Interface Feedback

public interface Feedback

Method Summary
 long getDLSR()
          Returns the 'delay since last SR (DLSR)' field.
 int getFractionLost()
          Returns the 'fraction lost' field.
 long getJitter()
          Returns the 'interarrival jitter' field.
 long getLSR()
          Returns the 'last SR (LSR)' field.
 long getNumLost()
          Returns the 'cumulative number of packets lost' field.
 long getSSRC()
          Returns the SSRC of the data source for which this feedback applies.
 long getXtndSeqNum()
          Returns the 'extended highest sequence number received' field.

Method Detail


public long getSSRC()
Returns the SSRC of the data source for which this feedback applies. (Actually a 32-bit unsigned quantity)


public int getFractionLost()
Returns the 'fraction lost' field. (Actually an 8-bit unsigned quantity)


public long getNumLost()
Returns the 'cumulative number of packets lost' field. (Actually a 24-bit unsigned quantity)


public long getXtndSeqNum()
Returns the 'extended highest sequence number received' field. (Actually a 32-bit unsigned quantity)


public long getJitter()
Returns the 'interarrival jitter' field. (Actually a 32-bit unsigned quantity)


public long getLSR()
Returns the 'last SR (LSR)' field. (Actually a 32-bit unsigned quantity)


public long getDLSR()
Returns the 'delay since last SR (DLSR)' field. (Actually a 32-bit unsigned quantity)

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