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Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Services Security Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class UsernameToken

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UsernameToken
extends WSSElement
implements WSSecurityToken

Represents a WSS UsernameToken element. Conforms to Username Token Profile 1.1

Creating UsernameTokens.

1) If you want to use clear text passwords

 UsernameToken ut = new UsernameToken(doc);

2) Whereas if you want to use digested passwords

 SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
 byte nonce[] = new byte[20];
 random.nextBytes(nonce); // compute a 20 byte random nonce
 UsernameToken ut = new UsernameToken(doc);
 ut.setCreatedDate(new Date()); // Set the date to now
 ut.setPasswordDigest("IloveDogs"); // will compute the digest from this clear text password

3) You should not put passwords at all, if you are username tokens for key derivation

 SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
 byte salt[] = new byte[15];
 random.nextBytes(salt); // compute a 15 byte random salt

 UsernameToken ut = new UsernameToken(doc);
 ut.setSalt(1, salt);

 SecretKey key = ut.deriveKey("IloveDogs");
 // Use this key for signing or encryption

Validating UsernameTokens

  UsernameToken ut = new UsernameToken(utElement);
  String username = ut.getUsername(); // extract the user name
  char expectedPassword[];  // get the expected password for this user
  // Check if this a plain text password
  if (ut.getPasswordType().equals(UsernameToken.PASSWORD_TEXT) {
    char password[] = ut.getPassword(); // extract the plain text password
    // Check if the password matches
    if (!Arrays.equals(password, expectedPassword)) {
  // Check if this a digested password
  else if (ut.getPasswordType().equals(UsernameToken.PASSWORD_DIGEST) {
    String password = ut.getPasswordDigest(); // extract the digested password
    byte nonce[] = ut.getNonce(); // can be null
    Date createdDate = ut.getCreatedDate(); // can be null
    // Following is the RECOMMENDED processing from the spec:
    //   if both nonce and createdDate are null reject this token
    //   if createDate is not null, reject if it is stale 
    //         (guideline: older then 5 mins is stale)
    //   if nonce is not null, reject if this nonce has already been used before 
    //         (need to maintain a cache of used nonces)
    // After doing the above checks, check if the digested password matches
    if (!isValid(username, expectedPassword)) {

Field Summary
static java.lang.String PASSWORD_DIGEST
          Specifies that the type of password is a digest of the password.
static java.lang.String PASSWORD_TEXT
          Specifies that the type of password is a plaintext password, derived password or a password hash.


Fields inherited from class
node, systemId


Constructor Summary
UsernameToken(org.w3c.dom.Document owner)
          Create a new UsernameToken instance.
UsernameToken(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Create a new UsernameToken instance from the given XML element.
UsernameToken(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String systemId)
          Create a new UsernameToken instance from the given XML element.


Method Summary
static void addKeyDerivator(KeyDerivator resolver)
static void addPasswordRetriever(PasswordRetriever resolver)
          Register a PasswordRetriever instance to lookup the password.
 byte[] computePasswordDigest(byte[] nonce, WSUCreated created, char[] passwd)
          Creates the SHA-1 digest of the the given password and optionally nonce and/or creation timpstamp.
 byte[] createSecretKey()
 byte[] createSecretKey(char[] passwd)
 javax.crypto.SecretKey deriveKey()
          Uses the password retriever to get this user's password, and then extracts the salt and iteration from this token and calls deriveKey(char passwd[], byte salt[], int iteration)
 javax.crypto.SecretKey deriveKey(char[] passwd)
          Extracts the salt and iteration from this token and calls deriveKey(char passwd[], byte salt[], int iteration)
static javax.crypto.SecretKey deriveKey(char[] passwd, byte[] salt, int iteration)
          Derive a key from the passwd using the algorithm mentioned in the WSS 1.1 UsernameToken profile.
 WSUCreated getCreated()
          Returns the token creation timestamp.
 java.util.Date getCreatedDate()
          Returns the token creation timestamp.
 int getIteration()
          get the iteration count for derived keys
 javax.crypto.SecretKey getKey()
 byte[] getNonce()
          Returns the nonce.
 char[] getPassword()
          Gets the plaintext password (or password equivalent) stored in the Password child element in this structure.
 byte[] getPasswordDigest()
          Gets the digest of the password stored in the Password child element in this structure.
 java.lang.String getPasswordType()
          Returns the type of password.
 byte[] getSalt()
          get the salt for derived keys.
 java.lang.Object getToken()
          Get the token contents. getTokenName()
          Returns the token name.
 java.lang.String getUsername()
          Returns the username value.
 boolean isValid()
          Checks if the information stored in this token is valid.
 boolean isValid(java.lang.String userName, char[] passwd)
          Checks if the information stored in this token is valid against the given user name and password pair.
 void setCreated(WSUCreated created)
          Set the token creation timestamp.
 void setCreatedDate(java.util.Date created)
          Set the token creation timestamp.
 void setIteration(int iteration)
          sets the iteration count for derived keys.
 void setNonce(byte[] nonce)
          Sets the Nonce element with the specified value and the default Base64 encoding.
 void setNonce(byte[] nonce, java.lang.String encType)
          Sets the Nonce element with the specified value and encoding type of the nonce.
 void setPassword(char[] passwd)
          Sets the Password element with the plain text text password (or password equivalent) of the user.
 void setPassword(char[] password, java.lang.String passwordType)
          Sets the Password element.
 void setPasswordDigest(char[] passwd)
          Computes the password digest, and sets the Password element with the digested password of the user.
 void setSalt(byte[] salt)
          Set the salt for derived keys Removes any password, nonce and created date in this token
 void setSalt(byte type, byte[] salt)
          Set the salt for derived keys.
 void setUsername(java.lang.String userName)
          Sets the username value.


Methods inherited from class
getId, getWsuId, setId, setWsuId


Methods inherited from class
addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getDefaultNSPrefix, getElement, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getTagName, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setDefaultNSPrefix


Methods inherited from class
appendChild, appendChild, appendTo, cloneNode, getAttributes, getChildNodes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNode, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getSystemId, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, insertBefore, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setSystemId, toBytesXML, toStringXML


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PASSWORD_TEXT
Specifies that the type of password is a plaintext password, derived password or a password hash.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PASSWORD_DIGEST
Specifies that the type of password is a digest of the password.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public UsernameToken(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Create a new UsernameToken instance from the given XML element.
element - A wsse:UsernameToken element.


public UsernameToken(org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                     java.lang.String systemId)
Create a new UsernameToken instance from the given XML element.
element - A wsse:UsernameToken element.
systemId - The URI string system ID for this element.


public UsernameToken(org.w3c.dom.Document owner)
Create a new UsernameToken instance.
owner - A XML Document to be used as the owner document of this structure.

Method Detail


public void setUsername(java.lang.String userName)
Sets the username value.
userName - The username string.


public java.lang.String getUsername()
Returns the username value.
The username string.


public void setNonce(byte[] nonce)
Sets the Nonce element with the specified value and the default Base64 encoding.
nonce - The nonce bytes.


public void setNonce(byte[] nonce,
                     java.lang.String encType)
Sets the Nonce element with the specified value and encoding type of the nonce.
nonce - The nonce bytes.
encType - The encoding type of the nonce.


public byte[] getNonce()
Returns the nonce.
The nonce bytes.


public void setCreatedDate(java.util.Date created)
Set the token creation timestamp.
created -


public void setCreated(WSUCreated created)
Set the token creation timestamp.
created - The creation timestamp.


public WSUCreated getCreated()
Returns the token creation timestamp.
The creation timestamp.


public java.util.Date getCreatedDate()
Returns the token creation timestamp.
The creation timestamp.


public void setPassword(char[] passwd)
Sets the Password element with the plain text text password (or password equivalent) of the user.
passwd - The clear text password (or password equivalent) of the user.


public void setPasswordDigest(char[] passwd)
Computes the password digest, and sets the Password element with the digested password of the user.
passwd - The clear text password (or password equivalent) of the user.


public void setPassword(char[] password,
                        java.lang.String passwordType)
Sets the Password element. The actual value stored in this element depends on the password type provided.
password - The clear text password (or password equivalent) of the user. If the password is null, the PasswordRetriever will be used to lookup the passwd.
passwordType - The value for the Type attribute which specifies the type of password being provided in this token.


public java.lang.String getPasswordType()
Returns the type of password.
The password type URI.


public char[] getPassword()
Gets the plaintext password (or password equivalent) stored in the Password child element in this structure. Returns null if PasswordDigest type is used.
The raw bytes of the password.


public byte[] getPasswordDigest()
Gets the digest of the password stored in the Password child element in this structure. Returns null if PasswordDigest type is not used.
The raw bytes of the digested password.


public boolean isValid()
Checks if the information stored in this token is valid. Compares the password stored in this token with the password returned by the PasswordRetriever. If the token has a plain text password, compare the password directly. Otherwise if it has a digested password, then compute the digest of the password returned by the password retriever with the nonce and the created date that is present in the token, and then compare the computed digest with the digest present in the token.
Returns true if the supplied credentials match the token credentials or false otherwise.


public boolean isValid(java.lang.String userName,
                       char[] passwd)
Checks if the information stored in this token is valid against the given user name and password pair. If the token has a plain text password, compare the password directly. Otherwise if it has a digested password, then compute the digest of the given plain text password with the nonce and the created date that is present in the token, and then compare the computed digest with the digest present in the token. Does not check if the nonce is being replayed or if the createdTimestamp is stale.
userName - The user name value.
passwd - The password value. If the password is null, the PasswordRetriever will be used to lookup the passwd.
Returns true if the supplied credentials match the token credentials or false otherwise.


public byte[] getSalt()
get the salt for derived keys. Should be 16 bytes, first byte being 1 for MAC and 2 for encryption
the salt bytes or null if there is no salt


public void setSalt(byte[] salt)
Set the salt for derived keys Removes any password, nonce and created date in this token
salt - Must be 128 bits - first byte should be 1 for MAC or 2 for Encryption


public void setSalt(byte type,
                    byte[] salt)
Set the salt for derived keys. Wrapper over setSalt(byte[] salt);
type - 1 for MAC or 2 for Encryption
salt - Must be 120 bits.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is salt is not 120 bits, or type is not 1 or 2


public int getIteration()
get the iteration count for derived keys
the iteration count or 1000 if nothing is present


public void setIteration(int iteration)
sets the iteration count for derived keys. If you don't set this 1000 is assumed
iteration -


public byte[] createSecretKey()
Creates a secret key for HMAC signature from this Username token.
Returns the secret key bytes or null if the Password child element is not available.


public byte[] createSecretKey(char[] passwd)
Creates a secret key for HMAC signature from this Username token.
passwd - The password to use in the secret key generation. If the password is null, the PasswordRetriever will be used to lookup the passwd.
Returns the secret key bytes or null.


public byte[] computePasswordDigest(byte[] nonce,
                                    WSUCreated created,
                                    char[] passwd)
Creates the SHA-1 digest of the the given password and optionally nonce and/or creation timpstamp. Password_Digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) )
nonce - The nonce bytes.
created - The token creation timestamp
passwd - The password bytes. If the password is null, the PasswordRetriever will be used to lookup the passwd.
The computed password digest bytes.


public getTokenName()
Returns the token name.
Specified by:
getTokenName in interface WSSecurityToken
The QName of the token.


public java.lang.Object getToken()
Get the token contents.

Returns a java.lang.String containing the Username from the Username token.

Specified by:
getToken in interface WSSecurityToken
The Username.


public javax.crypto.SecretKey getKey()
                              throws WSSException
Get the cryptographic key corresponding to the token contents.

Returns the secret HMAC or Key byte[] derived from the supplied password.

The Username.


public static void addPasswordRetriever(PasswordRetriever resolver)
Register a PasswordRetriever instance to lookup the password.
resolver - The resolver to use to lookup the password.


public static void addKeyDerivator(KeyDerivator resolver)
Register a KeyDerivatorResolver instance for use in key identifier resolver operations.
resolver - The resolver to use for key derivation.


public static javax.crypto.SecretKey deriveKey(char[] passwd,
                                               byte[] salt,
                                               int iteration)
Derive a key from the passwd using the algorithm mentioned in the WSS 1.1 UsernameToken profile.

Note: the key derivation mechanisms supported by prior versions of this toolkit are now deprecated

The key is derived as follows. The password (which is UTF-8 encoded) and Salt are concatenated in that order. Only the actual octets of the password are used, it is not padded or zero terminated. This value is hashed using the SHA1 algorithm. The result of this operation is also hashed using SHA1. This process is repeated until the total number of hash operations equals the Iteration count.

In other words: K1 = SHA1( password + Salt)
K2 = SHA1( K1 )
Kn = SHA1 ( Kn-1)
Where + means concatenation and n is the iteration count.

The resulting 160 bit value is used in a MAC function or truncated to the appropriate length for encryption

passwd - the password
salt - a 16 byte salt. first byte should be 1 for MAC or 2 for encryption
iteration - the iteration count. should be at least a 1000


public javax.crypto.SecretKey deriveKey(char[] passwd)
Extracts the salt and iteration from this token and calls deriveKey(char passwd[], byte salt[], int iteration)
passwd - The user's password, the password retriever is used if null is passed in


public javax.crypto.SecretKey deriveKey()
Uses the password retriever to get this user's password, and then extracts the salt and iteration from this token and calls deriveKey(char passwd[], byte salt[], int iteration)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Services Security Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Copyright © 2005, 2011 , Oracle. All rights reserved.