
Government Uniform Invoice (GUI)

Government Uniform Invoice Overview

In Taiwan, you must report all revenue to the Taiwanese tax authority. Government Uniform Invoice is a process in which the government issues invoice numbers for every Receivables invoice to track your company's revenue. The tax authorities in the geographical regions of Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taiwan (the rest of the country outside Taipei and Kaohsiung) typically assign numbers in groups of 100 or more. These Government Uniform Invoice numbers are unique to each company and must be used in a two month period.

The tax authorities assign Government Uniform Invoice numbers to you based on:

Three types of invoices are issued in Taiwan. The type is usually determined by the characteristics of the supplier and the customer. This table describes the three Taiwanese invoice types.

Invoice Type Description
Triplicate Invoice Invoices issued to business entities. Three copies are needed for tracking and auditing purposes.
Duplicate Invoice Invoices issued to individuals. Two copies are needed.
Cash Register Receipt Receipts that are printed from cash registers located in stores.

A Government Uniform Invoice number contains a prefix and a number. The prefix is a combination of two English letters, usually assigned in sequence such as AA, AB, AC, and so on. These prefixes are defined for each invoice type. The eight digit numbers are grouped by region (Taipei, Kaohsiung, and the rest of Taiwan) within a specific prefix. For example, Taipei may have numbers 00000000 to 79999999 and Kaohsiung may have 80000000 to 99999999 for prefixes TM through TN.

These tables provide examples of Government Uniform Invoice numbers that the three tax authorities can assign for a two-month period.


Invoice Type Prefix Number
Triplicate TK - TL 00000000 - 89999999
Duplicate TP - TS 00000000 - 99999999
Cash Register TX - TY 00000000 - 39999999


Invoice Type Prefix Number
Triplicate TM - TN 00000000 - 79999999
Duplicate TT - TU 00000000 - 79999999
Cash Register TZ - UG 00000000 - 99999999


Invoice Type Prefix Number
Triplicate TM - TN 80000000 - 99999999
Duplicate TV - TW 00000000 - 79999999
Cash Register TX - TY 40000000 - 69999999

Oracle Receivables lets you automatically assign a Government Uniform Invoice number to each invoice when you complete the invoice. An invoice with a designated Government Uniform Invoice number is a Government Uniform Invoice. You must account for and report each Government Uniform Invoice to your tax authority. Unused and voided Government Uniform numbers are reported as zero-amount invoices.

Setting Up for Government Uniform Invoice

To set up for Government Uniform Invoice, you must:

  1. Set up company and tax information.

  2. Set up the tax configuration for Taiwanese VAT.

  3. Define default Government Uniform Invoice types.

  4. Define Government Uniform Invoice books.

Setting Up Company and Tax Information

The jurisdiction of the Taiwanese VAT tax authority is divided into three geographical regions: Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taiwan (the rest of Taiwan outside of the cities of Taipei and Kaohsiung). Each regional tax authority issues taxpayer ID and tax registration numbers to companies within its region. These numbers are displayed on Government Uniform Invoice and VAT regulatory reports.

To set up company and tax information for Government Uniform Invoice:

Related Topics

Defining Legal Entities Using the Legal Entity Configurator, Oracle Financials Implementation Guide

Setting Up a Tax Registration, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide

Setting Up Taiwanese VAT

Use E-Business Tax to set up the basic tax configuration for Taiwanese VAT. Your setup should include:

Related Topics

Setting Up Taxes, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide

Defining Default Government Uniform Invoice Types

Report each revenue and expense-related transaction to your tax authority using Government Uniform Invoice types. You should default these types based on the Government Uniform Invoice number for your invoices. For instance, a triplicate Government Uniform Invoice number needs a triplicate type.

These types default to the supplier invoices, but you can override the default when you enter invoices.

You define default Government Uniform Invoice types in E-Business Tax as document fiscal classifications. The setup of Government Uniform Invoice types as document fiscal classifications includes these steps:

Related Topics

Setting Up Product Fiscal Classifications, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide

Setting Up Tax Rules, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide

Defining Government Uniform Invoice Books

Government Uniform Invoice numbers are usually issued in ranges for two month periods. Use the Transaction Sources window to define each range as a Government Uniform Invoice book and set up the automatic Government Uniform Invoice numbering for the range. This transaction numbering process is not used for transactions other than invoices.

To define a Government Uniform Invoice book:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Sources window.

  2. Enter a unique Government Uniform Invoice book name in the Name field and a description in the Description field of the Batch Source tabbed region.

  3. In the Effective Dates fields, enter the range of effective dates for this book, for instance the first and last dates of the two month period that the Government Uniform Invoice numbers are issued for.

  4. Check the Automatic Transaction Numbering check box.

    Note: If you use the Taiwanese GUI Numbering, you should not select the Copy Document Number to Transaction Number check box for the transaction.

  5. In the Last Number field, enter the lower bound of your Government Uniform Invoice number range minus 1. For example, if the numbering starts with AA10000100, enter 10000099.

  6. In the Standard Transaction Type field, enter the transaction type that you defined a Government Uniform Invoice type for.

  7. Navigate to the global descriptive flexfield.

    If you are entering a manual transaction source and want to reference Government Uniform Invoice numbers from an imported transaction source, enter the imported transaction source in the Referenced Transaction Source field. The manual transaction source would generate Government Uniform Invoice numbers from its referenced transaction source when you complete transactions. Skip to the Note under Step 9.

    If you are entering a manual transaction source and do not want to reference Government Uniform Invoice numbers from an imported transaction source, or if you are entering an imported transaction source, continue to Step 8.

  8. Enter the two character prefix for your Government Uniform Invoice numbers in the Invoice Word field.

  9. Enter the Government Uniform Invoice number range in the Initial Transaction Number and Final Transaction number fields. When transaction numbering reaches the last number, you cannot generate a new Government Uniform Invoice number.

    If you want to limit future dated transactions to maintain chronological order, enter the number of days in the Advance Days field. Transactions can only be entered with a transaction date between the current date and the last of the advance days.

    Note: The Last Issued Date field displays the date that the last Government Uniform Invoice was issued. Oracle Receivables updates this field when you complete a transaction and generate a Government Uniform Invoice number.

    Note: You cannot manually update or enter a date in this field.

Oracle Payables

Taiwanese Input VAT Report

Use the Taiwanese Input VAT report to review tax information on your invoices for all purchases and expenses during each tax reporting period.

When you make purchase returns or discounts after the end of the month, you must report a credit against the original Government Uniform Invoice. The Taiwanese Input VAT report displays the original Government Uniform Invoice number of the credit or debit memo if the memo was entered by matching to an invoice. If the credit or debit memo was not matched to an invoice, the report shows the credit or debit memo number.

The Taiwanese Input VAT report supports multi-organization reporting. The report, however, prints the company tax registration number and taxpayer ID only when you report on the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Input VAT report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit for the level that you want to run the report on. The list of values is restricted by the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option that is defined for your responsibility. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit that you want to report on. Depending on what you entered in the Reporting Level parameter, the Reporting Context list of values shows valid ledgers, legal entities, or operating units for your responsibility. The default value is the organization that the MO: Operating Unit profile option designates.

Start Accounting Period

Enter the earliest accounting period that you want to report from. Select from the list of values which provides closed accounting periods. If you use the accounting period parameters, you cannot use the GL date parameters.

End Accounting Period

Enter the latest accounting period that you want to report to. Select from the list of values which provides closed accounting periods. If you use the accounting period parameters, you cannot use the GL date parameters.

Start GL Date

Enter the earliest GL date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in the Taiwanese official year. If you use the GL date parameters, you cannot use the accounting period parameters.

End GL Date

Enter the latest GL date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in the Taiwanese official year. If you use the GL date parameters, you cannot use the accounting period parameters.

Start Invoice Date

Enter the earliest invoice date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

End Invoice Date

Enter the latest invoice date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Input VAT Report
Period The accounting period range that you entered in the Accounting Period From and To parameters
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Taxable Person The owner of the company
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Reporting Level The reporting level that you entered in the Reporting Level parameter
Reporting Context The reporting entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter
Start Invoice Date The invoice date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Start Invoice Date parameter
End The invoice date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the End Invoice Date parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
GUI Type The Government Uniform Invoice type.
GUI Number The Government Uniform Invoice number.
Invoice Date The invoice date in Taiwanese official year.
Taxpayer ID The supplier taxpayer ID.
Supplier Name The supplier name.
Government Tax Type The government tax type for the invoice:
  • Exempt

  • Taxable

  • Zero-Rate

Deductible Type The deductible type for the invoice:
  • Deductible Purchase/Expense

  • Deductible Fixed Assets

    The column is blank for non-deductible invoices.

Taxable Amount The taxable amount for the invoice.
Tax Amount The tax amount applied to the invoice.
Total Amount The sum of the invoice amount and the tax amount.

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
Report Total The report totals for the Taxable Amount, Tax Amount, and Total Amount columns

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate

Use the Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate to notify suppliers of sales returns and discount information. The certificates are formal evidence for accounting and tax auditing purposes.

The Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate displays credit and debit memos with Government Uniform Invoice type 23 (Triplicate Purchase Return or Discount Document) and 24 (Duplicate Purchase Return or Discount Document).

Note: The Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate displays only invoices with Government Uniform Invoice type 23 or 24, regardless of what you enter as the invoice type, for instance Debit Memo or Standard.

Oracle Payables updates the Print Date field in the Invoices window global descriptive flexfield every time that you successfully print the Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate. If you set the Reprint parameter to No, Oracle Payables does not print certificates that already have print dates.

The certificate includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate.

Report Parameters

GUI Type

Enter the Government Uniform Invoice type that you want to report on:

Credit/Debit Memo Number From

Enter the first credit/debit memo number that you want to report from.

Credit/Debit Memo Number To

Enter the last credit/debit memo number that you want to report to.

GUI Number From

Enter the first Government Uniform Invoice number that you want to report from. The Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate reports from the credit memo that was issued against this original transaction.

GUI Number To

Enter the last Government Uniform Invoice number that you want to report to. The Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate reports to the credit memo that was issued against this original transaction.

Credit/Debit Memo Date From

Enter the earliest credit/debit memo date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Credit/Debit Memo Date To

Enter the latest credit/debit memo date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Batch Name

Enter the invoice batch that you want to report on.

Batch Date From

Enter the earliest batch date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Batch Date To

Enter the latest batch date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.


Enter Yes if you want to print both certificates with print dates and certificates without print dates. Enter No to print only certificates without print dates.

Report Headings


In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Supplier Name The supplier name
Address The supplier address
Taxpayer ID The supplier taxpayer ID
Tax Registration Number The supplier tax registration number
Certificate Number The credit/debit memo number issued for the Government Uniform Invoice


In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Taxable Person The owner of the company
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
GUI Type The Government Uniform Invoice type:
  • 23 - Triplicate Purchase Return or Discount Document

  • 24 - Duplicate Purchase Return or Discount Document

Invoice Date The invoice date, or the date that the Government Uniform Invoice was generated (in Taiwanese official year)
Invoice Number The original Government Uniform Invoice number of the credit/debit memo
Item The name of the item that is returned or discounted
Quantity The quantity of the item
Tax Code The tax rate code
Unit Price The original unit price of the item in the original sales invoice line
Return and Discount - Credit Amount The amount returned or discounted
Return and Discount - Tax Amount The tax amount of the invoice

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
Report Total The report totals for the Return and Discount - Credit Amount and Return and Discount - Tax Amount columns

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Taiwanese Purchase Return and Discount Report

Use the Taiwanese Purchase Return and Discount report to review purchase and discount information for a tax reporting period. The report displays credit and debit memos with Government Uniform Invoice type 23 (Triplicate Purchase Return or Discount Document) and 24 (Duplicate Purchase Return or Discount Document).

Note: The Taiwanese Purchase Return and Discount report displays only invoices with Government Uniform Invoice type 23 or 24, regardless of what you enter as the invoice type, for instance Debit Memo or Standard.

The Taiwanese Purchase Return and Discount report supports multi-organization reporting. The report, however, prints the company tax registration number and taxpayer ID only when you report on the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Purchase Return and Discount report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit for the level that you want to run the report on. The list of values is restricted by the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option that is defined for your responsibility. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit that you want to report on. Depending on what you entered in the Reporting Level parameter, the Reporting Context list of values shows valid ledgers, legal entities, or operating units for your responsibility. The default value is the organization that the MO: Operating Unit profile option designates.

GL Date From

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

GL Date To

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Batch Date From

Enter the earliest batch date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Batch Date To

Enter the latest batch date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Batch Name

Enter the batch name that you want to report on. If you leave this parameter blank, the report displays transactions for all batches.

Supplier Name

Enter the name of the supplier that you want to report on. If you leave this parameter blank, the report displays transactions for all suppliers.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Payables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Purchase Return and Discount Report
GL Date The General Ledger date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the GL Date From and To parameters
Batch Date The batch date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Batch Date From and To parameters
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Reporting Level The reporting level that you entered in the Reporting Level parameter
Reporting Context The reporting entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter
Batch Name The batch name that you entered in the Batch Name parameter
Supplier Name The supplier name that you entered in the Supplier Name parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Payables prints...
Certificate Number The invoice number of the credit/debit memo that is issued when you print the Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate
Certificate Date The invoice date (in Taiwanese official year) of the credit/debit memo that is issued when you print the Taiwanese Payables Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate
Original Number The Government Uniform Invoice number of the original invoice
Supplier Name The supplier name
Taxpayer ID The supplier taxpayer ID
Taxable Amount The taxable returned or discounted amount against the original invoice
Tax Amount The tax amount against the returned or discounted amount
Total Amount The sum of the taxable amount and tax amount

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Payables prints...
Total The report totals for the Taxable Amount, Tax Amount, and Total Amount columns

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Oracle Receivables

Government Uniform Invoice Overview

In Taiwan, you must report all revenue to the Taiwanese tax authority. Government Uniform Invoice is a process in which the government issues invoice numbers for every Receivables invoice to track your company's revenue. The tax authorities in the geographical regions of Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taiwan (the rest of the country outside Taipei and Kaohsiung) typically assign numbers in groups of 100 or more. These Government Uniform Invoice numbers are unique to each company and must be used in a two month period.

The tax authorities assign Government Uniform Invoice numbers to you based on:

Three types of invoices are issued in Taiwan. The type is usually determined by the characteristics of the supplier and the customer. This table describes the three Taiwanese invoice types.

Invoice Type Description
Triplicate Invoice Invoices issued to business entities. Three copies are needed for tracking and auditing purposes.
Duplicate Invoice Invoices issued to individuals. Two copies are needed.
Cash Register Receipt Receipts that are printed from cash registers located in stores.

A Government Uniform Invoice number contains a prefix and a number. The prefix is a combination of two English letters, usually assigned in sequence such as AA, AB, AC, and so on. These prefixes are defined for each invoice type. The eight digit numbers are grouped by region (Taipei, Kaohsiung, and the rest of Taiwan) within a specific prefix. For example, Taipei may have numbers 00000000 to 79999999 and Kaohsiung may have 80000000 to 99999999 for prefixes TM through TN.

These tables provide examples of Government Uniform Invoice numbers that the three tax authorities can assign for a two-month period.


Invoice Type Prefix Number
Triplicate TK - TL 00000000 - 89999999
Duplicate TP - TS 00000000 - 99999999
Cash Register TX - TY 00000000 - 39999999


Invoice Type Prefix Number
Triplicate TM - TN 00000000 - 79999999
Duplicate TT - TU 00000000 - 79999999
Cash Register TZ - UG 00000000 - 99999999


Invoice Type Prefix Number
Triplicate TM - TN 80000000 - 99999999
Duplicate TV - TW 00000000 - 79999999
Cash Register TX - TY 40000000 - 69999999

Oracle Receivables lets you automatically assign a Government Uniform Invoice number to each invoice when you complete the invoice. An invoice with a designated Government Uniform Invoice number is a Government Uniform Invoice. You must account for and report each Government Uniform Invoice to your tax authority. Unused and voided Government Uniform numbers are reported as zero-amount invoices.

Setting Up for Government Uniform Invoice

To set up Oracle Receivables for Government Uniform Invoice, you must:

Generating Government Uniform Invoices

When you complete an invoice, Oracle Receivables automatically assigns a Government Uniform Invoice number to the invoice based on the Government Uniform Invoice book that you defined. The Government Uniform Invoice number replaces the original transaction number in the Transaction Number field of the Transactions window. The original transaction number is moved to the Original Transaction Number field in the global descriptive flexfield to track the original invoice.

Use the Transactions window global descriptive flexfield to attach export certificate information to a Government Uniform Invoice when zero-rate tax is applied to the transaction.

You cannot use the Receivables Copy Transactions feature with Taiwanese Government Uniform Invoice due to Taiwanese legal requirements with transaction numbering.

Generation Issues

Oracle Receivables does not generate a Government Uniform Invoice if:

Oracle Receivables gives you a warning and aborts the Government Uniform Invoice generation if:

To enter transactions and generate Government Uniform Invoices:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions window.

  2. Select a Government Uniform Invoice book in the Source field.

  3. Enter transaction header and line information.

    Note: Do not enter lines with different tax codes.

  4. Navigate to the global descriptive flexfield.

  5. Enter Yes in the Wine/Cigarette field if items are alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.

  6. Enter a deductible type in the Deductible Type field:

    • Deductible Fixed Assets

    • Deductible Purchases and Expense

      If the government tax type for the transaction is Zero-Rate, enter the export certificate information. If not, skip to step 13.

  7. Enter the export certificate number in the Export Certificate Number field.

  8. Enter an export certificate document type in the Export Name field:

    • Export Report

    • Invoice

    • Others

    • Post

    • Sample Out

  9. Enter the export method in the Export Method field:

    • Direct

    • Triangle

  10. Enter an export type in the Export Type field:

    • Duty Free

    • Export Shipment

    • Foreign Service

    • Goods in Bond

    • International Transportation

  11. Enter the export date in the Export Date field.

  12. If you have Government Uniform Invoice numbers generated in Oracle Applications Release 11.0 or 10.7, use the Legacy Uniform Invoice field to track those numbers.

    Note: Do not update the Number field in the Transactions window with the Legacy Uniform Invoice number.

    The Original Transaction Number field displays the original transaction number before the Government Uniform Invoice number is assigned.

Related Topics

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Example of Generation

You receive a Government Uniform Invoice book with invoice word ZB and 100 Government Uniform Invoice numbers from 10001001 to 10001100. You define the Government Uniform Invoice book as transaction source A0901 in the Transaction Sources window with the information in this table:

Field/Checkbox Value
Type Manual
Effective Dates 5/20/2000
Automatic Transaction Numbering Checked
Last Number 10001000
Invoice Word ZB

Enter a transaction using Government Uniform Invoice book A0901:

Oracle Receivables concatenates invoice word ZB from the A0901 transaction source and the next available transaction number 10001001. The Government Uniform Invoice number is ZB10001001 and is stored in the Number field of the Transactions window. This is the new transaction number of the invoice that is now a Government Uniform Invoice. The original transaction number is stored in the Original Transaction Number field in the global descriptive flexfield. The Last Issued Date field of the Transaction Sources window global descriptive flexfield is updated with the date that this Government Uniform Invoice number is generated and assigned.

Voiding Government Uniform Invoices

You may need to void a Government Uniform Invoice for various reasons. For auditing purposes, unused and voided Government Uniform Invoice numbers are reported as void with zero-amount totals.

Reports in Oracle Financials for Taiwan use the void transaction type to identify voided transactions. To void transactions or Government Uniform Invoices before posting them to GL, you must change the transaction type to the corresponding void transaction type that you set up for the Government Uniform Invoice type.

For example, to void a transaction of 31 - Sales Triplicate and Computer Generated Uniform Invoice type, change the transaction type to the transaction type with transaction status Void that you defined for the same Government Uniform Invoice type. Likewise, for a credit memo of 32 - Sales Duplicate and Duplicate Cashier Generated type, change the transaction type to the credit memo transaction type with Government Uniform Invoice type 32.

You must define void transaction types for all seven Government Uniform Invoice types.

If you already posted the transactions to GL, you must issue credit memos to reverse the original transactions for those transactions to be considered voided. You cannot void posted transactions by changing the transaction type.

Note: You cannot use the copy and void invoices feature in Taiwanese Receivables.

Related Topics

Voiding Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Taiwanese Output VAT Report

Use the Taiwanese Output VAT report to review tax information on your invoices for all sales during each tax reporting period. Send the Taiwanese Output VAT report and the Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice file to your tax authority for reporting purposes.

If a return or discount occurs after the end of the month, you must report a credit against the original Government Uniform Invoice. The Taiwanese Output VAT report displays the original Government Uniform Invoice number instead of the credit memo number.

The Taiwanese Output VAT report supports multi-organization reporting. The report, however, prints the company tax registration number and taxpayer ID only when you report on the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Output VAT report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit for the level that you want to run the report on. The list of values is restricted by the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option that is defined for your responsibility. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit that you want to report on. Depending on what you entered in the Reporting Level parameter, the Reporting Context list of values show valid ledgers, legal entities, or operating units for your responsibility. The default value is the organization that the MO: Operating Unit profile option designates.

Start Accounting Period

Enter the earliest accounting period that you want to report from. Select from the list of values which provides closed accounting periods. If you use the accounting period parameters, you cannot use the GL date parameters.

End Accounting Period

Enter the latest accounting period that you want to report to. Select from the list of values which provides closed accounting periods. If you use the accounting period parameters, you cannot use the GL date parameters.

Start GL Date

Enter the earliest GL date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in the Taiwanese official year. If you use the GL date parameters, you cannot use the accounting period parameters.

End GL Date

Enter the latest GL date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in the Taiwanese official year. If you use the GL date parameters, you cannot use the accounting period parameters.

Start Transaction Date

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

End Transaction Date

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Source Name

Enter the name of the transaction source/Government Uniform Invoice book. If you leave this parameter blank, transactions from all transaction sources are printed.

Include Referenced Source

Enter Yes if you want to include transactions generated from the imported transaction source that the transaction source that you entered in the Transaction Source Name parameter references.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Output VAT Report
Period The accounting period range that you entered in the Accounting Period From and To parameters
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Reporting Level The reporting level that you entered in the Reporting Level parameter
Reporting Context The reporting entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter
Start Transaction Date The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Start Transaction Date parameter
End The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the End Transaction Date parameter
Transaction Source Name The transaction source/Government Uniform Invoice book that you entered in the Transaction Source Name parameter
Include Referenced Source The value that you entered in the Include Referenced Source parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
GUI Type The Government Uniform Invoice type.
GUI Number The Government Uniform Invoice number.
Transaction Source The name of the transaction source/Government Uniform Invoice book.
Transaction Date The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year), or the date that the Government Uniform Invoice is generated.
Taxpayer ID The customer taxpayer ID.
Government Tax Type The government tax type for the invoice:
  • Exempt

  • Taxable

  • Zero-Rate

Deductible Type The deductible type for the invoice:
  • Deductible Purchase/Expense

  • Deductible Fixed Assets

    The column is blank for non-deductible invoices.

Taxable Amount The taxable amount for the invoice.
Tax Amount The tax amount applied to the invoice.
Total Amount The sum of the taxable amount and the tax amount.

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Report Total The report totals for the Taxable Amount, Tax Amount, and Total Amount columns

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Taiwanese Receivables Government Uniform Invoice Report

Use the Taiwanese Receivables Government Uniform Invoice report to review all Government Uniform Invoice transaction information, including invoices with tax, invoices with exempt tax, voided invoices, and unused invoices. Use this report internally for accounting purposes.

The Taiwanese Receivables Government Uniform Invoice report supports multi-organization reporting. The report, however, prints the company tax registration number and taxpayer ID only when you report on the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

The report lists the transaction numbers that were not used as GUI numbers within an invoice number range. You enter the Government Uniform Invoice number ranges in the global descriptive flexfield of the Transaction Sources window. See: Defining Government Uniform Invoice Books for more information. Unused transactions include incomplete invoices and unused portions of a transaction number range assigned by the tax authority.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Receivables Government Uniform Invoice report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit for the level that you want to run the report on. The list of values is restricted by the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option that is defined for your responsibility. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit that you want to report on. Depending on what you entered in the Reporting Level parameter, the Reporting Context list of values shows valid ledgers, legal entities, or operating units for your responsibility. The default value is the organization that the MO: Operating Unit profile option designates.

GL Date From

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

GL Date To

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Date From

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Date To

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Source Name

Enter the name of the transaction source/Government Uniform Invoice book. If you leave this parameter blank, transactions from all transaction sources are printed.

Include Referenced Source

Enter Yes if you want to include transactions generated from the imported transaction source that the transaction source that you entered in the Transaction Source Name parameter references.

Customer Name

Enter the name of the customer that you want to report on. If you leave this parameter blank, the report prints transactions of all customers.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Receivables Government Uniform Invoice Report
GL Date The General Ledger date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the GL Date From and To parameters
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Reporting Level The reporting level that you entered in the Reporting Level parameter
Reporting Context The reporting entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter
Transaction Date From The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Transaction Date From parameter
Transaction Date To The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Transaction Date To parameter
Transaction Source Name The transaction source/Government Uniform Invoice book that you entered in the Transaction Source Name parameter
Include Referenced Source The value that you entered in the Include Referenced Source parameter
Customer Name The customer name that you entered in the Customer Name parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
GUI Type The Government Uniform Invoice type
GUI Number The Government Uniform Invoice number
Void Yes, if the invoice is a voided Government Uniform Invoice. No, if the invoice is not voided.
Transaction Source The name of the transaction source/Government Uniform Invoice book
Transaction Date The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year), or the date that the Government Uniform Invoice is generated
Taxpayer ID The customer taxpayer ID
Government Tax Type The government tax type for the invoice:
  • Exempt

  • Taxable

  • Zero-Rate

Tax Code The tax rate code of the invoice
Taxable Amount The taxable amount for the invoice
Tax Amount The tax amount applied to the invoice
Total Amount The sum of the taxable amount and the tax amount

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Report Total The report totals for the Taxable Amount, Tax Amount, and Total Amount columns
GUI Number(s) Not Used The unused transaction numbers in the invoice ranges that appear on the report

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Taiwanese Receivables Zero-Rate Tax Report

Use the Taiwanese Receivables Zero-Rate Tax report to review all transactions with zero-rate tax applied. The report prints export certificate information along with other transaction information.

The Taiwanese Receivables Zero-Rate Tax report uses the government tax type to identify zero-rate tax lines. For example, if you define a tax rate code with 0% tax rate and Taxable government tax type, the report would not print this line. If you define a tax rate code with 5% tax rate and Zero-Rate Government tax type, the report would print the line as a zero-rate tax line.

The Taiwanese Receivables Zero-Rate Tax report supports multi-organization reporting. The report, however, prints the company tax registration number and taxpayer ID only when you report on the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Receivables Zero-Rate Tax report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit for the level that you want to run the report on. The list of values is restricted by the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option that is defined for your responsibility. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit that you want to report on. Depending on what you entered in the Reporting Level parameter, the Reporting Context list of values shows valid ledgers, legal entities, or operating units for your responsibility. The default value is the organization that the MO: Operating Unit profile option designates.

GL Date From

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

GL Date To

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Date From

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Date To

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Export Date From

Enter the earliest export date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Export Date To

Enter the latest export date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Export Method

Enter the export method of the export certificates that you want to report on:

If you leave this parameter blank, all transactions are printed regardless of the export method.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Receivables Zero-Rate Tax Report
GL Date The General Ledger date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the GL Date From and To parameters
Transaction Date The transaction date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Transaction Date From and To parameters
Export Date The export date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Export Date From and To parameters
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Reporting Level The reporting level that you entered in the Reporting Level parameter
Reporting Context The reporting entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter
Export Method The export method that you entered in the Export Method parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
Transaction Date The transaction date (in Taiwanese official year), or the date that the Government Uniform Invoice is generated.
GUI Number The Government Uniform Invoice number of the invoice. If the Government Uniform Invoice type is 33 (Triplicate Sales Return or Discount Document) or 34 (Duplicate Sales Return or Discount Document), the transaction number of the original sales invoice is printed.
Export Number The export certificate number.
Export Method The export method of the export certificate:
  • Triangle

  • Direct

Export Name The export name of the export certificate:
  • Export Report

  • Sample Out

  • Post

  • Invoice

  • Others

Export Type The export type of the export certificate:
  • Export Shipment

  • Foreign Service

  • Duty Free

  • Goods in Bond

  • International Transportation

Export Date The date (in Taiwanese official year) that the export certificate is issued.
Taxable Amount The taxable amount of the exported goods.

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Report Total The report total of the Taxable Amount column

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Taiwanese Sales Return and Discount Report

Use the Taiwanese Sales Return and Discount report to review sales return and discount information for each accounting period. The report displays credit memos with Government Uniform Invoice type 33 (Triplicate Sales Return or Discount Document) and 34 (Duplicate Sales Return or Discount Document).

Note: The Taiwanese Sales Return and Discount report displays only invoices with Government Uniform Invoice type 33 or 34, regardless of what you enter as the invoice type, for instance Credit Memo.

The Taiwanese Sales Return and Discount report supports multi-organization reporting. The report, however, prints the company's tax registration number and taxpayer ID only when you report on the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Sales Return and Discount report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Level

Enter Ledger, Legal Entity, or Operating Unit for the level that you want to run the report on. The list of values is restricted by the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option that is defined for your responsibility. The default value is Operating Unit.

Reporting Context

Enter the ledger, legal entity, or operating unit that you want to report on. Depending on what you entered in the Reporting Level parameter, the Reporting Context list of values shows valid ledgers, legal entities, or operating units for your responsibility. The default value is the organization that the MO: Operating Unit profile option designates.

GL Date From

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

GL Date To

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Date From

Enter the earliest transaction date that you want to report in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Transaction Date To

Enter the latest transaction date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Original Number From

Enter the Government Uniform Invoice number of the first original invoice that you want to report from. If you leave this parameter blank, the report prints all sales return and discount invoices with Government Uniform Invoice type 33 or 34.

Original Number To

Enter the Government Uniform Invoice number of the last original invoice that you want to report to. If you leave this and the Original Number From parameter blank, the report prints all sales return and discount invoices with Government Uniform Invoice type 33 or 34.

Customer Name

Enter the name of the customer that you want to report on. If you leave this parameter blank, the report prints transactions for all customers.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Receivables prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Sales Return and Discount Detail Report
GL Date The General Ledger date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the GL Date From and To parameters
Transaction Date The transaction date range (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the Transaction Date From and To parameters
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Taxable Person The owner of the company
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Reporting Level The reporting level that you entered in the Reporting Level parameter
Reporting Context The reporting entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter
Original Number From The Government Uniform Invoice number that you entered in the Original Number From parameter
To The Government Uniform Invoice number that you entered in the Original Number To parameter
Customer Name The customer name that you entered in the Customer Name parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Receivables prints...
Certificate Number The transaction number of the credit memo issued for the sales return or discount
Certificate Date The date (in Taiwanese official year) that the discount or return occurred, or the transaction date of the credit memo
Original Number The Government Uniform Invoice number of the original invoice
Customer Name The name of the customer that you received the Taiwanese Sales/Purchase Return and Discount Certificate from
Taxpayer ID The customer taxpayer ID
Taxable Amount The taxable discount or returned amount against the original invoice
Tax Amount The tax amount against the discount or returned amount
Total Amount The sum of the taxable amount and tax amount

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Receivables prints...
Report Total The report totals for the Taxable Amount, Tax Amount, and Total Amount columns

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Cross-Product Reports

Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice

Use the Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice to generate an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) file to submit to your tax authority. The Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice file includes both Oracle Payables and Receivables VAT information, as well as credit memo information for sales/purchase return and discount.

Note: The EDI file displays only header level information for invoice amount, tax amount, and tax rate code. If each invoice line has a different tax rate code, the EDI file cannot capture correct tax information.

The Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice uses the tax status codes defined as part of the Taiwanese tax configuration. For example, if the tax rate is 5% and the government tax type in the global descriptive flexfield is Zero-Rate, the Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice identifies the transaction as zero rate.

If you void a Government Uniform Invoice, the Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice identifies the transaction as void. For more information, see Voiding Government Uniform Invoices. Unused Government Uniform Invoice numbers are also displayed in the EDI file with government tax type D (Void, Unused).

The Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice supports multi-organization reporting but is printed only at the legal entity level.

For more information about file content, see Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice File Content, Oracle Financials for Taiwan User Guide..

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese EDI Government Uniform Invoice.

Report Parameters

Reporting Context

Enter the legal entity that you want to report on.

GL Date From

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to report from. You must select from the list of values which provides dates in closed accounting periods.

GL Date To

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to report to. You must select from the list of values which provides dates in closed accounting periods.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User Guide

Taiwanese Pro Forma 401 Report

Use the Taiwanese Pro Forma 401 report to print information required for the statutory form 401 for tax reporting. The report lists all sales and purchase information in the accounting period.

The Taiwanese Pro Forma 401 report supports multi-organization reporting but is printed only at the legal entity level.

The report includes a cover page that lists the date and time that you submit the report, the values that you enter for each report parameter, the request ID, and the responsibility and user that the report is submitted under. The cover page displays standard years for dates that you enter in the parameters, but the body of the report prints Taiwanese official years.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the Taiwanese Pro Forma 401 report.

Report Parameters

Reporting Context

Enter the legal entity that you want to report on.

GL Date From

Enter the earliest General Ledger date that you want to report from in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

GL Date To

Enter the latest General Ledger date that you want to report to in standard year. Do not enter dates in Taiwanese official year.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Financials prints...
<Report Title> Taiwanese Pro Forma 401 Report
GL Date From The General Ledger date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the GL Date From parameter
GL Date To The General Ledger date (in Taiwanese official year) that you entered in the GL Date To parameter
Report Date The date (in standard year) and time that you ran the report
Page The current and total pages of the report
Company Name The company name
Address The company address
Taxable Person The company owner
Tax Registration Number The company tax registration number
Taxpayer ID The company taxpayer ID
Reporting Context The legal entity that you entered in the Reporting Context parameter

Column Headings

In this column... Oracle Financials prints...
GUI Type The Government Uniform Invoice type
Description The description of the Government Uniform Invoice type
Government Tax Type The government tax type of the invoice:
  • Exempt

  • Taxable

  • Zero-Rate

Deductible Type The deductible type of the invoice:
  • Deductible Purchase/Expense

  • Deductible Fixed Assets

    The column is blank for non-deductible invoices.

Tax Code The invoice's tax rate code
Taxable Amount The taxable amount
Tax Amount The tax amount in the invoice
Total Amount The sum of the taxable amount and tax amount

Row Headings

In this row... Oracle Financials prints...
Deductible Type Total The totals for each deductible type.
Government Tax Type Total The totals for each government tax type.
GUI Type <GUI Type Number> Total The totals for each Government Uniform Invoice type.
Source Ledger AR Total The total amount of the output VAT, or totals for Government Uniform Invoice types 31 to 36.
Source Ledger AP Total The total amount of the input VAT, or totals for Government Uniform Invoice types 21 to 26.
Report Total The sum of the Source Ledger AR Total and Source Ledger AP Total columns. This sum is the amount that you should pay the government for VAT.