Interface InstallationServiceMBean

public interface InstallationServiceMBean

The deployment service MBean allows administrative tools to manage service assembly deployments. The tasks supported are:

Installing and uninstalling components is accomplished using InstallerMBeans, loaded by this MBean. An individual installer MBean is needed for each component installation / uninstallation. This is to support the more complex installation process that some components require.

JSR208 Expert Group

Method Summary
 java.lang.String installSharedLibrary(java.lang.String slZipURL)
          Install a shared library installation package. loadInstaller(java.lang.String componentName)
          Load the InstallerMBean for a previously installed component. loadNewInstaller(java.lang.String installZipURL)
          Load the installer for a new component for the given component installation package.
 boolean uninstallSharedLibrary(java.lang.String slName)
          Uninstall a previously installed shared library.
 boolean unloadInstaller(java.lang.String componentName, boolean isToBeDeleted)
          Unload an InstallerMBean previously loaded for a component.

Method Detail


public loadNewInstaller(java.lang.String installZipURL)
Load the installer for a new component for the given component installation package.

installZipURL - URL locating a ZIP file containing the JBI Installation package to be installed; must be non-null, non-empty, and a legal URL
the JMX ObjectName of the InstallerMBean loaded from installZipURL; must be non-null


public loadInstaller(java.lang.String componentName)
Load the InstallerMBean for a previously installed component.

The "component name" refers to the <identification><name> element value from the component's installation package (see loadNewInstaller(String)).

componentName - the component name identifying the installer to load; must be non-null and non-empty
the JMX ObjectName of the InstallerMBean loaded from an existing installation context; null if the installer MBean doesn't exist


public boolean unloadInstaller(java.lang.String componentName,
                               boolean isToBeDeleted)
Unload an InstallerMBean previously loaded for a component.

componentName - the component name identifying the installer to unload; must be non-null and non-empty
isToBeDeleted - true if the component is to be deleted as well
true if the operation was successful, otherwise false


public java.lang.String installSharedLibrary(java.lang.String slZipURL)
Install a shared library installation package.

The return value is the unique name for the shared-library, as found in the the value of the installation descriptor's <identification><name> element.

slZipURL - URL locating a zip file containing a shared library installation package; must be non-null, non-empty, and a legal URL
the unique name of the shared library loaded from slZipURL; must be non-null and non-empty


public boolean uninstallSharedLibrary(java.lang.String slName)
Uninstall a previously installed shared library.

slName - the name of the shared name space to uninstall; must be non-null and non-empty
true if the uninstall was successful

Built 06/07/2005 11:16 AM on acer (SunOS 5.9)

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