Sun Adapter for SAG API


Interface Summary
DateFormatLocale It is a sole place for NamePattern and NameMatcher to get Locale for fomatting/matching purpose, so NamePattern/NameMatcher can work across different JVMs which default locales may be different.

Class Summary
LocalDirRegExp Provides supports for local directory name regular expression.
NameMatcher It is used to match names which are formatted/expanded from class
NamePattern Provides utilities for the SAG e*Way file-name expansion feature.
SAGFileNameFinder It searches directory regular expression and file name regular expression and finds the matched full file name.
SAGFileNameResolver It resolves directory and file name patterns and gives the full file name.
SeqNoFilePersistenceAdapter It is a file persistence adapter used to store sequence number.

Sun Adapter for SAG API

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