Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

Class URLFileSystemHelper

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
HttpURLFileSystemHelper, IdeDisplayURLFileSystemHelper, IdeURLFileSystemHelper, MergeURLFileSystemHelper, URLFileSystemHelperDecorator, VersionHistoryURLHelper

public class URLFileSystemHelper
extends java.lang.Object

The URLFileSystemHelper class specifies the URLFileSystem operations that may have protocol-specific handling. By default, the URLFileSystem delegates its operations to URLFileSystemHelper. However, a subclass of URLFileSystemHelper can be registered with the URLFileSystem to handle the URLFileSystem operations for a particular protocol. A helper class is registered through the URLFileSystem.registerHelper(String, URLFileSystemHelper) method.

Special implementation note: classes that extend URLFileSystemHelper must be completely thread-safe because a single instance of each registered helper is held by the URLFileSystem and reused for all threads.

Note also that if you add a new method to this class you MUST provide an implementation in the IdeURLFileSystemHelper. That helper cannot rely in a default implementation of the new method since it deals with special "ide" protocol based urls.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
protected URLFileSystemHelper()
Method Summary
 void addURLFileSystemListener( rootURL, URLFileSystemListener listener)
protected  boolean appendRelativePath( url, base, java.lang.StringBuffer relativeURL, boolean mustConsumeBase)
          This is a helper for the toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) method, which uses the template method design pattern.
protected  boolean areEqual(java.lang.String s1, java.lang.String s2)
protected  boolean areEqualPathElems(java.lang.String urlElem, java.lang.String baseElem)
          This is a helper for the appendRelativePath(URL, URL, StringBuffer, boolean) method, which uses the template method design pattern.
 boolean canCreate( url)
          Tests whether the application can create the resource at the specified URL.
 boolean canDelete( url)
          Tests whether the application can delete the resource at the specified URL. canonicalize( url)
          Returns a canonical form of the URL, if one is available.
 boolean canRead( url)
          Tests whether the application can read the resource at the specified URL.
 boolean canWrite( url)
          Tests whether the application can modify the resource at the specified URL.
protected  int code(java.lang.Object object)
    convertSuffix( url, java.lang.String oldSuffix, java.lang.String newSuffix)
          Takes the given URL and checks if its Object.toString() representation ends with the specified oldSuffix. createReader( url, java.lang.String encoding)
          Creates a Reader on the specified URL with the specified encoding. createTempFile(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix, directory)
          Creates a new empty temporary file in the specified directory using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name.
 void delete( url)
          Deletes the content pointed to by the specified URL. ensureSuffix( url, java.lang.String suffix)
          This method ensures that the specified URL ends with the specified suffix.
 boolean equals( url1, url2)
          Compares the specified URL objects to determine whether they point to the same resource.
 boolean exists( url)
          Returns true if the specified URL points to a resource that currently exists; returns false otherwise. getBaseParent( url, java.lang.String relativeSpec)
          This method gets the base directory fully containing the relative path.
 javax.swing.Icon getDefaultIcon( url)
          Returns one of the built-in JFileChooser icons for a directory or file, depending on the type of resource represented by the URL.
 java.lang.String getFileName( url)
          Returns the name of the file contained by the URL, not including any protocol, hostname authentication, directory path, anchor, or query.
 long getLength( url)
          Returns the number of bytes contained in the resource that the specified URL points to.
 java.lang.String getName( url)
          Returns the name of the file contained by the URL, not including any protocol, hostname authentication, directory path, anchor, or query. getParent( url)
          Returns the URL representing the parent directory of the specified URL.
 java.lang.String getPath( url)
          Returns the path part of the URL.
 java.lang.String getPathNoExt( url)
          Returns the path part of the URL without the last file extension.
 java.lang.String getPlatformPathName( url)
          Returns the platform-dependent String representation of the URL; the returned string should be considered acceptable for users to read.
 java.lang.String getSuffix( url)
          If a dot ('.') occurs in the path portion of the URL, then all of the text starting at the last dot is returned, including the dot.
 java.lang.String getSystemDisplayName( url)
          The default implementation maps to URLFileSystem.getFileName(URL).
 javax.swing.Icon getSystemIcon( url)
          The default implementation returns the default icon obtained from URLFileSystem.getDefaultIcon(URL). getTempDirectory()
          Returns a temporal directory suitable for URLs handled by this helper.
 int hashCode( url)
          Computes a hash code for the specified URL object consistent with equals(,
 boolean hasSuffix( url, java.lang.String suffix)
          Returns true if the path part of the URL ends with the given suffix String.
protected  boolean haveSameAuthority( url, base)
          This is a helper for the toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) method, which uses the template method design pattern.
protected  boolean haveSameHost( url1, url2)
protected  boolean haveSamePath( url1, url2)
protected  boolean haveSamePort( url1, url2)
protected  boolean haveSameProtocol( url, base)
          This is a helper for the toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) method, which uses the template method design pattern.
protected  boolean haveSameQuery( url1, url2)
protected  boolean haveSameRef( url1, url2)
protected  boolean haveSameUserInfo( url1, url2)
 boolean isBaseURLFor( url1, url2)
          Returns true if url1 represents a a directory and url2 points to a location within url1's directory tree.
 boolean isDirectory( url)
          Tests whether the location indicated by the URL is a directory.
 boolean isDirectoryPath( url)
          Tests whether the location indicated by the URL represents a directory path.
 boolean isHidden( url)
          Tests whether the resource indiciated by the URL is a hidden file.
 boolean isLocal( url)
          Determines whether the URL points to a resource on the local machine, or whether it requires network access.
 boolean isReadOnly( url)
          Returns true if the resource is read-only.
 boolean isRegularFile( url)
          Tests whether the resource indiciated by the URL is a regular file.
 boolean isValid( url)
          Tests whether the specified URL is valid.
 long lastModified( url)
          Returns the last modification time (timestamp) of the resource indicated by the specified URL in milliseconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.[] list( url)
          Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.[] list( url, URLFilenameFilter filter)
          Returns an aray of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.[] list( url, URLFilter filter)
          Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL; the specified URLFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned.[] listRoots()
          Lists the root "file systems" that are supported by this helper.
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] ls( url)
          Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] ls( url, URLFilter filter)
          Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL that satisfy the specified URLFilter.
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] lsCached( url)
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] lsCached( url, URLFilter filter)
 boolean mkdir( url)
          Creates the directory indicated by the URL.
 boolean mkdirs( url)
          Creates the directory indicated by the specified URL including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories. openInputStream( url)
          Opens an InputStream on the specified URL. openOutputStream( url)
          Opens an OutputStream on the URL.
 void removeURLFileSystemListener( rootURL, URLFileSystemListener listener)
 void rename( oldURL, newURL)
          Renames the resource indicated by the first URL to the name indicated by the second URL.
 boolean setLastModified( url, long time)
          Sets the last-modified timestamp of the resource indicated by the URL to the time specified by time.
 boolean setReadOnly( url, boolean readOnly)
          Sets the read-only status of the resource indicated by the URL according to the specified readOnly flag.
 java.lang.String toDisplayString( url)
          Returns a displayable form of the complete URL.
 java.lang.String toEncodedString( url)
 java.lang.String toEncodedString( url, java.lang.String encoding)
 java.lang.String toRelativeSpec( url, base)
          This method attempts all possible ways of deriving a relative URI reference as described in RFC 2396 using the url parameter as the URL whose relative URI reference is to be determined and the base parameter as the URL that serves as the base document for the url pararmeter.
 java.lang.String toRelativeSpec( url, base, boolean mustConsumeBase)
          Variant of toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) that has a flag that indicates whether the base URL should be fully consumed in the process of calculating the relative spec.
 void verifyList( url)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected URLFileSystemHelper()
Method Detail


public canonicalize( url)
Returns a canonical form of the URL, if one is available.

The default implementation just returns the specified URL as-is.


public boolean canRead( url)
Tests whether the application can read the resource at the specified URL.

true if and only if the specified URL points to a resource that exists and can be read by the application; false otherwise.


public boolean canWrite( url)
Tests whether the application can modify the resource at the specified URL.

true if and only if the specified URL points to a file that exists and the application is allowed to write to the file; false otherwise.


public boolean canCreate( url)
Tests whether the application can create the resource at the specified URL.

true if the resource at the specified URL exists or can be created; false otherwise.


public boolean canDelete( url)
Tests whether the application can delete the resource at the specified URL.

true if the resource at the specified URL can be deleted.
See Also:


public boolean isValid( url)
Tests whether the specified URL is valid. If the resource pointed by the URL exists the method returns true. If the resource does not exist, the method tests that all components of the path can be created.

true if the URL is valid.


public convertSuffix( url,
                                  java.lang.String oldSuffix,
                                  java.lang.String newSuffix)
Takes the given URL and checks if its Object.toString() representation ends with the specified oldSuffix. If it does, the suffix is replaced with newSuffix. Both suffix parameters must include the leading dot ('.') if the dot is part of the suffix. If the specified URL does not end with the oldSuffix, then the newSuffix is simply appended to the end of the original URL.


public void delete( url)
Deletes the content pointed to by the specified URL. If the content is a file (or analogous to a file), then the file is removed from its directory (or container). If the content is a directory (or analogous to a directory), then the directory is removed only if it is empty (i.e. contains no other files or directories).

The default implementation does nothing.

Throws: - if an I/O exception occurred when trying to delete the URL.


public ensureSuffix( url,
                                 java.lang.String suffix)
This method ensures that the specified URL ends with the specified suffix. The suffix does not necessarily have to start with a ".", so if a leading "." is required, the specified suffix must contain it -- e.g. ".java", ".class".

If the URL already ends in the specified suffix, then the URL itself is returned. Otherwise, a new URL is created with the the specified suffix appended to the original URL's path part, and the new URL is returned.

The default implementation first checks with hasSuffix(URL, String) to see if the URL already ends with the specified suffix. If not, the suffix is simply appended to the path part of the URL, and the new URL is returned.

An URL, based on the specified URL, whose path part ends with the specified suffix.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if either the specified URL or suffix is null. The caller is responsible for checking that they are not null.


public boolean equals( url1,
Compares the specified URL objects to determine whether they point to the same resource. This method returns true if the URLs point to the same resource and returns false if the URLs do not point to the same resource.

This method and all subclass implementations can assume that both URL parameters are not null. The URLFileSystem.equals(URL, URL) method is responsible for checking that the two URLs are not null.

It can also be assumed that both URL parameters have the same protocol and that the protocol is appropriate for this URLFileSystemHelper. This determination is also the responsibility of URLFileSystem.equals(URL, URL).

The default implementation for this method checks to see if the various parts of the URLs are equal. Unlike URL.equals(java.lang.Object), the host names are not resolved to InetAddresses.


public int hashCode( url)
Computes a hash code for the specified URL object consistent with equals(, This method and all subclass implementations can assume that the URL parameter is not null. The URLFileSystem.hashCode(URL) method is responsible for ensuring this condition.

It can also be assumed that the protocol is appropriate for this URLFileSystemHelper. The URLFileSystem.hashCode(URL) method is also responsible for ensuring this condition and for incorporating the protocol into the hash code.

The default implementation for this method computes the hash code from the hash codes of the various parts of the URLs are equal. Unlike URL.equals(java.lang.Object), the host names is not resolved to an InetAddress.


protected int code(java.lang.Object object)


public boolean exists( url)
Returns true if the specified URL points to a resource that currently exists; returns false otherwise.

The default implementation simply returns false without doing anything.


public javax.swing.Icon getDefaultIcon( url)
Returns one of the built-in JFileChooser icons for a directory or file, depending on the type of resource represented by the URL.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getFileName( url)
Returns the name of the file contained by the URL, not including any protocol, hostname authentication, directory path, anchor, or query. This simply returns the simple filename. For example, if you pass in an URL whose string representation is:
the returned value is "file.ext" (without the quotes).

The returned file name should only be used for display purposes and not for opening streams or otherwise trying to locate the resource indicated by the URL.


public long getLength( url)
Returns the number of bytes contained in the resource that the specified URL points to. If the length cannot be determined, -1 is returned.

The default implementation attempts to get the content length from the URLConnection associated with the URL. If that fails for some reason (e.g. the resource does not exist, there was some other an I/O exception, etc.), -1 is returned.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getName( url)
Returns the name of the file contained by the URL, not including any protocol, hostname authentication, directory path, anchor, or query. This simply returns the simple filename. For example, if you pass in an URL whose string representation is:
the returned value is "file.ext1" (without the quotes).

The returned file name should only be used for display purposes and not for opening streams or otherwise trying to locate the resource indicated by the URL.

The default implementation first calls getFileName(URL) to get the file name part. Then all characters starting with the last occurrence of '.' are removed. The remaining string is then returned.

Note: The implementation of this method changed in the 11.1.1 release of the platform to trim the filename on the last '.'. In previous releases of the platform, it would trim the filename on the first '.'.


public getParent( url)
Returns the URL representing the parent directory of the specified URL. If there is no parent directory, then null is returned.

The default implementation returns the value of invoking URLFactory.newURL( url, ".." ), removing the reference portion of the URL.


public java.lang.String getPath( url)
Returns the path part of the URL. The returned string is acceptable to use in one of the URLFactory methods that takes a path.

The default implementation delegates to URL.getPath().


public java.lang.String getPathNoExt( url)
Returns the path part of the URL without the last file extension. To clarify, the following examples demonstrate the different cases that come up:
Path part of input URL
Output String
/dir/file.ext /dir/file
/dir/file.ext1.ext2 /dir/file.ext1
/dir1.ext1/dir2.ext2/file.ext1.ext2 /dir1.ext1/dir2.ext2/file.ext1
/file.ext /file
/dir.ext/file /dir.ext/file
/dir/file /dir/file
/file /file
/.ext /
The default implementation gets the path from getPath(URL) and then trims off all of the characters beginning with the last "." in the path, if and only if the last "." comes after the last "/" in the path. If the last "." comes before the last "/" or if there is no "." at all, then the entire path is returned.


public java.lang.String getPlatformPathName( url)
Returns the platform-dependent String representation of the URL; the returned string should be considered acceptable for users to read. In general, the returned string should omit as many parts of the URL as possible. For the "file" protocol, therefore, the platform pathname should just be the pathname alone (no protocol) using the appropriate file separator character for the current platform. For other protocols, it may be necessary to reformat the URL string into a more human-readable form. That decision is left to each URLFileSystemHelper implementor. The default implementation returns url.toString(). If the URL is null, the empty string is returned.

The path portion of the specified URL in platform-dependent notation. This value should only be used for display purposes and not for opening streams or otherwise trying to locate the document.


public java.lang.String getSuffix( url)
If a dot ('.') occurs in the path portion of the URL, then all of the text starting at the last dot is returned, including the dot. If the last dot is also the last character in the path, then the dot by itself is returned. If there is no dot in the path, then the empty string is returned.


public java.lang.String getSystemDisplayName( url)
The default implementation maps to URLFileSystem.getFileName(URL).


public javax.swing.Icon getSystemIcon( url)
The default implementation returns the default icon obtained from URLFileSystem.getDefaultIcon(URL).

See Also:


public boolean hasSuffix( url,
                         java.lang.String suffix)
Returns true if the path part of the URL ends with the given suffix String. The suffix can be any String and doesn't necessarily have to be one that begins with a dot ('.'). If you are trying to test whether the path part of the URL ends with a particular file extension, then the suffix parameter should begin with a '.' character to ensure that you get the right return value.


public boolean isBaseURLFor( url1,
Returns true if url1 represents a a directory and url2 points to a location within url1's directory tree.


public boolean isDirectory( url)
Tests whether the location indicated by the URL is a directory.

The default implementation always returns false.

true if and only if the location indicated by the URL exists and is a directory; false otherwise.


public boolean isDirectoryPath( url)
Tests whether the location indicated by the URL represents a directory path. The directory path specified by the URL need not exist.

This method is intended to be a higher performance version of the isDirectory(URL) method. Implementations of this method should attempt to ascertain whether the specified URL represents a directory path by simply examining the URL itself. Time consuming i/o operations should be avoided.

The default implementation returns true if the path part of the URL ends with a '/' and the query and ref parts of the URL are null.

true if the location indicated by the URL represents a directory path; the directory path need not exist.


public boolean isHidden( url)
Tests whether the resource indiciated by the URL is a hidden file. The exact definition of hidden is protocol-dependent and possibly system-dependent. On UNIX systems, a file is considered to be hidden if its name begins with a period character ('.'). On Win32 systems, a file is considered to be hidden if it has been marked as such in the file system.

The default implementation always returns false.


public boolean isReadOnly( url)
Returns true if the resource is read-only. A return value of false means that trying to get an OutputStream or trying to write to an OutputStream based on the URL will cause an exception to be thrown.

The default implementation always returns true. This means that all resources are considered read-only unless a protocol-specific URLFileSystemHelper is registered for the specified URL and is able to determine that the resource underlying the specified URL is not read-only.


public boolean isRegularFile( url)
Tests whether the resource indiciated by the URL is a regular file. A regular is a file that is not a directory and, in addition, satisfies other system-dependent criteria.

The default implementation returns the value of exists( url ) && !isDirectory( url ).

true if and only if the resource indicated by the URL exists and is a normal file.


public boolean isLocal( url)
Determines whether the URL points to a resource on the local machine, or whether it requires network access.

url - the URL
true if the URL is local, false if it requires network access


public long lastModified( url)
Returns the last modification time (timestamp) of the resource indicated by the specified URL in milliseconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970. If the timestamp can't be determined, -1 is returned.

The default implementation attemps to get the last modified time from the URLConnection associated with the URL. If that fails for some reason (e.g. the resource does not exist, there was some other I/O exception, etc.), -1 is returned.

See Also:


public[] list( url)
Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL. If the specified URL does not represent a directory, then this method returns null. Otherwise, an array of URLs is returned, one for each file or directory in the directory. URLs representing the directory itself or its parent are not included in the result. There is no guarantee that the URLs will occur in any particular order.

The default implementation always returns an empty URL array.

An array of URLs naming the files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if the URL does not represent a directory or if an I/O error occurs.


public void verifyList( url)


public[] list( url,
                           URLFilter filter)
Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL; the specified URLFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned. If the specified URL does not represent a directory, then this method returns null. Otherwise, an array of URLs is returned, one for each file or directory in the directory that is accepted by the specified filter. URLs representing the directory itself or its parent are not included in the result. There is no guarantee that the URLs will occur in any particular order.

The default implementation calls list(URL) first and then applies the URLFilter to the resulting list.

An array of URLs naming the files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL that are accepted by the specified URLFilter. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if the URL does not represent a directory or if an I/O error occurs.


public[] list( url,
                           URLFilenameFilter filter)
Returns an aray of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL. The specified URLFilenameFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned.

This method has better performance characteristics for some protocols than list(URL,URLFilter) if you are able to filter out URLs based only on their name, because helpers may be able to avoid IO on children of the directory url.

This implementation wraps the URLFilenameFilter in a URLFilter and calls list(URL,URLFilter). It is expected that subclasses override this and provide a more performant implementation specific to the protocol.

url - a directory URL to list. Must be a directory URL, and must not be null.
filter - a filter implementation. May be null, in which case this method behaves exactly like list(URL).
an array of URLs naming the files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL that are accepted by the specified URLFilenameFilter. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if an IO error occurs.


public[] listRoots()
Lists the root "file systems" that are supported by this helper. The returned URLs are used by the URLChooser to list all of the roots that are available for the user to browse. If no root file systems are supported, this method must return null or an empty URL array. If the returned array is not empty, then each URL contained in it must represent a directory and must not be null.

The default implementation always returns null.


public URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] ls( url)
Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL.

If the specified URL does not represent a directory, then this method returns null. Otherwise, an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects is returned, one for each file or directory in the directory. URLFilesystem.FileInfo objects representing the directory itself or its parent are not included in the result.

There is no guarantee that the URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects will be returned in any specific order; in particular, they are not guaranteed to be returned in alphabetical order.

The default implementation calls ls(URL, null).

An array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing the files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if the URL does not represent a directory or if an I/O error occurs.


public URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] lsCached( url)


public URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] ls( url,
                                   URLFilter filter)
Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL that satisfy the specified URLFilter.

The behavior of this method is the same as ls(URL), except that the URLs indicated by the returned array must satisfy the filter. If the given filter is null, then all URLs are accepted. Otherwise, an URL satisfies the filter if and only if the value of true results when the URLFilter.accept(URL) method of the filter is invoked on the URL of a file or directory in the directory that it denotes.

The default implementation calls URLFileSystem.list(URL, URLFilter) and builds the URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects from the returned URLs.

An array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing the files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if the URL does not represent a directory or if an I/O error occurs.


public URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] lsCached( url,
                                         URLFilter filter)


public boolean mkdir( url)
Creates the directory indicated by the URL.

The default implementation always returns false.

true if and only if the directory was created; false otherwise.


public boolean mkdirs( url)
Creates the directory indicated by the specified URL including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories. Note that if this operation fails, it may have succeeded in creating some of the necessary parent directories. This method returns true if the directory was created along with all necessary parent directories or if the directories already exist; it returns false otherwise.

true if all directories were created successfully or exist; false if there was a failure somewhere. Note that even if false is returned, some directories may still have been created.


public createTempFile(java.lang.String prefix,
                                   java.lang.String suffix,
Creates a new empty temporary file in the specified directory using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name. Subclasses must implement this method given that default implementation does nothing and returns null.

prefix - The prefix string to be used in generating the file's name; must be at least three characters long
suffix - The directory in which the file is to be created, or null if the default temporary-file directory is to be used
directory - The directory in which the file is to be created, or null if the default temporary-file directory is to be used
The URL to the temporary file.


public openInputStream( url)
Opens an InputStream on the specified URL.

The default implementation attempts to open the InputStream through the URLConnection associated with the URL. If the URLConnection implementation does not support an InputStream then an UnknownServiceException (a runtime exception) will be thrown.

Throws: - if the resource at the specified URL does not exist. - if an I/O error occurs when trying to open the InputStream. - if the URLConnection backing the specified URL does not support an InputStream.
See Also:
IOException, URLConnection, UnknownServiceException


public openOutputStream( url)
Opens an OutputStream on the URL. If the file does not exist, the file should be created. If the directory path to the file does not exist, all necessary directories should be created.

The default implementation attempts to open the OutputStream through the URLConnection associated with the URL. If the URLConnection implementation does not support an OutputStream then an UnknownServiceException (a runtime exception) will be thrown.

Throws: - if an I/O error occurs when trying to open the OutputStream. - if the URLConnection backing the specified URL does not support an OutputStream.
See Also:
IOException, URLConnection, UnknownServiceException


public void rename( oldURL,
Renames the resource indicated by the first URL to the name indicated by the second URL.

The default implementation does nothing.

Throws: - if an I/O exception occurs while renaming the URL.
See Also:
URLFileSystem.renameTo(URL, URL), URLFileSystem.renameEx(URL, URL)


public boolean setLastModified( url,
                               long time)
Sets the last-modified timestamp of the resource indicated by the URL to the time specified by time. The time is specified in the number of milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT Jan 1, 1970). The return value indicates whether or not the setting of the timestamp succeeded.

The default implementation always returns false without doing anything.


public boolean setReadOnly( url,
                           boolean readOnly)
Sets the read-only status of the resource indicated by the URL according to the specified readOnly flag. The return value indicates whether or not the setting of the read-only flag succeeded.

The default implementation always returns false without doing anything.


public java.lang.String toDisplayString( url)
Returns a displayable form of the complete URL.

The default implementation delegates to URL.toString().


public java.lang.String toEncodedString( url)


public java.lang.String toEncodedString( url,
                                        java.lang.String encoding)


public java.lang.String toRelativeSpec( url,
This method attempts all possible ways of deriving a relative URI reference as described in RFC 2396 using the url parameter as the URL whose relative URI reference is to be determined and the base parameter as the URL that serves as the base document for the url pararmeter. If it is not possible to produce a relative URI reference because the two URLs are too different, then a full, absolute reference for the url parameter is returned.

Whatever value is returned by this method, it can be used in conjunction with the base URL to reconstruct the fully-qualified URL by using one of the URL constructors that takes a context URL plus a String spec (i.e. the String returned by this method).

Both the url and base parameters should point to documents and be absolute URLs. Specifically, the base parameter does not need to be modified to represent the base directory if the base parameter already points to a document that is in the directory to which the url parameter will be made relative. This relationship between url and base is exactly how relative references are treated within HTML documents. Relative references in an HTML page are resolved against the HTML page's base URL. The base URL is the HTML page itself, not the directory that contains it.

If either the url or base parameter needs to represent a directory rather than a file, they must end with a "/" in the path part of the URL, such as:

The algorithm used by this method to determine the relative reference closely follows the recommendations made in RFC 2396. The following steps are performed, in order, to determine the relative reference:

  1. The protocol parts are checked first. If they do not match exactly, then an absolute reference is returned.
  2. The authority parts are checked next. If they do not match exactly, then an absolute reference is returned.
  3. If the protocol and authority parts match exactly, then it is possible to calculate a relative reference. The path parts are then compared element-by-element to determine the relative path, using the following steps, in order:
    1. If no path elements are in common, then an absolute path is used and relative-path determination stops.
    2. Otherwise, any path parts that are in common are omitted from the relative path. Comparison of path elements when the protocol is "file" is done using instance of File so that, for example, on Win32 the comparison is case-insensitive, whereas on Unix the comparison is case-sensitive. When the protocol is not "file", comparison is always case-sensitive. (This distinction is made by FileURLFileSystemHelper, which overrides the relevant part of the algorithm.)
    3. If, after matching as many path elements as possible, there are still path elements remaining in the base URL (except for the document name itself), then a "../" sequence is prepended to the resulting relative path for each base path element that was not consumed while matching path elements.
    4. If not all of the path elements in url were consumed, then those path elements are appended to the resulting relative path as well. If the first remaining path element in url contains a ':' character and there is no "../" sequence was prepended to the relative reference, then a "./" sequence is prepended to prevent the ':' character from being interpreted as a protocol delimiter (this is a special case in RFC 2396).
After the path part has been processed, no further processing is done. In particular, the query part and path part of the url are not appended.

This method is implemented using the template method design pattern, so it is possible for subclasses to override just part of the algorithm in order to handle protocol-specific details.


public java.lang.String toRelativeSpec( url,
                                       boolean mustConsumeBase)
Variant of toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) that has a flag that indicates whether the base URL should be fully consumed in the process of calculating the relative spec.

If mustConsumeBase is true, then this method will return a non-null relative spec if and only if the base URL was fully consumed in the process of calculating the relative spec. Otherwise, if any part of the base URL remained, then this method returns null.

If mustConsumeBase is false, then this method will return a non-null relative spec regardless of how much of the base URL is consumed during the determination.


public getBaseParent( url,
                                  java.lang.String relativeSpec)
This method gets the base directory fully containing the relative path. The url should be absolute and point to a directory. It must end with a "/" in the path part of the URL, such as:
If the url does not end with a "/", it will be assumed that the url points to a document. The document name will then be stripped in order to determine the parent directory. The relativeSpec parameter should be a relative path. If the relativeSpec does not end with a "/", it will be assumed that the relativeSpec points to a document. The document name will then be stripped in order to determine the parent directory. For example, if the url points to:
and the relativeSpec is:
The returned value would be:
If the relativeSpec path elements are not fully contained in the last part of the url path the value returned is the url itself if the url path ends with a "/" or the url parent otherwise.


public createReader( url,
                                   java.lang.String encoding)
Creates a Reader on the specified URL with the specified encoding.

The default implementation opens the InputStream and then creates an InputStreamReader.

Throws: - if an I/O error occurs when trying to open the InputStream. - if the URLConnection backing the specified URL does not support an InputStream.
See Also:
InputStreamReader, IOException, URLConnection, UnknownServiceException


public void addURLFileSystemListener( rootURL,
                                     URLFileSystemListener listener)


public void removeURLFileSystemListener( rootURL,
                                        URLFileSystemListener listener)


public getTempDirectory()
Returns a temporal directory suitable for URLs handled by this helper. Default implementation will return a file pointing to System.getProperty("").


protected boolean haveSameUserInfo( url1,


protected boolean haveSameHost( url1,


protected boolean haveSamePath( url1,


protected boolean haveSameQuery( url1,


protected boolean haveSameRef( url1,


protected boolean haveSamePort( url1,


protected final boolean areEqual(java.lang.String s1,
                                 java.lang.String s2)


protected boolean haveSameProtocol( url,
This is a helper for the toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) method, which uses the template method design pattern.

By default, the url and base parameters must have identical protocols as a prerequisite to being able to produce a relative URL spec.


protected boolean haveSameAuthority( url,
This is a helper for the toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) method, which uses the template method design pattern.

The "authority" part is a combination of the user info, hostname, and port number. The full syntax in the URL string is:

It may appear in an URL such as:
The authority part may be null, if the URL scheme does not require one.

By default, the url and base parameters must have identical authority strings as a prerequisite to being able to produce a relative URL spec.


protected boolean appendRelativePath( url,
                                     java.lang.StringBuffer relativeURL,
                                     boolean mustConsumeBase)
This is a helper for the toRelativeSpec(URL, URL) method, which uses the template method design pattern.

true if the entire base URL was consumed in the process of determining the relative path; false otherwise (i.e. not all of the base URL was consumed).


protected boolean areEqualPathElems(java.lang.String urlElem,
                                    java.lang.String baseElem)
This is a helper for the appendRelativePath(URL, URL, StringBuffer, boolean) method, which uses the template method design pattern.

The two Strings that are passed in represent elements of the path parts of the url and base parameters that are passed into appendRelativePath(URL, URL, StringBuffer, boolean).

By default, path elements are compared exactly in a case-sensitive manner using regular String comparison.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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