
This package contains core JAX-WSA APIs.


Interface Summary
AddressingConstants Encapsulation for version-specific WS-Addressing constants.
AddressingProperties Abstraction of Message Addressing Properties.
AddressingType Interface implemented by wrappers for types defined by WS-Addressing.
AttributedQName Abstraction of AttributedQNameType defined in the normative WS-Addressing core schema.
AttributedURI Abstraction AttributedURIType defined in the normative WS-Addressing core schema.
AttributeExtensible Extensible is implemented by classes exposinga Map of Attributes.
ElementExtensible ElementExtensible is implemented by classes exposing a List of SOAPElements.
EndpointReference Abstraction of EndpointReference.
Metadata Abstraction of Metadata bucket in an EndpointReference.
ReferenceParameters Abstraction of ReferenceParameters bucket in an EndpointReference.
Relationship Abstraction of the RelatesToType defined by WS-Addressing.

Class Summary
AddressingBuilder Factory for AddressingElements.
JAXWSAConstants Static constants for the package.

Exception Summary
ActionNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when the action message addressing property in the message is not supported at an endpoint.
AddressingException The base class for JAX-WSA related exceptions.
DestinationUnreachableException This exception is thrown when no endpoint can be found capable of acting in the role of the destination property.
EndpointUnavailableException This exception is thrown when endpoint is unable to process the message at this time either due to some transient issue or a permanent failure.
InvalidMapException This exception is thrown when a message addressing property cannot be processed.
MapRequiredException This exception is thrown when a required message addressing property is absent.

Annotation Types Summary
Action The Action annotation can be specified on each method of a service endpoint interface or implementation.
FaultAction The FaultAction annotation can be specified on each method of a service endpoint interface or implementation that throws an exception.

Package Description

This package contains core JAX-WSA APIs. Its contents include:

Value Types

AttributedURI, AttributedQName, EndpointReference, Metadata, ReferenceParameters, Relationship

Interfaces representing value types corresponding to the types defined in the WS-Addressing Schema.

The data models defined by the interfaces match those in the corresponding types in the schema. When those types allow extensibility elements or attributes, the interfaces derive from

AttributeExtensible or ElementExtensible

that are abstractions for the extensibility collections that allow an implementation to control additions to the collections.

Implementations of the interfaces are required to support the JAX-WS 2.0 Java to XML data binding requirements. In particular, using JAXB, the classes must serialize to valid types in the WS-Addressing schema.


The package contains Exception subclasses that map to each fault defined by the WS-Addressing specification.

ActionUnsupportedException, DestinationUnreachableException, EndpointUnavailableException, InvalidMessageAddressingPropertyException, MessageAddressingPropertyRequiredException


The JAX-WSA specification is based on the upcoming W3C Version of WS-Addressing and implementations must support that version. To ease migration to future versions of the WS-Addressing specification, all classes with any dependency on a particular WS-Addressing schema must implement the AddressingType interface, whose sole method, getAddressingVersion() returns the namespace URI of the WS-Addressing schema. The JAX-WSA specification requires that the versions of all the classes in an implementation as determined by the return value of getAddressingVersion, match the version of the implementation.


The AddressingProperties interface represents the abstract collection of properties defined by WS-Addressing. It is derived fromMap<QName, AddressingType> . The keys in the map are the names of the abstract properties and the values are types defined by JAX-WSA. The interface also includes methods reflecting semantics defined by WS-Addressing, such as formulating a reply message and addressing a message using an EndpointReference.


AddressingBuilder is an abstract class whose methods are used to instantiate classes belonging to an implementation of JAX-WSA. The reference implementation is used by default, but the behavior of AddressingBuilder can be customized to use other impementations.