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AudioAdapter() - Constructor for class javax.speech.AudioAdapter
AudioEvent(Engine, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.AudioEvent
Constructs an AudioEvent with a specified id.
AudioException() - Constructor for class javax.speech.AudioException
Constructs a AudioException with no detail message.
AudioException(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.AudioException
Construct an AudioException with the specified detail message.
ABBREVIATION - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Word is an abbreviation or acronynm.
ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
getResultState returns ACCEPTED once recognition of the result is completed and the Result object has been finalized by being accepted.
addAudioListener(AudioListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.AudioManager
Request notifications of audio events to an AudioListener.
addDetail(GrammarSyntaxDetail) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException
Add a syntax error description (appended to the existing array of details).
addEngineListener(EngineListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Request notifications of events of related to the Engine.
addGrammarListener(GrammarListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Request notifications of events of related to this Grammar.
addImport(RuleName) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Import all rules or a specified rule from another grammar.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineProperties
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addResultListener(ResultListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Request notifications of events from any Result that matches this Grammar.
addResultListener(ResultListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Request notifications of all events for all Result produced by this Recognizer.
addResultListener(ResultListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Request notifications of events of related to this Result.
addSpeakableListener(SpeakableListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Request notifications of all SpeakableEvents for all speech output objects for this Synthesizer.
addSpeakerProfile(SpeakerProfile) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Add a speaker profile to the SpeakerProfile array.
addVoice(Voice) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Append a voice to the list of voices.
addWord(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar
Add a word to the DictationGrammar.
addWords(Word[]) - Method in interface javax.speech.VocabManager
Add an array of words to the vocabulary.
addWord(Word) - Method in interface javax.speech.VocabManager
Add a word to the vocabulary.
ADJECTIVE - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is adjective.
ADVERB - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is adverb.
AGE_CHILD - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Age roughly up to 12 years.
AGE_DONT_CARE - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Ignore age when performing a match.
AGE_MIDDLE_ADULT - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Age roughly 40 to 60 years.
AGE_NEUTRAL - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Voice with age that is indeterminate.
AGE_OLDER_ADULT - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Age roughly 60 years and up.
AGE_TEENAGER - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Age roughly 13 to 19 years.
AGE_YOUNGER_ADULT - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Age roughly 20 to 40 years.
ALLOCATED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.Engine
Bit of state that is set when an Engine is in the allocated state.
allocate() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Allocate the resources required for the Engine and put it into the ALLOCATED state.
ALLOCATING_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface javax.speech.Engine
Bit of state that is set when an Engine is being allocated - the transition state between DEALLOCATED to ALLOCATED following a call to the allocate method.
anyMatch(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineList
Return true if one or more EngineModeDesc in the EngineList match the required properties.
append(Rule) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Append a single rule to the set of alternatives.
append(Rule) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Append a single rule to the end of the sequence.
ATTACH_FOLLOWING - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A SpacingHint flag set true when a token should be attached to the following token.
ATTACH_GROUP - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A SpacingHint flag set true when a token should be attached to preceding and/or following tokens which also have the ATTACH_GROUP flag set true.
ATTACH_PREVIOUS - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A SpacingHint flag set true when a token should be attached to the preceding token.
AUDIO_LEVEL - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
AUDIO_LEVEL event indicates a change in the volume level of the incoming audio.
AUDIO_RELEASED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
AUDIO_RELEASED event is issued when the audio information associated with a FinalResult object is released.
AudioAdapter - class javax.speech.AudioAdapter.
A trivial implementation of the AudioListener interface that receives an engine's audio events.
AudioEvent - class javax.speech.AudioEvent.
Describes events associated with audio input/output for an Engine.
AudioException - exception javax.speech.AudioException.
Problem encountered connecting audio to/from a speech engine.
audioLevel(RecognizerAudioEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioAdapter
AUDIO_LEVEL event has occurred indicating a change in the current volume of the audio input to a recognizer.
audioLevel - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
Audio level defined on a scale from 0 to 1.

audioLevel(RecognizerAudioEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioListener
AUDIO_LEVEL event has occurred indicating a change in the current volume of the audio input to a recognizer.
AudioListener - interface javax.speech.AudioListener.
The listener interface for receiving events associated with the audio input or output of an Engine.
AudioManager - interface javax.speech.AudioManager.
The AudioManager is provided by a speech Engine - a Recognizer or Synthesizer - to allow an application to control audio input/output and to monitor audio-related events.
audioReleased(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A AUDIO_RELEASED event has occured.
audioReleased(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
A AUDIO_RELEASED event has occured.
AUXILIARY - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is auxiliary.
availableRecognizers(EngineModeDesc) - Static method in class javax.speech.Central
List EngineModeDesc objects for available recognition engine modes that match the required properties.
availableSynthesizers(EngineModeDesc) - Static method in class javax.speech.Central
List EngineModeDesc objects for available synthesis engine modes that match the required properties.


cancelAll() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Cancel all objects in the synthesizer speech output queue and stop speaking the current top-of-queue object.
cancel() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Cancel output of the current object at the top of the output queue.
cancel(Object) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Remove a specified item from the speech output queue.
CAP_AS_IS - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A CapitalizationHint indicating that the following word should be presented without changes in capitalization.
CAP_FIRST - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A CapitalizationHint indicating that the following word should be presented with the first character in uppercase.
CARDINAL - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is cardinal.
Central - class javax.speech.Central.
The Central class is the initial access point to all speech input and output capabilities.
CHANGES_COMMITTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
CHANGES_COMMITTED event is issued when a Recognizer changes from the SUSPENDED state to the LISTENING state.
changesCommitted(RecognizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAdapter
CHANGES_COMMITTED event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the SUSPENDED state to the LISTENING state.
changesCommitted(RecognizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerListener
A CHANGES_COMMITTED event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the SUSPENDED state to the LISTENING state and resumed recognition.
charNumber - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Character number in line in JSGF file for problem.
clone() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Create a copy of this Voice.
commitChanges() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Commit changes to all loaded grammars and all changes of grammar enabling since the last commitChanges.
CONJUNCTION - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is conjunction.
CONTRACTION - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category is contraction.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.Rule
Return a deep copy of a Rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Return a deep copy of this rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Return a deep copy of this rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Return a deep copy of this rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Return a deep copy of this rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Return a deep copy of this rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Return a deep copy of this rule.
copy() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
Return a deep copy of this rule.
count - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Identifier for the rule count.
createEngine() - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineCreate
Create an engine with the properties specified by this object.
createEngineList(EngineModeDesc) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineCentral
Create an EngineList containing an EngineModeDesc for each mode of operation of a speech engine that matches a set of required features.
createRecognizer(EngineModeDesc) - Static method in class javax.speech.Central
Create a Recognizer with specified required properties.
createSynthesizer(EngineModeDesc) - Static method in class javax.speech.Central
Create a Synthesizer with specified required properties.


DEALLOCATED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.Engine
Bit of state that is set when an Engine is in the deallocated state.
deallocate() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Free the resources of the engine that were acquired during allocation and during operation and return the engine to the DEALLOCATED.
DEALLOCATING_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface javax.speech.Engine
Bit of state that is set when an Engine is being deallocated - the transition state between ALLOCATED to DEALLOCATED.
definitionChanged - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
True if the grammar's definition has changed with a GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event.
deleteRuleGrammar(RuleGrammar) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Delete a RuleGrammar from the Recognizer.
deleteRule(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Delete a rule from the grammar.
deleteSpeaker(SpeakerProfile) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Delete a SpeakerProfile.
DETERMINER - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is determiner.
DictationGrammar - interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar.
Provides access to the dictation capabilities of a Recognizer.
DONT_CARE - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word doesn't matter.
DONT_KNOW - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
The DONT_KNOW flag is used in a call to tokenCorrection to indicate that the application does not know whether a change to a result is because of MISRECOGNITION or USER_CHANGE.


EngineAdapter() - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
EngineErrorEvent(Engine, int, Throwable, long, long) - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineErrorEvent
Constructs an EngineErrorEvent with an event identifier, throwable, old engine state and new engine state.
EngineEvent(Engine, int, long, long) - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Constructs an EngineEvent with an event identifier, old engine state and new engine state.
EngineException() - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineException
Construct an EngineException with no detail message.
EngineException(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineException
Construct an EngineException with a detail message.
EngineModeDesc() - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Empty constructor sets engine name, mode name, Locale and running all to null.
EngineModeDesc(Locale) - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Construct an EngineModeDesc for a locale.
EngineModeDesc(String, String, Locale, Boolean) - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Constructor provided with engine name, mode name, locale and running.
EngineStateError() - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineStateError
Construct an EngineStateError with no detail message.
EngineStateError(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.EngineStateError
Construct an EngineStateError with a detail message.
ELEMENT_CLOSE - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
The type of MARKER_REACHED event issued at the close of a JSML container element that has a MARK attribute on the matching openning tag.
ELEMENT_EMPTY - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
The type of MARKER_REACHED event issued when an empty JSML element with a MARK attribute is reached.
ELEMENT_OPEN - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
The type of MARKER_REACHED event issued at the openning of a JSML container element with a MARK attribute.
enabledChanged - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
True if the grammar's enabled property has changed with a GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event.
ENGINE_ALLOCATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine allocation is complete.
ENGINE_ALLOCATING_RESOURCES - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine allocation has commenced.
ENGINE_DEALLOCATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine deallocation is complete.
ENGINE_DEALLOCATING_RESOURCES - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine deallocation has commenced.
ENGINE_ERROR - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineErrorEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine error occurs.
ENGINE_PAUSED - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine is paused.
ENGINE_RESUMED - Static variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Identifier for event issued when engine is resumed.
EngineAdapter - class javax.speech.EngineAdapter.
Trivial implementation of the EngineListener interface that receives a EngineEvents.
engineAllocated(EngineEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
The Engine has been allocated.
engineAllocated(EngineEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
The Engine has been allocated.
engineAllocatingResources(EngineEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
The Engine is being allocated.
engineAllocatingResources(EngineEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
The Engine is being allocated.
EngineCentral - interface javax.speech.EngineCentral.
Provides a list of EngineModeDesc objects that define the available operating modes of a speech engine.
EngineCreate - interface javax.speech.EngineCreate.
The EngineCreate interface is implemented by EngineModeDesc objects obtained through calls to the EngineCentral objects of each speech engine registered with the Central class.
engineDeallocated(EngineEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
The Engine has been deallocated.
engineDeallocated(EngineEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
The Engine has been deallocated.
engineDeallocatingResources(EngineEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
The Engine is being deallocated.
engineDeallocatingResources(EngineEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
The Engine is being deallocated.
engineError(EngineErrorEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
An EngineErrorEvent has occurred and the Engine is unable to continue normal operation.
engineError(EngineErrorEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
An EngineErrorEvent has occurred and the Engine is unable to continue normal operation.
EngineErrorEvent - class javax.speech.EngineErrorEvent.
EngineErrorEvent is an asynchronous notification of an internal error in the engine which prevents normal behavior of that engine.
EngineEvent - class javax.speech.EngineEvent.
EngineEvent notifies changes in state of a speech synthesis or recognition engine.
EngineException - exception javax.speech.EngineException.
Signals that an error occurred while trying to create or access a speech synthesis engine, speech recognition engine or EngineCentral object.
Engine - interface javax.speech.Engine.
The Engine interface is the parent interface for all speech engines including Recognizer and Synthesizer.
EngineListener - interface javax.speech.EngineListener.
Interface defining methods to be called when state-change events for a speech engine occur.
EngineList - class javax.speech.EngineList.
EngineList is a container for a set of EngineModeDesc objects.
EngineModeDesc - class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc.
EngineModeDesc provides information about a specific operating mode of a speech engine.
enginePaused(EngineEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
The Engine has been paused.
enginePaused(EngineEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
The Engine has been paused.
EngineProperties - interface javax.speech.EngineProperties.
An EngineProperties object defines the set of run-time properties of an Engine.
engineResumed(EngineEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineAdapter
The Engine has been resumed.
engineResumed(EngineEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineListener
The Engine has been resumed.
EngineStateError - error javax.speech.EngineStateError.
Signals an error caused by an illegal call to a method of a speech engine.
enumerateQueue() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Return an Enumeration containing a snapshot of all the objects currently on the speech output queue.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
True if and only if the parameter is not null and is a EngineModeDesc with equal values of Locale, engineName and modeName.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
True if and only if the input parameter is not null and is a RecognizerModeDesc with equal values of dictationGrammarSupported and all speaker profiles.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
True if and only if the input parameter is not null and is a SpeakerProfile with equal values of all properties.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Returns true if and only if the parameter is not null and is a SynthesizerModeDesc with equal values of engine name, mode name, locale, running, and all voices.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Returns true if and only if the parameter is not null and is a Voice with equal values of name, age, gender, and style.


FinalDictationResult - interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalDictationResult.
Provides information on a finalized result for an utterance that matches a DictationGrammar.
FinalResult - interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult.
FinalResult is an extension to the Result interface that provides information about a result that has been finalized - that is, recognition is complete.
FinalRuleResult - interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalRuleResult.
Provides information on a finalized result for an utterance that matches a RuleGrammar.
FOCUS_GAINED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
FOCUS_GAINED event is issued when a Recognizer changes from the FOCUS_OFF state to the FOCUS_ON state.
FOCUS_LOST - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
FOCUS_LOST event is issued when a Recognizer changes from the FOCUS_ON state to the FOCUS_OFF state.
FOCUS_OFF - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
FOCUS_OFF is the bit of state that is set when an ALLOCATED Recognizer does not have the speech focus of the underlying speech recognition engine.
FOCUS_ON - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
FOCUS_ON is the bit of state that is set when an ALLOCATED Recognizer has the speech focus of the underlying speech recognition engine.
focusGained(RecognizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAdapter
FOCUS_GAINED event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the FOCUS_OFF state to the FOCUS_ON state.
focusGained(RecognizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerListener
FOCUS_GAINED event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the FOCUS_OFF state to the FOCUS_ON state.
focusLost(RecognizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAdapter
FOCUS_LOST event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the FOCUS_ON state to the FOCUS_OFF state.
focusLost(RecognizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerListener
FOCUS_LOST event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the FOCUS_ON state to the FOCUS_OFF state.
forceFinalize(boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
If the Recognizer is in the PROCESSING state (producing a Result), force the Recognizer to immediately complete processing of that result by finalizing it.
fullRuleName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
The complete specified rulename.


GrammarEvent(Grammar, int, boolean, boolean, GrammarException) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Constructs a GrammarEvent event with a specified event identifier plus state change and exception values.
GrammarEvent(Grammar, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Constructs a GrammarEvent event with a specified event identifier.
GrammarException() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException
Constructs a GrammarException with no detail message.
GrammarException(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException
Constructs a GrammarException with the specified detail message.
GrammarException(String, GrammarSyntaxDetail[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException
Constructs a GrammarException with the specified detail message and an optional programmatic description of each error.
GrammarSyntaxDetail() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Empty constructor.
GrammarSyntaxDetail(String, URL, String, RuleName, int, int, String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Complete constructor describing a syntax problem.
GENDER_DONT_CARE - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Ignore gender when performing a match of voices.
GENDER_FEMALE - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Female voice.
GENDER_MALE - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Male voice.
GENDER_NEUTRAL - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Neutral voice that is neither male or female (for example, artificial voices, robotic voices).
getActivationMode() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Return the current activation mode for a Grammar.
getAge() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Get the voice age.
getAlternativeTokens(ResultToken, ResultToken, int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalDictationResult
Return a set of alternative token guesses for a single known token or sequence of tokens.
getAlternativeTokens(int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalRuleResult
Get the N-best token sequence for this result.
getAudio() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Get the result audio for the complete utterance of a FinalResult.
getAudio(ResultToken, ResultToken) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Get the audio for a token or sequence of tokens.
getAudioLevel() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
Get the audio input level in the range 0 to 1. A value below 0.25 indicates quiet input with 0.0 being silence.
getAudioManager() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Return an object which provides management of the audio input or output for the Engine.
getBestToken(int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Returns the best guess for the tokNumth token.
getBestTokens() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Returns all the best guess tokens for this result.
getCapitalizationHint() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Get the capitalization hint.
getCategories() - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Get the categories of the Word.
getCompleteTimeout() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "CompleteTimeout" property.
getConfidenceLevel() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the recognizer's "ConfidenceLevel" property.
getControlComponent() - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineProperties
Obtain the AWT Component that provides the default user interface for setting the properties of this Engine.
getControlComponent() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Obtain a component that provides the engine's user interface for managing speaker data and training.
getCount() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
getCurrentSpeaker() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Get the current SpeakerProfile.
getDefinitionChanged() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Returns true for a GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event if the definition of the source Grammar has changed.
getDetails() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException
Return the list of grammar syntax problem descriptions.
getDictationGrammar(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Return the DictationGrammar for a Recognizer.
getEnabledChanged() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Returns true for a GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event if the enabled property of the Grammar changed.
getEndTime() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Get the approximate end time for the token.
getEngineError() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineErrorEvent
Return the Throwable object (Exception or Error) that describes the engine problem.
getEngineModeDesc() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Return a mode descriptor that defines the operating properties of the engine.
getEngineName() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Get the engine name.
getEngineProperties() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Return the EngineProperties object (a JavaBean).
getEngineState() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Returns a or'ed set of flags indicating the current state of an Engine.
getFullGrammarName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Get the full grammar name.
getGender() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Get the voice gender.
getGrammarException() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Returns non-null for a GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event if an error is found in the grammar definition.
getGrammarException() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
Returns non-null for a CHANGES_COMMITTED event if an error is found in the grammar definition.
getGrammar() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Return the Grammar matched by the best-guess finalized tokens of this result or null if the grammar is not known.
getId() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Return the SpeakerProfile identifier.
getId() - Method in class javax.speech.SpeechEvent
Return the event identifier.
getIncompleteTimeout() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "IncompleteTimeout" property.
getJSMLText() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Speakable
Return text to be spoken formatted for the Java Speech Markup Language.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Get the Locale.
getMarkerType() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Return the type of a MARKER_REACHED event.
getModeName() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Get the mode name.
getName() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Get the name of a grammar.
getName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Return the speaker name.
getName() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Get the voice name.
getNewEngineState() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Return the state following this EngineEvent.
getNumberGuesses() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalRuleResult
Return the number of guesses for this result.
getNumResultAlternatives() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "NumResultAlternatives" property.
getOldEngineState() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Return the state prior to this EngineEvent.
getPackageName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Get the rule's package name.
getPitchRange() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Get the pitch range for synthesis.
getPitch() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Get the baseline pitch for synthesis.
getPronunciations() - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Get the pronunciations of the Word.
getRecognizer() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Returns a reference to the Recognizer that owns this grammar.
getRecognizerProperties() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Return the RecognizerProperties object (a JavaBean).
getResult() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Return a reference to the result that contains this token.
getResultState() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Returns the current state of the Result object: UNFINALIZED, ACCEPTED or REJECTED.
getRuleGrammar(int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalRuleResult
Return the RuleGrammar matched by the nth guess.
getRuleGrammar(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Get the RuleGrammar with the specified name.
getRuleInternal(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Returns a reference to a recognizer's internal rule object identified by a rule name.
getRuleName(int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalRuleResult
Return the RuleName matched by the nth guess.
getRuleName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Get therulename including the package and grammar name if they are non-null.
getRuleName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Return the matched RuleName.
getRule() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Returns the contained Rule object.
getRule(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Returns a Rule object for a specified rulename.
getRule() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Return the Rule matched by the RuleName.
getRule() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Returns the Rule object being tagged.
getRules() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Return the array of alternative sub-rules.
getRules() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Return the array of rules in the sequence.
getRunning() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Get the running feature.
getSensitivity() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "Sensitivity" property.
getSimpleGrammarName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Get the simple grammar name.
getSimpleRuleName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Get the simple rulename.
getSource() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
Return the source object for an item on the speech output queue of a Synthesizer.
getSpacingHint() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Get the spacing hints.
getSpeakableListener() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
Return the SpeakableListener object for this speech output queue item, or null if none was provided to the speak method.
getSpeakerManager() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Return an object which provides management of the speakers of a Recognizer.
getSpeakerProfilesImpl() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Version of getSpeakerProfiles that performs the operation.
getSpeakerProfiles() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Returns the list of speaker profiles known to this mode of this recognition engine.
getSpeakingRate() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Get the current target speaking rate.
getSpeedVsAccuracy() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "SpeedVsAccuracy" property.
getSpokenForm() - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Get the "spoken form" of the Word.
getSpokenText() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Get the spoken text of a token.
getStartTime() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Get the approximate start time for the token.
getStyle() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Set the voice style.
getSynthesizerProperties() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Return the SynthesizerProperties object (a JavaBean).
getTag() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Returns the tag string.
getTags() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalRuleResult
Return the list of tags matched by the best-guess token sequence.
getTags() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
List the tags matched in this parse structure.
getText() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
Get the text of the token.
getText() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Get the text associated with the event.
getText() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
Return the speakable text for an item on the speech output queue of a Synthesizer.
getTopOfQueueChanged() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent
Return the topOfQueueChanged value.
getUnfinalizedTokens() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
In the UNFINALIZED state, return the current guess of the tokens following the finalized tokens.
getVariant() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Get the variant description.
getVocabManager() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Return an object which provides management of the vocabulary for the Engine.
getVoices() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Returns the list of voices available in this synthesizer mode.
getVoice() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Get the current synthesizer voice.
getVolume() - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Get the current volume.
getWeights() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Return the array of weights.
getWordEnd() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
For a WORD_STARTED event, return the index of the last character of the word in the JSML text.
getWordStart() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
For a WORD_STARTED event, return the index of the first character of the word in the JSML text.
getWords(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.VocabManager
Get all words from the vocabulary manager matching text.
getWrittenForm() - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Get the written form of the Word.
getWrittenText() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Get the written form of a spoken token.
GLOBAL - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Value of activation mode in which the Grammar is active for recognition irrespective of the focus state of the Recognizer.
GRAMMAR_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
A GRAMMAR_ACTIVATED event is issued when a grammar changes state from deactivated to activated.
GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
A GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event is issued when a Recognizer completes committing changes to a Grammar.
GRAMMAR_DEACTIVATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
A GRAMMAR_DEACTIVATED event is issued when a grammar changes state from activated to deactivated.
GRAMMAR_FINALIZED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
GRAMMAR_FINALIZED is issued when the Grammar matched by a Result is identified and finalized.
grammarActivated(GrammarEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarAdapter
A GRAMMAR_ACTIVATED event occurred.
grammarActivated(GrammarEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.GrammarListener
A GRAMMAR_ACTIVATED event is issued when a grammar changes from deactivated to activated.
GrammarAdapter - class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarAdapter.
The adapter which receives grammar events.
grammarChangesCommitted(GrammarEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarAdapter
Event issued when a Recognizer has committed changes to a Grammar.
grammarChangesCommitted(GrammarEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.GrammarListener
A GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event is issued when a Recognizer has committed changes to a Grammar.
grammarDeactivated(GrammarEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarAdapter
grammarDeactivated(GrammarEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.GrammarListener
A GRAMMAR_DEACTIVATED event is issued when a grammar changes from activated to deactivated.
GrammarEvent - class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent.
A GrammarEvent is issued to each GrammarListener attached to a Grammar when major events associated with that Grammar occur.
grammarException - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Non-null if any error is detected in a grammar's definition while producing a GRAMMAR_CHANGES_COMMITTED event.
GrammarException - exception javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException.
Thrown if a problem is found with a Java Speech Grammar Format (JSGF) file or with a RuleGrammar object derived from JSGF.

Grammar problems are typically identified and fixed during application development.

grammarException - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
Non-null if any error is detected in a grammar's definition while producing a CHANGES_COMMITTED event.
grammarFinalized(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A GRAMMAR_FINALIZED event has occured.
grammarFinalized(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
A GRAMMAR_FINALIZED event has occured because the Recognizer has determined which Grammar is matched by the incoming speech.
Grammar - interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar.
Parent interface supported by all recognition grammars including DictationGrammar and RuleGrammar.
GrammarListener - interface javax.speech.recognition.GrammarListener.
A GrammarListener receives notifications of status change events for a Grammar.
grammarLocation - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
URL location of grammar in which problem is encountered.
grammarName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Name of grammar in which problem is encountered.
GrammarSyntaxDetail - class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail.
Description of a problem found in a grammar usually bundled with a GrammarException.


id - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Unique identifier for a SpeakerProfile.
id - Variable in class javax.speech.SpeechEvent
Event identifier.
importName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Name in grammar import declaration in which problem is encountered.
isActive() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Test whether a Grammar is currently active for recognition.
isAudioAvailable() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Test whether result audio data is available for this result.
isDictationGrammarSupported() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Test whether this engine mode provides a DictationGrammar.
isEnabled() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Return the enabled property of a Grammar.
isEnabled() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Returns true if any public rule of a RuleGrammar is enabled.
isEnabled(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Test whether recognition of a specified rule of this RuleGrammar is enabled.
isLegalRuleName() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Tests whether this RuleName is a legal JSGF rulename.
isLegalRuleName(String) - Static method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Tests whether a string is a legal JSGF rulename format.
isPlainText() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
Return true if the item contains plain text (not Java Speech Markup Language text).
isResultAudioProvided() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "ResultAudioProvided" property.
isRuleNamePart(char) - Static method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Tests whether a character is a legal part of a Java Speech Grammar Format rulename.
isRulePublic(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Test whether a rule is public.
isTokenFinalized() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
For RESULT_CREATED, RESULT_UPDATED, RESULT_ACCEPTED and RESULT_REJECTED events returns true if any tokens were finalized.
isTrainingInfoAvailable() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Returns true if the Recognizer has training information available for this result.
isTrainingProvided() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the TrainingProvided property.
isUnfinalizedTokensChanged() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
For RESULT_CREATED, RESULT_UPDATED, RESULT_ACCEPTED and RESULT_REJECTED events returns true if the unfinalized tokens changed.


JSMLException() - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.JSMLException
Constructs a JSMLException with no detail message.
JSMLException(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.JSMLException
Constructs a JSMLException with the specified detail message.
javax.speech - package javax.speech
javax.speech.recognition - package javax.speech.recognition
javax.speech.synthesis - package javax.speech.synthesis
JSMLException - exception javax.speech.synthesis.JSMLException.
Thrown if a syntax problem is found with text in the marked up with the Java Speech Markup Language.


lineNumber - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Line number in JSGF file for problem.
listAddedWords() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar
List the words that have been added to the DictationGrammar.
listener - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
The listener for this object passed to the speak method or null.
LISTENING - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
LISTENING is the bit of state that is set when an ALLOCATED Recognizer is listening to incoming audio for speech that may match an active grammar but has not yet detected speech.
listImports() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Return a list of the current imports.
listKnownSpeakers() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
List the SpeakerProfiles known to this Recognizer.
listProblemWords() - Method in interface javax.speech.VocabManager
Returns a list of problematic words encountered during a session of using a speech recognizer or synthesizer.
listRemovedWords() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar
List the words that have been removed from the DictationGrammar.
listRuleGrammars() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
List the RuleGrammars known to the Recognizer.
listRuleNames() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
List the names of all rules defined in this RuleGrammar.
loadJSGF(Reader) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Create a RuleGrammar from Java Speech Grammar Format text provided by the Reader.
loadJSGF(URL, String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Load a RuleGrammar and its imported grammars from Java Speech Grammar Format text from URLs or from system resources.
loadJSGF(URL, String, boolean, boolean, Vector) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Load a RuleGrammar in Java Speech Grammar Format text from a URL or from system resources and optionally load its imports.
LOWERCASE - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A CapitalizationHint indicating that the following word should be presented in lowercase.


MARKER_REACHED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued when audio output reaches a marker contained in the JSML text of a speech output queue item.
markerReached(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A MARKER_REACHED event has occurred.
markerReached(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A MARKER_REACHED event has occurred.
markerType - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Marker type for a MARKER_REACHED event.
match(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Determine whether an EngineModeDesc has all the features defined in the require object.
match(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Determine whether a RecognizerModeDesc has all the features defined in the require object.
match(SpeakerProfile) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Returns true if this object matches the require object.
match(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Determine whether a SynthesizerModeDesc has all the features specified by the require object.
match(Voice) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Determine whether a Voice has all the features defined in the require object.
message - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Printable string describing problem.
MISRECOGNITION - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
The MISRECOGNITION flag is used in a call to tokenCorrection to indicate that the change is a correction of an error made by the recognizer.


name - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Name of user identified by the profile.
NEW_LINE - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Special token representing the written form of the "New Line" directive.
NEW_PARAGRAPH - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
Special token representing the written form of the "New Paragraph" directive.
newEngineState - Variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Engine state following this event.
newRuleGrammar(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Create a new RuleGrammar for this recognizer with a specified grammar name.
newSpeakerProfile(SpeakerProfile) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Create a new SpeakerProfile for this Recognizer.
NOUN - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is noun.
NULL - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Special <NULL> rule of JSGF defining a rule that is always matched.
numTokens() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Returns the number of finalized tokens in a Result.


oldEngineState - Variable in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Engine state following prior to this event.
ONCE_OR_MORE - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
ONCE_OR_MORE indicates that the Rule may be spoken one or more times.
OPTIONAL - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
OPTIONAL indicates that the Rule is optional: zero or one occurrences.
orderByMatch(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineList
Order the list so that elements matching the required features are at the head of the list, and others are at the end.
OTHER - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Other grammatical category of word not specified elsewhere in this class.


packageName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
The rule's package name or null if not specified.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.AudioEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineErrorEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.EngineEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.SpeechEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
paramString() - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent
Returns a parameter string identifying this event.
parse(String, String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Parse a String against a RuleGrammar.
parse(String[], String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Parse a sequence of tokens against a RuleGrammar.
parse(FinalRuleResult, int, String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Parse the nth best result of a FinalRuleResult against a RuleGrammar.
PAUSED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.Engine
Bit of state that is set when an Engine is is in the ALLOCATED state and is PAUSED.
pause() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Pause the audio stream for the engine and put the Engine into the PAUSED state.
phoneme(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Returns the phoneme string for a text string.
plainText - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
True if the text object is plain text (not Java Speech Markup Language).
PREPOSITION - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is preposition.
problem - Variable in class javax.speech.EngineErrorEvent
Throwable object (Exception or Error) that describes the detected engine problem.
PROCESSING - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
PROCESSING is the bit of state that is set when an ALLOCATED Recognizer is producing a Result for incoming speech that may match an active grammar.
PRONOUN - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is pronoun.
PROPER_ADJECTIVE - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is proper adjective.
PROPER_NOUN - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is proper noun.


QUEUE_EMPTIED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent
The speaking queue of the Synthesizer has emptied and the Synthesizer has changed to the QUEUE_EMPTY state.
QUEUE_EMPTY - Static variable in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Bit of state that is set when the speech output queue of a Synthesizer is empty.
QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY - Static variable in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Bit of state that is set when the speech output queue of a Synthesizer is not empty.
QUEUE_UPDATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent
The speech output queue has changed.
queueEmptied(SynthesizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerAdapter
The synthesizer text output queue has emptied.
queueEmptied(SynthesizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerListener
An QUEUE_EMPTIED event has occurred indicating that the text output queue of the Synthesizer has emptied.
queueUpdated(SynthesizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerAdapter
The speaking queue has changed.
queueUpdated(SynthesizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerListener
An QUEUE_UPDATED event has occurred indicating that the speaking queue has changed.


RecognizerAudioEvent(Recognizer, int, float) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
Constructs an RecognizerAudioEvent with a specified event identifier and audio level.
RecognizerAudioEvent(Recognizer, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
Constructs an RecognizerAudioEvent with a specified event identifier.
RecognizerEvent(Recognizer, int, long, long, GrammarException) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
Construct a RecognizerEvent with a specified event source, event identifier, old and new states, and optionally a GrammarException for a CHANGES_COMMITTED event.
RecognizerModeDesc() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Construct a descriptor with null values ("don't care") for all recognizer features.
RecognizerModeDesc(Locale, Boolean) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Create a RecognizerModeDesc given a Locale and the dictation flag.
RecognizerModeDesc(String, String, Locale, Boolean, Boolean, SpeakerProfile[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Create a fully-specified descriptor.
ResultEvent(Result, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
Constructs a ResultEvent for a specified source Result and result event id.
ResultEvent(Result, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
Constructs a ResultEvent with an event type identifier.
ResultStateError(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.ResultStateError
Construct a ResultStateError with a message string.
ResultStateError() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.ResultStateError
Empty constructor for ResultStateError.
Rule() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.Rule
RuleAlternatives(Rule[], float[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Construct a RuleAlternatives object with an array of sub-rules and an array of weights.
RuleAlternatives(Rule[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Construct a RuleAlternatives object with an array of sub-rules.
RuleAlternatives(Rule) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Construct a RuleAlternatives object containing a single sub-rule.
RuleAlternatives() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Empty constructor creates zero-length list of alternatives.
RuleAlternatives(String[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Constructor for RuleAlternatives that produces a phrase list from an array of String objects.
RuleCount(Rule, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
RuleCount constructor with contained rule and count.
RuleCount() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Empty constructor sets rule to null and count to OPTIONAL.
RuleName(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Construct a RuleName from a string.
RuleName() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Empty constructor which sets the rule to <NULL>.
RuleName(String, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Construct a RuleName from its package-, grammar- and simple-name components.
RuleParse(RuleName, Rule) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Construct a RuleParse object for a named rule and a Rule object that represents the parse structure.
RuleParse() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Empty constructor for RuleParse object with rulename and rule set to null.
RuleSequence(Rule[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Construct a RuleSequence object with an array of sub-rules.
RuleSequence(Rule) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Construct a RuleSequence object containing a single Rule.
RuleSequence() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Empty constructor creates a sequence with zero rules.
RuleSequence(String[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Constructor for RuleSequence that is a sequence of strings that are converted to RuleTokens.
RuleTag(Rule, String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Construct a RuleTag with for Rule object with a tag string.
RuleTag() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Empty constructor sets the rule and tag to null.
RuleToken(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
Construct a RuleToken with the speakable string.
RuleToken() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
Empty constructor sets token text to null.
readVendorGrammar(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Create a new grammar by reading in a grammar stored in a vendor-specific format.
readVendorResult(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Read a Result object from a stream in a vendor-specific format.
readVendorSpeakerProfile(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Read a SpeakerProfile from a stream and return a reference to it.
RECOGNIZER_FOCUS - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Default value of activation mode that requires the Recognizer have focus and that there be no enabled grammars with RECOGNIZER_MODAL mode for the grammar to be activated.
RECOGNIZER_MODAL - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Value of activation mode that requires the Recognizer have focus for the grammar to be activated.
RECOGNIZER_PROCESSING - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
RECOGNIZER_PROCESSING event is issued when a Recognizer changes from the LISTENING state to the PROCESSING state to indicate that it is actively processing a recognition Result.
RECOGNIZER_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent
RECOGNIZER_SUSPENDED event is issued when a Recognizer changes from either the LISTENING state or the PROCESSING state to the SUSPENDED state.
RecognizerAdapter - class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAdapter.
The adapter which receives events for a Recognizer.
RecognizerAudioAdapter - class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioAdapter.
Adaptor for a audio events of a recognizer.
RecognizerAudioEvent - class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent.
Event issued to indicate detection of speech in the incoming audio stream or to periodically indicate the audio input level.
RecognizerAudioListener - interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioListener.
Extends the set of audio event of an engine for a recognizer by adding a audio level event.
RecognizerEvent - class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerEvent.
Event issued by Recognizer through RecognizerListener.
Recognizer - interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer.
A Recognizer provides access to speech recognition capabilities.
RecognizerListener - interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerListener.
Defines an extension to the EngineListener interface for specific events associated with a Recognizer.
RecognizerModeDesc - class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc.
RecognizerModeDesc extends the EngineModeDesc with properties that are specific to speech recognizers.
recognizerProcessing(RecognizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAdapter
A RECOGNIZER_PROCESSING event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the LISTENING state to the PROCESSING state.
recognizerProcessing(RecognizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerListener
A RECOGNIZER_PROCESSING event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from the LISTENING state to the PROCESSING state.
RecognizerProperties - interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties.
Enables control of the properties of a Recognizer.
recognizerSuspended(RecognizerEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAdapter
RECOGNIZER_SUSPENDED event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from either the LISTENING state or the PROCESSING state to the SUSPENDED state.
recognizerSuspended(RecognizerEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerListener
A RECOGNIZER_SUSPENDED event has been issued as a Recognizer changes from either the LISTENING state or the PROCESSING state to the SUSPENDED state.
registerEngineCentral(String) - Static method in class javax.speech.Central
Register a speech engine with the Central class for use by the current application.
REJECTED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
getResultState returns REJECTED once recognition of the result complete and the Result object has been finalized by being rejected.
rejectMatch(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineList
Remove EngineModeDesc entries from the list that do match require.
releaseAudio() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Release the result audio for the result.
releaseFocus() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Release the speech focus from this Recognizer.
releaseTrainingInfo() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Release training information for this FinalResult.
removeAudioListener(AudioListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.AudioManager
Detach an audio listener from this AudioManager.
removeEngineListener(EngineListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Remove a listener from this Engine.
removeGrammarListener(GrammarListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Remove a listener from this Grammar.
removeImport(RuleName) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Remove an import.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineProperties
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removeResultListener(ResultListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Remove a ResultListener from this Grammar.
removeResultListener(ResultListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Remove a ResultListener from this Recognizer.
removeResultListener(ResultListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
Remove a listener from this Result.
removeSpeakableListener(SpeakableListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Remove a SpeakableListener from this Synthesizer.
removeWord(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar
Remove a word from the DictationGrammar.
removeWords(Word[]) - Method in interface javax.speech.VocabManager
Remove an array of words from the vocabulary.
removeWord(Word) - Method in interface javax.speech.VocabManager
Remove a word from the vocabulary.
requestFocus() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Request the speech focus for this Recognizer from the underlying speech recognition engine.
requireMatch(EngineModeDesc) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineList
Remove EngineModeDesc entries from the list that do not match require.
reset() - Method in interface javax.speech.EngineProperties
The reset method returns all properties to reasonable defaults for the Engine.
resolve(RuleName) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Resolve a rulename reference within a RuleGrammar to a fully-qualified rulename.
RESULT_ACCEPTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
RESULT_ACCEPTED event is issued when a Result is successfully finalized and indicates a state change from UNFINALIZED to ACCEPTED.
RESULT_CREATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
RESULT_CREATED is issued when a new Result is created.
RESULT_REJECTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
RESULT_REJECTED event is issued when a Result is unsuccessfully finalized and indicates a change from the UNFINALIZED state to the REJECTED state.
RESULT_UPDATED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
RESULT_UPDATED is issued when one or more tokens of a Result are finalized or when the unfinalized tokens of a result are changed.
resultAccepted(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A RESULT_ACCEPTED event has occured.
resultAccepted(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
An RESULT_ACCEPTED event has occured indicating that a Result has transitioned from the UNFINALIZED state to the ACCEPTED state.
ResultAdapter - class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter.
The adapter which receives events for a Result object.
resultCreated(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A RESULT_CREATED event has occured.
resultCreated(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
A RESULT_CREATED event is issued when a Recognizer detects incoming speech that may match an active grammar of an application.
ResultEvent - class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent.
A ResultEvent is issued by a Result object to indicate changes in the recognized tokens and changes in state.
Result - interface javax.speech.recognition.Result.
A Result is issued by a Recognizer as it recognizes an incoming utterance that matches an active Grammar.
ResultListener - interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener.
The methods of a ResultListener receive notifications of events related to a Result object.
resultRejected(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A RESULT_REJECTED event has occured.
resultRejected(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
An RESULT_REJECTED event has occured indicating that a Result has transitioned from the UNFINALIZED state to the REJECTED state.
ResultStateError - error javax.speech.recognition.ResultStateError.
Signals an error caused by an illegal call to a method of FinalResult, FinalRuleResult or FinalDictationResult.
ResultToken - interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken.
A token (usually a word) contained by a Result representing something heard by a recognizer.
resultUpdated(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A RESULT_UPDATED event has occured.
resultUpdated(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
A RESULT_UPDATED event has occured because a token has been finalized and/or the unfinalized text of a result has changed.
RESUMED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.Engine
Bit of state that is set when an Engine is is in the ALLOCATED state and is RESUMED.
resume() - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Put the Engine in the RESUMED state to resume audio streaming to or from a paused engine.
revertCurrentSpeaker() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Restore the speaker profile for the current speaker to the last saved version.
RuleAlternatives - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives.
RuleAlternatives represents a Rule composed of a set of alternative sub-rules.
RuleCount - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount.
Attaches a count to a contained Rule object to indicate the number of times it may occur.
ruleForJSGF(String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Convert a String in partial Java Speech Grammar Format (JSGF) to a Rule object.
RuleGrammar - interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar.
RuleGrammar interface describes a Grammar that defines what users may say by a set rules.
Rule - class javax.speech.recognition.Rule.
A Rule object is the basic component of a RuleGrammar and represents anything that may appear on the right-hand side of a rule definition in Java Speech Grammar Format.
ruleName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarSyntaxDetail
Name of rule within grammar in which problem is encountered.
RuleName - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName.
A RuleName is a reference to a named rule.
ruleName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
The RuleName matched by the parse structure.
RuleParse - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse.
Represents the output of a parse of a Result or a string against a RuleGrammar.
rule - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
The rule to which the count applies.
rule - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
The Rule structure matching the RuleName.
rule - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
The tagged rule.
RuleSequence - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence.
RuleSequence is a Rule composed of a sequence of sub-rules that must each be spoken in order.
rules - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Set of alternative Rule objects.
rules - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Set of rules to be spoken in sequence.
RuleTag - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag.
RuleTag attaches a tag to a contained Rule object.
RuleToken - class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken.
RuleToken represents speakable text in a RuleGrammar.


SpeakableEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Constructs an SpeakableEvent with a specified source and identifier.
SpeakableEvent(Object, int, String, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Constructs an SpeakableEvent with a specified source, identifier, text and marker type (used for a MARKER_REACHED event).
SpeakableEvent(Object, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Constructor for a specified source, identifier, text, wordStart and wordEnd (called for a WORD_STARTED event).
SpeakerProfile() - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Null constructor sets all properties too null.
SpeakerProfile(String, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Constructor a profile object with all properties specified.
SpeechError(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechError
Constructs a SpeechException with a detail message.
SpeechError() - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechError
Empty constructor for SpeechException with no detail message.
SpeechEvent(Object) - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechEvent
Constructs a SpeechEvent with a specified source.
SpeechEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechEvent
Constructs a SpeechEvent.
SpeechException() - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechException
Constructs a SpeechException with no detail message.
SpeechException(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechException
Constructs a SpeechException with the specified detail message.
SpeechPermission(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechPermission
Creates a new SpeechPermission with the specified name.
SpeechPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.SpeechPermission
Creates a new SpeechPermission object with the specified name.
SynthesizerEvent(Synthesizer, int, boolean, long, long) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent
Construct a SynthesizerEvent with a specified event id and topOfQueueChanged flag.
SynthesizerModeDesc() - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Construct a descriptor with all features set to null.
SynthesizerModeDesc(Locale) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Create a SynthesizerModeDesc with a given Locale and other features set to null.
SynthesizerModeDesc(String, String, Locale, Boolean, Voice[]) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Create a fully-specified descriptor.
SynthesizerQueueItem(Object, String, boolean, SpeakableListener) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
Construct a SynthesizerQueueItem with the source object and speakable text.
saveCurrentSpeakerProfile() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Save the speaker profile for the current speaker.
SEPARATE - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A SpacingHint returned when a token should be presented separately from surrounding tokens (preceding and following spaces).
setActivationMode(int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Set the activation mode of a Grammar as RECOGNIZER_FOCUS, RECOGNIZER_MODAL, or GLOBAL.
setAge(int) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Set the voice age.
setCategories(long) - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Set the categories of the Word.
setCompleteTimeout(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the CompleteTimeout property in seconds.
setConfidenceLevel(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the recognizer's "ConfidenceLevel" property.
setContext(String, String) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar
Provide the recognition engine with the current textual context.
setContext(String[], String[]) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.DictationGrammar
Provide the recognition engine with the current textual context with arrays of the previous and following tokens.
setCount(int) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Set the count.
setCurrentSpeaker(SpeakerProfile) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Set the current SpeakerProfile.
setDetails(GrammarSyntaxDetail[]) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.GrammarException
Set the grammar syntax problem descriptions.
setDictationGrammarSupported(Boolean) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Set the dictationGrammarSupported parameter.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Grammar
Set the enabled property of a Grammar.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Set the enabled property for a RuleGrammar.
setEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Set the enabled property for a specified public rule.
setEnabled(String[], boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Set the enabled property for a set of public rules of a RuleGrammar.
setEngineName(String) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Set the engine name.
setGender(int) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Set the voice gender.
setId(String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Set the SpeakerProfile identifier.
setIncompleteTimeout(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the IncompleteTimeout property in seconds.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Set the Locale.
setModeName(String) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Set the mode name.
setName(String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Set the speaker name.
setName(String) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Set the voice name.
setNumResultAlternatives(int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the "NumResultAlternatives" property.
setPitchRange(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Set the pitch range for the current synthesis voice.
setPitch(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Set the baseline pitch for the current synthesis voice.
setPronunciations(String[]) - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Set the pronunciation of the Word as an array containing a phonetic character String for each pronunciation of the word.
setResultAudioProvided(boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the "ResultAudioProvided" property.
setRuleName(String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Set the rulename.
setRuleName(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Set the rule's name with package name, simple grammar name and simple rulename components.
setRuleName(RuleName) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Set the matched RuleName.
setRule(Rule) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Set the contained Rule object.
setRule(String, Rule, boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Set a rule in the grammar either by creating a new rule or updating an existing rule.
setRule(Rule) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Set the Rule object matched to the RuleName.
setRule(Rule) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Set the Rule object to be tagged.
setRules(Rule[]) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Set the array of alternative sub-rules.
setRules(Rule[]) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Set the array of rules in the sequence.
setRunning(Boolean) - Method in class javax.speech.EngineModeDesc
Set the running feature.
setSensitivity(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the "Sensitivity" property.
setSpeakerProfiles(SpeakerProfile[]) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerModeDesc
Set the list of speaker profiles.
setSpeakingRate(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Set the target speaking rate for the synthesis voice in words per minute.
setSpeedVsAccuracy(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Get the "SpeedVsAccuracy" property.
setSpokenForm(String) - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Set the "spoken form" of the Word.
setStyle(String) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Set the voice style.
setTag(String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Set the tag string for the Rule.
setText(String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
Set the text.
setTrainingProvided(boolean) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerProperties
Set the TrainingProvided property.
setVariant(String) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Get the variant description.
setVoices(Voice[]) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc
Set the list of synthesizer voices.
setVoice(Voice) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Set the current synthesizer voice.
setVolume(float) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties
Set the volume for the synthesizer's speech output as a value between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 0.0 indicates silence.
setWeights(float[]) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Set the array of weights for the rules.
setWrittenForm(String) - Method in class javax.speech.Word
Set the "written form" of the Word.
simpleGrammarName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
The rule's simple grammar name or null if not specified.
simpleRuleName - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
The simple rulename.
source - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
The soure object for an item on the speech output queue.
SPEAKABLE_CANCELLED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued when an item on the synthesizer's speech output queue is cancelled and removed from the queue.
SPEAKABLE_ENDED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued with the completion of audio output of an object on the speech output queue as the object is removed from the queue.
SPEAKABLE_PAUSED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued when audio output of the item at the top of a synthesizer's speech output queue is paused.
SPEAKABLE_RESUMED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued when audio output of the item at the top of a synthesizer's speech output queue is resumed after a previous pause.
SPEAKABLE_STARTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued at the start of audio output of an item on the speech output queue.
SpeakableAdapter - class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter.
Adapter that receives events associated with spoken output of a Speakable object.
speakableCancelled(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A SPEAKABLE_CANCELLED event has occurred.
speakableCancelled(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A SPEAKABLE_CANCELLED event has occurred.
speakableEnded(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A SPEAKABLE_ENDED event has occurred.
speakableEnded(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A SPEAKABLE_ENDED event has occurred.
SpeakableEvent - class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent.
Event issued during spoken output of text.
Speakable - interface javax.speech.synthesis.Speakable.
An object implementing the Speakable interface can be provided to the speak method of a Synthesizer to be spoken.
SpeakableListener - interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener.
The listener interface for receiving notification of events during spoken output of a Speakable.
speakablePaused(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A SPEAKABLE_PAUSED event has occurred.
speakablePaused(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A SPEAKABLE_PAUSED event has occurred.
speakableResumed(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A SPEAKABLE_RESUMED event has occurred.
speakableResumed(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A SPEAKABLE_RESUMED event has occurred.
speakableStarted(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A SPEAKABLE_STARTED event has occurred.
speakableStarted(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A SPEAKABLE_STARTED event has occurred.
SpeakerManager - interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager.
Provides control of SpeakerProfiles for a Recognizer.
SpeakerProfile - class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile.
A SpeakerProfile object is used to identify each enrollment by a user to a Recognizer.
speakPlainText(String, SpeakableListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Speak a plain text string.
speak(Speakable, SpeakableListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Speak an object that implements the Speakable interface and provides text marked with the Java Speech Markup Language.
speak(URL, SpeakableListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Speak text from a URL formatted with the Java Speech Markup Language.
speak(String, SpeakableListener) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer
Speak a string containing text formatted with the Java Speech Markup Language.
SPEECH_STARTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
The recognizer has detected the possible start of speech in the incoming audio.
SPEECH_STOPPED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioEvent
The recognizer has detected the end of speech or noise in the incoming audio that it previously indicated by a SPEECH_STARTED event.
SpeechError - error javax.speech.SpeechError.
Signals that an error has occurred in the javax.speech package.
SpeechEvent - class javax.speech.SpeechEvent.
The root event class for all speech events.
SpeechException - exception javax.speech.SpeechException.
Signals that a Java Speech API exception has occurred.
SpeechPermission - class javax.speech.SpeechPermission.
This class represents speech permissions.
speechStarted(RecognizerAudioEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioAdapter
The recognizer has detected a possible start of speech.
speechStarted(RecognizerAudioEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioListener
The recognizer has detected a possible start of speech.
speechStopped(RecognizerAudioEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioAdapter
The recognizer has detected a possible end of speech.
speechStopped(RecognizerAudioEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RecognizerAudioListener
The recognizer has detected a possible end of speech.
SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
SUSPENDED is the bit of state that is set when an ALLOCATED Recognizer is temporarily suspended while grammar definition and grammar enabled settings are updated.
suspend() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Temporarily suspend recognition while the application updates grammars prior to a commitChanges call.
SynthesizerAdapter - class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerAdapter.
Adapter that receives events associated with a Synthesizer.
SynthesizerEvent - class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent.
Event issued by Synthesizer to indicate a change in state or other activity.
Synthesizer - interface javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer.
The Synthesizer interface provides primary access to speech synthesis capabilities.
SynthesizerListener - interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerListener.
An extension to the EngineListener interface for receiving notification of events associated with a Synthesizer.
SynthesizerModeDesc - class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc.
SynthesizerModeDesc extends the EngineModeDesc with properties that are specific to speech synthesizers.
SynthesizerProperties - interface javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties.
Provides control of the run-time properties of a Synthesizer.
SynthesizerQueueItem - class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem.
Represents an object on the speech output queue of a Synthesizer.


tag - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
The tag string for the rule.
testEngineState(long) - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Returns true if the current engine state matches the specified state.
text - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
The token text.
text - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
The text associated with the SpeakableEvent.
text - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerQueueItem
The speakable text for an item on the speech output queue.
tokenCorrection(String[], ResultToken, ResultToken, int) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
Inform the recognizer of a correction to one of more tokens in a finalized result so that the recognizer can re-train itself.
tokenFinalized - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
True if the ResultEvent indicates that one or more tokens have been finalized.
TOP_OF_QUEUE - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued when an item on the synthesizer's speech output queue reaches the top of the queue.
topOfQueueChanged - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerEvent
topOfQueueChanged is true for QUEUE_UPDATED event when the top item in the speech output queue has changed.
topOfQueue(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A TOP_OF_QUEUE event has occurred.
topOfQueue(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A TOP_OF_QUEUE event has occurred.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.Rule
Return a string representing the Rule in partial Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Return a String representing this object as partial Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
Return a string representing the RuleCount object in partial Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.RuleGrammar
Return a string containing a specification for this RuleGrammar in Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Return a String representing the RuleName as partial Java Speech Grammar Format text.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleParse
Convert a RuleParse to a string with a similar style to the Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleSequence
Return a String representing this RuleSequence object as partial Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleTag
Return a String representing the RuleTag object in partial Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleToken
Return a string representing the RuleToken in partial Java Speech Grammar Format.
toString() - Method in class javax.speech.SpeechEvent
Return a printable String.
TRAINING_INFO_RELEASED - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
TRAINING_INFO_RELEASED event is issued when the training information for a finaliized result is released.
trainingInfoReleased(ResultEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultAdapter
A TRAINING_INFO_RELEASED event has occured.
trainingInfoReleased(ResultEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultListener
A TRAINING_INFO_RELEASED event has occured.


UNFINALIZED - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.Result
getResultState returns UNFINALIZED while a result is still being recognized.
unfinalizedTokensChanged - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.ResultEvent
True if the ResultEvent indicates that the unfinalized tokens have changed.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is unknown.
UPPERCASE - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.ResultToken
A CapitalizationHint indicating that the following word should be presented in uppercase.
USER_CHANGE - Static variable in interface javax.speech.recognition.FinalResult
The USER_CHANGE flag is used in a call to tokenCorrection to indicate that the user has modified the text that was returned by the recognizer to something different from what they actually said.


VendorDataException() - Constructor for class javax.speech.VendorDataException
Construct a VendorDataException with no detail message.
VendorDataException(String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.VendorDataException
Construct a VendorDataException with the specified detail message.
Voice() - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Empty constructor sets voice name and style to null, and age and gender to "don't care" values.
Voice(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice
Constructor provided with voice name, gender, age and style.
variant - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerProfile
Name of variant enrollment of a user.
VendorDataException - exception javax.speech.VendorDataException.
Signals that a problem has been encountered loading or saving some type of vendor-specific data.
VERB - Static variable in class javax.speech.Word
Grammatical category of word is verb.
VocabManager - interface javax.speech.VocabManager.
Interface for management of words used by a speech Engine.
Voice - class javax.speech.synthesis.Voice.
A description of one output voice of a speech synthesizer.
VOID - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleName
Special <VOID> rule of JSGF defining a rule that can never be matched.


waitEngineState(long) - Method in interface javax.speech.Engine
Blocks the calling thread until the Engine is in a specified state.
weights - Variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleAlternatives
Array of weights for each alternative Rule or null if the rules are equally likely.
WORD_STARTED - Static variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Issued when a synthesis engine starts the audio output of a word in the speech output queue item.
wordEnd - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Index of last character of of word in JSML text for a WORD_STARTED event.
Word - class javax.speech.Word.
The Word class provides a standard representation of speakable words for speech engines.
wordStarted(SpeakableEvent) - Method in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableAdapter
A WORD_STARTED event has occurred.
wordStarted(SpeakableEvent) - Method in interface javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableListener
A WORD_STARTED event has occurred.
wordStart - Variable in class javax.speech.synthesis.SpeakableEvent
Index of first character of of word in JSML text for a WORD_STARTED event.
writeVendorGrammar(OutputStream, Grammar) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Store a grammar in a vendor-specific format.
writeVendorResult(OutputStream, Result) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.Recognizer
Store a finalized Result object in a vendor-specific format so that it can be re-loaded in a future session.
writeVendorSpeakerProfile(OutputStream, SpeakerProfile) - Method in interface javax.speech.recognition.SpeakerManager
Write the speaker profile of the named speaker to a stream.


ZERO_OR_MORE - Static variable in class javax.speech.recognition.RuleCount
ZERO_OR_MORE indicates that the Rule may be spoken zero or more times.

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JavaTM Speech API
Copyright 1997-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
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