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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial
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1.  Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial

About MPI and Performance Analyzer

Setting Up for the Tutorial

Collecting Data on the ring_c Example

Opening the Experiment

Navigating the MPI Timeline

Viewing Message Details

Viewing Function Details and Application Source Code

Filtering Data in the MPI Tabs

Using the Filter Stack

Using the MPI Chart Tab

Using the MPI Chart Controls

Make a Chart to Show Where Messages are Being Sent

Make a Chart to Show Which Ranks Waited Longest to Receive a Message

Look for Slow Message Effects on Time Spent in MPI Functions


A.  MPI Chart Control Settings

Collecting Data on the ring_c Example

  1. Change to the directory where your example binaries and source code are located.

  2. Run the following command:

    % collect -M OMPT mpirun -np 25 --hostfile clusterhosts -- ring_c

    The command might take a few moments to run and the output should be the same as the test run through the mpirun command.

    The -M OMPT option indicates the MPI version is the Oracle Message Passing Toolkit. See the collect(1) man page for more information about MPI versions supported.

    The -np 25 option specifies 25 processes on the cluster, and --hostfile clusterhosts indicates that the node names and the number of slots that are to be used on each node are specified in a file called clusterhosts.

    This command specifies to use 25 processes on two hosts, and specifies one slot on each host. You should specify a number of processes and slots that is appropriate for your system.

  3. List the contents of the newly created directory and make sure the date on the files reflects the latest execution. This means you ran the command successfully and are ready to run the Performance Analyzer on ring_c. The integer in increments for each collect command you run so the rest of this tutorial refers to this name generically as test.*.er.