Class H263Format


public class H263Format
extends VideoFormat

Describes H.263 compressed video data.

JMF 2.0
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  int advancedPrediction
          Indicates if advanced prediction is used.
protected  int arithmeticCoding
          Indicates if arithmetic coding is used.
protected  int errorCompensation
          Indicates if error compensation is used.
protected  int hrDB
          The size of Hypothetical Reference decoder buffer.
protected  int pbFrames
          Indicates if PB frames mode is used in this bitstream.
protected  int unrestrictedVector
          Indicates if unrestricted motion estimation is used.
Fields inherited from class
CINEPAK, frameRate, H261, H261_RTP, H263, H263_1998_RTP, H263_RTP, INDEO32, INDEO41, INDEO50, IRGB, JPEG, JPEG_RTP, maxDataLength, MJPEGA, MJPEGB, MJPG, MPEG, MPEG_RTP, RGB, RLE, RPZA, size, SMC, YUV
Fields inherited from class
byteArray, clz, dataType, encoding, FALSE, formatArray, intArray, NOT_SPECIFIED, shortArray, TRUE
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an H263Format object with default attributes.
H263Format(java.awt.Dimension size, int maxDataLength, java.lang.Class dataType, float frameRate, int advancedPrediction, int arithmeticCoding, int errorCompensation, int hrDB, int pbFrames, int unrestrictedVector)
          Constructs an H263Format object with the specified attributes.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Creates a clone of this H263Format.
protected  void copy(Format f)
          Copies the attributes from the specified Format into this H263Format.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object format)
          Compares the specified Format with this H261Format.
 int getAdvancedPrediction()
          Gets the advanced prediction setting for this Format.
 int getArithmeticCoding()
          Gets the arithmetic coding setting for this Format.
 int getErrorCompensation()
          Gets the error compensation setting for this Format.
 int getHrDB()
          Gets the size of Hypothetical Reference decoder buffer.
 int getPBFrames()
          Gets the PB frames setting for this Format.
 int getUnrestrictedVector()
          Gets the unrestricted motion vector setting for this Format.
 Format intersects(Format format)
          Finds the attributes shared by two matching Format objects.
 boolean matches(Format format)
          Checks whether or not the specified Format matches this H261Format.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets a string representation of the attributes of this H263Format.
Methods inherited from class
getFrameRate, getMaxDataLength, getSize, relax
Methods inherited from class
getDataType, getEncoding, isSameEncoding, isSameEncoding
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int advancedPrediction
Indicates if advanced prediction is used. Can take values NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


protected int arithmeticCoding
Indicates if arithmetic coding is used. Can take values NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


protected int errorCompensation
Indicates if error compensation is used. Can take values NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


protected int hrDB
The size of Hypothetical Reference decoder buffer.


protected int pbFrames
Indicates if PB frames mode is used in this bitstream. Can take values NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


protected int unrestrictedVector
Indicates if unrestricted motion estimation is used. Can take values NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.
Constructor Detail


public H263Format()
Constructs an H263Format object with default attributes.


public H263Format(java.awt.Dimension size,
                  int maxDataLength,
                  java.lang.Class dataType,
                  float frameRate,
                  int advancedPrediction,
                  int arithmeticCoding,
                  int errorCompensation,
                  int hrDB,
                  int pbFrames,
                  int unrestrictedVector)
Constructs an H263Format object with the specified attributes.
size - A Dimension that specifies the frame size.
maxDataLength - The maximum size of the compressed data array.
dataType - The class type of the data.
frameRate - The frame rate of the video.
advancedPrediction - Specifies whether or not the H.263 advanced prediction capability (H.263 Annex F) is used.
arithmeticCoding - Specifies whether or not the H.263 arithmetic coding capability (H.263 Annex E) is used.
errorCompensation - Specifies whether or not the H.263 error compensation capability is used.
hrDB - Specifies the H.263 Hypothetical Reference decoder buffer.
pbFrames - Specifies whether or not the H.263 PB Frames capability (H.263 Annex G) is used.
unrestrictedVector - Specifies whether or not the H.263 unrestricted motion vector capability (H.263 Annex D) is used.
Method Detail


public int getAdvancedPrediction()
Gets the advanced prediction setting for this Format.
An integer that indicates the advanced prediction setting: NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


public int getArithmeticCoding()
Gets the arithmetic coding setting for this Format.
An integer that indicates the arithmetic coding setting: NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


public int getErrorCompensation()
Gets the error compensation setting for this Format.
An integer that indicates the error compensation setting: NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


public int getHrDB()
Gets the size of Hypothetical Reference decoder buffer.
The size of the Hypothetical Reference decoder buffer, as an integer. Returns NOT_SPECIFIED if the decoder buffer size is not specified.


public int getPBFrames()
Gets the PB frames setting for this Format.
An integer that indicates the PB frames setting: NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


public int getUnrestrictedVector()
Gets the unrestricted motion vector setting for this Format.
An integer that indicates the unrestricted motion vector setting: NOT_SPECIFIED, TRUE, or FALSE.


public java.lang.String toString()
Gets a string representation of the attributes of this H263Format. For example: "H.263, 352x240, ...".
toString in class VideoFormat
A String that describes the format attributes.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object format)
Compares the specified Format with this H261Format. Returns true only if the specified Format is a H261Format object and all of its attributes are identical to the attributes in this H261Format.
equals in class VideoFormat
format - The Format to compare.
true if the specified Format is the same as this one.


public boolean matches(Format format)
Checks whether or not the specified Format matches this H261Format. Matches only compares the attributes that are defined in the specified Format, unspecified attributes are ignored.

The two Format objects do not have to be of the same class to match. For example, if "A" are "B" are being compared, a match is possible if "A" is derived from "B" or "B" is derived from "A". (The compared attributes must still match, or matches fails.)

matches in class VideoFormat
format - The Format to compare with this one.
true if the specified Format matches this one, false if it does not.


public Format intersects(Format format)
Finds the attributes shared by two matching Format objects. If the specified Format does not match this one, the result is undefined.
intersects in class VideoFormat
The - matching Format to intersect with this H261Format.
A Format object with its attributes set to those attributes common to both Format objects.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object clone()
Creates a clone of this H263Format.
clone in class VideoFormat
A clone of this H263Format.


protected void copy(Format f)
Copies the attributes from the specified Format into this H263Format.
copy in class VideoFormat
f - The Format to copy the attributes from.

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