Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AuditProvider

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractAuditAddin, TranslationAuditProvider

public abstract class AuditProvider
extends java.lang.Object

A provider of Audit extension components. A provider can provide any of the following:

IDE extensions which extend Audit must register a provider with the AuditManager at startup. As Audit needs components, it queries the registered providers and creates the components that they indicate.

AuditProvider is essentially a callback interface. Audit gets components through this callback, rather than having extensions instantiate and register them individually, so that class and file loading and object creation can be deferred as late as possible (in particular, until after IDE startup).

NOTE: The Audit API will be shifting somewhat to take advantage of the extension mechanism introduced in 10.1.3. My expectation is that this class will become superfluous, replaced by equivalent (Audit-specific) declarations in the extension XML file.

Nested Class Summary
 class AuditProvider.PersistenceDelegateBinding
          A value class which associates a type and a persistence delegate.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Class[] getAnalyzers()
          Gets the analyzer classes defined by this provider.
 java.lang.Class[] getBeanCustomizers()
          Gets the bean customizers defined by this provider.
 java.lang.Class[] getColumns()
          Gets the column classes defined by this provider.
 java.lang.String getExtensionId()
          Gets the id of the extension that owns this provider.
 java.lang.Class[] getModels()
          Gets the model classes defined by this provider.
 AuditProvider.PersistenceDelegateBinding[] getPersistenceDelegates()
          Gets the persistence delegates defined by this provider.
 Profile[] getProfiles()
          Gets the default Audit profiles predefined by this provider.[] getProfileStyleSheets()
          Gets the default Profile report XSLT style sheet URLs defined by this provider.[] getStyleSheets()
          Gets the default Audit report XSLT style sheet URLs defined by this provider.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AuditProvider()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getExtensionId()
Gets the id of the extension that owns this provider. The AuditProvider implementation returns null.


public java.lang.Class[] getAnalyzers()
Gets the analyzer classes defined by this provider. These must be concrete subclasses of Analyzer. The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

An array of Classes assignable from Analyzer, an empty array, or null.


public java.lang.Class[] getColumns()
Gets the column classes defined by this provider. These must be concrete subclasses of Attribute. The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

An array of Classes assignable from Column, an empty array, or null.


public java.lang.Class[] getModels()
Gets the model classes defined by this provider. These must be concrete subclasses of ModelType. The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

An array of Classes assignable from ModelType, an empty array, or null.


public java.lang.Class[] getBeanCustomizers()
Gets the bean customizers defined by this provider. These must be concrete subclasses of BeanCustomizer. The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

An array of Classes assignable from ModelType, an empty array, or null.


public AuditProvider.PersistenceDelegateBinding[] getPersistenceDelegates()
Gets the persistence delegates defined by this provider. These must be instances of AuditProvider.PersistenceDelegateBinding, which associates a type and a persistence delegate. Persistence delegates should be supplied for any type which must be saved by Audit and which does not follow JavaBeans rules. See the Swing Connection article Using XMLEncoder for more information about writing persistence delegates. The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

An array of PersistenceDelegateBinding instances, an empty array, or null.


public Profile[] getProfiles()
Gets the default Audit profiles predefined by this provider. The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

Typically, the saved profile files are packaged in the same jar as the provider and the profile is created using a URL to the file obtained by Class.getResource(java.lang.String).

An array of profiles, an empty array, or null.


public[] getStyleSheets()
Gets the default Audit report XSLT style sheet URLs defined by this provider. The style sheet for a URL url will be named URLFileSystem.getName(url). The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

Typically, the style sheets are packaged in the same jar as the provider and the URL is created with Class.getResource(java.lang.String).

An array of URLs of saved profiles, an empty array, or null.


public[] getProfileStyleSheets()
Gets the default Profile report XSLT style sheet URLs defined by this provider. The style sheet for a URL url will be named URLFileSystem.getName(url). The default AuditProvider implementation returns null.

Typically, the style sheets are packaged in the same jar as the provider and the URL is created with Class.getResource(java.lang.String).

An array of URLs of saved profiles, an empty array, or null.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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