MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide

4.6.13 mysql_fix_extensions — Normalize Table File Name Extensions


This utility is deprecated in MySQL 5.6.17 and removed in MySQL 5.7

mysql_fix_extensions converts the extensions for MyISAM (or ISAM) table files to their canonical forms. It looks for files with extensions matching any lettercase variant of .frm, .myd, .myi, .isd, and .ism and renames them to have extensions of .frm, .MYD, .MYI, .ISD, and .ISM, respectively. This can be useful after transferring the files from a system with case-insensitive file names (such as Windows) to a system with case-sensitive file names.

Invoke mysql_fix_extensions like this, where data_dir is the path name to the MySQL data directory.

shell> mysql_fix_extensions data_dir