Serialized Form

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.BaseRow extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Object[] origVals
The array containing the original values for this BaseRow object.


Class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 4886719666485113312l

Serialized Fields

binaryStream binaryStream
The InputStream object that will be returned by the method getBinaryStream, which is specified in the ResultSet interface.


unicodeStream unicodeStream
The InputStream object that will be returned by the method getUnicodeStream, which is specified in the ResultSet interface.


asciiStream asciiStream
The InputStream object that will be returned by the method getAsciiStream, which is specified in the ResultSet interface.


charStream charStream
The Reader object that will be returned by the method getCharacterStream, which is specified in the ResultSet interface.



java.lang.String command
The query that will be sent to the DBMS for execution when the method execute is called.



java.lang.String URL
The JDBC URL the reader, writer, or both supply to the method DriverManager.getConnection when the DriverManager is used to get a connection.

The JDBC URL identifies the driver to be used to make the conndection. This URL can be found in the documentation supplied by the driver vendor.



java.lang.String dataSource
The logical name of the data source that the reader/writer should use in order to retrieve a DataSource object from a Java Directory and Naming Interface (JNDI) naming service.



int rowSetType
A constant indicating the type of this JDBC RowSet object. It must be one of the following ResultSet constants: TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE.



boolean showDeleted
A boolean indicating whether deleted rows are visible in this JDBC RowSet object .



int queryTimeout
The maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a command to execute. This limit applies while this JDBC RowSet object is connected to its data source, that is, while it is populating itself with data and while it is writing data back to the data source.



int maxRows
The maximum number of rows the reader should read.



int maxFieldSize
The maximum field size the reader should read.



int concurrency
A constant indicating the concurrency of this JDBC RowSet object. It must be one of the following ResultSet constants: CONCUR_READ_ONLY or CONCUR_UPDATABLE.



boolean readOnly
A boolean indicating whether this JDBC RowSet object is read-only. true indicates that it is read-only; false that it is writable.



boolean escapeProcessing
A boolean indicating whether the reader for this JDBC RowSet object should perform escape processing. true means that escape processing is turned on; false that it is not. The default is true.



int isolation
A constant indicating the isolation level of the connection for this JDBC RowSet object . It must be one of the following Connection constants: TRANSACTION_NONE, TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ or TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE.



int fetchDir
A constant used as a hint to the driver that indicates the direction in which data from this JDBC RowSet object is going to be fetched. The following ResultSet constants are possible values: FETCH_FORWARD, FETCH_REVERSE, FETCH_UNKNOWN.

Unused at this time.



int fetchSize
A hint to the driver that indicates the expected number of rows in this JDBC RowSet object .

Unused at this time.



java.util.Map map
The java.util.Map object that contains entries mapping SQL type names to classes in the Java programming language for the custom mapping of user-defined types.



java.util.Vector listeners
A Vector object that holds the list of listeners that have registered with this RowSet object.



java.util.Hashtable params
A Vector object that holds the parameters set for this RowSet object's current command.


Class com.sun.sql.rowset.BaseRowSetX extends BaseRowSet implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int maxRows
The maximum number of rows the reader should read.



int fetchDir
Supplants the fetchDir in the superclass A constant used as a hint to the driver that indicates the direction in which data from this JDBC RowSet object is going to be fetched. The following ResultSet constants are possible values: FETCH_FORWARD, FETCH_REVERSE, FETCH_UNKNOWN.

Unused at this time.



int fetchSize
A hint to the driver that indicates the expected number of rows in this JDBC RowSet object .

Unused at this time.


Class com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


SyncProvider provider
The SyncProvider used by the CachedRowSet


javax.sql.RowSetReader rowSetReader
The RowSetReaderImpl object that is the reader for this rowset. The method execute uses this reader as part of its implementation.



javax.sql.RowSetWriter rowSetWriter
The RowSetWriterImpl object that is the writer for this rowset. The method acceptChanges uses this writer as part of its implementation.



RowSetMetaDataImpl RowSetMD
The RowSetMetaData object that contains information about the columns in this CachedRowSetImpl object.



int[] keyCols
An array containing the columns in this CachedRowSetImpl object that form a unique identifier for a row. This array is used by the writer.



java.lang.String tableName
The name of the table in the underlying database to which updates should be written. This name is needed because most drivers do not return this information in a ResultSetMetaData object.



java.util.Vector rvh
A Vector object containing the Row objects that comprise this CachedRowSetImpl object.



int cursorPos
The current postion of the cursor in this CachedRowSetImpl object.



int absolutePos
The current postion of the cursor in this CachedRowSetImpl object not counting rows that have been deleted, if any.

For example, suppose that the cursor is on the last row of a rowset that started with five rows and subsequently had the second and third rows deleted. The absolutePos would be 3, whereas the cursorPos would be 5.



int numDeleted
The number of deleted rows currently in this CachedRowSetImpl object.



int numRows
The total number of rows currently in this CachedRowSetImpl object.



InsertRow insertRow
A special row used for constructing a new row. A new row is constructed by using ResultSet.updateXXX methods to insert column values into the insert row.



boolean onInsertRow
A boolean indicating whether the cursor is currently on the insert row.



int currentRow
The field that temporarily holds the last position of the cursor before it moved to the insert row, thus preserving the number of the current row to which the cursor may return.



boolean lastValueNull
A boolean indicating whether the last value returned was an SQL NULL.



java.sql.SQLWarning sqlwarn
A SQLWarning which logs on the warnings


java.lang.String strMatchColumn
Used to track match column for JoinRowSet consumption


int iMatchColumn
Used to track match column for JoinRowSet consumption


RowSetWarning rowsetWarning
A RowSetWarning which logs on the warnings


The default SyncProvider for the RI CachedRowSetImpl


boolean dbmslocatorsUpdateCopy
The boolean variable indicating locatorsUpdateValue


java.sql.ResultSet resultSet
The ResultSet object that is used to maintain the data when a ResultSet and start position are passed as parameters to the populate function


int endPos
The integer value indicating the end position in the ResultSetwhere the picking up of rows for populating a CachedRowSet object was left off.


int prevEndPos
The integer value indicating the end position in the ResultSetwhere the picking up of rows for populating a CachedRowSet object was left off.


int startPos
The integer value indicating the position in the ResultSet, to populate the CachedRowSet object.


int startPrev
The integer value indicating the positon from where the page prior to this was populated.


int pageSize
The integer value indicating size of the page.


int maxRowsreached
The integer value indicating number of rows that have been processed so far. Used for checking whether maxRows has been reached or not.


boolean pagenotend
The boolean value when true signifies that pages are still to follow and a false value indicates that this is the last page.


boolean onFirstPage
The boolean value indicating whether this is the first page or not.


boolean onLastPage
The boolean value indicating whether this is the last page or not.


int populatecallcount
The integer value indicating how many times the populate function has been called.


int totalRows
The integer value indicating the total number of rows to be processed in the ResultSet object passed to the populate function.


boolean callWithCon
The boolean value indicating how the CahedRowSet object has been populated for paging purpose. True indicates that connection parameter is passed.


CachedRowSetReader crsReader
CachedRowSet reader object to read the data from the ResultSet when a connection parameter is passed to populate the CachedRowSet object for paging.


java.util.Vector iMatchColumns
The Vector holding the Match Columns


java.util.Vector strMatchColumns
The Vector that will hold the Match Column names.


boolean tXWriter
Trigger that indicates whether the active SyncProvider is exposes the additional TransactionalWriter method


TransactionalWriter tWriter
The field object for a transactional RowSet writer

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.CachedRowSetReader extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int writerCalls
The field that keeps track of whether the writer associated with this CachedRowSetReader object's rowset has been called since the rowset was populated.

When this CachedRowSetReader object reads data into its rowset, it sets the field writerCalls to 0. When the writer associated with the rowset is called to write data back to the underlying data source, its writeData method calls the method CachedRowSetReader.reset, which increments writerCalls and returns true if writerCalls is 1. Thus, writerCalls equals 1 after the first call to writeData that occurs after the rowset has had data read into it.



boolean userCon


int startPosition

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.CachedRowSetWriter extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.sql.Connection con
The Connection object that this writer will use to make a connection to the data source to which it will write data.



java.lang.String selectCmd
The SQL SELECT command that this writer will call internally. The method initSQLStatements builds this command by supplying the words "SELECT" and "FROM," and using metadata to get the table name and column names .



java.lang.String updateCmd
The SQL UPDATE command that this writer will call internally to write data to the rowset's underlying data source. The method initSQLStatements builds this String object.



java.lang.String updateWhere
The SQL WHERE clause the writer will use for update statements in the PreparedStatement object it sends to the underlying data source.



java.lang.String deleteCmd
The SQL DELETE command that this writer will call internally to delete a row in the rowset's underlying data source.



java.lang.String deleteWhere
The SQL WHERE clause the writer will use for delete statements in the PreparedStatement object it sends to the underlying data source.



java.lang.String insertCmd
The SQL INSERT INTO command that this writer will internally use to insert data into the rowset's underlying data source. The method initSQLStatements builds this command with a question mark parameter placeholder for each column in the rowset.



int[] keyCols
An array containing the column numbers of the columns that are needed to uniquely identify a row in the CachedRowSet object for which this CachedRowSetWriter object is the writer.



java.lang.Object[] params
An array of the parameters that should be used to set the parameter placeholders in a PreparedStatement object that this writer will execute.



CachedRowSetReader reader
The CachedRowSetReader object that has been set as the reader for the CachedRowSet object for which this CachedRowSetWriter object is the writer.



java.sql.ResultSetMetaData callerMd
The ResultSetMetaData object that contains information about the columns in the CachedRowSet object for which this CachedRowSetWriter object is the writer.



int callerColumnCount
The number of columns in the CachedRowSet object for which this CachedRowSetWriter object is the writer.



CachedRowSetImpl crsResolve
This CachedRowSet will hold the conflicting values retrieved from the db and hold it.


java.util.ArrayList status
This ArrayList will hold the values of SyncResolver.*


int iChangedValsInDbAndCRS
This will check whether the same field value has changed both in database and CachedRowSet.


int iChangedValsinDbOnly
This will hold the number of cols for which the values have changed only in database.

Class com.sun.sql.rowset.CachedRowSetXImpl extends BaseRowSetX implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport
The PropertyChangeSupport object helps in providing support for property change listeners.


boolean executed
The executed flag tells us whether to throw exceptions when methods are called that require the rowset to have been executed


boolean internalUseInstance
The internalUseInstance flag tells to ignore exceptional conditions with regard to the rowset not being executed. We must do this because this class is also used internally and methods are called that would result in a rowset not executed sqlexception if the user called them.


SyncProvider provider
The SyncProvider used by the CachedRowSet


javax.sql.RowSetReader rowSetReader
The RowSetReaderImpl object that is the reader for this rowset. The method execute uses this reader as part of its implementation.



javax.sql.RowSetWriter rowSetWriter
The RowSetWriterImpl object that is the writer for this rowset. The method acceptChanges uses this writer as part of its implementation.



RowSetMetaDataXImpl rowSetMD
The RowSetMetaData object that contains information about the columns in this CachedRowSetXImpl object.



int[] keyCols
An array containing the columns in this CachedRowSetXImpl object that form a unique identifier for a row. This array is used by the writer.



java.lang.String tableName
The name of the table in the underlying database to which updates should be written. This name is needed because most drivers do not return this information in a ResultSetMetaData object.



java.util.Vector rvh
A Vector object containing the Row objects that comprise this CachedRowSetXImpl object.



int cursorPos
The current postion of the cursor in this CachedRowSetXImpl object.



int absolutePos
The current postion of the cursor in this CachedRowSetXImpl object not counting rows that have been deleted, if any.

For example, suppose that the cursor is on the last row of a rowset that started with five rows and subsequently had the second and third rows deleted. The absolutePos would be 3, whereas the cursorPos would be 5.



int numDeleted
The number of deleted rows currently in this CachedRowSetXImpl object.



int numRows
The total number of rows currently in this CachedRowSetXImpl object.



InsertRow insertRow
A special row used for constructing a new row. A new row is constructed by using ResultSet.updateXXX methods to insert column values into the insert row.



boolean onInsertRow
A boolean indicating whether the cursor is currently on the insert row.



int currentRow
The field that temporarily holds the last position of the cursor before it moved to the insert row, thus preserving the number of the current row to which the cursor may return.



boolean lastValueNull
A boolean indicating whether the last value returned was an SQL NULL.



java.sql.SQLWarning sqlwarn
A SQLWarning which logs on the warnings


java.lang.String strMatchColumn
Used to track match column for JoinRowSet consumption


int iMatchColumn
Used to track match column for JoinRowSet consumption


RowSetWarning rowsetWarning
A RowSetWarning which logs on the warnings


The default SyncProvider for the RI CachedRowSetXImpl


boolean dbmslocatorsUpdateCopy
The boolean variable indicating locatorsUpdateValue


java.sql.ResultSet resultSet
The ResultSet object that is used to maintain the data when a ResultSet and start position are passed as parameters to the populate function


int endPos
The integer value indicating the end position in the ResultSetwhere the picking up of rows for populating a CachedRowSet object was left off.


int prevEndPos
The integer value indicating the end position in the ResultSetwhere the picking up of rows for populating a CachedRowSet object was left off.


int startPos
The integer value indicating the position in the ResultSet, to populate the CachedRowSet object.


int startPrev
The integer value indicating the positon from where the page prior to this was populated.


int pageSize
The integer value indicating size of the page.


int maxRowsreached
The integer value indicating number of rows that have been processed so far. Used for checking whether maxRows has been reached or not.


boolean pagenotend
The boolean value when true signifies that pages are still to follow and a false value indicates that this is the last page.


boolean onFirstPage
The boolean value indicating whether this is the first page or not.


boolean onLastPage
The boolean value indicating whether this is the last page or not.


int populatecallcount
The integer value indicating how many times the populate function has been called.


int totalRows
The integer value indicating the total number of rows to be processed in the ResultSet object passed to the populate function.


boolean callWithCon
The boolean value indicating how the CahedRowSet object has been populated for paging purpose. True indicates that connection parameter is passed.


CachedRowSetXReader crsReader
CachedRowSet reader object to read the data from the ResultSet when a connection parameter is passed to populate the CachedRowSet object for paging.


java.util.Vector iMatchColumns
The Vector holding the Match Columns


java.util.Vector strMatchColumns
The Vector that will hold the Match Column names.


boolean tXWriter
Trigger that indicates whether the active SyncProvider is exposes the additional TransactionalWriter method


TransactionalWriter tWriter
The field object for a transactional RowSet writer


java.lang.String catalogName


java.lang.String schemaName


java.lang.String[] columnCatalogNames


java.lang.String[] columnSchemaNames


java.lang.String[] columnTableNames


java.lang.String[] columnNames


boolean[] insertableColumns


boolean[] updatableColumns


boolean printStatements

Class com.sun.rowset.FilteredRowSetImpl extends WebRowSetImpl implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Predicate p


boolean onInsertRow

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.InsertRow extends BaseRow implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.util.BitSet colsInserted
An internal BitSet object used to keep track of the columns in this InsertRow object that have had a value inserted.


int cols
The number of columns in this InsertRow object.

Class com.sun.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.sql.Connection conn
The Connection object that is this rowset's current connection to the database. This field is set internally when the connection is established.


java.sql.PreparedStatement ps
The PreparedStatement object that is this rowset's current command. This field is set internally when the method execute creates the PreparedStatement object.


java.sql.ResultSet rs
The ResultSet object that is this rowset's current result set. This field is set internally when the method execute executes the rowset's command and thereby creates the rowset's ResultSet object.


RowSetMetaDataImpl rowsMD
The RowSetMetaDataImpl object that is contructed when a ResultSet object is passed to the JdbcRowSet constructor. This helps in constructing all metadata associated with the ResultSet object using the setter methods of RowSetMetaDataImpl.


java.sql.ResultSetMetaData resMD
The ResultSetMetaData object from which this RowSetMetaDataImpl is formed and which helps in getting the metadata information.


java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport
The property that helps to fire the property changed event when certain properties are changed in the JdbcRowSet object. This property is being added to satisfy Rave requirements.


java.util.Vector iMatchColumns
The Vector holding the Match Columns


java.util.Vector strMatchColumns
The Vector that will hold the Match Column names.

Class com.sun.sql.rowset.JdbcRowSetXImpl extends BaseRowSetX implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


boolean onInsertRow


java.util.HashMap insertedRowObjects


boolean wasNullObject


boolean autoCommit
The autoCommit property of the Connection object that is this JdbcRowSetXImpl object's connection to the database. This field is set internally when the connection is established.


java.sql.Connection conn
The Connection object that is this JdbcRowSetXImpl object's connection to the database. This field is set internally when the connection is established.


int holdability
The holdability property of the JdbcRowSetXImpl object. This field is set internally when prepareStatement is called as a result of various methods being called on the JdbcRowSetXImpl (e.g., execute(), getMetaData(), getParameterMetaData())


java.sql.PreparedStatement ps
The PreparedStatement object that this JdbcRowSetXImpl object uses internally.


java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport
The PropertyChangeSupport object helps in providing support for property change listeners.


java.sql.ResultSet rs
The ResultSet object that is this JdbcRowSetXImpl object's current result set. This field is set internally when the method execute executes the PreparedStatement and thereby creates creates the internal ResultSet object.


java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmd
The ResultSetMetaData object that is associated with the PreparedStatement and the ResultSet


java.util.Vector iMatchColumns
The Vector holding the Match Columns


java.util.Vector strMatchColumns
The Vector that will hold the Match Column names.

Class com.sun.rowset.JoinRowSetImpl extends WebRowSetImpl implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.util.Vector vecRowSetsInJOIN
A Vector object that contains the RowSet objects that have been added to this JoinRowSet object.


CachedRowSetImpl crsInternal
The CachedRowSet object that encapsulates this JoinRowSet object. When RowSet objects are added to this JoinRowSet object, they are also added to crsInternal to form the same kind of SQL JOIN. As a result, methods for making updates to this JoinRowSet object can use crsInternal methods in their implementations.


java.util.Vector vecJoinType
A Vector object containing the types of join that have been set for this JoinRowSet object. The last join type set forms the basis of succeeding joins.


java.util.Vector vecTableNames
A Vector object containing the names of all the tables entering the join.


int iMatchKey
An int that indicates the column index of the match column.


java.lang.String strMatchKey
A String object that stores the name of the match column.


boolean[] supportedJOINs
An array of boolean values indicating the types of joins supported by this JoinRowSet implementation.


WebRowSet wrs
The WebRowSet object that encapsulates this JoinRowSet object. This WebRowSet object allows this JoinRowSet object to leverage the properties and methods of a WebRowSet object.

Class com.sun.rowset.providers.RIOptimisticProvider extends SyncProvider implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


CachedRowSetReader reader


CachedRowSetWriter writer


java.lang.String providerID
The unique provider indentifier.


java.lang.String vendorName
The vendor name of this SyncProvider implementation


java.lang.String versionNumber
The version number of this SyncProvider implementation

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.Row extends BaseRow implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Object[] currentVals
An array containing the current column values for this Row object.



java.util.BitSet colsChanged
A BitSet object containing a flag for each column in this Row object, with each flag indicating whether or not the value in the column has been changed.



boolean deleted
A boolean indicating whether or not this Row object has been deleted. true indicates that it has been deleted; false indicates that it has not.



boolean updated
A boolean indicating whether or not this Row object has been updated. true indicates that it has been updated; false indicates that it has not.



boolean inserted
A boolean indicating whether or not this Row object has been inserted. true indicates that it has been inserted; false indicates that it has not.



int numCols
The number of columns in this Row object.


Class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 6893806403181801867l

Serialized Fields


int colCount
The number of columns in the RowSet object that created this RowSetMetaDataImpl object.



javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl.ColInfo[] colInfo
An array of ColInfo objects used to store information about each column in the RowSet object for which this RowSetMetaDataImpl object was created. The first ColInfo object in this array contains information about the first column in the RowSet object, the second element contains information about the second column, and so on.


Class com.sun.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataXImpl extends RowSetMetaDataImpl implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String[] columnClassName


boolean[] definitelyWritable


boolean[] readOnly


boolean[] writable

Class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetWarning extends java.sql.SQLException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 6678332766434564774l

Serialized Fields


RowSetWarning rwarning
RowSetWarning object handle.

Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -8466174297270688520l

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Object[] elements
A serializable array in which each element is an Object in the Java programming language that represents an element in the SQL ARRAY value.



int baseType
The SQL type of the elements in this SerialArray object. The type is expressed as one of the constants from the class java.sql.Types.



java.lang.String baseTypeName
The type name used by the DBMS for the elements in the SQL ARRAY value that this SerialArray object represents.



int len
The number of elements in this SerialArray object, which is also the number of elements in the SQL ARRAY value that this SerialArray object represents.


Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -8144641928112860441l

Serialized Fields


byte[] buf
A serializable array of uninterpreted bytes representing the value of this SerialBlob object.



java.sql.Blob blob
The internal representation of the Blob object on which this SerialBlob object is based.


long len
The number of bytes in this SerialBlob object's array of bytes.



long origLen
The orginal number of bytes in this SerialBlob object's array of bytes when it was first established.


Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -1662519690087375313l

Serialized Fields


char[] buf
A serializable array of characters containing the data of the SQL CLOB value that this SerialClob object represents.



java.sql.Clob clob
Internal Clob representation if SerialClob is intialized with a Clob


long len
The length in characters of this SerialClob object's internal array of characters.



long origLen
The original length in characters of tgus SerialClob objects internal array of characters.


Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialDatalink extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 2826907821828733626l

Serialized Fields

url url
The extracted URL field retrieved from the DATALINK field



int baseType
The SQL type of the elements in this SerialDatalink object. The type is expressed as one of the contants from the class java.sql.Types.



java.lang.String baseTypeName
The type name used by the DBMS for the elements in the SQL DATALINK value that this SerialDatalink object represents.


Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialException extends java.sql.SQLException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -489794565168592690l

Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialJavaObject extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -1465795139032831023l

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Object obj
Placeholder for object to be serialized.


java.util.Vector chain
Chain of warnings thrown when parsing JAVA_OBJECT types

Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialRef extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -4727123500609662274l

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String baseTypeName
String containing the Base type name



java.lang.Object object
This will store the type Ref as an Object


java.sql.Ref reference
Private copy of the Ref reference

Class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialStruct extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -8322445504027483372l

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String SQLTypeName
The SQL type name for the structured type that this SerialStruct represents. This is the name used in the SQL definition of the SQL structured type.



java.lang.Object[] attribs
An array of Object instances in which each element is an attribute of the SQL structured type that this SerialStruct object represents. The attributes are ordered according to their order in the definition of the SQL structured type.


Class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncFactoryException extends java.sql.SQLException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -4354595476433200352l

Class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProviderException extends java.sql.SQLException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -939908523620640692l

Serialized Fields


SyncResolver syncResolver
The instance of javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver that this SyncProviderException object will return when its getSyncResolver method is called.

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.SyncResolverImpl extends CachedRowSetImpl implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


CachedRowSetImpl crsRes
This CachedRowSet object will encapsulate a rowset which will be sync'ed with the datasource but will contain values in rows where there is conflict. For rows other than conflict, it will *not* contain any data. For rows containing conflict it will return either of the three values set by SyncResolver.*_CONFLICT from getStatus()


CachedRowSetImpl crsSync
This is the actual CachedRowSet object which is being synchronized back to datasource.


java.util.ArrayList stats
This ArrayList will contain the status of a row from the SyncResolver.* values else it will be null.


CachedRowSetWriter crw
The RowSetWriter associated with the original CachedRowSet object which is being synchronized.


int rowStatus
Row number identifier


int sz
This will contain the size of the CachedRowSet object


java.sql.Connection con
The Connection handle used to synchronize the changes back to datasource. This is the same connection handle as was passed to the CachedRowSet while fetching the data.


CachedRowSet row
The CachedRowSet object which will encapsulate a row at any time. This will be built from CachedRowSet and SyncResolver values. Synchronization takes place on a row by row basis encapsulated as a CahedRowSet.

Class com.sun.rowset.WebRowSetImpl extends CachedRowSetImpl implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


WebRowSetXmlReader xmlReader
The WebRowSetXmlReader object that this WebRowSet object will call when the method WebRowSet.readXml is invoked.


WebRowSetXmlWriter xmlWriter
The WebRowSetXmlWriter object that this WebRowSet object will call when the method WebRowSet.writeXml is invoked.


int curPosBfrWrite


SyncProvider provider

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.WebRowSetXmlReader extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Class com.sun.rowset.internal.WebRowSetXmlWriter extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields

writer writer
The object to which this WebRowSetXmlWriter object will write when its writeXML method is called. The value for this field is set with the object given as the second argument to the writeXML method.


java.util.Stack stack
The java.util.Stack object that this WebRowSetXmlWriter object will use for storing the tags to be used for writing the calling WebRowSet object as an XML document.