Package com.sun.sql.rowset

Provides classes and interfaces for handling result sets returned by databases.


Interface Summary
CachedRowSetX The extened interface that all implementations of CachedRowSetX must implement.
JdbcRowSetX The standard interface that all standard implementations of JdbcRowSetX must implement.
RowSetMetaDataX An object that contains information about the columns in a RowSet object.
SyncResolverX Extends javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver so that SQLExceptions for each conflict can be retrieved.

Class Summary
BaseRowSetX An abstract class extending javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet which contains changes necessary to support using RowSets as java beans.
CachedRowSetXImpl The reference implementation of the CachedRowSetX interface.
JdbcRowSetXImpl The standard implementation of the JdbcRowSetX interface.
RowSetMetaDataXImpl Implements RowSetMetaDataX

Package com.sun.sql.rowset Description

Provides classes and interfaces for handling result sets returned by databases.

These classes are capable of retrieving, updating, inserting and deleting rows from resultsets in a disconnected (CachedRowSetX) or connected (JdbcRowSetX) manner.

The CachedRowSetX and JdbcRowSetX interfaces are significant extensions of the CachedRowSet and JdbcRowSet interfaces. See CachedRowSet and JdbcRowSet for how to use RowSets. See CachedRowSetX and JdbcRowSetX for the details of the extensions in this package.

Besides the two extensions above (CachedRowSetX and JdbcRowSetX), this package also contains the following (see the documentation each interface/class for details).

Package Specification


Related Documentation