Web Services for Publishing

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview

Users can publish item catalog categories, value sets, or items and extract more information about these entities by invoking entity specific Web Services for Oracle Product Information Management. The following Web Services are available to PIM users:

The figure below shows a sample implementation that consumes one of these Web Services.

System Flow and Interaction Diagram

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Publishing Overview, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Item Catalog Category Web Service

Value Set Web Service

Item Web Service

Item Catalog Category Web Service

The item catalog category (ICC) Web Service includes the getICCDetails method, which returns the details of the ICC according to the parameters requested in the output. Users can invoke the method on both ICC versions and non-version ICCs.

Important: Before using Publication Web Services, you must complete some manual post-installation steps. Complete the steps documented in My Oracle Support ID 888696.1. This My Oracle Support ID also includes troubleshooting tips.

Method: getICCDetails

This Web Service method provides an interface to extract the information about the ICC and/or its hierarchy based on input.


You can invoke the getICCDetails method using two modes:

Batch Mode

List Mode

While invoking the ICC services in either mode, provide the following WS-Security and Parameter inputs:

Parameter Name Type Optional Description
User Name String NO EBS “Applications User name”
Password String NO Password for EBS “Applications User”
Parameter Name Type Optional Description
BatchId Integer Yes (batch mode)
No (non-batch mode)
The identifier of the Batch that was published from the PIM UI.
ICCId Integer Yes (non-batch mode)
No (batch mode)
ICC id for which the details need to be extracted.
VersionSequence Integer Yes (non-batch mode)
No (batch mode)
Version for which the service is needed. If left blank, the default is the current effective version.
UserDefAttrGrps Boolean Yes Flag to control whether to include the user defined attribute groups associated with the ICC(s) in the output payload. Default Value : True
ICCVersions Boolean Yes Flag that controls whether the version information for the ICC(s) is included in the output payload. Default Value: True
TransAttrs Boolean Yes Flag to control whether the transaction attributes for the ICC(s) are included in the output payload.
Default Value: True
ICCStructure Boolean Yes Flag to control whether the structures for ICC(s) are included in the output payload.
Default Value: True
ParentICCs Boolean Yes Flag to control whether the parent hierarchy for the ICC(s) is included in the output payload.
Default Value: True

Note: This parameter is honored only during “List” mode calls to the getICCDetails method.

ChildICCs Boolean Yes Flag to control whether the child hierarchy for ICC(s) is included in the output payload.
Default Value: True

Note: This parameter is honored only during a “List” mode call to the getICCDetails method.

ReturnPayload Boolean Yes
Default: True
Flag to control whether the output payload should include the ICC(s) details.
LanguageCode String Yes The language code in which to return the output, for example, US (for American English).
Default: Return output in all installed languages.

Note: Repeat this parameter multiple times to return output in more than one language.

LanguageName String Yes The language name in which to return the output, for example, English.
RESPONSIBILITY_NAME String No Provide the Responsibility name for the user.
RESPONSIBILITY_APPL_NAME String No Application name for the above responsibility
For example: EGO
SECURITY_GROUP_NAME String Yes Security group name
NLS_LANGUAGE String Yes The current session language to use for the Web Service invocation.


The output payload includes details based on the configurable parameters selected by the user.


Related Topics

Publishing Overview, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview

Assigning Systems to an Item Catalog Category

Publishing Item Catalog Categories

Controlling the Output Payload

Error Reporting

Value Set Web Service

The value set Web Service includes the getValueSetDetails method, which returns the details of the value set according to the parameters requested in the output. Users can invoke the method on both value set versions and non-version value sets.

Important: Before using Publication Web Services, you must complete some manual post-installation steps. Complete the steps documented in My Oracle Support ID 888696.1. This My Oracle Support ID also includes troubleshooting tips.

Method: getValueSetDetails

This Web Service method provides an interface to extract the information about the value set and/or its hierarchy based on input.


You can invoke the getValueSetDetails method using two modes:

Batch Mode

List Mode

While invoking the value set services in either mode, provide the following WS-Security and Parameter inputs:

Parameter Name Type Optional Description
User Name String NO EBS “Applications User name”
Password String NO Password for EBS “Applications User”
Parameter Name Type Optional Description
BatchId Integer No (batch mode)
Yes (non-batch mode)
The identifier of the Batch that was published from the PIM UI.
ValueSetId Integer Yes (batch mode)
No (non-batch mode)
Value set id for which the details need to be extracted.
VersionSeqId Integer Yes Version for which the service is needed. If left blank, the default is the current effective version.
ReturnPayload Boolean Yes
Default: True
Flag to control whether the output payload includes the details of the ICC(s)
LanguageCode String Yes The language code in which to return the output.
For example: US (for American English).
Default: Return output in all installed languages.

Note: Repeat this parameter multiple times to return output in more than one language.

LanguageName String Yes The language name in which to return the output.
For example: English
(Mandatory for list mode)
Provide the Responsibility name for the user.
(Mandatory for list mode)
Application name for the above responsibility
For example: EGO
SECURITY_GROUP_NAME String Yes Security group name
For example: STANDARD
NLS_LANGUAGE String Yes The current session language to use for the Web Service invocation.


The output payload includes value set details based on the configurable parameters selected by the user.


Related Topics

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview

Publishing Overview, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Assigning Systems to an Item Catalog Category

Publishing Item Catalog Categories

Publishing Value Sets

Publishing Items and Structures, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Viewing the Publishing History, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Controlling the Output Payload

Error Reporting

Item Web Service

The item Web Service includes the getItemDetails and getStructureDetails methods, which return the details of the item according to the parameters requested in the output.

Important: Before using Publication Web Services, you must complete some manual post-installation steps. Complete the steps documented in My Oracle Support ID 888696.1. This My Oracle Support ID also includes troubleshooting tips.

Method: getItemDetails

This Web Service method provides an interface to extract the information about the item and/or its hierarchy based on input.


You can invoke the getItemDetails method using three modes:

Batch Mode

Single Item Mode

List of Items Mode

While invoking the item services in either mode, provide the following WS-Security and Parameter inputs:

Parameter Name Type Optional Description
User Name String NO EBS “Applications User name”
Password String NO Password for EBS “Applications User”
Parameter Name Type Optional Description
BatchId Integer No (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
Yes (single item mode)
The batch identifier that was published from the PIM user interface.
InventoryItemId Integer Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Item identifier for which to extract the details.
OrganizationId Integer Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Organization identifier to which the publishing item belongs.
OrganizationCode String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Organization code to which the publishing item belongs.
RevisionId Integer Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Revision ID of the publishing item.
Revision String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Revision code of the publishing item.
RevisionDate Date Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Revision date of the publishing item. If the structure name is provided, this date is considered for explosion of the structure in list or single item mode.
StructureName String Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Structure name of the publishing item. All components of this structure are published along with the publishing item in list and single item mode.

Note: For the primary structure, provide the value as "Primary".

Segment1 through Segment19 String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (List mode)
Single item mode:
  • Yes – If InventoryItemId is provided.

  • No – If InventoryItemId is not provided.

The name of each individual segment that comprises the Publishing item name.

Note: The characteristics for all 19 segments are the same.

LevelsToExplode Integer Yes Number of levels (0-60) to explode for a structure.
Default: 60
ExplodeOption Integer Yes The explode option for structure:
  1. All

  2. Current

  3. Current and future. By default, current is considered.

ExplodeStandard String Yes Whether to explode the standard structure or not.
  • Y – Explodes the standard structure.

  • N – Do not explode the standard structure.

By default, standard structures are exploded.
OperationalAttributeGroups String Yes Used to turn operational attribute groups on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
UserDefinedAttributeGroups String Yes Used to turn user defined attribute groups on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
ItemRevision String Yes Used to turn item revision details on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
TransactionAttributes String Yes Used to turn transaction attributes on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
RelatedItems String Yes Used to turn related items on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
CustomerItems String Yes Used to turn customer items on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
ManufacturerPartNumbers String Yes Used to turn manufacturer part numbers on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
GTINCrossReferences String Yes Used to turn GTIN cross references on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
AlternateCategoryAssignments String Yes Used to turn alternate category assignments on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
SupplierAssignments String Yes Used to turn supplier assignments on and off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
ReturnPayload String Yes Flag to control whether the output payload includes the details of the item(s).
  • Y – includes the details of the item in the payload.

  • N – does not include the details of the item in the payload.

Default Value: Y
ItemCatalog String Yes Used to turn the item catalog on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • ItemCatalog = N, then ItemCatalog is turned off in the payload.

    • ItemCatalog = Y, then ItemCatalog is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • ItemCatalog = N, then ItemCatalog is turned off in the payload.

    • ItemCatalog = Y, then ItemCatalog is turned off in the payload

InventoryCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn InventoryCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • InventoryCharacteristics = N, then InventoryCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • InventoryCharacteristics = Y, then InventoryCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • InventoryCharacteristics = N, then InventoryCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • InventoryCharacteristics = Y, then InventoryCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

PhysicalCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn PhysicalCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • PhysicalCharacteristics = N, then PhysicalCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • PhysicalCharacteristics = Y, then PhysicalCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • PhysicalCharacteristics = N, then PhysicalCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • PhysicalCharacteristics = Y, then PhysicalCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics = N, then BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics = Y, then BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics = N, then BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics = Y, then BillsOfMaterialCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

WorkInProcessCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn WorkInProcessCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • WorkInProcessCharacteristics = N, then WorkInProcessCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • WorkInProcessCharacteristics = Y, then WorkInProcessCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • WorkInProcessCharacteristics = N, then WorkInProcessCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • WorkInProcessCharacteristics = Y, then WorkInProcessCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

CostingCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn CostingCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • CostingCharacteristics = N, then CostingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • CostingCharacteristics = Y, then CostingCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • CostingCharacteristics = N, then CostingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • CostingCharacteristics = Y, then CostingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics = N, then ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics = Y, then ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics = N, then ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics = Y, then ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

PlanningCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn PlanningCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • PlanningCharacteristics = N, then PlanningCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • PlanningCharacteristics = Y, then PlanningCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics = N, then ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics = Y, then ProcessingLeadTimeCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

PurchasingCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn PurchasingCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • PurchasingCharacteristics = N, then PurchasingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • PurchasingCharacteristics = Y, then PurchasingCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • PurchasingCharacteristics = N, then PurchasingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • PurchasingCharacteristics = Y, then PurchasingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

ReceivingCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn ReceivingCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • ReceivingCharacteristics = N, then ReceivingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ReceivingCharacteristics = Y, then ReceivingCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • ReceivingCharacteristics = N, then ReceivingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ReceivingCharacteristics = Y, then ReceivingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

OrderManagementCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn OrderManagementCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • OrderManagementCharacteristics = N, then OrderManagementCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • OrderManagementCharacteristics = Y, then OrderManagementCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • OrderManagementCharacteristics = N, then OrderManagementCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • OrderManagementCharacteristics = Y, then OrderManagementCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

InvoicingCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn InvoicingCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • InvoicingCharacteristics = N, then InvoicingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • InvoicingCharacteristics = Y, then InvoicingCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • InvoicingCharacteristics = N, then InvoicingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • InvoicingCharacteristics = Y, then InvoicingCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

WebOptionsCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn WebOptionsCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • WebOptionsCharacteristics = Y and either:

    • WebOptionsCharacteristics = N, then WebOptionsCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • WebOptionsCharacteristics = Y, then InvoicingCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • WebOptionsCharacteristics = N, then WebOptionsCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • WebOptionsCharacteristics = Y, then WebOptionsCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

ServiceCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn ServiceCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • ServiceCharacteristics = N, then ServiceCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ServiceCharacteristics = Y, then ServiceCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • ServiceCharacteristics = N, then ServiceCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ServiceCharacteristics = Y, then ServiceCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

AssetCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn AssetCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • AssetCharacteristics = N, then AssetCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • AssetCharacteristics = Y, then AssetCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • AssetCharacteristics = N, then AssetCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • AssetCharacteristics = Y, then AssetCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

ProcessMfgCharacteristics String Yes Used to turn ProcessMfgCharacteristics on or off in the payload.
  • Y – turn on

  • N – turn off

Default Value: Y
If OperationalAttributeGroups is Y, then only the value for this parameter is considered. For example, if:
  • OperationalAttributeGroups = Y and either:

    • ProcessMfgCharacteristics = N, then ProcessMfgCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ProcessMfgCharacteristics = Y, then ProcessMfgCharacteristics is turned on in the payload.

  • OperationalAttributeGroups = N and either:

    • ProcessMfgCharacteristics = N, then ProcessMfgCharacteristics is turned off in the payload.

    • ProcessMfgCharacteristics = Y, then ProcessMfgCharacteristics is turned off in the payload

AttributeId Integer - The attribute ID identifies the transaction attribute to include in the payload. Use to configure the list of transaction attributes for a given revision to show in the payload. Use this to provide a list of attribute IDs.
AttributeName String - The attribute internal name identifies the transaction attribute to include in the payload. Use this to provide a list of transaction attribute internal names. If neither AttributeId or AttributeName are provided, then all transaction attributes associated with the item for a given revision are published in the payload.

Note: AttributeName takes precedence over AttributeId.

LanguageCode String Yes The language code in which to return the translatable attributes in the payload.
For example, US (for American English).
By Default, the translatable attributes return in all installed languages.

Note: Repeat this parameter multiple times to return output in more than one language.

LanguageName String Yes The language name in which to return the translatable attributes in the payload.
For example: English.

Important: Provide the following parameters multiple times to publish multiple items.

InventoryItemId Integer Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
Yes (single item mode)
Item ID for which to extract the details.
OrganizationId Integer Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
Yes (single item mode)
Organization ID to which the publishing item belongs.
OrganizationCode String Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
Yes (single item mode)
Organization code to which the publishing item belongs.
RevisionId Integer Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
Yes (single item mode)
Revision ID of the publishing item.
Revision String Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
Yes (single item mode)
Revision code of the publishing item.

Important: Provide the following parameters multiple times to publish multiple items.


Note: Segment1 through Segment20 all have the same characteristics.

String Batch mode: Yes
Single item mode: Yes
List of items mode:
  • Yes – If InvetoryItemId is provided for an item.

  • No – If InventoryItemId is not provided for an item.

The individual segment's name that comprises the Publishing item name.
(Mandatory for any mode other than batch mode.)
Provide the responsibility name for the user.
(Mandatory for any mode other than batch mode.)
Application name for the responsibility.
For example: EGO
SECURITY_GROUP_NAME String Yes Security group name.
For example: STANDARD
NLS_LANGUAGE String Yes The current session language to be used for the Web Service invocation.


The output payload includes item details based on the configurable parameters selected by the user.


Method: getStructureDetails

This Web Service method provides an interface to extract the information about an item's structure based on input. The payload only contains the details about the structure and its components. The payload does not contain item definition information for the components.


You can invoke the getStructureDetails method using three modes. The mode used is derived from the XML elements provided.

Batch Mode

Single Item Mode

List of Items Mode

While invoking the item services in any mode, provide the following WS-Security and Parameter inputs:

Parameter Name Type Optional Description
User Name String NO EBS “Applications User name” (FND User Name)
Password String NO Password for EBS “Applications User”
Parameter Name Type Optional Description
StructureQueryParameters Complex Yes Use this part of the XML document for single item mode.
InventoryItemId Integer Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Use in single item mode to query the payload for a given inventory item ID.
OrganizationId Integer Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Use with the single item mode to query the payload for an item in a specific organization. Use an existing organization ID in the PIM instance. Use either the Organization Code or the Organization ID to retrieve a payload in this mode.
OrganizationCode String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Use with the single item mode to query the payload for an item in a specific organization. Use an existing organization code in the PIM instance. Use either the Organization Code or the Organization ID to retrieve a payload in this mode.
RevisionId Integer Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Revision ID of the publishing item.
Revision String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Revision code of the publishing item.
RevisionDate Date Yes (batch mode)
No (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Use in single item mode to query the payload for a specific revision's structure of an item. Use a valid revision ID for the item provided in InventoryItemId or segments.
Provide one of the following fields as input for this mode: Revisionid /RevisionCode/RevisionDate.
StructureName String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Use in single item mode to specify the name of the structure for which to query the payload. This is a mandatory input for single item mode.
Segment1 through Segment15 String Yes (batch mode)
Yes (list mode)
No (single item mode)
Use in single item mode to specify the name of the item for which to query the payload. Depending on the customer setup for item name segments, provide values for any of the 15 segment fields. Either a value in inventoryItemid or value(s) in one or more of these segments are required in single item mode.
ListofLanguageInformation Complex Yes Use this part of the XML input to provide the language information. Repeat this tag multiple times as needed to specify multiple language information.
LanguageCode String Yes Use in the single item mode to specify the language in which to return the payload. If no value is specified in both LanguageCode and LanguageName tags, the payload returns the information in all languages defined within the PIM instance.
LanguageName String Yes Use in single item mode to specify the language in which to return the payload. If no value is specified in both LanguageCode and LanguageName tags, the payload returns the information in all languages defined within the PIM instance.
LevelsToExplode Integer Yes Use in single item mode to specify the number of levels to explode (0-60) for a structure.
Default: 60
BomExploderParameters Complex Yes Use to specify the BOM exploder behavior options as input. All the child elements control BOM explosion behavior.
ExplodeOption Integer Yes The explode options for the structure include:
  1. All

  2. Current

  3. Current and future. By default, current is considered.

Default: Current
ExplodeStandard String Yes Determines whether to explode the standard structure or not.
  • Y – Explodes the standard structure.

  • N – Do not explode the standard structure.

By default, standard structures are exploded. The explosion only explodes the model and option class.
PublishEntities Complex Yes This specifies configurability options for the payload. By default, the payload includes all information about the structure. This enables users to pick and choose what information to include in the payload by providing values to the elements in this section. Valid values for any configurability options elements are Y or N.
StructureRevision String Yes Specify whether to include the structure revision information as part of the payload.
StructureHeader AttributeGroups String Yes Specify whether to include the structure attribute group information as part of the payload.
StructureComponents String Yes Specify whether to include the structure components information as part of the payload.
ReturnPayload String Yes Flag that controls whether to include details in the output payload. For details, see Controlling the Output Payload.
PublishStructureAttributeGroup Complex Yes By default, the payload includes all attribute groups. However, you can specify the list of attribute groups to include. If attribute groups are specified, then only those attribute groups are included in the payload.
AttributegroupId Integer Yes UDA Attribute Group ID
AttributeGroupName String Yes UDA attribute group name. Specify either the attribute group id or the attribute group name.
PublishStructureComponents Complex Yes Provides payload configurability options for structure component details. All configurability option elements accept Y or N values.
Default: Y, so, by default, the payload includes all information.
StructureReferenceDesignators String Yes Specify whether to include the reference designator in the payload.
StructureSubstituteComponents String Yes Specify whether to include the substitute component details in the payload.
ComponentAttributeGroups String Yes Specifies whether to include the component UDAs in the payload.
ComponentExclusions String Yes Specifies whether to include the component exclusions in the payload.
ComponentUDAOverrides String Yes Specifies whether to include the component UDA override details in the payload.
ValueSetExclusions String Yes Specifies whether to include the value set exclusions in the payload.
ListofPublishComponentAttributegroups Complex Yes By default, the payload includes all attribute groups. However, you can specify the list of attribute groups to include. If you specify attribute groups, then only those attribute groups are included in the payload.
AttributegroupId Integer Yes UDA attribute group ID
AttributeGroupName String Yes UDA attribute group name. You can specify either the attribute group ID or attribute group name.
BatchStructureQueryParameters Complex Yes Use this part of the input payload when using batch mode.
BatchId Integer Yes Batch mode creates this batch ID during the item publication process. The return payload includes structure information for all items in this batch.
Configurability Complex Yes All configurability options described for single item mode apply to batch mode.
ListofItemStructureQueryParams Complex Yes Use this part of the input payload when using list item mode.
All configurability options described for single item mode apply to the list item mode. The options apply to the whole list.
InventoryItemId String Yes Specifies in list item mode the inventory item ID in the list. You can either specify the ID or name.
OrganizationId String Yes Specify the organization for the item structure. You can either specify the organization ID or organization code.
OrganizationCode String Yes Specify the organization for the item structure. You can either specify the organization ID or organization code.
RevisionId String Yes Specify the revision of the item in the list. Provide either the revision ID or revision code.
Revision String Yes Specify the revision of the item in the list. Provide either the revision ID or revision code.
RevisionDate String Yes Specify the revision date of the item in the list.
StructureName String Yes Specify the structure name for which to return the payload.
Configurability Complex Yes The configurability options are same as single item mode.
FNDSecurity Complex Yes Specifies the FND securities information.
(Mandatory for list mode.)
Provide the responsibility name for the user.
(Mandatory for list mode.)
Application name for the responsibility.
For example: EGO
SECURITY_GROUP_NAME String Yes Security group name.
For example: STANDARD
NLS_LANGUAGE String Yes The current session language used for the Web Service invocation.


The output payload includes structure details based on the configurable parameters selected by the user.


Related Topics

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview

Publishing Overview, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Publishing Items and Structures, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Controlling the Output Payload

Error Reporting

Controlling the Output Payload

The output payload of Web Services can grow very large due to the number of entities and sub-entities returned. This can become a bottleneck in performance when the Web Service client consumes the payload.

To facilitate processing smaller portions of the entire payload at a time, use the optional parameter ReturnPayload as part of the input parameter list for every Web Service. When the Web Service client intends to process smaller payloads, the client invokes the Web Service method with the ReturnPayload parameter set to 'False'.

If the ReturnPayload parameter is set to 'False',, the Web Service method does not return the payload and instead returns a set of parameters in the payload to use for retrieving the information from a database view.

Example when ReturnPayload = False

The output returned contains the following information in AdditionalInfo:


Using the values of SessionId and EntityCount, the Web Service consumer can retrieve the payloads for individual entities from the database view EGO_PUB_WS_OUTPUT_V in the Oracle Product Information Management instance. The columns of the database view EGO_PUB_WS_OUTPUT_V that you can use to retrieve the output payload in parts is provided below:

Column Name Description
SESSION_ID Session ID corresponding to this call to Web Service.
WEB_SERVICE_NAME Webservice method name.
SEQUENCE_ID Sequence of the entity in the payload.
STATUS Marker column for consuming the Web Service entity.
XMLCONTENT Output payload corresponding to one entity in the payload.
XMLCLOB Output in clob.

Each row in the view corresponds to one entity returned by the Web Service method.

Related Topics

Item Catalog Category Web Service

Value Set Web Service

Item Web Service

Error Reporting

Error Reporting

Any errors in the execution of the Web Service are reported in the output payload Status section. The error information is contained in the format shown below.

Payload Description
Error code
   <Message>Invalid Inventory Item Id</Message>
Error message
Input that caused the error.
Parameters list for the input.
Parameter name
Parameter value

TheWeb Service client can extract and make use of this information to report errors returned from the Web Service call.

Related Topics

Oracle Product Information Management Web Services Overview

Publishing Overview, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Item Catalog Category Web Service

Value Set Web Service

Item Web Service