18 One View Reporting for Health and Safety Incident Management (Release 9.1 Update)

This chapter provides the overview information, processing options, special processing, and reports for the following applications:

18.1 One View Incident Summary Inquiry (P54HS220)

Access the One View Incident Summary Inquiry application (P54HS220) from the Health and Safety Incident Management, Daily Processing menu (G54HS10). You use One View Incident Summary Inquiry to analyze and summarize health and safety incidents. This application uses the Incident and BU Join - One View business view (V54HS01J), which includes columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01) and the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

This application enables you to determine common traits or trends for your incidents. For example, you can view incidents by type or by other factors such as people, security, environmental, equipment, or property damage. You can also analyze the incident costs to compare incidents based on the attributes or traits. These reports provide information on possible causal factors and incidents by month. Choose from 287 columns in the grid. Of these, 48 are special calculated columns in the grid. These columns pull information together, perform calculations, and display them in the grid so that they are available for reporting. The information available in this form does not exist in other forms in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

One View Incident Summary Inquiry is delivered with two pre-defined reports. These reports are Incident Attributes and Incident Costs. With these delivered reports, you can see an analysis related to key incident attributes such as organization, date of incident, causal factor, third party related incidents, severity, status, type of incident and actual and estimated costs.

18.1.1 Special Processing Special Processing in the Header

The One View Incident Summary Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these header fields and grid columns:

  • Incident Date From and Incident Date Thru

    The header of the One View Incident Summary Inquiry application provides a date range to analyze incidents. You can edit the date range or leave the from or the through dates open.

  • As If Currency Code and As of Currency Date

    The One View Incident Summary Inquiry application reports incident cost amounts in a common currency. You can use the As If Currency Code and As of Currency Date fields to convert cost amounts from domestic currency to a common currency. The system converts and subsequently populates the As If columns in the grid only if the As If Currency Code field has a valid value. The system uses the As of Currency Date field to get the exchange rate to do the conversion. The As If Currency Code and As of Currency Date fields are not filters for the grid column. If you are not using these fields, the conversion will not take place and the "As If" columns will not appear in the grid. You can convert estimated and actual incident cost amounts to a common currency. There are eighteen "As If" columns for converted cost amounts.

  • Incident Type

    You can also filter which types of incidents to include by checking the boxes for Potential Incident, Exclude From Safety Statistics, Property / Equipment Damage, Motor Vehicle Involved, Environmental Impact, Injury / Illness, Security, and Other. Incidents marked as Exclude from Safety Statistics are included in this application. These check boxes are additive, which indicates that an incident is included in the grid and report if it has all of these attributes selected in the header of the Incident Summary Inquiry application. To include all incidents, do not check any of these check boxes. To exclude incidents based on these attributes, use the Query By Example (QBE) for each attribute and enter "1" to display only incidents with the check box selected or a "0" to display only incidents with the check box not selected.

  • Record Type (Release 9.1 Update)

    You can filter incidents using the Record Type field. Special Processing in the Calculated Grid Columns

The system records information in the grid columns that is related to the special processing considerations in the header. These columns facilitate reporting over data that is not available in the database in a form easy to report on. The reports delivered with the application are possible because of these columns. You can also use them when defining custom reports.

The One View Incident Summary Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these calculated columns in the grid:

  • Incident Date From

    This is the incident from date entered in the header date range. This date is compared to the incident date from the incident record to determine eligibility. This date is inclusive. It is provided in a column to use on a report.

  • Incident Date Thru

    This is the incident thru date entered in the header date range. This date is compared to the incident date from the incident record to determine eligibility. This date is inclusive. It is provided in a column to use on a report.

  • Incident Year

    This is the calendar year associated with the reported incident. It is based on the Incident Date (HSIDT) field.

  • As If Currency Code

    This is the currency code entered in the header field of the application. This column is needed so that the code is available to use on a report.

  • As of Currency Date

    This is the As of Date entered in the header field of the application. This column is needed so that the As of Currency Date is available to use on a report. If a currency code was filled in but this date is left blank, the system will use the system date.

  • As If Exchange Rate

    This is the exchange rate used to convert the currency amounts. It is retrieved based on the As If Currency Code and the As of Currency Date fields.

  • Estimated Cost Injury / Illness

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Injury / Illness check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Injury / Illness check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Injury / Illness

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Injury / Illness check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Injury / Illness check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Injury / Illness

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Injury / Illness check box selected. When the incident has the Injury / Illness check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Injury / Illness check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Injury / Illness

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Injury / Illness check box selected. When the incident has the Injury / Illness check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Injury / Illness check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Security

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Security check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Security check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Security

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Security check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Security check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Security

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Security check box selected. When the incident has the Security check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Security check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Security

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Security check box selected. When the incident has the Security check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Security check box is not selected this has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Equipment

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Property / Equipment Damage check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Property / Equipment Damage check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Equipment

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Property / Equipment Damage check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Property / Equipment Damage check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Equipment

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Property / Equipment Damage check box selected. When the incident has the Property / Equipment Damage check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Property / Equipment Damage check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Equipment

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Property / Equipment Damage check box selected. When the incident has the Property / Equipment Damage check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Property / Equipment Damage check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Motor Vehicle

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Motor Vehicle Involved check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Motor Vehicle Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Motor Vehicle

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Motor Vehicle Involved check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Motor Vehicle Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Motor Vehicle

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Motor Vehicle Involved check box selected. When the incident has the Motor Vehicle Involved check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency If the Motor Vehicle Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Motor Vehicle

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Motor Vehicle Involved check box selected. When the incident has the Motor Vehicle Involved check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Motor Vehicle Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Environment

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Environmental Impact check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Environmental Impact check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Environment

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Environmental Impact check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Environmental Impact check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Environmental

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Environmental Impact check box selected. When the incident has the Environmental Impact check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Environmental Impact check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Environmental

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Environmental Impact check box selected. When the incident has the Environmental Impact check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Environmental Impact check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Other

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Other check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Other check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Other

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Other check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Other check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Other

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Other check box selected. When the incident has the Other check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Other check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Other

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Other check box selected. When the incident has the Other check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Other check box is not selected, this has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Potential

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Potential Incident check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Potential Incident check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Potential

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Potential Incident check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Potential Incident check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Potential

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Potential Incident check box selected. When the incident has the Potential Incident check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Potential Incident check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Potential

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Potential Incident check box selected. When the incident has the Potential Incident check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Potential Incident check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost 3rd Party

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost 3rd Party

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost 3rd Party

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box selected. When the incident has the Contractor / 3rd Party check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost 3rd Party

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box selected. When the incident has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Estimated Cost Company

    This is the total of all estimated costs associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box not selected. This is based on the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC). If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • Actual Cost Company

    This is the total of all actual costs associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box not selected. This is based on the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC). If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Estimated Cost Company

    This is the total of all estimated costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party check box not selected. When the incident has the Contractor / 3rd Party check box not selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Contractor / 3rd Party check box is selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Actual Cost Company

    This is the total of all actual costs in another currency associated with an incident that has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box not selected. When the incident has the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box not selected, this field is populated with the Total Incident Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency. If the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is selected, this column has a value of 0.

  • As If Total Incident Estimated Cost

    This is the total estimated incident cost in another currency. This is the total of estimated cost based on the Total Estimated Incident Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency.

  • As If Total Incident Actual Cost

    This is the total actual incident cost in another currency. This is the total of actual cost based on the Total Actual Incident Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency.

  • Company Responsible

    This indicates the company is responsible for the incident and that no contractor or 3rd party is involved. This column has a value of 1 if the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected. The system uses this value to count the number of incidents where the company is responsible.

  • Contractor / 3rd Party Description

    This indicates the description to use for reporting purposes. It will display either "3rd Party Responsible" or "Company Responsible" based on whether the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box (HSICR) for the incident is selected or not.

  • Formatted Incident Time and Formatted Incident Time Reported

    These two columns display the time formatted. The Query By Example (QBE) is not enabled in these columns. However, to facilitate searching and filtering these formatted time columns present the time in an easy to read format of hours, minutes and seconds.

18.1.2 Reports

The reports delivered with the One View Incident Summary Inquiry application are:

  • Incident Attributes

  • Incident Costs

These reports have lists at the top based on Business Unit Category Code 1 (Division), Establishment, and Severity. Use this list to filter the report data when you run the report in interactive mode. Incident Attributes

Use this report to analyze incidents on key attributes. This report contains the following components:

  • Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Incident Severity (pie chart)

  • Incident Status (pie chart)

  • Incidents by Month (line graph)

  • Incidents by Year (line graph)

  • Causal Factor - All Incidents (vertical bar graph)

  • Causal Factors for Company Incidents (This pie chart includes only incidents where Contractor / 3rd Party is not checked.)

  • Incident Responsibility (pie chart)

  • Insurance Claims (This pie chart includes only incidents that have a claim number entered.)

  • Incidents by Establishments (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents by Business Unit (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents by Region (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents by Project (vertical bar graph)

  • Incident Type by Establishment - Top 5 (vertical cluster bar graph)

  • Types of Security Incidents (This pie chart includes only incidents with Security classification checked.)

  • Types of Other Incidents (This pie chart includes only incidents with Other classification checked.)

  • Incident Information - Project Summary (By Establishment, Project table)

  • Incident Information - Detail (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Business Unit, Region, Project, Severity, Status, Other Classification, Security Classification, and Incident Number descriptions.

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Incident Costs

Use this report to analyze the actual and estimated cost of an incident. This report contains the following components:

  • Actual Costs by Incident Type (horizontal bar graph)

  • Cost Variance by Incident Type (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Actual Cost (gauge)

  • Top 10 Most Costly Incidents (vertical bar graph)

  • Actual Cost by Responsibility (pie chart)

  • Actual Cost by Severity (pie chart)

  • Actual Cost by Month (line graph)

  • Actual Cost by Year (line graph)

  • Actual Incident Costs by Establishment (vertical bar graph)

  • Actual Incident Costs by Business Unit (vertical bar graph)

  • Actual Incident Costs by Region (vertical bar graph)

  • Actual Incident Costs by Project (vertical bar graph)

  • Actual Incident Costs by Contractor (vertical bar graph)

  • Project Incident Summary Costs (By Establishment, Project) (table)

  • Incident Detail Costs (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Business Unit, Region, Project, Contractor, Severity, and Incident Number descriptions.

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001

18.2 One View Incident People Inquiry (P54HS230)

Access the Incident People Inquiry application from the Health and Safety Incident Management, Daily Processing menu (G54HS10). You use One View Incident People Inquiry application to analyze and summarize the people involved in health and safety incidents, and their illnesses and injuries. This application uses the Incident People and Injury Join - OVR business view (V54HS01K), which includes columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), the Incident People table (F54HS02) and the Incident Illness/Injury table (F54HS021). This joined view across these three tables identifies all incidents where people are associated with an incident. It also fetches the 50 business unit category codes that are associated with the business unit for the incident, from the Business Unit Master table (F0006). If an incident exists but there are no people associated with that incident, it will not be included in the results displayed in the grid.

It is important to understand the difference between the Incident People table (F54HS02) and the Incident Illness/Injury table (F54HS021). Each time a person is associated with an incident they are entered as a new record in the F54HS02 table, regardless of their role and injury. If a person is injured or ill and has multiple injuries or illnesses, the reportable injury or illness is entered in the injury / illness fields on the F54HS02 table. All subsequent injuries or illnesses are entered in the F54HS021 table using the "Add Injury/Illness Details" button in the Incident application (P54HS00). If a person has 3 injuries, for example, their most severe injury is entered in the F54HS02 table and the other 2 injuries are entered in the F54HS021 table. This information is displayed in the One View Incident People Inquiry application as 3 grid rows. Please refer to the People Level of Detail field described below to understand how the system uses it to reflect these 3 injuries. There is only one record in the F54HS02 table for each person for each incident.

The grid records display information for each of the people related to an incident. For any person who has multiple injuries or illnesses, the grid displays a record for each of their injuries or illnesses. The primary injury, which is the most severe injury, is typically the one that is required to be reported for injured employees. You can enter the primary injury details in the Incident People table (F54HS02), whereas you can enter any additional injuries or illnesses in the Incident Illness/Injury table (F54HS021). This application enables you to report on all injuries, but it is important to understand how these are represented in the grid. There is a special column "People Level of Detail" that captures this distinction. For anyone that does not have any additional injuries entered in the system for an incident, their level of detail will be a "1". For those people with complex injuries that require additional injuries to be recorded for a single incident, the grid row will use a level of detail of "2" for the first primary injury and first additional injury since they are reported on the same grid row. All subsequent injuries are recorded on additional grid rows and represented with a level of detail of "3".

For example, consider the following incident number 123. The incident has five people associated with it, three employees and 2 non-employees. Two of the employees were injured in the incident, along with one of the non-employees. The other two people associated with the incident include an employee who is a supervisor and a non-employee who is a witness. One of the injured employees, Bob Green, had multiple injuries and his first two injuries would be reported in one grid row and his 3rd injury would be reported in a second grid row. Bob's most severe injury would be recorded in the F54HS02 table and his other 2 injuries would be recorded in the F54HS021 table. The other injured employee asked to remain anonymous and is indicated as "Privacy Case" in the grid, with an alternate injury description. Since all of these people were associated with this incident, they are displayed in the grid and are available to report on. This incident has six rows displayed in the grid as shown in the image below. If you do not want to report on certain people or types of people, such as certain roles or non-employees, filter using the QBE (Query By Example) cells in the grid or the Advanced Query.

This application enables you to understand who is involved in incidents, their role and what type of injuries or illnesses are occurring to identify trends for your incidents. For example, if one type of injury is occurring more often than others, this indicates a need to provide more training or safety equipment. The reports provide information on who was involved, employees or third parties, what types of incidents result in injuries, an analysis of reported injuries, and injury or illness details. Choose from 357 columns in the grid. Of these, 10 are calculated columns to facilitate reporting. The privacy case filter is used in this application to indicate that a person has been identified as a privacy case on an incident. The system displays their name as "Privacy Case" and the alternate injury description is presented, and no Person ID is shown. To ensure privacy case filters are effective, the Query By Example (QBE) cells for Person ID, Person Name, and Injury / Illness Description are disabled.

One View Incident People Inquiry is delivered with four pre-defined reports. These reports include Incidents Involving People, Summary of Injured People, Reportable Injury/Illness Summary, and Detailed Injury/Illness Summary. In these delivered reports, you can see an analysis related to the people involved in the incidents and information about their injuries and illnesses.

18.2.1 Processing Options

There are no processing options for this application.

18.2.2 Special Processing

The One View Incident People Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these header fields and grid columns:

  • Incident Date From and Incident Date Thru

    The header of the One View Incident People Inquiry application displays a date range to analyze incidents. You can edit the date range or leave the Incident Date From and the Incident Date Thru open. The Incident Date Thru cannot be earlier than the Incident Date From.

  • Incident Type

    You can also select which types of incidents to include by checking the boxes for Potential Incident, Exclude From Safety Statistics, Property / Equipment Damage, Motor Vehicle Involved, Environmental Impact, Injury / Illness, Security, and Other. You can filter incidents to include only incidents marked with specific attributes. For example, if you check the "Injury/Illness" check box, only those incidents which have that attribute checked are included in search results. These check boxes are additive, which means that an incident should have all of the attributes indicated that you checked in the application header of the Incident People Inquiry, which are to be included. To report on all incidents, leave all of these check boxes unchecked.

  • Record Type (Release 9.1 Update)

    You can filter incidents using the Record Type field. Calculated Columns

The following calculated columns appear:

  • People Count

    This column displays the number of people involved in an incident. This number is important for reporting because one person with multiple injuries has multiple grid rows.

  • Incident Count

    This column displays the number of incidents that involve people. This number is important for reporting because a single incident may involve multiple people.

  • Injury Count

    This column displays the number of injuries for incidents that involve people. It is based on the Injured Y/N check box on the person record and takes into consideration additional injuries or illnesses in a complex injury.

  • Total Days Lost

    This column displays the total number of days lost for each employee due to injury or illness that resulted in days away from work or days restricted.

  • Case Number Count

    This column displays the number of reported cases (OSHA Y/N=Y).

  • People Level of Detail

    This column specifies the information that each grid row represents. "1" represents that the person has only an F54HS02 record and does not have any additional injuries. "2" represents that the person has both an F54HS02 and F54HS021 record. "3" represents that the information in the grid row is a subsequent additional injury or illness record (F54HS021) beyond the initial additional injury record. The various reports that come with this application report at different levels of people information and this field is integral to control which records are taken into consideration for each report.

  • Company Responsible

    This column indicates that the company is responsible for the incident. This column has a value of 1 if the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected. The system uses this value to count the number of incidents where the company is responsible.

  • Incident Date From and Incident Date Thru

    These columns are the incident date from and the incident date thru entered in the header date range. These dates are compared to the incident date from the incident record to determine eligibility. These dates are inclusive.

  • Formatted Time Work Began

    This column displays the time that the person began work on the day of the incident shown. It is formatted as hours:minutes:seconds. Although you cannot filter or query on this field (you would use the accompanying Time Work Began column for that), it is easier to read formatted date fields and is provided for reporting purposes.

18.2.3 Reports

The reports delivered with the One View Incident People Inquiry application are:

  • Incidents Involving People

  • Summary of Injured People

  • Reportable Injury/Illness Summary

  • Detailed Injury/Illness Summary

These reports use lists at the top of the reports to allow filtering in interactive mode as described below: Incidents Involving People

Use this report to analyze incidents involving all people on key attributes. You can filter this report using Establishment and the 3rd Party Involved fields. This report excludes any grid rows where the value of People Level of Detail is equal to '3'. This report contains the following components:

  • Role of People Involved (pie chart) (this counts the number of people)

  • Employees vs. Non-Employees (pie chart) (this counts the number of people)

  • Number of Injured / Ill (pie chart) (this counts the number of people)

  • Incident Severity (pie chart) (this counts the number of incidents)

  • Party Responsible (pie chart) (this counts the number of incidents)

  • Incident Status (pie chart) (this counts the number of incidents)

  • Number of Incidents by Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Number of People by Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Number of Incidents by Establishment (vertical bar graph)

  • Number of Incidents by Project (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents by Month /Year (stacked area graph)

  • Number of Incidents by State (vertical bar graph)

  • Number of Incidents Involving People by Incident Type (By Establishment, Project) (table)

  • Incidents Involving People (By Establishment, Project) (repeats by Establishment) (table)

  • Incident Details Involving People (By Establishment, Project, Incident Number) (repeats by Establishment) (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Project, Incident Severity, and Incident Status descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Summary of Injured People

Use this report to analyze injured or ill people related to incidents. Only those people who are injured or are ill are included in this report. This report does not go into the details of the specific details for each injury (information contained in the Incident/Illness table - F54HS021). Rather, it looks for trends involving incidents where there are injuries or illnesses (information in the Incident People table - F54HS02). This report counts the number of injured people rather than the number of injuries, so a person who has a complex injury and may have several grid rows detailing those injuries, will only count as 1 injured person on this report. This report includes any people with the Injured Y / N check box = Y (HSIINJD F54HS02). This report excludes any grid rows where the value of People Level of Detail is equal to '3.'

You can filter incident people records on whether they are an employee or not, whether the injury is an OSHA reportable injury or not, and by Role. This report contains the following components:

  • Severity of Injury / Illness (pie chart)

  • Injured / Ill Employees (pie chart)

  • OSHA Recordable Cases (pie chart)

  • Part of Body Injured (pie chart)

  • Injury / Illness Classification (pie chart)

  • Occupational Injury / Illness Type (pie chart)

  • Gender / Age Group Distribution (stacked horizontal bar)

  • Drug and Alcohol Results (vertical bar graph) (This graph shows Drug and Alcohol results only for those that have been tested. It is based on the person details.)

  • Top 5 Repeat Victims (horizontal bar graph) (this shows the top 5 people that have been injured in more than one incident)

  • Magnitude (Total Days by Injury Classification) (bubble graph) (This shows for each injury classification, both the number of people injured, and total days lost due to the injury. Total Days Lost is a calculated column in the application that sums days away from work and days related to restricted work.)

  • Injuries / Illnesses by Establishment - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Injuries / Illnesses by Project - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Injury/Illness Summary (By Establishment, Project) (table)

  • Injury/Illness Details by Project (By Establishment, Project) (Repeats by Establishment) (table)

  • Reference tables with Project, Establishment and Person descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Recordable Injury / Illness Summary

Use this report to analyze the illnesses and injuries for people related to incidents marked as OSHA Y / N = Y, or reportable. If a person has many injuries related to an incident, only the most severe is recorded on the F54HS02 table because the most severe injury is typically the one required to be reported. The other injuries are detailed in the F54HS021 table for additional injuries. This report focuses only on the reportable ones - those recorded in the F54HS02 table and therefore does not include any grid row with People Level of Detail = 3. This report counts cases, not incidents and remember that an incident can have more than one case.

Using the lists at the top of the report in interactive mode, you can filter using the Establishment, Injury Classification and Occupational Injury / Illness fields. This report contains the following components:

  • Number of Cases by Occurrence Location - Top 5 (vertical bar graph)

  • Number of Cases by Day of the Week (vertical bar graph)

  • Number of Cases by Month (line graph)

  • Occupational Injuries by Injury Classification (stacked vertical bar graph)

  • Lost Time by Project - Top 5 (stacked horizontal bar graph)

  • Cases per Incident by Establishment - Top 5 (vertical bar graph)

  • Average Number of Cases per Incident (All Establishments) (Gauge)

  • Injury / Illness Summary (By Establishment, Project) (table)

  • Injury / Illness Classifications (By Injury Classification, Occupational Injury / Illness) (table)

  • Injury / Illness Details (By Establishment, Incident Number) (repeats by Establishment) (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment and Project descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Detailed Injury / Illness Summary

Use this report to analyze the illnesses and injuries for people related to incidents. Only those people who have complex injuries and therefore have their injuries or illnesses detailed in the Incident/Illness table (F54HS021) are included in this report. This report goes into the details of the specific injuries and illnesses and counts the number of injuries, so a person who has a complex injury may count more than once. Only grid rows with People Level of Detail equal to 2 or 3 are included in this report.

In addition to being able to filter incident people illness / injury records on whether they are an employee or not, you can filter records on whether the injury is an OSHA reportable injury or not. This report contains the following components:

  • Top 5 Injury/Illness Events for Additional Injuries or Illnesses (vertical bar graph)

  • Top 5 Injury/Illness Sources for Additional Injuries or Illnesses (vertical bar graph)

  • Top 5 Nature of Injury/Illness for Additional Injuries or Illnesses (vertical bar graph)

  • Top 5 Parts of Body Involved for Additional Injuries or Illnesses (vertical bar graph)

  • Top 5 Establishment Complexity Rates Based on All Injuries / Illnesses. (gauge) (Complexity rate is the total number of injuries or illnesses divided by the number of injured or ill people.)

  • Injury / Illness Summary (By Establishment, Project) (table) (This table counts all injuries including those on the F54HS02 and the F54HS021 tables. It counts all incidents that have at least one injury or illness. The complexity rate is the total number of injuries or illnesses per injured or ill person.)

  • Reference tables with Illness / Injury Classification, Establishment, Project, Event, Source, Nature of Illness / Injury, and Part of Body descriptions

18.3 One View Incident Equipment Inquiry (P54HS240)

Access the One View Incident Equipment Inquiry application from the Health and Safety Incident Management, Daily Processing menu (G54HS10). You use the One View Incident Equipment Inquiry application to analyze and summarize the equipment, property and motor vehicles involved in health and safety incidents. The One View Incident Equipment Inquiry application uses the Incident and Equipment Join - One View business view (V54HS03C), which includes columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), the Incident Equipment table (F54HS03), and the Asset Master table (F1201). It also fetches the 50 business unit category codes that are associated with the business unit for the incident from the Business Unit Master table (F0006). Some Equipment Master Extension table (F1217) fields are also displayed in the grid but are not part of the business view. These fields are available for reporting but you will not be able to query or filter on them since they are not in the business view. This joined view across these tables identifies all incidents where equipment is associated with an incident. If an incident does not have any equipment associated with that incident, it will not be included in the results displayed in the grid.

The grid records display information for each equipment related to an incident. If an incident involves more than one piece of equipment, a record for each piece equipment will display in its own grid row. The Incident Equipment table (F54HS03) provides fields to capture information for any equipment, motor vehicle or property damaged or involved in the incident. For the purpose of this documentation, the term equipment refers to any of these three terms: equipment, property, and motor vehicle except for the Motor Vehicle Summary report.

This application enables you to understand damaged property or vehicles involved in your incidents. This provides useful information when replacement equipment is being considered to understand if more training on certain types of equipment is needed, or if certain types of equipment are more prone to be involved in incidents. Choose from 408 columns in the grid.

The One View Incident Equipment Inquiry is delivered with four pre-defined reports. These reports include Property / Equipment Summary, Motor Vehicle Summary, Non-Motor Vehicle Summary, and Operator / Driver Summary. With these delivered reports you can see an analysis related to the equipment involved in incidents and information about their operators or drivers.

18.3.1 Processing Options

There are no processing options for this application.

18.3.2 Special Processing

The One View Incident Equipment Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these header fields and grid columns:

  • Incident Date From and Incident Date Thru

    The header of the One View Incident Equipment Inquiry application displays a date range to analyze incidents. You can edit the date range or leave the Incident Date From or the Incident Date Thru open. The Incident Date Thru cannot be earlier than the Incident Date From.

  • Incident Type

    You can also select which types of incidents to include by checking the boxes for Potential Incident, Exclude From Safety Statistics, Property / Equipment Damage, Motor Vehicle Involved, Environmental Impact, Injury / Illness, Security, and Other. You can filter incidents to include only incidents marked with specific attributes. Incidents with the "Exclude from Safety Statistics" check box selected in their records are include in this application. These check boxes are additive, which means that an incident should have all of the attributes indicated that you checked in the application header of the Incident Equipment Inquiry to appear in the grid. To report on all incidents with equipment records, leave all of these check boxes unchecked.

  • Record Type (Release 9.1 Update)

    You can filter incidents using the Record Type field. Calculated Grid Columns

The following calculated columns appear:

  • Formatted Incident Time and Formatted Time Reported

    These two columns display the formatted time. The Query By Example (QBE) is not enabled for these columns. However, to facilitate searching and filtering, these formatted time columns present the time in an easy to read format of hours:minutes:seconds.

  • Incident Year

    This is the calendar year associated with the reported incident. It is based on the Incident Date field (HSIDT).

  • Incident Date From and Incident Date Thru

    These columns display the incident from date and incident thru date entered in the header date range. These dates are compared to the incident date from the incident record to determine eligibility. These dates are inclusive.

18.3.3 Reports

The reports delivered with the One View Incident Equipment Inquiry application are:

  • Property / Equipment Summary

  • Motor Vehicle Summary

  • Non-Motor Vehicle Summary

  • Operator or Driver Summary

All of these reports use lists at the top of the reports to allow filtering in interactive mode. These four reports use the Establishment field. Each report uses additional filters, which are described below. Property / Equipment Summary Report

Use this report to analyze incidents involving equipment on key attributes. In addition to being able to filter incident equipment records by Establishment, you can filter equipment records on the equipment category code number 2 (Equipment Class), and project. This report contains the following components:

  • Equipment Event Type (pie chart)

  • Visibility (pie chart)

  • Road Condition (pie chart)

  • At Fault (pie chart)

  • 3rd Party Equipment (pie chart)

  • 3rd Party Claim on 3rd Party Equipment (pie chart)

  • Equipment Damaged (pie chart)

  • Damage Severity (pie chart)

  • Motor Vehicle (pie chart)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment By Month By Year (stacked area graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment By State (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment By Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment By Equipment Class - Top 5 (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment By Company - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment By Project - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Equipment Event Details (table)

  • Equipment Details (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Project, Equipment Event Type, Visibility Condition, Road / Surface Condition, Equipment Class, Equipment Status, and Damage Severity descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Motor Vehicle Summary Report

Use this report to analyze the incidents involving motor vehicles. This includes any equipment record where Motor Vehicle Y/N field is set to Y. In addition to being able to filter incident equipment records by establishment, you can filter equipment records on the equipment category code number 2 (Equipment Class), and project. This report contains the following components:

  • Equipment Event Type (pie chart)

  • Visibility (pie chart)

  • Road Condition (pie chart)

  • At Fault (pie chart)

  • 3rd Party Equipment (pie chart)

  • 3rd Party Claim on 3rd Party Equipment (pie chart)

  • Equipment Damaged (pie chart)

  • Damage Severity (pie chart)

  • Incidents Involving Motor Vehicles By Month By Year (stacked area graph)

  • Incidents Involving Motor Vehicles By State (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Motor Vehicles By Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Motor Vehicles By Equipment Class - Top 5 (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Motor Vehicles By Company - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Motor Vehicles By Project - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Equipment Event Details (table)

  • Equipment Details (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Project, Equipment Event Type, Visibility Condition, Road/Surface Condition, Equipment Class, Equipment Status, and Damage Severity descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Non-Motor Vehicle Summary Report

Use this report to analyze incidents where motor vehicles are not involved. This includes any equipment record where Motor Vehicle Y/N field is set to N. In addition to being able to filter incident equipment records by Establishment, you can filter equipment records on the equipment category code number 2 (Equipment Class), and project. This report contains the following components:

  • Equipment Event Type (pie chart)

  • Visibility (pie chart)

  • Road Condition (pie chart)

  • At Fault (pie chart)

  • 3rd Party Equipment (pie chart)

  • 3rd Party Claim on 3rd Party Equipment (pie chart)

  • Equipment Damaged (pie chart)

  • Damage Severity (pie chart)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By Month By Year (stacked area graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By State (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By Equipment Class - Top 5 (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By Product Family - Top 5 (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By Company - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Incidents Involving Equipment (not Motor Vehicles) By Project - Top 5 (horizontal bar graph)

  • Equipment Event Details (table)

  • Equipment Details (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Project, Equipment Event Type, Visibility Condition, Road / Surface Condition, Equipment Class, Equipment Status, and Damage Severity descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001 Operator / Driver Summary Report

Use this report to analyze the incidents involving equipment and drill down into driver or operator details. In addition to being able to filter incident equipment records by establishment, you can also filter equipment records on Contractor /3rd Party Involved and At Fault. This report contains the following components:

  • 3rd Party vs. Company Owned (pie chart)

  • At Fault (pie chart)

  • Incident Causal Factor (pie chart)

  • Drug and Alcohol Tested (pie chart)

  • Drug and Alcohol Results (pie chart) (this pie shows the testing results only for those tested)

  • Permission to Operate (pie chart)

  • Top 5 Repeat Company Operators / Drivers (horizontal bar graph)

  • Insurance Claim (pie chart) (this refers to the claim field on the equipment record)

  • Company Equipment by Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • 3rd Party Equipment By Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • Equipment Details (table)

  • Operator / Driver Details (table)

  • Reference tables with Establishment, Project, Equipment Event Type, Visibility Condition, Road / Surface Condition, Equipment Class, Equipment Status, and Damage Severity descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001

18.4 One View Environmental Incident Inquiry (P54HS250)

Access the One View Environmental Incident Inquiry application (P54HS250) from the Health and Safety Incident Management, Daily Processing menu (G54HS10). You use the Environmental Incident Inquiry application to analyze and summarize the environmental impact of the incidents. This application uses the Incident and Environmental Details Join business view (V54HS08B), which includes columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), the Incident Environment table (F54HS08), and the Business Unit Master table (F0006). This joined view across these tables will identify all incidents where there is an environmental impact record. If an incident exists but there is no environment record associated with that incident, the results will not be displayed in the grid regardless of whether the Environmental Impact classification check box is checked on the incident or not.

The grid records represent information for each of the environmental impacts related to an incident. If an incident involves more than one environmental impact, a record for each environmental impact record displays in the grid. The Incident Environment table (F54HS08) provides fields to capture information for any product or substance that is released or omitted because of an incident.

This application enables you to understand the environmental impact for your incidents, and determine if some products are involved in more incidents than others. This provides useful information to determine if your procedures in handling products have to be modified or if more training is needed. Choose from 263 columns in the grid. Of these, 8 are special calculated columns in the grid. These columns retrieves information together to facilitate reporting.

One View Environmental Incident Inquiry is delivered with one pre-defined report, Environmental Incidents. In the Environmental Incident report you see an analysis related to the products and environmental impact involved in your incidents.

18.4.1 Processing Options

There are no processing options for this application.

18.4.2 Special Processing

The One View Environmental Incident Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these header fields and grid columns:

  • Incident Date From and Incident Date Thru

    The header of the One View Environmental Incident Inquiry application displays a date range to analyze incidents. You can edit the date range or leave the Incident From Date or the Incident Thru Date open. The Incident Thru Date cannot be earlier than the Incident From Date.

  • Incident Type

    You can also filter the types of incidents to include by checking the boxes for Potential Incident, Exclude From Safety Statistics, Property / Equipment Damage, Motor Vehicle Involved, Environmental Impact, Injury / Illness, Security, and Other. You can filter incidents to include only incidents marked with specific attributes. For example, if you check the "Exclude from Safety Statistics" check box, only those incidents which have that attribute checked are included in the search results. These check boxes are additive, which means that an incident should have all of the attributes indicated that you checked in the application header to be included. To report on all incidents, leave all these check boxes unchecked.

    Incidents marked as "Exclude from Safety Statistics" in their incident record are included in this application unless otherwise filtered out using the Query By Example (QBE) or the Advanced Query functionality. To include all incidents, do not check any of the boxes in the header. To exclude incidents based on these attributes, use the QBE for each attribute and put a "1" to display only incidents with the check box selected or a "0" to display only incidents with the check box not selected.

  • Record Type (Release 9.1 Update)

    You can filter incidents using the Record Type field. Calculated Grid Column

The following calculated columns appear:

  • Incident Year

    This is the calendar year associated with the reported incident. It is based on the Incident Date (HSIDT) field.

  • Formatted Incident Time

    This column displays the formatted time. The Query By Example (QBE) is not enabled for this column. However, the formatted time presents the time in an easy to read format of hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Incident Date From

    This is the incident from date entered in the header date range. This date is compared to the incident date from the incident record to determine eligibility. This date is inclusive. It is used for reporting purposes.

  • Incident Date Thru

    This is the incident thru date entered in the header date range. This date is compared to the incident date from the incident record to determine eligibility. This date is inclusive. It is used for reporting purposes.

  • Company Responsible

    This column indicates that the company is responsible for the incident and that no contractor or 3rd party is involved. This column has a value of 1 if the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box is not selected. The system uses this value to count the number of incidents where the company is responsible.

  • Company or 3rd Party Description

    This column displays the description to use for reporting purposes. It will display either "3rd Party Responsible" or "Company Responsible" based on whether the Contractor / 3rd Party Involved check box (HSICR) for the incident is selected or not.

  • Environmental Event Count

    This column displays the number of environmental records. It is used for reporting purposes.

  • Incident Count

    This column displays the number of incidents. It is used for reporting purposes.

18.4.3 Reports

The report delivered with the One View Environmental Incident Inquiry application is the Environmental Incidents report.

This report uses a list at the top of the report to allow filtering in interactive mode. The report uses the Establishment, Incident Severity, and Contractor / 3rd Party fields. Environmental Incidents

You use this report to analyze incidents that have an environmental or potential environmental impact. Only incidents that have environmental impact records are included. This report contains the following components:

  • Environmental Classification (pie chart)

  • Environmental Severity (pie chart)

  • Environmental Status (pie chart)

  • 3rd party vs. Company Responsibility (pie chart)

  • Product Spilled (pie chart)

  • Authorities Alerted (pie chart)

  • Top 5 Causal Factors (horizontal bar graph)

  • Incident Type (vertical bar graph)

  • By State (vertical bar graph)

  • Top 5 Companies by Environmental Events (horizontal stacked bar graph)

  • Top 5 Projects by Environmental Events (horizontal stacked bar graph)

  • Top 5 Contractors by Environmental Events (horizontal stacked bar graph)

  • Environmental Incidents by Month (line graph)

  • Environmental Incidents by Year (line graph)

  • Product Information (table)

  • Environmental Event Classification by Company and Project (table)

  • Environmental Details (table)

  • Reference tables with Company, Project, Contractor, Environmental Classification, Environmental Status, and Environmental Severity descriptions

Release 9.1 Update

This report contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:

Functionality Value
Table column containing drill back link Incident Number
Table columns passed to application Incident Number
Application called Incident Master (P54HS00)
Form called W54HS00B
Version called ZJDE0001

18.5 One View Safety Statistics Inquiry (P54HS260)

Access the One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application from the Health and Safety Incident Management, Daily Processing (G54HS10) menu. You use the One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application (P54HS260) to calculate and report incident frequency and impact rates. This application uses the Incident Master - Safety Statistics business view (V54HS01D), which includes columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01). It also fetches the 50 business unit category codes that are associated with either the business unit or the project for the incident, from the Business Unit Master table (F0006). If the Safety Hours Group is Business Unit, the 50 business unit category codes are those associated with the Business Unit for the incident. If the Safety Hours Group is Project, the 50 business unit category codes are those associated with the project on the incident. The grid displays the 50 business unit category codes only when the Safety Hours Group is either a business unit or a project.

This application provides the ability to determine how frequently incidents occur. For example, per month, per employee or per safety hour, along with the impact of those incidents, such as incident cost or days lost. It dives into reportable incidents such as those required to be reported to OSHA, and analyzing by incident types. Choose from 427 columns in the grid, all special calculated columns. These columns pull information together, perform the calculations and display them in the grid so that they are available for reporting. This information does not exist in this form anywhere else in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. This application focuses on frequency and impact rates, all of which need to be calculated and are not stored in the database. The grid rows display summarized data at the level you select to report at. For example, if you are analyzing safety statistics by company, the grid row displays the summarization for each company. If you are looking at 5 companies for your analysis, there are 5 grid rows. Because of the summarization used to determine the data for each grid row, there are no columns that simply display retrieved data. Consequently, there are no columns with the Query By Example (QBE) enabled.

The One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application enable you to select a single organizational business unit for reporting. Report processing options enable you to select a single establishment, company, business unit, project, or contractor for reporting and therefore to analyze safety statistics for only that organizational unit (Release 9.1 Update).

The One View Safety Statistics Inquiry is delivered with four pre-defined reports. These reports include Monthly Incident Safety Statistics, Safety Statistics for Recordable Cases, Safety Statistics by Incident Type, and Incident Impact Rates. With these delivered reports you can get an analysis related to key incident attributes such as organization, date of incident, third party related incidents, type of incident, incident costs, and days away from work.

18.5.1 Processing Options

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

  1. Specify where safety hours and average number of employees are retrieved from:

    Blank: Incident Safety Hours (F54HS20) table

    Use this processing option to retrieve safety hour totals and average annual number of employees from the Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20).

    1: Employee Transaction History (F0618) table

    Use this processing option to retrieve payroll hours and calculate the average annual number of employees from the Employee Transaction History table (F0618).

    2: Use Incident Safety Hours (F54HS20) table as an override to pay records in the Employee Transaction History (F0618) table.

    Use this processing option to consider safety hour totals and average annual number of employees in the Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20) an override to pay records in the Employee Transaction History table (F0618).

If you leave this processing option blank, the system will use only the information from the Incident Safety Hours table. You will need to populate that table with your monthly safety hours and average annual number of employees for each year being analyzed for each safety hours group.

If you select "1", the system will only use the payroll records to determine safety hours and average annual number of employees from F0618 table. It takes into account the PDBA codes to account for vacation or leave time, which are not considered part of safety hours.

If you select "2", the system first searches the data in the Incident Safety Hours table to find a record for the safety hours group and date range being analyzed. If it finds a match, the system uses the information in that table. If it does not, it searches for data in the Employee Transaction History table.


When analyzing contractors as the safety hours group, safety hours and the average annual number of employees can only be retrieved from the safety hours table. In this case the processing option should be set equal to blank.

2. Default Safety Hours Group

Use this processing option to specify a default value for the Safety Hours Group (54HS/HG) in the header of the One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application.

3. Frequency Rate Constant to be Used When Calculating the Safety Statistics

Use this processing option to enter a value greater than zero, to be used when calculating frequency rates. Frequency rates are typically the count of incidents times a constant, and divided by the total safety hours. The value used as the constant varies around the globe. This enables you to control how the frequency rate is calculated.

4. Analyze a single Establishment (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this processing option to specify the establishment that the system uses as default to analyze incidents. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will analyze incidents for all of the establishments.

5. Analyze a single Company (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this processing option to specify the company that the system uses as default to analyze incidents. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will analyze incidents for all of the companies.

6. Analyze a single Business Unit (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this processing option to specify the business unit that the system uses as default to analyze incidents. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will analyze incidents for all of the business units.

7. Analyze a single Project (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this processing option to specify the project that the system uses as default to analyze incidents. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will analyze incidents for all of the projects.

8. Analyze a single Contractor (Release 9.1 Update)

Use this processing option to specify the contractor that the system uses as default to analyze incidents. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will analyze incidents for all of the contractors.

18.5.2 Special Processing Special Processing in the Header

The One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these header fields and grid columns:

  • Safety Hours Group

    The header of the One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application enables you to get the summary of the selected safety hours group. The choices include Establishment, Company, Business Unit, Project, and Contractor. If you are analyzing by establishment, then you would select Establishment. The grid then displays a single row for each establishment with the information summarized for all incidents related to that establishment. The Establishment, Company, Business Unit and Project fields are all located on the Incident Details tab in the Location / Organization subform of the Incident Master program. The Contractor field is located on the Incident Details tab in the Responsibility subform using the field called Contractor/3rd Party (the contractor Address Book number field). Contractors must be set up in the address book and have their Address Book number on the incidents to be included for this application.

  • Safety Metric Basis

    A code (54HS/MB) that indicates the value for the safety metric. Hours is used for OSHA reporting, but other examples include kilometers driven or deliveries made. This value will default to Hours. If you are retrieving information from the Employee Transaction History table this must be set to Hours. If you are retrieving information from the Safety Hours table, you must have set up data there for the safety metric basis that you have selected. The safety metric is the basis used for incident frequency and impact rates.

  • From Month/Year and Thru Month/Year

    The header of the One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application provides a date range to analyze incidents. The date range is by month and year and will default to January of the current year through the current month and year. You can edit the date fields or leave the from or the through dates open. The from month/year cannot be ahead of the thru month/year.

  • As If Currency Code and As of Currency Date

    The One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application can report on incident cost amounts in a common currency. You can use the As If Currency and As of Date fields to convert cost amounts from domestic currency to a common currency. The system converts and subsequently populates the As If columns in the grid only if the As If Currency Code field has a valid value. The system uses the As of Date field to get the exchange rate to do the conversion. The As If Currency and As of Date fields are not filters for the grid column. If you are not using these fields, the conversion will not take place and the "As If" columns will not appear in the grid. You can convert estimated and actual incident cost amounts to a common currency. There are 3 "As If" columns for converted cost amounts.

  • Filter

    This controls the filtering functionality for incidents based on the incident type check boxes in the header of this application. There are 2 choices: Include and Exclude. If you select 'Include', then any incident type classification that is checked in the header is used as a filter to include incidents that have that check box selected. It is additive, which means that if you have 2 classifications checked, an incident must have both of those classifications also checked to be included. Any incident type classification that is not checked in the header of this application is not used as a filter and incidents that have those classifications may be included if they meet the other criteria. If you set this filter to 'Exclude', then any incident type classification that is checked in the header is used as a filter to exclude incidents that have that check box selected. Likewise, any classification that is not checked in the application header is not used as a filter.

  • Incident Type Check Boxes

    You can also select which types of incidents to include by checking the boxes for Potential Incident, Property / Equipment Damage, Motor Vehicle Involved, Environmental Impact, Injury / Illness, Security, and Other (if Filter is set to Include). You can filter incidents to include only incidents marked with specific attributes. For example, if you check the "Motor Vehicle Involved" check box, only incidents that have that attribute checked are included in the search results. These check boxes are additive, which means that an incident should have all of the attributes indicated that you checked in the application header of the Incident Safety Statistics Inquiry, to be included. To report on all incidents, leave all of these check boxes unchecked. One exception is that any incident marked as "Exclude From Safety Statistics" is excluded from this report. They are never included, regardless of any other attributes selected.

  • Incident Category Codes 1-10 tab and 11-20 tab

    You can use these fields to further filter the incidents you want to include for analysis. If you put values in more than one category code, the incident must match all category codes with values in these tabs to be included.

  • Record Type (Release 9.1 Update)

    You can filter incidents using the Record Type field. Understanding Incident Frequency Rates and Incident Impact Rates Incident Frequency Rates

Incident frequency rates are based on the total number of incidents per safety metric (typically hours). To compare rates across organizations the formula needs to scale up. Otherwise the rates can be so small that it is difficult to detect significant differences. This is done by multiplying the numerator (or count of incidents) by the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option. The formula for incident frequency rates is (Count of Incidents * the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option/ Total Safety Metric). This is a standard industry calculation. Incident Impact Rates

Incident impact rates are based on the total impact of incidents (such as total cost or total number of days lost).

  • Based on Total Number of Days Lost

    To compare rates across organizations the formula needs to scale up. Otherwise the rates can be so small that they are difficult to detect significant differences. This is done by multiplying the numerator (or impact of incidents) by the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option. The formula is: (Number of Days Lost * the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option/ Total Safety Metric).

  • Based on Total Cost

    The impact rate of incident costs does not need to be scaled up since it is based on cost and not number of days lost. The formula is: (Total Incident Costs / Total Safety Metric). Average per Month

Another useful measurement when analyzing incidents is to determine the average number of incidents per month or the average impact of incidents per month. Impact can be measured using the total cost of incidents or the total days lost of incidents. The formula for calculating the average is based on knowing the number of months being analyzed and the count or impact (number of days lost) over the number of months being analyzed. For example, if you were looking at a two year period, the number of months would be 24. The formula is:

Average Frequency per Month: Total Count of Incidents/Number of Months Being Analyzed

Average Impact per Month: Total Impact of Incidents /Number of Months Being Analyzed Average per Employee

Another useful measurement when analyzing incidents is to determine the average number of incidents per employee or the average impact of incidents per employee. Impact can be measured using the total cost of incidents or the total days lost of incidents. The formula for calculating the average is based on knowing the average annual number of employees (explained below) and the incident count or incident impact. The formula is:

Average Frequency per Employee: Total Count of Incidents/Average Annual Number of Employees

Average Impact per Employee: Total Impact of Incidents/Average Annual Number of Employees Special Processing in the Calculated Grid Columns

The system records information in the grid columns that is related to the special processing considerations in the header. These columns facilitate reporting over data that is not available in the database in a form easy to report on. The reports delivered with the application are possible because of these columns. You can also use them when defining custom reports.

The One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these calculated columns in the grid: Columns Used by All Reports
  • From Month and From Year

    These are the incident "From Month/Year" fields entered in the header date range. This is compared to the incident date on the incident record to determine eligibility to be included. These are inclusive. They are provided in columns for use on a report.

  • Thru Month and Thru Year

    These are the incident "Thru Month/Year" fields entered in the header date range. This is compared to the incident date on the incident record to determine eligibility to be included. These are inclusive. They are provided in columns in a column for use on a report.

  • As If Currency Code

    This is the currency code entered in the header field of the application. This column is needed so that the code is available to use on a report.

  • As of Currency Date

    This is the As of Date entered in the header field of the application. This column is needed so that the "As of Date" is available to use on a report. If a currency code was filled in but this date is left blank, the system will use the system date.

  • Safety Hours Group and Safety Hours Group Description

    This is the selected safety hours group that is being used to analyze incidents. The choices include Establishment, Company, Business Unit, Project, and Contractor.

  • Safety Hours Group Unique ID

    This is the unique ID number for the Safety Hours Group being analyzed. If you are summarizing by Establishment, for example, this is the Establishment Number. Because you can summarize by different fields, this column is needed for the graphs to have a single column to reference.


    The column title changes based on the safety hours group type selected for this and the associated description column.

  • Unique Safety Hours Group Description

    This is the associated description for Safety Hours Group unit being analyzed. If you are summarizing by Establishment, for example, this is the Establishment Name. Because you can summarize by different fields, this column is used for the graphs to have a single column to reference.

  • Total Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents for the date range selected for the specific safety hours group. Incidents marked as "Exclude From Safety Statistics" are not included in this application.

  • Total Safety Hours

    This is the total number of safety units (typically safety hours, but defined in the Safety Metric Basis field in the header) for the date range selected for the specific safety hours group. Safety hours do not include time recorded for vacation or leave. They represent the hours an employee is available to work a specific job and therefore exposed to the occupational risk that goes along with that job.

  • Number of Months Analyzed

    This is the number of months indicated in the application header date range. If you select a date range that spans more than 12 months, the actual number of months are counted. For example, if you select January 2011 through December 2012, the Number of Months Analyzed is 24.

  • Average Annual Number of Employees

    This is the average number of employees per pay period. It can be calculated from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system or entered manually using the Safety Hours Entry application. A processing option determines where this value comes from. This value includes all employees on the payroll: full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, salaried, and hourly. For each pay period, the number of people paid is counted and totaled. Then this total is divided by the number of pay periods and rounded up to the next whole number. All pay periods are counted, even if there was no one on the payroll for that pay period.

  • Safety Metric Basis and Description

    This code indicates the value for the safety metric unit as selected in the header. In the descriptions of the other columns that follow, the term "Safety Hours" is used, but if something other than hours is selected in the header, the formula will use those units instead of hours. Calculated Columns Used by the Monthly Incident Safety Statistics Report

These are based on incidents by calendar month.

  • January - December Incidents (one column for each month)

    This is the total number of incidents with an incident date in the specific month. If your date range in the header includes more than 1 year, it's possible that this total by month could reflect incidents from more than one year. You use it to look for monthly trends.

  • January - December Safety Hours (one column for each month)

    This is the total number of safety hours in the specific month. If your date range in the header includes more than 1 year, this total by month could reflect safety hours from more than one year.

  • Incident Rate

    This is the incident frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric) Calculated Columns Used by the Safety Statistics for Recordable Cases Report

These are based on cases, not incidents. An incident may have more than one case. A case is defined as having the OSHA Y/N field equal to Y.

  • Death Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee died. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of Death) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Restricted Work Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as Restricted Work. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of Restricted Work) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Days Away from Work Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as Days Away From Work. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of Days Away From Work) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Other Recordable Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as Other Recordable Injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of Other Recordable Injury) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • First Aid Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as First Aid. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of First Aid) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Illness Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having an illness rather than an injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of Skin Disorder, Respiratory Condition, Poisoning, Hearing Loss, or All Other Illnesses. It excludes any marked as Injury) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Illness Case Rate

    This is the illness cases frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Illness Cases X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). It is based on the Illness Cases calculated column.

  • Injury Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having an injury rather than an illness. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of Injury. It excludes any marked as Skin Disorder, Respiratory Condition, Poisoning, Hearing Loss, or All Other Illnesses) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Injury Case Rate

    This is the injury cases frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Injury Cases X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). It is based on the Injury Cases calculated column.

  • Recordable Cases

    This is the total number of recordable cases. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the OSHA Y/N check box equal to Y on the Incident People table (F54HS02).

  • Recordable Cases Rate

    This is the recordable cases frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Recordable Cases X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). It is based on the Recordable Cases calculated column.

  • Lost Time Cases

    This is the total number of cases where the employee lost time. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of either Restricted Work or Days Away From Work) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Lost Time Cases Rate

    This is the lost time cases frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Lost Time Cases X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). It is based on the Lost Time Cases calculated column.

  • Skin Disorder Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having a skin disorder illness rather than an injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of Skin Disorder) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Respiratory Condition Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having a respiratory condition illness rather than an injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of Respiratory Condition) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Poisoning Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having a poisoning illness rather than an injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of Poisoning) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Hearing Loss Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having hearing loss rather than an injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of Hearing Loss) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • All Other Illness Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having an 'other' illness rather than an injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Occupational Injury/Illness field (HSIOI has a value of All Other Illnesses) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Recordable Injury Cases

    This is the total number of cases where an employee was listed as having a 'recordable' injury. An incident may have more than one case. This is determined using the Injury Classification field (HSIIC has a value of Death, Restricted Work, Days Away From Work, or Other Recordable Cases) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Recordable Injury Rate

    This is the recordable injury cases frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Recordable Injury Cases X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). It is based on the Recordable Injury Cases calculated column. Calculated Columns Used by the Safety Statistics by Incident Type Report

These are based on incidents by key incident attributes.

  • Potential Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Potential Incident" check box is selected (HSINM, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Other Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Other" check box is selected (HSIOT, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Security Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Security" check box is selected (HSISEC, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Security Incident Rate

    This is the security incidents frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Security Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Security Incidents calculated column.

  • Environmental Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Environmental Impact" check box is selected (HSIENV, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Environmental Incident Rate

    This is the environmental incidents frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Environmental Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Environmental Incidents calculated column.

  • Property Damage Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Property/Equipment Damage" check box is selected (HSIPED, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Property Damage Incident Rate

    This is the property/equipment damage incidents frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Property Damage Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Property Damage Incidents calculated column.

  • Motor Vehicle Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Motor Vehicle Involved" check box is selected (HSIMV, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Motor Vehicle Incident Rate

    This is the motor vehicle involved incidents frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Motor Vehicle Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Motor Vehicle Incidents calculated column.

  • Non-Injury/Illness Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Injury/Illness" check box is NOT selected (HSIINJ, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Non-Injury/Illness Incident Rate

    This is the non-injury/illness incidents frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Non-Injury/Illness Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Non-Injury/Illness Incidents calculated column.

  • Injury/Illness Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Injury/Illness" check box is selected (HSIINJ, located on the header of the incident master F54HS01). An incident may have more than this attribute selected. This count does not exclude those incidents with multiple attributes selected.

  • Injury/Illness Incident Rate

    This is the injury/illness incidents frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Injury/Illness Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Injury/Illness Incidents calculated column.

  • 3rd Party Responsible Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Contractor/3rd Party Involved" check box is selected (HSICR, located on the Responsibility subform of the Incident Details tab F54HS01).

  • Company Responsible Incidents

    This is the total number of incidents where the "Contractor/3rd Party Involved" check box is not selected (HSICR, located on the Responsibility subform of the Incident Details tab F54HS01). It is assumed that if a 3rd party or contractor is not responsible, then the company is responsible. Calculated Columns Used by the Incident Impact Rates Report

These are based on incidents by key impact measures such as costs and lost time.

  • Total Days Away From Work

    This is the total number of days away from work as indicated on all the people records related to the incidents for the safety hours group. This is based on the No. Days Away From Work field (NDAW) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Total Days Restricted Work

    This is the total number of days on restricted work or job transfer as indicated on all the people records related to the incidents for the safety hours group. This is based on the No. Days Restricted Work Activity field (NDWA) on the Incident People record (F54HS02).

  • Total Days Lost

    This is the total number of days lost as indicated on all of the people records related to the incidents for the safety hours group. This is the sum of the Total Days Away From Work and Total Days On Restricted Work or Job Transfer calculated columns.

  • Total Days Lost Rate

    This is the total days lost impact rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Incident Total Days Lost X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Total Days Lost calculated column.

  • Estimated Cost of Incidents

    This is the total estimated cost for all incidents for the safety hours group. This information is reported on from the incident master (HSITEC, F54HS01) but it represents the sum of all estimated costs as recorded in the individual cost records for each incident.

  • Actual Cost of Incidents

    This is the total actual cost for all incidents for the safety hours group. This information is reported on from the incident master (HSITAC, F54HS01) but it represents the sum of all actual costs as recorded in the individual cost records for each incident.

  • Actual Cost Rate

    This is the total actual cost impact rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Incident Total Actual Cost) / (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the Actual Cost of Incidents calculated column.

  • As If Estimated Cost of Incidents

    This is the total estimated cost for all incidents stated in a common currency. This is the sum of Total Estimated Cost (HSITEC) converted to the As If Currency Code and the As of Date.

  • As If Actual Cost of Incidents

    This is the total actual cost for all incidents stated in a common currency. This is the sum of Total Actual Cost (HSITAC) converted to the As If Currency Code and the As of Date.

  • As If Actual Cost Rate

    This is the total actual cost impact rate for each safety hours group stated in a common currency converted to the As If Currency Code and the As of Date. It is calculated as the (As If Actual Cost of Incidents)/ (Total Safety Metric). This is based on the As If Actual Cost of Incidents calculated column. Additional Category Codes Available

  • Business Unit Category Code and Descriptions

    These 50 category codes are the business unit category codes that are associated with either the business unit or the project on the incident. Because they are fetched, the Query By Example (QBE) is not available. To filter using these fields, use the List feature on a One View report or build the filter logic into the report component. These business unit category codes columns will appear when the Safety Hours Group is either Business Unit or Project. Additional Calculated Columns Available

These columns are available for detailed reporting of injuries and illnesses for employees and contractors, using the Injury Classification field for each calendar month. They are based on the People Records.

  • Employee Injuries Death - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees injured each month, resulting in death. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Death, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Injuries Days Away - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees injured each month, resulting in days away from work. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Days Away, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Injuries Restricted Work - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees injured each month, resulting in restricted work. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Restricted Work, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Injuries Other Recordable - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees injured each month, resulting in other recordable. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Other Recordable, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Injuries First Aid - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees injured each month, resulting in first aid. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = First Aid, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Illnesses Death - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees ill each month, resulting in death. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Death, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Illnesses Days Away - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees ill each month, resulting in days away from work. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Days Away, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Illnesses Restricted Work - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees ill each month, resulting in restricted work. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Restricted Work, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Illnesses Other Recordable - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees ill each month, resulting in other recordable. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Other Recordable, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Employee Illnesses First Aid - (January though December)

    This is the number of employees ill each month, resulting in first aid. (Employee check box (HSIEM) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = First Aid, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Injuries Death - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors injured each month, resulting in death. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Death, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Injuries Days Away - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors injured each month, resulting in days away from work. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Days Away, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Injuries Restricted Work - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors injured each month, resulting in restricted work. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Restricted Work, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Injuries Other Recordable - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors injured each month, resulting in other recordable. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Other Recordable, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Injuries First Aid - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors injured each month, resulting in first aid. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IN, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = First Aid, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Illnesses Death - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors ill each month, resulting in death. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Death, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Illnesses Days Away - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors ill each month, resulting in days away from work. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Days Away, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Illnesses Restricted Work - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors ill each month, resulting in restricted work. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Restricted Work, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Illnesses Other Recordable - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors ill each month, resulting in other recordable. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = Other Recordable, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

  • Contractor Illnesses First Aid - (January though December)

    This is the number of contractors ill each month, resulting in first aid. (Contractor check box (HSICON) = checked, Injury/Illness Related (IN/IL) = IL, Injury Classification (HSIIC) = First Aid, for each calendar month (HSIDM))

18.5.3 Reports

The reports delivered with the One View Safety Statistics Inquiry application are:

  • Monthly Incident Safety Statistics

  • Safety Statistics for Recordable Cases

  • Safety Statistics by Incident Type

  • Incident Impact Rates

Each of these reports uses a list at the top based on the Safety Hours Group Description that you can be use as a filter when run in interactive mode. Monthly Incident Safety Statistics

Use this report to analyze incidents by month to compare incident frequency rates. This report is based on two main values: the number of incidents each month and the total safety units (typically hours) for each month. This report contains the following components:

  • Incident Frequency Rates (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Total Incident Rate (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Incidents per Month (by Organizational Units) (vertical bar graph)

  • Total Incidents per Month (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Incidents by Month (for all Organizational Units) (vertical bar graph)

  • Incidents per Employee (by Organizational Units) (vertical bar graph)

  • Total Incidents per Employee (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Number of Incidents (by Organizational Units) (vertical bar graph)

  • Total Safety Hours (by Organizational Units) (vertical bar graph)

  • Monthly Incident Frequency Rates (table)

  • Safety Statistics Totals (table)

  • Total Number of Incidents by Month (table)

  • Monthly Safety Hours (table)

  • Reference table for safety hours group by organizational unit descriptions Safety Statistics for Reportable Cases

Use this report to analyze frequency rates for cases. This report is based on cases, not incidents. An incident may have more than one case. A case is defined as having the OSHA Y/N field equal to Y. This report contains the following components:

  • Number of Recordable Cases (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Recordable Cases Frequency Rate (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Recordable Cases Frequency Rate (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Recordable Injuries Frequency Rate (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Total Recordable Injuries Frequency Rate (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Occupational Injury Frequency Rate (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Occupational Injury Frequency Rate (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (by Organizational Unit) (vertical bar graph)

  • Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (for all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Number of Cases by Case Classification (table)

  • Case Frequency Rates by Case Classification (table)

  • Total Number of Cases by Occupational Injury/Illness Type (table)

  • Case Frequency Rates by Occupational Injury/Illness Type (table)

  • Reference table for safety hours group by organizational unit descriptions Safety Statistics by Incident Type

Use this report to analyze frequency rates and compare the number of incidents by incident type for safety hours groups. This report is based on incidents. Incident types include the attribute check boxes in the header of the incident master (Equipment/Property Damage, Injury/Illness, Security, Other, Environmental Impact, Motor Vehicle, and Potential Incident) and the Contractor/3rd Party Involved check box in the responsibility section. This report contains the following components:

  • Total Incidents by Incident Type (for all Organizational Units) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Equipment/Property Damage Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Motor Vehicle Involved Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Injury/Illness Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Non-Injury/Illness Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Environmental Impact Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Security Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Potential Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Other Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Company Responsible Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • 3rd Party Responsible Incidents (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Number of Incidents (table)

  • Incident Frequency Rates (table)

  • Average Number of Incidents per Month (table)

  • Average Number of Incidents per Employee (table)

  • Reference table for safety hours group by organizational unit descriptions Incident Impact Rates

Use this report to analyze incident impact rates. This report is based on incidents. Incident impact rates measure the impact of incidents in terms of lost time or costs because of incidents. This report is divided into two parts: impact rates for lost time and impact rates for costs. This report contains the following components:

  • Total Days Lost (all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Days Lost (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Days Lost Impact Rate (by Organization Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Days Lost per Employee (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Days Lost per Month (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Number of Days Lost (table)

  • Incident Impact Rates Based on Days Lost (table)

  • Average Impact of Days Lost (table)

  • Total Actual Costs (all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Actual Costs (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Actual Costs Impact Rate (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Actual Costs per Employee (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Actual Costs per Month (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Incident Costs (table)

  • Incident Impact Rates Based on Costs (table)

  • Average Impact of Costs (table)

  • Reference table for safety hours group by organizational unit descriptions