Sun Adapter for LDAP API
Class SearchOptionsImpl

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SearchOptionsImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements SearchOptions

This class is used to set the options for the search operation

$Revision: 1.4 $

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
protected SearchOptionsImpl()
Method Summary
 AttributesSelection getAttributesSelection()
          Method to retrieve the value of the 'list of attributes' that has been set as attributes to return by the search operation
 java.lang.String getContextName()
          Returns the name of the context for the search.
 int getCountLimit()
          Gets the size limitation on the search results for the search operation.
 boolean getReturningObjFlag()
          Gets the boolean flag to determine whether objects will be returned as part of the result.
 java.lang.String getSearchFilter()
          Gets the search filter for the search.
 int getSearchScope()
          Gets the search scope for the search.
 int getTimeLimit()
          Gets the timeout in milliseconds for the search operation.
 void reset()
          Method to reset the values
 void setContextName(java.lang.String contextName)
          Sets the name of the context for the search (where to start searching).
 void setCountLimit(int countLimit)
          Sets the size limitation on the search results for the search operation.
 void setReturningObjFlag(boolean returnObjFlag)
          Sets the boolean flag to enable/disable returning objects returned as part of the result.
 void setSearchFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Sets the search filter for the search.
 void setSearchScope(int scope)
          Sets the search scope for the search.
 void setTimeLimit(int timeLimitMilliSec)
          Sets the timeout in milliseconds for the search operation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected SearchOptionsImpl()
Method Detail


public void reset()
Description copied from interface: SearchOptions
Method to reset the values

Specified by:
reset in interface SearchOptions


public AttributesSelection getAttributesSelection()
Method to retrieve the value of the 'list of attributes' that has been set as attributes to return by the search operation

Specified by:
getAttributesSelection in interface SearchOptions
the AttributesSelection object associated with this instance


public void setContextName(java.lang.String contextName)
Sets the name of the context for the search (where to start searching).

Specified by:
setContextName in interface SearchOptions
name - The name of the context for the search.


public java.lang.String getContextName()
Returns the name of the context for the search. Returns null if context name was not previously set.

Specified by:
getContextName in interface SearchOptions


public void setSearchScope(int scope)
Sets the search scope for the search.

Specified by:
setSearchScope in interface SearchOptions
scope - The scope of the directory search. Valid values are OBJECT_SCOPE, ONELEVEL_SCOPE, or SUBTREE_SCOPE.
See Also:
SearchOptions.OBJECT_SCOPE, SearchOptions.ONELEVEL_SCOPE, SearchOptions.SUBTREE_SCOPE


public int getSearchScope()
Gets the search scope for the search.

Specified by:
getSearchScope in interface SearchOptions


public void setSearchFilter(java.lang.String filter)
Sets the search filter for the search.

Specified by:
setSearchFilter in interface SearchOptions
filter - The filter expression to use for the search; may not be null. For example, for LDAP, see RFC 2254.


public java.lang.String getSearchFilter()
Gets the search filter for the search.

Specified by:
getSearchFilter in interface SearchOptions


public void setTimeLimit(int timeLimitMilliSec)
Sets the timeout in milliseconds for the search operation.

Specified by:
setTimeLimit in interface SearchOptions
timeLimitMilliSec - The timeout value in milliseconds. If 0 is specified, then the search will wait indefinitely; this is the default.


public int getTimeLimit()
Gets the timeout in milliseconds for the search operation.

Specified by:
getTimeLimit in interface SearchOptions


public void setCountLimit(int countLimit)
Sets the size limitation on the search results for the search operation.

Specified by:
setCountLimit in interface SearchOptions
countLimit - The maximum number of results returned for the search. If 0 is specified, then return all results if there are any results; this is the default


public int getCountLimit()
Gets the size limitation on the search results for the search operation.

Specified by:
getCountLimit in interface SearchOptions


public void setReturningObjFlag(boolean returnObjFlag)
Sets the boolean flag to enable/disable returning objects returned as part of the result.

Specified by:
setReturningObjFlag in interface SearchOptions
returnObjFlag - true to return objects in result. false to return only name and class of objects in result.


public boolean getReturningObjFlag()
Gets the boolean flag to determine whether objects will be returned as part of the result.

Specified by:
getReturningObjFlag in interface SearchOptions

Sun Adapter for LDAP API