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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: C++ User's Guide
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Part I C++ Compiler

1.  The C++ Compiler

2.  Using the C++ Compiler

2.1 Getting Started

2.2 Invoking the Compiler

2.2.1 Command Syntax

2.2.2 File Name Conventions

2.2.3 Using Multiple Source Files

2.3 Compiling With Different Compiler Versions

2.4 Compiling and Linking

2.4.1 Compile-Link Sequence

2.4.2 Separate Compiling and Linking

2.4.3 Consistent Compiling and Linking

2.4.4 Compiling for 64-Bit Memory Model

2.4.5 Compiler Command-Line Diagnostics

2.4.6 Understanding the Compiler Organization

2.5 Preprocessing Directives and Names

2.5.1 Pragmas

2.5.2 Macros With a Variable Number of Arguments

2.5.3 Predefined Names

2.5.4 Warnings and Errors

2.6 Memory Requirements

2.6.1 Swap Space Size

2.6.2 Increasing Swap Space

2.6.3 Control of Virtual Memory

2.6.4 Memory Requirements

2.7 Using the strip Command with C++ Objects

2.8 Simplifying Commands

2.8.1 Using Aliases Within the C Shell

2.8.2 Using CCFLAGS to Specify Compile Options

2.8.3 Using make Using CCFLAGS Within make

3.  Using the C++ Compiler Options

Part II Writing C++ Programs

4.  Language Extensions

5.  Program Organization

6.  Creating and Using Templates

7.  Compiling Templates

8.  Exception Handling

9.  Improving Program Performance

10.  Building Multithreaded Programs

Part III Libraries

11.  Using Libraries

12.  Using The C++ Standard Library

13.  Using the Classic iostream Library

14.  Using the Complex Arithmetic Library

15.  Building Libraries

Part IV Appendixes

A.  C++ Compiler Options

B.  Pragmas



2.3 Compiling With Different Compiler Versions

This compiler does not use the cache by default. It only uses the cache if you specify -instances=extern. If the compiler makes use of the cache, it checks the cache directory’s version and issues error messages whenever it encounters cache version problems. Future C++ compilers will also check cache versions. For example, a future compiler that has a different template cache version identification and that processes a cache directory produced by this release of the compiler might issue an error that is similar to the following message:

Template Database at ./SunWS_cache is incompatible with
this compiler

Similarly, the compiler issues an error if it encounters a cache directory that was produced by a later version of the compiler.

When you upgrade your compiler, it is always good practice to clean the cache. Run CCadmin -clean on every directory that contains a template cache directory (in most cases, a template cache directory is named SunWS_cache). Alternatively, you can use rm -rf SunWS_cache.