, effect on,
SYSMAN account
how Oracle Audit Vault handles, 5.5
SYSOPER privilege
how Oracle Audit Vault handles, 5.5
remote collection agent, effect on,
SYSTEM account
how Oracle Audit Vault handles, 5.5


test_remedy command (AVCA utility), 6.28
test_smtp command (AVCA utility), 6.29
time zones, setting for reports and alerts, 6.23
tnsnames.ora file
updated by avorcldb setup command, 8.9
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
SMTP configuration, 6.22
trouble tickets
about, 3.7.1
configuring, 3.7
disabling configuration, 6.7
disabling security configuration, 6.21
enabling configuration, 6.10
enabling security configuration, 6.21
log file
Audit Vault Server, A.1
removing from Oracle Audit Vault, 6.16
status checking, 6.25
testing connection to Oracle Audit Vault, 6.28
updating with deployment discriptor properties file, 6.2
alerts not firing, A.3.6.3
Audit Vault collector, A.3.4.2
Audit Vault Console, A.3.5.1
Audit Vault Console, disabled in an Oracle RAC node, 4.6
Audit Vault in an Oracle RAC environment, A.3.7.1
Audit Vault reports
data not showing, A.3.6.2
reports cannot be viewed, A.3.6.1
Audit Vault Server, A.3.2.1
collector host computer failure, A.3.4.7
collector not starting, 7.11
data not showing in reports, A.3.6.2
error messages, B
failover recovery for collectors, 8.4, 9.4, 10.4
example for DBAUD, 8.4
example for SQL Server, 9.4
example for Sybase ASE, 10.4
finding detailed information about an error, A.3.1
finding Oracle Database trace files, A.3.1
new alerts not able to be created, A.3.6.3
viewing operational errors, 3.2.7
See also errors and log files


UNIX environment variable settings, 2.2.5
default Oracle Audit Vault user accounts, 5.2
UTC time zone
status checking, 6.26


verify command
IBM DB2 databases, 11.10
Oracle databases, 8.10
SQL Server databases, 9.10
Sybase ASE databases, 10.10
verifying source database compatibility
with DB2 collector, 11.10
with Oracle Database collectors, 8.10
with SQL Server collector, 9.10
with Sybase ASE collector, 10.10
Audit Vault errors, 3.2.7


See Oracle wallets