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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.rules.rl.trace

Classes that define the content of a decision trace.


Class Summary
ActivationData Java class for activation-data complex type.
ActivationTrace Java class for activation-trace complex type.
ArrayValue Java class for array-value complex type.
BeanObject Java class for bean-object complex type.
BeanProperty Java class for bean-property complex type.
CollectionValue Java class for collection-value complex type.
DecisionTrace Java class for anonymous complex type.
FactTrace Java class for fact-trace complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the oracle.rules.rl.trace package.
PropertyValue The value of a bean-property.
ResetTrace Java class for reset-trace complex type.
RuleCompilationTrace Java class for rule-compilation-trace complex type.
RulesetStackTrace Java class for ruleset-stack-trace complex type.
RuleTrace Java class for rule-trace complex type.
TraceEntry Java class for trace-entry complex type.


Enum Summary
ActivationOperation Java class for activation-operation.
FactOperation Java class for fact-operation.
RulesetStackOperation Java class for ruleset-stack-operation.


Package oracle.rules.rl.trace Description

Classes that define the content of a decision trace. The XML schema for a decision trace can be accessed as a resource with the path: oracle/rules/rl/trace/decisiontrace.xsd . When decision tracing is enabled, a trace of rule engine activity is constructed as events occur within the engine.

The following RL functions provide control over decision tracing in the rule engine and provide access to the decision trace.

The decision trace level may be one of the following:

The decision trace level may be set by invoking the setDecisionTraceLevel() function with one of the levels defined above. In addition, it may be configured in a RuleSession (or RuleSessionPool) by including the RuleSession.CFG_DECISION_TRACE_LEVEL initialization parameter and one of the levels above in the configuration Map passed to the RuleSession or RuleSessionPool constructor. This sets the decision trace level at the time a RuleSession is created and invoking the reset() function guarantees that the the level after its execution is returned to the configured value should it have been changed during rule execution.

The size of a trace is limited by limiting the number of entries in a decision trace. This necessary to avoid infinite rule fire loops (a bug in the rules) from creating a trace that consumes all available heap in the JVM. The default limit is 10000 entries. The limit can be inspected and/or set via a the getDecisionTraceLimit() and setDecisionTraceLimit() RL functions. The limit may also be configured in a RuleSession or RuleSessionPool by including the RuleSession.CFG_DECISION_TRACE_LIMIT initialization parameter with the desired limit in the configuration Map passed to the RuleSession or RuleSessionPool constructor.

For rules applications that use runUntilHalt(), it is the reponsibility of the application to invoke getDecisionTrace() before the trace limit is hit.

Analysis of a decision trace is facilitated by the TraceAnalysis <sp>class.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


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