Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

Interface JavaTypeVariable

All Superinterfaces:
Element, JavaElement, JavaHasAnnotations, JavaHasName, JavaHasType, JavaIsGeneric, JavaMember, JavaType
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface JavaTypeVariable
extends JavaType

The TypeVariable is a new concept in jdk 1.5. A TypeVariable has a name, a superclass, and an array of super-interfaces. A TypeVariable declares no fields, methods, constructors, or inner classes. If no superclass was declared, then java/lang/Object is the implicit superclass. Because type variables have a superclass and an array of super-interfaces, they may have hierarchies.

Type variables are not interface, enum, annotation, primitive, or array types. A type variable will return its variable name when asked for its qualified or raw name.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 java.util.Collection getBounds()
          Corresponds to java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable.getBounds().
 JavaMember getOwningMember()
          Type variables can be owned by either a class or a method.
Methods inherited from interface
equals, getArrayDimensions, getBaseComponentType, getClass, getClasses, getClinitMethod, getClosestClass, getComponentType, getDeclaredClass, getDeclaredClasses, getDeclaredConstructor, getDeclaredConstructors, getDeclaredField, getDeclaredFields, getDeclaredMethod, getDeclaredMethods, getDeclaredMethods, getDescriptor, getField, getFields, getHierarchy, getInterfaces, getMethod, getMethods, getMethods, getName, getPackage, getPackageName, getQualifiedName, getRawName, getSignature, getSuperclass, getThisValue, getTypeErasure, getTypeSignature, getUniqueIdentifier, getUnqualifiedName, getUnresolvedInterfaces, getURL, getVMName, isAnnotation, isArray, isAssignableFrom, isEnum, isExported, isInterface, isMemberClass, isPrimitive, isSubtypeOf
Methods inherited from interface
getActualTypeArguments, getTypeParameter, getTypeParameters, hasActualTypeArguments, hasTypeParameters
Methods inherited from interface
getOwningClass, isAbstract, isPackagePrivate, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, isStatic
Methods inherited from interface
getResolvedType, getUnresolvedType
Methods inherited from interface
getAnnotation, getAnnotations, getDeclaredAnnotation, getDeclaredAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface
getElementKind, getFile, getModifiers, getOwner, getSourceElement, isDeprecated, isFinal, isHidden, isSourceElement, isSynthetic, printCompiledInfo

Method Detail


java.util.Collection getBounds()
Corresponds to java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable.getBounds().

Returns the explicitly declared bounds. If no explicit bounds were declared, an empty Collection is returned, which implicitly means that the bounds is java/lang/Object.

A collection of JavaType's, which might be empty, that has the explicitly declared upper (inclusive) bounds for this type.


JavaMember getOwningMember()
Type variables can be owned by either a class or a method.

The owning member of this type variable.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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