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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (

Interface PortletComponent

All Known Implementing Classes:
PortletBase, PortletBase

public interface PortletComponent

Field Summary
static java.lang.String PORTLET_MODE_CHANGE


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAllModesSharedScreen()
 java.lang.String getClientId(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext)
 boolean getDisplayScrollBar()
 java.lang.String getHeight()
 java.lang.String getIframeDtd()
 boolean getIsAboutModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsConfigModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsCustomizeModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsDetailModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsHelpModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsNormalModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsPersonalizeModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsPreviewModeAvailable()
 boolean getIsPrintModeAvailable()
 java.lang.String[] getPartialTriggers()
 oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletBinding getPortletBinding()
 oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletModel getPortletModel()
          Get the PortletModel object associated with this component.
 java.lang.String getRenderPortletInIFrame()
 boolean getSubmitUrlParameters()
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          Get the title set on the Portlet, if any.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Get the Portlet Binding object on this component.
 java.lang.String getWidth()
 void setAllModesSharedScreen(java.lang.String allModesSharedScreen)
          The allModesSharedScreen setting on the component determines whether non-show modes (modes other than View for JSR168 or Show for JPDK) render inline within the portlet or on a new page.
 void setDisplayScrollBar(boolean displayScrollBar)
          The displayScrollBar property determines whether scroll bars for scrolling the content of the Portlet are displayed.
 void setHeight(java.lang.String height)
          The height property will determines the height of the portlet on the page.
 void setIframeDtd(java.lang.String iframeDtd)
          The iframeDtd attribute controls which HTML dtd is used in the doctype declation for the iframe content document when the Portlet is rendered in an iframe.
 void setIsAboutModeAvailable(boolean isAboutModeAvailable)
          The isAboutModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's About mode to be shown.
 void setIsConfigModeAvailable(boolean isConfigModeAvailable)
          The isConfigModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Config mode to be shown.
 void setIsCustomizeModeAvailable(boolean isCustomizeModeAvailable)
          The isCustomizeModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Customize mode to be shown.
 void setIsDetailModeAvailable(boolean isDetailModeAvailable)
          The isDetailModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Detail mode to be shown.
 void setIsHelpModeAvailable(boolean isHelpModeAvailable)
          The isHelpModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Help mode to be shown.
 void setIsNormalModeAvailable(boolean isNormalModeAvailable)
          Is the isNormalModeAvailable is a boolean property that determines whether Refresh is show in the Portlet actions menu.
 void setIsPersonalizeModeAvailable(boolean isPersonalizeModeAvailable)
          The isPersonalizeModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Personalize mode to be shown.
 void setIsPreviewModeAvailable(boolean isPreviewModeAvailable)
          The isPreviewModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Preview mode to be shown.
 void setIsPrintModeAvailable(boolean isPrintModeAvailable)
          The isPrintModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Print mode to be shown.
 void setPartialTriggers(java.lang.String[] partialTriggers)
          Set String array for the partialTriggers for portlet component.
 void setRenderPortletInIFrame(java.lang.String renderPortletInIFrame)
          The renderPortletInIFrame property determines whether the Portlet view component should show the Portlet markup content inside an iFrame.
 void setSubmitUrlParameters(boolean submitUrlParameters)
          When a link in a Portlet is clicked and that link points to the page on which the Portlet resides, the submitUrlParameter property determines whether the parameters in the link are available to the containing page or only sent back to the Portlet.
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          Set the title property for this portlet component.
 void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
          The value property holds the PortletBinding object that this view component uses to interact with the real remote Portlet.
 void setWidth(java.lang.String width)
          The width property will determines the width of the portlet on the page.


Field Detail


static final java.lang.String PORTLET_MODE_CHANGE
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


void setWidth(java.lang.String width)
The width property will determines the width of the portlet on the page. The value can be expressed in px or as a percentage. The string value should be expressed as npx or n%.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the width attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is auto.

width - of the width view component property to set.


java.lang.String getWidth()
Width of Portlet Component
See Also:


void setHeight(java.lang.String height)
The height property will determines the height of the portlet on the page. The value can be expressed in px or as a percentage. The string value should be expressed as npx or n%.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the height attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is auto.

height - of the width view component property to set.


java.lang.String getHeight()
Height of Portlet Component
See Also:


void setDisplayScrollBar(boolean displayScrollBar)
The displayScrollBar property determines whether scroll bars for scrolling the content of the Portlet are displayed.

Valid values are true, false and auto. True means that scroll bars will always be present. False means that scroll bars will never be present. Auto means that the scroll bars will be shown if the content size exceeds the specified height and width of the portlet.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the displayScrollBar attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is auto.

displayScrollBar - property value to set.


boolean getDisplayScrollBar()
the displayScrollBar view component property
See Also:


void setPartialTriggers(java.lang.String[] partialTriggers)
Set String array for the partialTriggers for portlet component. The value should be an array of ids for components which, when refreshed during a Partial Page Refresh, will cause this component to also be refreshed.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the partialTriggers attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.


java.lang.String[] getPartialTriggers()
an array of partial trigger component IDs.
See Also:


void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
The value property holds the PortletBinding object that this view component uses to interact with the real remote Portlet.
value - PortletBinding object.


java.lang.Object getValue()
Get the Portlet Binding object on this component.
value PortletBinding object


void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
Set the title property for this portlet component.

The title is displayed as the portlet title in the header of the portlet overriding any title returned in the Portlet rendition.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value for this property is initially taken from the title attribute on the jsp tag.


java.lang.String getTitle()
Get the title set on the Portlet, if any.
title property value
See Also:


void setAllModesSharedScreen(java.lang.String allModesSharedScreen)
The allModesSharedScreen setting on the component determines whether non-show modes (modes other than View for JSR168 or Show for JPDK) render inline within the portlet or on a new page.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the allModesSharedScreen attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

allModesSharedScreen - true to make all Portlet modes render inline. false to make all non-show modes render on a new page.


java.lang.String getAllModesSharedScreen()
allModesSharedScreen setting for this component.
See Also:


void setIsNormalModeAvailable(boolean isNormalModeAvailable)
Is the isNormalModeAvailable is a boolean property that determines whether Refresh is show in the Portlet actions menu.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isNormalModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isNormalModeAvailable - true to enable Refresh in the Portlet actions.


boolean getIsNormalModeAvailable()
isNormaModeAvailable property value
See Also:


void setIsAboutModeAvailable(boolean isAboutModeAvailable)
The isAboutModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's About mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isAboutModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isAboutModeAvailable -


boolean getIsAboutModeAvailable()
isAboutModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsPersonalizeModeAvailable(boolean isPersonalizeModeAvailable)
The isPersonalizeModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Personalize mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isPersonalizeModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isPersonalizeModeAvailable -


boolean getIsPersonalizeModeAvailable()
isPersonalizeModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsHelpModeAvailable(boolean isHelpModeAvailable)
The isHelpModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Help mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isHelpModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isHelpModeAvailable -


boolean getIsHelpModeAvailable()
isHelpModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsCustomizeModeAvailable(boolean isCustomizeModeAvailable)
The isCustomizeModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Customize mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isCustomizeModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isCustomizeModeAvailable -


boolean getIsCustomizeModeAvailable()
isCustomizeModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsDetailModeAvailable(boolean isDetailModeAvailable)
The isDetailModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Detail mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isDetailModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isDetailModeAvailable -


boolean getIsDetailModeAvailable()
isDetailModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsPreviewModeAvailable(boolean isPreviewModeAvailable)
The isPreviewModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Preview mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isPreviewModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isPreviewModeAvailable -


boolean getIsPreviewModeAvailable()
isDetailModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsPrintModeAvailable(boolean isPrintModeAvailable)
The isPrintModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Print mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isPrintModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isPrintModeAvailable -


boolean getIsPrintModeAvailable()
isPrintModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setIsConfigModeAvailable(boolean isConfigModeAvailable)
The isConfigModeAvailable property determines whether the Portlet view component allows the Portlet's Config mode to be shown.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the isConfigModeAvailable attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is true.

isConfigModeAvailable -


boolean getIsConfigModeAvailable()
isConfigModeAvailable view component property
See Also:


void setRenderPortletInIFrame(java.lang.String renderPortletInIFrame)
The renderPortletInIFrame property determines whether the Portlet view component should show the Portlet markup content inside an iFrame.

The allowed values are true, valse or auto. True means that the portlet markup will be displayed in an iframe. False means that the markup will be rendered inline in the containing page. Auto means that the Portlet view component will decide, based on the content of the markup, whether the markup can be safely rendered inline.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the renderPortletInIFrame attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is auto.

renderPortletInIFrame - true, false or auto


java.lang.String getRenderPortletInIFrame()
renderPortletInIFrame view component property
See Also:


void setSubmitUrlParameters(boolean submitUrlParameters)
When a link in a Portlet is clicked and that link points to the page on which the Portlet resides, the submitUrlParameter property determines whether the parameters in the link are available to the containing page or only sent back to the Portlet.

A value of true will mean the parameters will be available to the containing page.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the submitUrlParameters attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is false.

submitUrlParameters -


boolean getSubmitUrlParameters()
getSubmitUrlParameters view component property
See Also:


void setIframeDtd(java.lang.String iframeDtd)
The iframeDtd attribute controls which HTML dtd is used in the doctype declation for the iframe content document when the Portlet is rendered in an iframe. Valid values are "loose", "strict" and "none". "none" will mean that no DTD is specified.

When the PortletBase view component is instantiated based on a corresponding portlet jsp tag, the value is initially for this property is taken from the iframeDtd attribute on the jsp tag. If no value is specified, the default is loose.

iframeDtd -


java.lang.String getIframeDtd()
iframeDtd view component property
See Also:


oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletModel getPortletModel()
Get the PortletModel object associated with this component.
the PortletBinding object.


oracle.adf.model.portlet.binding.PortletBinding getPortletBinding()
Get the PortletBinding object
the PortletBinding for the components value attribute.


java.lang.String getClientId(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (

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