Supported Actions

XML Gateway Supported Actions

The following table lists the XML Gateway supported Actions. For the map analysis process, identify the required Action. For detailed descriptions of each Action and instructions on how to define an Action see Transaction Map -Actions.

Action Category Action Description
Assignments Assign variable value
Create global value
Database Functions Assign next sequence value
Append where clause
Insert into database table
Derivations Derive Address ID from Location Code
Derive Parent ID from Location Code
Function Call Execute function and assign function return value
Math Functions Add
OAG Standard Conversions Convert Oracle date to OAG date format
Convert Oracle operating amount to OAG operating amount format
Convert Oracle quantity to OAG quantity format
Convert Oracle amount to OAG amount format
Convert OAG date to Oracle date format
Convert OAG operating amount to Oracle operating amount
Convert OAG quantity to Oracle quantity format
Convert OAG amount to Oracle amount format
Other Exit program
Predefined Variable Get predefined variable value:
Code Conversion Return Status for (a specific element)
Internal Control Number
Return Code
Return Message
Receiver Trading Partner ID
Sender Trading Partner ID
Organization ID
Procedure Call Execute procedure with send and return parameters
Return Error Message Send error message to trading partner or XML Gateway system administrator contact
String Functions Perform Concatenate
Perform Substring
XSLT Transformation Execute procedure to perform XSLT

Each ACTION may be based on a condition. A condition consists of two operands stated as a literal value or a variable. If a condition is defined, the ACTION is executed if the condition result is true. The condition operators supported by XML Gateway are listed in the following table:

Operator Description
null Null
not null Not Null
= Equal
!= Not Equal
< Less Than
> Greater Than
<= Less Than or Equal To
>= Greater Than or Equal To

Note: Do not attempt to perform date comparisons unless your dates are stated as Julian dates. Use database functions to compare dates instead.