Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle System Profile Options

This appendix provides information on the system profile options used by Oracle Sales. The procedure for setting up and changing system profile options is the same for all Oracle applications. For a detailed description of the procedures, refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

Note: Profile options with an asterisk are mandatory. Profile options with a double asterisk are conditionally mandatory.

Oracle Sales Customers Profile Options

Table Oracle Sales Customers Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profile options that apply to Oracle Sales Customers.

Oracle Sales Customers Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level
ASN: Allow Identifying Address Removal This profile options dictates whether you can remove an identifying address or not. This is a site level profile option that only administrators can set.
If set to Yes, then user can remove an identifying address.
If set to No, then you will not be allowed to delete an identifying address without creating another identifying address.

Oracle Sales Dashboard Profile Options

Table Sales Dashboard Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to the Sales Dashboard.

Table A-1 Sales Dashboard Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
ASN: Currency Conversion Period Type Determines the pseudo period rate for the current period belonging to this period type that is used for currency conversion for the Sales Funnel in the Sales Dashboard. You must set ASN: Forecast Calendar before setting this profile option. SARU N/A
ASN: Dashboard Funnel Assigned Methodology Determines the ability to search all sales methodologies (active and inactive) in Oracle Sales and select which methodology to link to the sales funnel. S N/A
ASN: Default Lead Status Determines the status for newly-created leads unless otherwise specified by the user.
Available values include statuses set up with the applicability "Lead" selected and the Open flag selected.
ASN: Sales Dashboard Leads Aging Bin Period (Days) Determines the amount of past time that Oracle Sales uses to make calculations of the number of older leads. This profile controls the leads that are displayed in the Leads by Age table on the Sales Dashboard. SAR 90
ASN: Sales Dashboard Sales Campaign Bin Period (Days) Determines the age of sales campaigns that are displayed in the Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Sales Campaigns table on the Sales Dashboard. SAR 90

Oracle Sales Duplicate Prevention Profile Options

Table Duplicate Prevention Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to the duplicate prevention flow.

Duplicate Prevention Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
ASN: Activate Contact in Duplicate Prevention Flow Controls whether the application allows you to activate the inactive contacts or not in the Duplicate Prevention page.
If set to Yes, application allows you to activate the inactive matching contact.
If set to No, application does not allow you to activate the inactive matching contact
Same effect as No.
ASN: Show Contact DFF Page If this profile option is set to Yes, then you can enter contact DFF at the time of contact creation. The Next button is enabled in the Contact Details page, which takes you to the Contact DFF page.
If set to No then you cannot navigate to the Contact DFF page. Submit button is enabled in the Contact Details page.
Same effect as No.
ASN: Show out of context Contacts in Duplicate Prevention Flow Determines what contacts the application shows when it finds duplicate contacts in the system.
If set to Yes, application displays active, inactive, and out-of-context contacts across all available organizations.
If set to No, application displays active or inactive customers from within the organization context.
Same effect as No.

Oracle Sales Forecast Profile Options

Table Forecast Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to the forecasting.

Table A-2 Forecast Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
ASN: Default Forecast Category Determines the default forecast category on the forecast screen.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Default Forecast Period Type Determines the default period type on the forecast screen. You must set the ASN: Forecast Calendar profile before setting this profile option.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Default Non-Revenue Credit Type Determines the default credit type used in the non-revenue table for non-revenue forecasting.
The default values for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
SARU Values are based on Sales Credit types defined in Order Management.
ASN: Default value for maximum number of opportunities displayed for forecasting purpose The default number of opportunities to display in the Opportunity Worksheet Detail. SU N/A
ASN: Forecast Calendar Determines the GL Calendar from which period types and periods are selected.
Note: You must set this profile before setting ASN: Default Forecast Period Type and ASN: Currency Conversion Period Type. This value must be the same value as for OS: Forecast Calendar.
ASN: Forecast Calendar Month Determines the number of periods that are displayed in the forecast parameter Period menu. S N/A
ASN: Forecast Defaulting Type Determines the defaulting logic for forecast values in the opportunity. Valid values are Pipeline and Win Probability.
See Set the Defaults for Forecast Amounts for more details.
S Pipeline
ASN: Forecast Display Decimal Determines whether the amounts shown in forecasts on the forecast pages and the forecast information on the Sales Dashboard contain decimal places.
Set this profile to Yes to enable the display of decimal increments in forecast data.
The user-level value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Forecast Sales Credit Type Determines the credit type used for revenue forecasting. S N/A
ASN: Internal Opportunity Filter for Win Probability From Determines the minimum win probability for the opportunities that can be displayed in the Opportunity Forecast Detail U N/A
ASN: Internal Opportunity Filter for Win Probability To Determines the maximum win probability for the opportunities that can be displayed in the Opportunity Forecast Detail U N/A
ASN: Internal Opportunity Filter for Status Code Determines the status of the opportunities that can be displayed in the Opportunity Forecast Detail U N/A
ASN: Internal Opportunity Filter for Pipeline Amount From Determines the minimum pipeline amount for the opportunities that can be displayed in the Opportunity Forecast Detail U N/A
ASN: Internal Opportunity Filter for Pipeline Amount To Determines the maximum pipeline amount for the opportunities that can be displayed in the Opportunity Forecast Detail U N/A
ASN: Internal Opportunity Filter for Channel Code Determines the channel code for the opportunities that can be displayed in the Opportunity Forecast Detail U N/A
OS: Forecast Calendar Determines the name of the calendar you are using to manage your forecasts. The value of this profile option should be the same as that for the ASN: Forecast Calendar profile. S N/A
OS: Opportunity Sales Credit Enforced Sales Team Definition Set to Yes to keep the forecast credit assignee on the sales team for opportunities. This profile must be set to Yes for Oracle Sales to interoperate with Oracle TeleSales. SARU Yes

Oracle Sales Leads and Opportunities Profile Options

Table Leads and Opportunities Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to leads and opportunities.

Table A-3 Leads and Opportunities Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
ASN: Enable Non DQM Contact Search Determines the search criteria of contacts search. This is a site level profile option that only administrators can set.
If set to Yes, then application allows blind search of contacts within an opportunity, where you need not enter any search criteria.
If set to No, then you must enter at least one search criteria.
ASN: Default Close Date Days Determines the default close date (in number of days) when creating an opportunity unless otherwise specified by the user.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN Default Lead Status Determines the status for a newly-created lead unless otherwise specified by the user.
Available values include statuses set up with the applicability "Lead" and the Open flag selected.
ASN: Default Opportunity Sales Channel Determines the default sales channel when creating an opportunity unless otherwise specified by the user.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Default Opportunity Status Determines the default opportunity status when creating an opportunity unless otherwise specified by the user.
Available values are based on statuses set up with the applicability "Opportunity" and the Open flag selected.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Default Opportunity Win Probability Determines the default win probability when an opportunity is created unless otherwise specified by the user.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Default Non-Revenue Credit Type Determines the default credit type used in the non-revenue table for non-revenue forecasting.
The default value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
SARU Values are based on Sales Credit types defined in Order Management.
ASN: Default Win/Loss Status Determines the win/loss status when a competitor product is added to an opportunity unless otherwise specified by the user.
Values are based on the lookup ASN: Win/Loss Status.
ASN: Forecast Defaulting Type Determines the defaulting logic that is executed in the opportunity unless otherwise specified by the user. Also determines the forecast values defaulting logic in the opportunity. S Pipeline
ASN: Forecast Sales Credit Type Determines the credit types used for revenue forecasting. S N/A
ASN: Number of Close Date Quarters Displayed Determines the number of quarters displayed for a close date. S 3
ASN: Uncheck ‘Do Not Reassign’ Checkbox for Lead Creator Based on the value of this profile options, the Do Not Reassign checkbox is automatically marked or unmarked. This is a site level profile option that only administrators can set.
If set to Yes, then for the lead creator, the Do Not Reassign checkbox will not be marked. This results in lead owner assignment via the TAP engine.
If set to No, then for the lead creator, the Do Not Reassign checkbox will be marked. This will enable the creator to be the default lead owner.
OS: Assign New Lead If set to No, TAP engine is always called to assign the first available resource as lead owner before defaulting lead owner to profile OS: Default Resource ID used for Sales Lead Assignment.
If set to Yes, TAP engine is not involved in lead owner assignment.
NOTE: This profile should be set to No, so that TAP engine is always used for lead assignment.
S No
OS: Auto Convert Lead to Opportunity Controls the automatic conversion of a lead to an opportunity. Set to Yes to enable qualified leads to automatically convert to opportunities. S Yes
OS: Auto Run Lead Engines While Update Determines whether the lead engines are automatically run when the lead is updated. S Yes
OS: Default Channel for Lead Channel Selection Engine Determines the default for each lead if no channel selection rules evaluate to true. S Direct
OS: Default Close Date Days Determines the default for the opportunity close Date in days (Value + Current Date = Opportunity Close Date). Close date is required for opportunity creation. If the close date is not specified, the profile must be set to a positive integer value. SARU 150
OS: Default Opportunity Sales Stage Determines the default used for the sales stages for an opportunity using a sales methodology. SARU Stage 1
OS: Default Opportunity Status Determines the default status of a new opportunity. SARU Preliminary
OS: Default Opportunity Win Probability Determines the default value for the win probability field. SARU 10
OS: Default Qualified Flag for Lead Qualification Engine The default Qualification flag is used when none of the qualified rule sets are matched. S N/A
OS: Default Rating for Lead Rating Engine Determines the default rank if no ranking rules evaluate to true. S Cold Lead
OS: Default Resource ID Used for Sales Lead Assignment Determines the default Resource ID to which the Territory Assignment Program assigns ownership of a lead, if the program does not find a matching territory for the lead.
If this profile is not set, ownership of unassigned leads is automatically assigned to the user creating or importing the lead, if the user has a valid sales role. If the user does not have a valid sales role assigned, unassigned leads are not accessible. Do not set this profile value to Null.
OS: Default Opportunity Sales Channel Determines the default value for the sales channel field for an opportunity. SARU Direct
OS: Default Status for Leads Determines the default status for leads. SRU New
OS: Default Channel for Lead Channel Selection Engine Determines the default for each lead if no channel selection rules evaluate to true. S Direct
OS: Default Close Date Days Determines the default for the opportunity close Date in days (Value + Current Date = Opportunity Close Date). Close date is required for opportunity creation. If the close date is not specified, the profile must be set to a positive integer value. SARU 150
OS: Default Opportunity Sales Stage Determines the default used for the sales stages for an opportunity using a sales methodology. SARU Stage 1
OS: Default Opportunity Status Determines the default status of a new opportunity. SARU Preliminary
OS: Default Opportunity Win Probability Determines the default value for the win probability field. SARU 10
OS: Default Qualified Flag for Lead Qualification Engine The default Qualification flag is used when none of the qualified rule sets are matched. S N/A
OS: Default Rating for Lead Rating Engine Determines the default rank if no ranking rules evaluate to true. S Cold Lead
OS: Default Resource ID Used for Sales Lead Assignment Determines the default Resource ID to which the Territory Assignment Program assigns ownership of a lead, if the program does not find a matching territory for the lead.
If this profile is not set, ownership of unassigned leads is automatically assigned to the user creating or importing the lead, if the user has a valid sales role. If the user does not have a valid sales role assigned, unassigned leads are not accessible. Do not set this profile value to Null.
OS: Default Opportunity Sales Channel Determines the default value for the sales channel field for an opportunity. SARU Direct
OS: Default Status for Leads Determines the default status for leads. SRU New
OS: Default Channel for Lead Channel Selection Engine Determines the default for each lead if no channel selection rules evaluate to true. S Direct
OS: Default Channel for Lead Channel Selection Engine Determines the default for each lead if no channel selection rules evaluate to true. S Direct
OS: Default Close Date Days Determines the default for the opportunity close Date in days (Value + Current Date = Opportunity Close Date). Close date is required for opportunity creation. If the close date is not specified, the profile must be set to a positive integer value. SARU 150
OS: Default Close Date Days Determines the default for the opportunity close Date in days (Value + Current Date = Opportunity Close Date). Close date is required for opportunity creation. If the close date is not specified, the profile must be set to a positive integer value. SARU 150
OS: Default Opportunity Sales Stage Determines the default used for the sales stages for an opportunity using a sales methodology. SARU Stage 1
OS: Default Opportunity Status Determines the default status of a new opportunity. SARU Preliminary
OS: Default Opportunity Win Probability Determines the default value for the win probability field. SARU 10
OS: Default Qualified Flag for Lead Qualification Engine The default Qualification flag is used when none of the qualified rule sets are matched. S N/A
OS: Default Rating for Lead Rating Engine Determines the default rank if no ranking rules evaluate to true. S Cold Lead
OS: Default Resource ID Used for Sales Lead Assignment Determines the default Resource ID to which the Territory Assignment Program assigns ownership of a lead, if the program does not find a matching territory for the lead.
If this profile is not set, ownership of unassigned leads is automatically assigned to the user creating or importing the lead, if the user has a valid sales role. If the user does not have a valid sales role assigned, unassigned leads are not accessible. Do not set this profile value to Null.
OS: Default Opportunity Sales Channel Determines the default value for the sales channel field for an opportunity. SARU Direct
OS: Default Status for Leads Determines the default status for leads. SRU New
OS: Enable Real Time Lead Assignment If set to Yes, then resources are assigned as soon as a transaction is created or updated. S No
OS: Enable Real Time Opportunity Assignment If set to Yes, then resources are assigned as soon as a transaction is created or updated. S No
OS: Enable Rule Engine Log If set to Y, inserts into the pv_entity_rules_applied table whenever the lead engine is running. If set to N, does not insert any data. S Y
OS: Enable Tracking Opportunity History Data Enables opportunity history tracking if set to Yes. S No
OS: Escalation Manager for Leads Set this profile when one resource is set as an escalation manager. If Max number of reroutes are reached, an e-mail is sent to the escalation manager about the same. S N/A
OS: Execute custom code from lead import Controls the invocation of a custom user hook that can be executed for each record in lead import batch. If set to No, the hook is not executed. SAR Y
OS: Lead Incubation Channel Oracle Sales does not support the incubation channel. This profile should not have a value set. S N/A
OS: Lead Link Status Determines the status of the lead after linking the lead to an opportunity. S Converted to Opportunity
OS: Lead to Opportunity Move Sales Team Enables the lead to opportunity move of sales team.

Note: In Oracle Sales, the sales team for the lead is carried over to the opportunity while in Oracle TeleSales, whether or not the sales team is carried over is governed by the value in this profile. Therefore, when Oracle TeleSales and Oracle Sales are integrated, this profile option must be set to Yes.

S No
OS: Lead View Scorecard Data Determines if users can view the Score Card Mapping and rank data. SARU N
OS: Maximum Reroutes per lead Determines the maximum number of reroutes allowed to a lead that is timed out by the monitoring engine during automatic assignment. S 3
OS: Move Opportunities Enables you to move the opportunities belonging to members of a sales group that you move from one group to another. S Open
PV: Run lead deduplication rule Controls execution of a new rule based on lead duplication. If set to No, lead duplication does not occur. S Y
OS: Run Lead Monitor Engine Is set to Y, the lead is processed by the monitoring engine after it is created or updated. S Y
OS: Sales Lead Default Close Reason The Update Sales Lead API assigns statuses to leads based on the value in the OS: Lead Link Status profile. If the status in the profile is Closed, the API picks up the value in this profile. S N/A
PV: Run lead deduplication rule Controls execution of a new rule based on lead duplication. If set to No, lead duplication does not occur. S Y
OS: Run Lead Monitor Engine Is set to Y, the lead is processed by the monitoring engine after it is created or updated. S Y
OS: Sales Lead Default Close Reason The Update Sales Lead API assigns statuses to leads based on the value in the OS: Lead Link Status profile. If the status in the profile is Closed, the API picks up the value in this profile. S N/A
OS: Time Frame for Opportunity Logs Determines the time frame for opportunity logs used for opportunity history tracking. Set to Null for history tracking in Oracle Sales. S Null
OS: Use DQM Rule code to match Contact Determines whether the imported lead record is a duplicate. SARU N/A
OS: Use DQM Rule code to match Party Determines whether the imported lead record is a duplicate. SARU N/A
OS: Use DQM Rule code to match Person Determines whether the imported lead record is a duplicate. SARU N/A

Oracle Sales Account Plan Profile Options

Table Account Plan Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to setting up account plan functionality.

Table A-4 Account Plan Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
ASN: Account Plan Sales Supplement Template Determines the sales supplement template that the user will access to create new account plans. When you create a new template for your users, be sure to set the value for the ASN: Account Plan Sales Supplement Template profile option to that template name. S N/A
ASN: Contact Sales Supplement Template Determines the sales supplement template that the user will access to enter strategic information for a contact. When you create a new template for your users, be sure to set the value for the ASN: Contact Sales Supplement Template profile option to that template name. S N/A
ASN: Default Account Plan Document Template Determines the XML Publisher template used to generate the worksheet for an account plan.
The value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
ASN: Default Sales Document Type Determines the sales document type. Valid values are specified in the lookup ASN_SALES_DOCUMENT_TYPE.
The value for this profile can be set by the user through the Sales Default Preferences.
OS: Sales Methodology Determines the default sales methodology for an opportunity. SARU Blue Print

Oracle Sales Security Profile Options

Table Security Profile Options lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to security.

Table A-5 Security Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
ASN: Customer Access Privilege Determines which customers a user can access.
If set to Sales Team, a user can only access customers where the user is on the sales team with the Full Access flag selected. If the flag is not selected, the user has read-only access.
If set to Full, a user can access all customers.
SARU Sales Team
ASN: Default Value for Sales Team Do Not Reassign Flag Determines whether sales team members can be reassigned.
Based on the profile value, the Do Not Reassign flag is selected or cleared when a sales team is added to a customer, lead, and opportunity record.
S Yes
ASN: Lead Access Privilege Determines which leads a user can access.
If set to Sales Team, a user can update leads where the user is on the sales team with the Full Access flag selected. If the flag is not selected, the user has read-only access.
If set to Full, a user can access all leads.
SARU Sales Team
ASN: Manager Update Access Determines the level of access a manager has to leads, opportunities, customers and contacts belonging to the manager's sales groups, subgroups and subordinates.
If set to View Data, the manager can only view their subordinate's leads, opportunities, and customers.
If set to Update Data, the manager can update their subordinate's leads, opportunities, and customers.
If set to Inherit Data, the manager inherits the subordinate access. If the subordinate has view-only access, the manager can only view the leads, opportunities, and customers of the subordinate. If the subordinate has update access, the manager can update leads, opportunities, and customers of the subordinate. If the manager has multiple subordinates, the manager inherits the highest level of access.

Note: The functioning of this profile is based on the setting in the ASN: Customer Access Privilege, ASN: Lead Access Privilege, and ASN: Opportunity Access Privilege profiles. If they are all set to Sales Team and this profile is set to Update, the administrator has update access to customers, leads, and opportunities in the administrator's or subordinate's sales teams.

SARU Update Data
ASN: Opportunity Access Privilege Determines the level of access a user has to opportunities.
If set to Sales Team, a user can update opportunities if they are on the sales team with the Full Access flag selected. If the full access flag is not selected, the user has read-only access to the opportunities.
If set to Full, a user can access all opportunities.
SARU Sales Team
ASN: Sales Admin Forecast Update Access Determines whether a user with the Sales Admin responsibility can create, update, and submit forecasts for a sales manager. Set to Yes to enable the Sales Admin to update a sales manager's forecasts. The Sales Admin has view only access to a manager's forecast details unless the profile option ASN: Sales Admin Forecast Update Access is set to Yes. Note that even with the ASN: Sales Admin Forecast Update Access profile set to Yes, the Sales Admin will not be able edit the sales manager's owned opportunities on the Forecast page. The Sales Admin can edit the opportunities by drilling down to the opportunity page depending on the setting of the ASN: Sales Admin Update Access profile. SARU No
ASN: Sales Admin Update Access Determines the level of access a sales administrator has to leads, opportunities, customers and contacts belonging to the sales manager's sales groups, subgroups and subordinates.
If set to View, the Sales Admin has read-only access to those business objects to which the sales manager of the Sales Admin's sales group (or groups) has access.
If set to Update, the Sales Admin has update access to those business objects to which the sales manager of the Sales Admin's sales group (or groups) has access.
If set to Inherit, the Sales Admin has the highest level of access that a subordinate of the sales manager of the Sales Admin's sales group (or groups) has on the business object sales team.

Note: The functioning of this profile is based on the setting in the ASN: Customer Access Privilege, ASN: Lead Access Privilege, and ASN: Opportunity Access Privilege profiles. If they are all set to Sales Team and this profile is set to Update, the administrator has update access to customers, leads, and opportunities in the administrator's or subordinate's sales teams.

SARU View Data

Oracle CRM Foundation Profile Option

Table CRM Foundation Profile Option for Oracle Sales lists the CRM Foundation profile option that must be set during Oracle Sales implementation.

Table A-6 CRM Foundation Profile Option for Oracle Sales
Profile Option Description Level Default
ICX: Preferred Currency Determines the default currency in the user interface. SARU N/A

Oracle Sales Foundation Profile Options

Table Oracle Sales Foundation Profile Options lists the Oracle Sales Foundation profile options that must be set during Oracle Sales implementation.

Table A-7 Oracle Sales Foundation Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
OS: Date Mapping Type Determines date mapping type. Used for setting up pseudo period rates for multi-currency. It determines whether the pseudo period rate would be set up by looking at the conversion rate at the start of the period or at the end of the period. S N/A
OS: Enable Real Time Customer Assignment If set to Yes, then resources are assigned as soon as a transaction is created or updated. S No
OS: Enable Tracking Purchase Line History Data Enables product and non-revenue history tracking if set to Yes. The OS: Enable Tracking Sales Credits History Data profile must also be set to Yes to enable this history tracking. To disable this tracking, set both profiles to No. S No
OS: Enable Tracking Sales Credits History Data Enables product and non-revenue history tracking if set to Yes. The OS: Enable Tracking Purchase Line History Data profile must also be set to Yes to enable this history tracking. To disable this tracking, set both profiles to No. S No
OS: Hash Area Size for TAP Set this profile to 100000000 or more. S N/A
OS: Maximum Roll Days for Converting Amount Determines the pseudo rate set up for multi-currency. Determines the number of days to look back if the conversion rate is missing on the first day or last day of the period (as determined by the profile OS: Date Mapping Type). S N/A
OS: Number of Child Proposal Workers for TAP Determines the maximum number of parallel workers (of Generate Access Records) spawned to process proposal records. Maximum allowed is 10. S 2
OS: Number of Child Quote Workers for TAP Determines the maximum number of parallel workers (of Generate Access Records) spawned to process quote records. Maximum allowed is 10 S 2
OS: Preferred Reporting Currency Preferred currency for denorm programs S US Dollar
OS: Sort Area Size for TAP Set this profile to 100000000 or more. S N/A

Oracle Receivables Profile Option

A specific Oracle Receivables profile option must be set during Oracle Sales implementation. For more information on Oracle Receivables profile options, refer to the Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Table Receivables Profile Option for Oracle Sales lists the description and default value for the Receivables profile option that must be set during implementation.

Table A-8 Receivables Profile Option for Oracle Sales
Profile Option Description Level Default
HZ: Raise API Events If the value is set to Yes, then changes made to the customer records are considered while TAP processing in New Mode. The value must be set to Yes for TAP New Mode to work. SARU No

Oracle Trading Community Architecture Profile Options

Specific Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) profile options must be set during Oracle Sales implementation. For more information on Oracle TCA profile options, refer to the Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

Table TCA Profile Options for Oracle Sales lists the description and default value for the TCA profile option that must be set during implementation.

Table A-9 TCA Profile Options for Oracle Sales  
Profile Option Description Level Default
HZ: Default Party Type Determines the default value for the Customer Type field on the customer search pages. Valid values are Organization (default) or Person. By default, Oracle Sales displays customers that are organizations. You can use personalization to support an environment in which customers are organizations only, or in which customers are persons only, or a blended environment which includes customers that are persons as well as customers that are organizations.
The setting of this profile option must match the personalizations for customer information, and not conflict with them. For example, do not set this profile option to Person and then disable the person information for customers. In a blended environment (containing customer data for customers who are organizations and also those who are persons), the setting for this profile option determines the default value for the Customer Type field on the customer search and select pages.
SARU Organization
HZ: Display Certification Level Determines whether the certification level is displayed to the user. Applicable only for customers as organizations (business to business). This profile setting applies to all Oracle applications that are using the TCA certification feature. S No
HZ: DQM Resolution for Party Name Searches That Exceed Maximum Number of Results Determines the DQM search behavior. The default is Prompt User for Additional Search Criteria and the other valid value is Perform Standard SQL Search. The default retains the existing behavior, which performs a query based on the DQM match rules setup. When this profile is set to Perform Standard SQL Search, if the number of results returned by the DQM intermedia query is greater than the threshold value defined in the profile option: HZ: Maximum Number of Match Results, then it will perform and return results using a regular SQL query. SARU Prompt User for Additional Search Criteria
HZ: Match Rule for Contact Advanced Search Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for determining the search criteria and results for the contact advanced search. SAR HZ_CONTACT_ADV_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Contact Simple Search Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for determining the search criteria and results for the contact simple search. SAR HZ_CONTACT_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Contact Duplicate Prevention Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for identifying potential duplicates of the contact that the user is creating. SAR HZ_CONTACT_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Advanced Search Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for determining the search criteria and results for the organization advanced search. SAR HZ_ORG_ADV_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Duplicate Prevention Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for identifying potential duplicates of the organization that the user is creating. SAR HZ_ORG_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Simple Search Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for determining the search criteria and results for the organization simple search. SAR HZ_ORG_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Person Advanced Search Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for determining the search criteria and results for the person advanced search. SAR HZ_PERSON_ADV_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Person Duplicate Prevention Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for identifying potential duplicates of the person that the user is creating. SAR HZ_PERSON_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Match Rule for Person Simple Search Determines the seeded or user-defined match rule for determining the search criteria and results for the person simple search. SAR HZ_PERSON_SIMPLE_SEARCH_RULE
HZ: Maximum Number of Match Results Determines the maximum number of matching records from a match rule. SARU 200
HZ: Reference Territory Specify the default territory used in determining the appropriate address style formats. If this profile option is left blank, then the current session’s NLS Territory setting is used. This profile option also controls whether an address is considered domestic or foreign, for showing or hiding the country name. S N/A

Multiple Organization (MO) Profile Options

Table Multiple Organizations Profile Options for Oracle Sales lists by name and in alphabetical order the profiles that apply to setting up multiple organization functionality.

Table A-10 Multiple Organizations Profile Options for Oracle Sales
Profile Option Description Level Default
MO: Default Operating Unit Determines the default operating unit. See the Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide for details on enabling Oracle Sales users to access multiple operating units while logged in using a single responsibility. This is a mandatory profile option if you are implementing multiple organization functionality. If you are not implementing multiple organizations, set the MO: Operating Unit profile option instead.   N/A
MO: Operating Unit Determines the operating unit that users will access in an environment that does not support multiple operating units. This is a mandatory profile option if you are not implementing multiple organization functionality. If you are implementing multiple organizations, set the MO: Default Operating Unit profile option instead. See the Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guidefor details.   N/A
MO: Security Profile Determines the list of operating units that the user can access. See the Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide for details.   N/A

Oracle Applications Framework Profile Option

This Oracle Application Framework profile option must be set during Oracle Sales implementation to run Oracle Sales. For more information on Oracle Applications Framework profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide.

Table Oracle Applications Framework Profile Option for Oracle Sales lists the description and default value for the Oracle Applications Framework profile option that must be set during implementation.

Table A-11 Oracle Applications Framework Profile Option for Oracle Sales
Profile Option Description Level Default
FND: Framework Compatibility Mode Sets the software version number for compatibility mode. Oracle Sales requires this profile to be set to 11.5.10. SA N/A

Web ADI Profile Option

Set this profile option to enable Oracle Sales users to export opportunities from the Forecast page to a spreadsheet using Web ADI functionality. This enables the users to download to a spreadsheet all opportunities that match the forecast parameters criteria using the Export Opportunities button.

Table A-12 Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator Profile Option for Oracle Sales
Profile Option Description Level Default
BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY Set this profile option to the path to the UIX (Cabo) libraries that are used to generate the Web ADI user interface. See the Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation Guide for details. S N/A