6 Working with Cumulative Information for Demand Scheduling

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Understanding Cumulative Information for Demand Scheduling

You can use cumulative processing to communicate current and forecasted requirements for accumulated quantities of goods from the start of a blanket purchase order to a particular future date. For example, you can send and receive notifications regarding year-to-date quantities received, quantities required, and quantities shipped.

When working with cumulative records, you can perform these types of tasks:

  • Track cumulative information using product or carton models.

  • Increment or decrement the values for the cumulative amounts shipped.

  • Calculate ahead and behind values.

  • Manually add, update, or delete cumulative records.

  • View cumulative history.

  • Reset (roll back) cumulative records to a specified date.

You can create cumulative data automatically by using the EDI Inbound Demand Edit/Update program (R47171) or manually by using the CUM Maintenance program (P40R12). The system uses these tables to process cumulative information for demand scheduling:

  • F40R12

  • F40R42

  • F40R12WF

  • F40R20

  • F40R23

  • F40R24

6.2 Revising Cumulative Records

This section provides an overview of cumulative records and discusses how to:

  • Enter header information.

  • Revising cumulative information.

6.2.1 Understanding Cumulative Records

Typically, cumulative information is entered automatically into the system from EDI messages by the Inbound Demand Edit/Update batch program (R47171). However, you can use the CUM Maintenance program (P40R12) to review and manually adjust cumulative records. You can enter missing information, update information, add attachments, and so forth. The system automatically writes cumulative record changes to the F40R42 table.

You can revise these types of information:

  • Cumulative shipped for the customer and supplier.

  • Firm cumulative required, or the quantity required by a customer that results in a sales order.

  • Planned cumulative required, or the quantity that results in a forecast record.

  • Quantity that the customer received.

  • Fabrication cumulative quantity, or the quantity of parts that a supplier is authorized to produce.

  • Material cumulative quantity, or the quantity of raw materials that the supplier is authorized to purchase for manufacturing the finished goods.

  • Cumulative rollback information.

  • Cumulative shipped net adjustment information.

  • Attachments.

    You can add two types of attachments to cumulative records. One attachment can be linked to the cumulative record and one to the history record.

You can set the processing options to specify whether to allow values to be entered in the various fields on the tabs on the CUM Revisions form.

6.2.2 Forms Used to Revise Cumulative Records

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With CUMS W40R12A Demand/CUMs menu (G40R12), CUM Maintenance Locate cumulative records.
CUM Revisions W40R12B On Work with CUMs, click Add. Enter header information on cumulative records.

Revise various types of cumulative information, such as cumulative shipped, firm or planned required, production sequence, and so forth.

6.2.3 Entering Header Information on Cumulative Records

Access the CUM Revisions form.

Figure 6-1 CUM Revisions form

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 6-1 CUM Revisions form''

CUM Adjustment Code (cumulative adjustment code)

Enter a UDC (40R/CA) that identifies the type of adjustment. When updating a record, this field is required. If this value is a Mandatory Attachment Adjust Codes processing option that you specified on the Process tab in the CUM Maintenance (P40R12) processing options, then the system displays the Media Object Viewer form for adding text or attachments after you click OK.

User Field Type 1

Enter a UDC (40R/UF) that the system uses for tracking CUM records.

User Field Value 1

Enter a UDC (40R/UF) that identifies the CUM User Field Type 1 field. You use this code to specify how the system tracks cumulative quantities in the F40R11 table.

Product CUM (product cumulative) and Carton CUM (carton cumulative type)

Enter a code that specifies whether the CUM record type is product or carton. Values are:

Blank: Product

1: Carton

6.2.4 Revising Cumulative Information

Access the CUM Revisions form. Firm CUM Required

Select the Firm CUM Required tab.


Enter the cumulative quantity that the customer requires before the current release for the firm type (for example, 862, DELJIT) of EDI messages.

The system uses this quantity with the supplier's quantity on the CUM Shipped tab to determine a quantity amount for ahead/behind calculations.

Start and End

Enter the starting date and the ending date in a range of dates. The dates are associated with the cumulative quantity that the customer requires before the current release for the firm type (for example, 862, DELJIT) of EDI messages. CUM Shipped

Select the CUM Shipped tab.


Enter the cumulative quantity that was shipped for a Sold To or a Ship To location.


Enter the date on which the shipment to the customer is confirmed as shipped. During shipment confirmation, the system updates the Sales Order Detail table (F4211) with this date.


Enter the actual time of shipment. Enter the time using the 24-hour time format (HHMMSS). For example, enter 6:00 a.m. as 060000, and enter 7:00 p.m. as 190000. Fabrication Cumulative Information

Select the Fabrication CUM tab.


Enter the total quantity of an item that the customer has authorized the supplier to produce. Regardless of whether the customer stops the production process before the authorized quantity has been completed, the customer must pay the supplier for the full authorized quantity.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start date or the end date that is associated with the total quantity of an item that the customer has authorized the supplier to produce.


Enter the largest total quantity of an item that the customer has authorized the supplier to produce to date. Regardless of whether the customer stops the production process before the authorized quantity has been completed, the customer must pay the supplier for the full authorized quantity.

Release Date

Enter the highest total quantity of an item received to date that the customer has authorized the supplier to produce. Regardless of whether the customer stops the production process before the authorized quantity has been completed, the customer must pay the supplier for the full authorized quantity.

Release Number

Enter a customer-generated number that identifies an EDI transaction set/message. Miscellaneous Information

Select the Miscellaneous tab.

UOM (unit of measure)

Enter the unit of measure (for example, EA for each) that has been specified for the cumulative quantity (as indicated on the advanced ship notice) of an item that was shipped to the customer.

Shipment Number

Enter a next number that uniquely identifies a shipment.


Enter a number that identifies a cumulative value.

CUM Shipped Net Adjustment (cumulative shipped net adjustment)

Enter a number that represents any modifications in quantity that have been made to the CUM quantity shipped.

6.3 Reviewing Cumulative History

This section provides an overview of cumulative history and discusses how to review cumulative history records.

6.3.1 Understanding Cumulative History

You can search for and select cumulative records and review the cumulative historical profile of a particular item. Typically, you review cumulative history to research the cause of a discrepancy between a customer and a supplier.


The CUM History program (P40R42) is for inquiry purposes only.

6.3.2 Forms Used to Review Cumulative History

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With CUM History W40R42A Demand/CUMs menu (G40R20), CUM History Locate cumulative history records.

You can also review a record's attachment. To do so, select the record, and then select CUM Adj Attachment from the Row menu.

CUM History Inquiry W40R42B On Work With CUM History, select a record and click Select. Review cumulative history.

6.3.3 Reviewing Cumulative History Records

Access the CUM History Inquiry form.

Figure 6-2 CUM History Inquiry form

Description of Figure 6-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 6-2 CUM History Inquiry form''

Customer/Supplier Item Number

Enter the cross-reference item number that the system assigns to an item number. A cross-reference number enables you to use a supplier's item number if it is different from the item number when you are processing an order or printing. You set up this number in the Item Cross Reference program (P4104).

6.4 Calculating Ahead and Behind Amounts

When creating schedules, you can determine whether a supplier is overshipped, undershipped, or even. You calculate this amount by subtracting the cumulative shipped amount from the cumulative required amount. If the amount is positive, the supplier is behind, or undershipped. If the amount is negative, the supplier is ahead, or overshipped. If the difference amount is zero, then the supplier is on schedule.


The system does not display ahead or behind values. You use the CUM Maintenance program (P40R12) to view the CUM Shipped and CUM Required values, and you perform the calculation manually.

6.4.1 Setting Processing Options for CUM Maintenance (P40R12)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Defaults

This processing option specifies the type of adjustment code.

1. Adjustment Code

Specify the default CUM adjustment code for the CUM Maintenance program (P40R12). Default UDC (40R/CA) values are:

AP: Automated process

CI: Customer initiated

CR: CUM rollback

SA: Shipping adjustment Display

These processing options specify whether to allow you to enter information on the tabs of the CUM Revisions form.

1. Allow Entry to CUM Shipped

Specify whether the system allows access to the CUM Shipped tab in CUM Maintenance (P40R12). Values are:

Blank: Does not allow access to the CUM Shipped tab.

0: Does not allow access to the CUM Shipped tab.

1: Allows access to the CUM Shipped tab.

2. Allow Entry to CUM Required

Specify whether the system allows access to the CUM Required tab in CUM Maintenance (P40R12). Values are:

Blank: Does not allow access to CUM Required

0: Does not allow access to CUM Required

1: Allows access to CUM Required

3. Allow Entry CUM Received

Specify whether the system allows access to the CUM Received tab in CUM Maintenance (P40R12). Values are:

Blank: Does not allow access to the CUM Received tab.

0: Does not allow access to the CUM Received tab.

1: Allows access to the CUM Received tab.

4. Allow Entry to Fabrication CUM

Specify whether the system allows access to the Fabrication CUM tab in CUM Maintenance (P40R12). Values are:

Blank: Does not allow access to the Fabrication CUM tab.

0: Does not allow access to the Fabrication CUM tab.

1: Allows access to the Fabrication CUM tab.

5. Allow Entry to Material CUM

Specify whether the system allows access to the Material CUM tab in CUM Maintenance (P40R12). Values are:

Blank: Does not allow access to the Material CUM tab.

0: Does not allow access to the Material CUM tab.

1: Allows access to the Material CUM tab. Process

These processing options specify the adjustment codes for mandatory attachments.

1. Mandatory Attachment Adjust Code 1 through 5.

Specify whether to automatically display the attachment form when you enter or change a CUM record with an adjustment code that is equal to the one that is entered here. Default UDC (40R/CA) values are:

AP: Automated Process

CI: Customer Initiated

CR: CUM Rollback

SA: Shipping Adjustment

6.5 Resetting Cumulative Values Using CUM Rollback

This section provides an overview of CUM rollback, lists a prerequisite, and lists the form you use to reset cumulative values.

6.5.1 Understanding CUM Rollback

You can use cumulative rollback to automatically reset cumulative quantities to zero for values that are incremental. When you reset cumulative values, the system updates current cumulative values for each item to reflect all activity occurring since the beginning of the period. The system displays the updated values on the applicable fields on the CUM Shipped, Firm CUM Required, Plan CUM Required, and Prod. Seq. CUM Required tabs on the CUM Revisions form.

When using cumulative rollback, you manually select a set of records based on a cumulative model combination to roll back the values. You specify the date to which you want the information reset and which adjustment codes you want to include in the rollback.

You can review the details of the rollback. The system displays all of the cumulative records within the selected model. You cannot update information when reviewing the details on the CUM Rollback Detail form. You can also run this report in Proof mode.

When you reset values, the system runs the Rollback CUMs program (R40R020), which resets cumulative values to zero and calculates the adjusted values for the CUM shipped and required fields.

If you set the CUM Rollback (P40R421) processing options to run the report, the system displays the On Report Output Destination form. Specify the report destination and click OK. Example: CUM Rollback Calculations

When calculating cumulative information, the system:

  1. Resets all incremented cumulative amounts to zero.

  2. Calculates the CUM Quantity Shipped value by adding all the CUM Shipped Adjustment quantities for all of the records with the selected Shipment Adjustment code (SA) and Manual Adjustment code (CI) occurring on or after the rollback date.

  3. Calculates the CUM Required value using two calculations:

    • Adjustment Quantity = Current CUM Shipped: Calculated CUM Shipped

    • Adjusted CUM Required = Previous CUM Required: Adjustment Quantity

6.5.2 Prerequisite

Set up the Rollback Code UDCs (40R/RC), which enable you to use as many adjustment codes as needed when resetting cumulative values.

6.5.3 Form Used for Resetting Cumulative Values Using CUM Rollback

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
CUM Rollback W40R421A Demand/CUMs menu (G40R21), CUM Rollback

Select the record, and then select Include in Rollback from the Row menu.

Locate a valid cumulative model.

To reset the cumulative values, select Rollback CUMs from the Form menu.

You can also double-click the row to include the record. The system places a check mark next to the record to indicate that it includes the record in the rollback process.

To select all records to include in the rollback process, select Include All from the Form menu.