
Classes to create and tailor resource representations.


Class Summary
AtomEntryRepresentation Adaptor class for working with ROME Entry instances as Representations.
AtomFeedRepresentation Adaptor class for working with ROME Feed instances as Representations.
FormURLEncodedProperties A strongly typed Map interface used by the FormURLEncodedRepresentation to store the properties to be encoded.
FormURLEncodedRepresentation Representation as a java.util.Map<String,String> for www-form-urlencoded resources.
JAXBRepresentation<T> Representation as a Object for JAXB element-based resources.
MimeMultipartRepresentation Representation as a Map<String, DataSource> for MimeMultipart resources.
Representation<T> Generic base class of all representations.
StringRepresentation Representation as a String for text-based resources.

Package Description

Classes to create and tailor resource representations.