MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0 Release Notes

15 Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.0 (2017-09-29)


It is not possible to upgrade to MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0 from versions preceding MySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.2. To upgrade an older version, you must first upgrade to MySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.2 before running the MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0 upgrade process.


MySQL Enterprise Service Manager 4.0's bundled repository is MySQL Server 5.7.19.

NDB Cluster Monitoring

  • Important Change: MySQL NDB Cluster monitoring has been added in this release for NDB Cluster 7.5.7, or higher.

    The following changes were made to support it:

    • Overview was extended to provide detailed information on NDB Cluster nodes.

    • Advisors were updated.

      The following NDB Cluster advisors were added in this release:

      • NDB Cluster Memory Usage:

      • NDB Cluster Status:

    • All existing Cluster advisors were renamed with the prefix NDB Cluster.

    • The following advisors were removed and their functionality rolled into the NDB Cluster Memory Usage advisor:

      • Cluster Data Node Data Memory Getting Low

      • Cluster Data Node Index Memory Getting Low

    • The following advisors were removed and their functionality rolled into the NDB Cluster Status advisor:

      • Cluster Data Node Has Been Restarted

      • Cluster Data Nodes Not Running

      • Cluster Has Stopped

    • Discovery of ndbd, ndbmtd, and ndb_mgmd processes.

    • Events view is extended to support MySQL NDB Cluster. Events are now generated for NDB Data Nodes, Management Nodes, and API Nodes, as well as MySQL instances and hosts.

    • The Topology view is updated to support NDB Cluster topologies.

    • An NDB Cluster Memory Usage report is added in this release. For more information, see NDB Cluster Memory Usage. The report is based on the output from the ndbinfo.memory_per_fragment table. For more information, see The ndbinfo memory_per_fragment Table.

User Interface Enhancements

  • Important Change: The user interface was extensively redesigned.

    • A navigation bar is added to the left side of the interface. All functional navigation is now performed through this navigation bar.

    • The Overview was extensively redesigned. See Overview for more information.

    • The Asset Selector was replaced with target selection fields which establish a context for all data displayed in the application. For example, if you select a single MySQL instance, only the data for that instance is displayed for all views. See Target Selection for more information.

      The target selector fields are persistent and present for all views.

      See Target Selection for more information.

    • The Settings menu (gear icon), is removed. All its contents are now grouped under the Configuration section of the navigation bar on the left side of the interface.

    • The Roles and Users views are updated in this release.

  • The Create Event Handler dialog's Filter section was redesigned. Also, the Group and Assets columns in the Event Handler list are combined into the Subjects column.

    For more information, see Creating Event Handlers.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • It is now possible to specify an exclusion list of users with database-level privileges on all databases in the mysql.user table. This is done using a regular expression in the MySQL User Account advisor. An event is generated for any user which does not match the defined expression.

    For more information, see MySQL User Account.


    This change replaces the Non-root User Has DB, Table, Or Index Privileges On All Databases advisor, and moves its functionality to the MySQL User Account advisor. If you changed the scheduling or thresholds on the Non-root User Has DB, Table, Or Index Privileges On All Databases advisor, the changes will be lost after upgrading to this version.

    (Bug #26260456, Bug #11748288, Bug #25696565)

    References: See also: Bug #17742263, Bug #26130781.

  • A User Statistics report is added in this release. For more information, see User Statistics. The report is based on the user summary sys schema views. For more information, see The user_summary and x$user_summary Views. (Bug #18888933)

  • As of this release, if you are using a MySQL Server repository other than the installation bundled with MySQL Enterprise Service Manager installation, the installer checks the MySQL Server for the following, minimum requirements:

    • MySQL Server version: versions older then MySQL 5.7.9 are not supported.

    • SSL: SSL must be enabled on the MySQL Server.

    • innodb_file_format: innodb_file_format must be barracuda.

    • innodb_file_per_table: innodb_file_per_table must be enabled.

    If any of those checks fail, the installer displays an error and cannot proceed until the configuration is corrected.

    The upgrade process performs the same checks.

    To check your repository is correctly configured, the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager's configuration utility is extended with the parameter --mysql-check-requirements.

    For more information, see Service Manager Configuration Utilities.

  • The MySQL server, bundled with MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, has been upgraded to MySQL 5.7.19.


    Changes have been made to the prerequisites of MySQL 5.7.19.

    • must be present on Linux platforms. MySQL Enterprise Service Manager full and upgrade installers check for the existence of this library.

    • During a MySQL Enterprise Service Manager upgrade, the upgrade installer runs the mysql_upgrade utility.

  • The Tomcat server, bundled with MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, has been upgraded to 8.5.16.

  • The bundled JRE was updated to 1.8.0_141 for both the Agent and Service Manager.

  • --mysql_ssl is no longer required by the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager installer and has been removed.

  • Data Purge settings have been added for aggregated data. For more information, see Data Purge Behavior.

Bugs Fixed

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor Proxy closed unexpectedly while executing queries. A segmentation fault occurred. (Bug #26798914)

  • On the Advisors page, filtering for specific advisors did not return all the advisors filtered for. (Bug #26668301)

  • On Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X platforms, the agent installer did not check the installation directory to ensure it had the required permissions to install MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent in that location.

    As of this release, the installer checks the directory for the appropriate permissions. If it does not have the rights to install to that location, it returns the following error message:

    There has been an error.
    The current installation directory could not be accessed by non-root users.
    Please select a different installation directory or change the permissions
    to 755 for this directory.

    (Bug #26551166)

  • Under certain circumstances, such as filtering on many graphs on the All Timeseries page, the resulting graphs were not correctly populated with data. This was caused by the default value for the maxHttpHeaderSize in the Tomcat configuration file, server.xml, which is set too low for large quantities of data. The value is set to 32K by default.

    As of this release, the value of maxHttpHeaderSize is doubled, to 64K, and applied to both the SSL and non-SSL connector configurations in server.xml.

    If you are upgrading to this version from a previous version, you must edit server.xml and add maxHttpHeaderSize="65536" to each of the default connectors.

    If you are performing a clean installation of MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, you do not need to edit any files, the new values are included by default. (Bug #26391094)

  • If the Asset Selector was collapsed, there was no indication of which asset was selected. (Bug #25252032)

  • It was not possible to filter a group twice in the Asset Selector. (Bug #20584984)

  • Auto-refresh interfered with menu selection. (Bug #11748623)

  • Sparkline graphs did not refresh dynamically.

  • The Group Replication advisor, when expanded, listed MySQL instances which were not involved in Group Replication.

  • Under certain circumstances, if the server hosting MySQL Enterprise Service Manager was restarted, MySQL Enterprise Service Manager failed to restart, logging the following error: Error creating bean with name 'groupReplicationMembership'.

  • The Add a new graph drop-down menu was not displayed on the Overview dashboard.

  • It was not possible to open a selected range of a timeseries graph in the Query Analyzer. The Query Analysis link did not behave as expected.

  • An error was displayed when selecting the Table Statistics report: Unable to generate SYS Schema report for selected MySQL Server. (U0422).

    As of this release, the agent's Admin, General, and Limited users are granted the EXECUTE privilege.


    If you defined these users manually, you must grant them the EXECUTE privilege.

    For more information, see Creating MySQL User Accounts for the Monitor Agent.

  • the Data Purge Behavior drop-down menus displayed Never if the first-time setup was performed using the configuration utility, and the purge values set to any value not divisible by 7.

    The values were correctly defined, this was a display issue, only.

  • Graphs were not included in the Support Diagnostics report.

  • On Mac OS X platforms, the java_home_dir variable was not set properly by the installer. As a result, the configuration report contained the following error: ***unknown variable java_home_dir.

  • On Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X platforms, MySQL Enterprise Service Manager upgrade installer could not upgrade the installation if the installation directory contained files or directories created by a different user, or a user with permissions which differed from those of the user running the upgrade.

    As of this release, the installers check the installation directory to ensure all files and directories have the correct permissions. If they do not, it exits with an informative error message.

  • Under certain circumstances, it was not possible to monitor an instance which had previously been monitored and then deleted by MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.

  • Graph data was not displayed for intervals of four or more days if the interval was defined on a combined graph.

  • Under certain circumstances, bulk schedule changes were not correctly applied to the replication advisors, Group Replication Configuration and Group Replication Status.

  • On the Advisors view, Filter and Expand filtered the advisor selection, but did not expand it as expected.

    Also, some Advisor controls were not correctly rendered after filtering.