Setting Up Related Applications

This chapter describes the setup steps required before you implement Oracle Advanced Collections.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Setup Process

Before you implement Oracle Advanced Collections, you must set up other Oracle E-Business Suite applications. Follow the steps listed in the table below. Optional steps extend or add functionality to Oracle Advanced Collections.

After setting up the applications required for your business, you can implement Oracle Advanced Collections. See: Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections.

You can determine the order in which you perform these steps, except for the first two steps listed. Create employee locations, organizations, and employees before performing any of the other steps.

Pre-Implementation Checklist
Step Number E-Business Product Step Required
Step 1 Oracle HRMS Create Employee Locations and Organizations Required
Step 2 Oracle HRMS Create Employees Required
Step 3 Oracle Resource Manager Define Resource Group Hierarchy Optional
Step 4 Oracle Resource Manager Assign Roles and Resource Groups Required
Step 5 Oracle Territory Manager Assign Collectors Optional
Step 6 Oracle Receivables Set Up Oracle Receivables Required
Step 7 Oracle Receivables Enable AR Transaction Summary Tables Required
Step 8 Oracle Cash Management Set Up Oracle Cash Management Required
Step 9 Oracle Payments Set Up Oracle Payments Optional
Step 10 Oracle iReceivables Set Up Oracle iReceivables Optional
Step 11 Oracle Inventory Set Up Units Of Measure Required for Strategies
Step 12 Oracle Applications Object Library Set Up Security and Responsibilities Required
Step 13 Oracle Notes Set Up Notes Optional
Step 14 Oracle Tasks Set Up Tasks Optional
Step 15 Oracle XML Publisher Set Up Oracle XML Publisher Optional
Step 16 Oracle XML Publisher Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates Optional
Step 17 Oracle TeleSales Enable Customer Interaction Tracking Optional
Step 18 Oracle Customer Interaction History Set Up Interaction History Optional
Step 19 Oracle TeleSales Enable Interaction Center Optional
Step 20 Oracle TeleSales Set Up Call Wrap-up Administration Optional
Step 21 Oracle Marketing Implement Oracle Trade Management Optional
Step 22 Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture Set Up Bill Presentment Architecture Optional
Step 23 Oracle Lease and Finance Management Install Oracle Lease and Finance Management Optional
Step 24 Oracle Loans Install Oracle Loans Optional

Create Employee Locations and Organizations

Set up organizations in Oracle HRMS to record the physical location where your employees work and all the different departments and sections which make up your enterprise. A default business organization has been set up for you, so this step is not required for Oracle Advanced Collections to be fully operational. However, you must set up organizations if you plan to use any financial ERP application in the future.

Using organizations can also help you set up security in Oracle Advanced Collections. For example, you can attach responsibilities with different levels of security to the different operating units you set up as organizations. Any individuals employed in those units automatically inherit that responsibility.

See: Setting Up Organizations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Create Employees

You must create the individuals who will be using the collections application you are implementing as employees before you can set them up as users.

Follow the steps in Entering a New Person, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide. Make sure that you enter Employee in the Category field.

The navigation paths for creating employees are different depending on the type of installation of Oracle HRMS you have.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Define Resource Group Hierarchy

You set up Resource groups to:

If you want managers to access collections tasks created by their subordinates, then you must set up a hierarchy of resource groups that mirrors your collections organization.

You can have multiple employees in one group. An employee in a group with the role of manager automatically becomes the manager of the other employees in that group and of the employees in the groups below in the hierarchy.

Note: You must not assign more than one employee with the role of Manager per group. Doing so will impact the reporting accuracy.



  1. Using the CRM Administrator responsibility, navigate to Maintain Resources > Groups.

    The Define Groups window appears.

  2. To find an existing resource group:

    • Click Find on the application toolbar to open the Find Group window.

    • Select a group name from the list of values in the Group Name field and click Find. The application populates the Results section with the group name search results.

    • Select a group name in the Results table and click OK. The application populates the Define Groups window with the group information.

  3. To create a new group:

    • Enter a group name in the Group Name field.

    • Enter a brief description of the group in the Group Description field.

    • Enter the effective dates for the group in the Start and End fields.

      Tip: To create a hierarchy of groups, start at the bottom or the top of the hierarchy. This will make it easier to link each group to the parent group or to its child groups.

If collections managers are responsible for managing their own customers' delinquencies, then they should be part of their own groups.

Use the Relations tab to relate Parent Groups.

See also: Phase II: Managing Resources in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Assign Roles and Resource Groups

Use this procedure to import employees from Oracle HRMS.



  1. Using the CRM Resource Manager responsibility, navigate to Maintain Resources > Import Resources.

    The Selection Criterion window appears.

  2. Select Employee from the Resource Category drop-down list.

  3. If you are importing a single employee, then use the List of Values in the Name field. For groups of employees, search by job title, competency, or other search criteria.

  4. Click Search.

    The employees that match your search criteria appear.

  5. Select the check boxes for the employees you want to import as resources into your application. The next step will assign a single role to each of the selected resources.

  6. Click Create Resource.

    The Default Values window appears.

  7. Use the Role LOV to select one of the available roles to assign to the resources. Assign a role with a role type of Collections. Available roles are Collections Agent and Collections Manager.

  8. Click OK.

    The Selected Resources window appears. This window displays the list of employees about to be assigned the role.

  9. If there are any employees on the list you do not want to receive this role, then deselect their Select check box.

  10. Click Save Resource.

    The Save Resource button grays out indicating that you have successfully imported the resources.

  11. If you want to add additional roles to any of the employees then:

    1. Select the employee.

    2. Click Details.

      The Resource window displays information about the employee.

    3. On the Role tab, use the Role Type LOV to select Collections.

    4. Use the Role LOV to select the role.

    5. Change the start date to a date before today.

    6. Add any additional role for this employee by repeating the above three steps.

    7. Click Save on the toolbar and close the Resource window.

  12. Assign resource groups to each employee and select the roles they are going to have in each. For each employee:

    1. Select the employee in the Selected Resource window.

    2. Click Details.

      The Resource window displays information about the employee.

    3. In the Group region of the Groups tab, use the Name LOV to assign a group to the employee.

    4. Use the Name LOV in the Group Member Role region to select one or more roles for this employee in the group.

    5. Change the start date to a date before today.

    6. Click Save on the toolbar.

    7. Repeat the above three steps for each group to which you want to assign the employee.

Role type must be Collections or users will not be able to log into Oracle Advanced Collections. Collections managers need to have Collections roles. Seeded roles include Collections Agent and Collections Manager. You can create additional collections roles, but Oracle recommends you use the seeded roles as these are tied to Oracle Advanced Collections functionality.

You can assign a resource to multiple groups, but a group should have only one manager.

Managers should be assigned to their own group if they manage customers' delinquencies.

If you are moving agents from one group to another, do not remove them from their original group. Instead, click Move and add them to the new group. This will automatically end date their previous group membership.

See also: Overview of Managing Resources, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Assign Collectors

You can assign collectors using one of two methods, based on your product configuration and usage.

Oracle Territory Manager provides user interfaces and functionality to manage territories for collections and other functional organizations. Oracle Advanced Collections uses Oracle Territory Manager to align collectors with customers in territories and allow collectors to see their work in the Collector's Work Queue.

The Collector's Work Queue uses collector assignments to determine which customers, account, or bill-to sites to display to collectors. Strategy work items use collector assignments to assign the next work item.

Note: To temporarily reassign work from one collector to another, see Reassigning Work, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide.

To be able to assign collectors using Oracle Territory Manager:

Create Resources

You must identify the resources that will be assigned to each territory.

Resources can be:

Note: Resources must have a Role Type of Collections and a Role of Collections Agent.

To manage and display resource names correctly, enter first and last names consistently so that the name of the collector appears correctly in the Collector field on the Profile Tab and in collections correspondence.

  1. If you have established resources in Oracle Resource Manager and use Oracle Territory Manager, run the IEX: Resource Collectors to AR Collectors concurrent program to create collectors in Oracle Receivables. This program transfers existing collectors to the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table to maintain assignments.

  2. If you are migrating from using the Collectors Workbench in Oracle Receivables to Oracle Advanced Collections, run the IEX: AR Collectors to Resource Collectors concurrent program to create a resource for each collector you set up in Oracle Receivables.

Set Up Territories

You can create territories for individuals or for teams of collections representatives.

See: Setting Up Territories, Oracle Territory Manager Implementation Guide.

Note: Oracle Territory Manager supports the Collections Territory Administrator (includes Territory Reports User) role for role based access control of data security in Oracle Advanced Collections.

  1. Navigate to the Territory Management responsibility.

  2. Enable the transaction matching attributes you want to be available for collections territories.

    Note: You must use the Collections usage.

  3. Create territory templates to reuse when creating territories.

  4. Create your territories using the Collections usage.

    Note: Oracle Advanced Collections allows territory assignment only at three levels, that is Customer, Account, and Bill To, but not at organizational level. So the territory set up done in Oracle Territory Management for one operating unit is applicable for all the available operating units for the customer, account, or bill to site.

    The territory set up done in Oracle Territory Management for one operating unit is applicable for all the available operating units.

    See: Oracle Territory Manager Implementation Guide.

  5. Select the transaction type of Customer on the Overview tab.

    By selecting Customer you can:

    • Use any of the available account matching attributes to set up your territories.

    • Assign the different resources in the territory to access account information. You can assign a single resource to one or more of these Access Types on the Resources tab. Different resources can be set up to gain access to different types of information.

    Oracle Advanced Collections supports the following matching attributes for creating collections territories:

    Available Transaction Matching Attributes

    • Account Classification

    • Account Code

    • Account Hierarchy

    • Area Code

    • City

    • Company Annual Revenue

    • Country

    • County

    • Customer Category

    • Customer Name Range

    • Number of Employees

    • Postal Code

    • Province

    • Sales Partner of

    • SIC Code

    • State

    • TCA Hierarchy

Run Concurrent Programs for Territory Assignment

After you create territories, you must run the following concurrent programs, in the order listed, to assign collectors to customers:

  1. Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules: Use the Territory Management responsibility to access this concurrent program. Run it to create territories defined in the territory setup and add the customers to each territory. It must be run at least once before you assign resources and each time after you modify the territory setup.

  2. IEX: Territory Assignment: Use the Collections Administrator responsibility. This concurrent program assigns collectors to delinquent customers using Oracle Territory Manager. You can assign collectors at the customer, account, or bill-to level. This program retrieves a list of available collectors for each territory and assigns the first collector on the list.

Technical points to remember about Oracle Territory Manager:

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Set Up Oracle Receivables

Set up Oracle Receivables according to the steps outlined in the Setup Checklist, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide. These steps include setting up products related to Oracle Receivables, such as Oracle General Ledger. You may have previously completed these steps when setting up a different Oracle Applications product.

Oracle Advanced Collections requires the following items to be implemented:

Set Up Payment Options for Credit Card and EFT Payments

If you want to accept credit card or EFT payments in Oracle Advanced Collections through Oracle Payments then you need to set up these payment options correctly in Oracle Receivables.

  1. Create a new remittance type for Collections Credit Card Payments and set it up as a credit card remittance.

  2. Create a new remittance type for Collections EFT Payments and set it up as a cash remittance.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Enable AR Transactions Summary Tables

Oracle Advanced Collections leverages the extensive customer information contained and updated in the AR Transactions Summary tables. This information is displayed on the Collector's Work Queue Delinquency nodes and provides a quick snapshot of the financial health of delinquent customers. Information can be viewed at the customer, account, bill to, or delinquency data level. Summary information is also displayed within Oracle Advanced Collections.

Perform this procedure only once. After setting the profile option, the AR Transaction Summary Tables refresh automatically.

To enable the AR Transactions Summary table

  1. Set the AR: Allow Summary Table Refresh profile option to Yes at Application level. See Overview of Receivables User Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Set Up Oracle Cash Management

Use Oracle Cash Management to set up the bank accounts required for processing payments received from customers. If you have previously defined remittance banks while setting up another Oracle Applications product, skip this step.

See: Bank Account Model Overview, Oracle Cash Management User Guide.

Set Up Oracle Payments

Refer to the Oracle Payments Implementation Guide for detailed steps related to implementing and configuring this module.

Note: For standard implementations, Oracle Advanced Collections calls Oracle Receivables' APIs to create receipts. Oracle Receivables then calls Oracle Payments APIs to process credit card or bank EFT/ACH payments.

Note: If you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management, Oracle Advanced Collections calls Oracle Payments APIs to capture funds in Oracle Lease and Finance Management. Oracle Advanced Collections then calls Oracle Lease and Finance Management's APIs to send receipts to Oracle Receivables.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Enable Oracle iReceivables

Oracle iReceivables allows your customers to go online and review, pay, or dispute their bills. This reduces the need for internal collectors to work with customers. Follow the instructions in the Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide to configure iReceivables.

Set Up Units of Measure

You must set up time units of measure (UOM) in Oracle Inventory if you plan to use wait times in strategy work items. For the UOM to appear in the Work Item Template, you must create the UOM under the UOM class, Time (not TIME). You must also set up the conversion rates for the UOM. In addition, the Time Unit of Measure Class profile option must be set.

Note: If you have already configured other financial applications, you may have already set up UOM.


  1. Using the Inventory responsibility, navigate to Unit of Measure Classes.

    From the list of classes, select Time and then select Units of Measure. Define the units of measure you will use for wait times in strategies.

    Note: Do not set the base unit for the UOM class to less than an hour. Most collections organizations use hours or days.

    After entering the units of measure, select Conversions and enter the conversion values for the units of measure.

  2. Using the System Administrator responsibility, set the Time Unit of Measure Class profile option to Time.

  3. Bounce the apache server and clear the _oa_html_pages directory and browser cache.

Set Up Security and Responsibilities

Use this procedure to set up individual employees as users for your application.


  1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Users window.

  2. Enter a user name and password. You are asked to reenter the password a second time.

  3. Use the Person List of Values (LOV) to select the employee that will be using the user name and password.

  4. Assign one or more responsibilities to the user. The available responsibilities are:

    • Collections Agent: This responsibility has access to the Collections window, Universal Work Queue, searching, eBusiness Center, directory assistance, and reports.

    • Collections Manager: This responsibility supports the collections specialist who can review and manage delinquencies, lease related information, escalations, later stage delinquencies, collector reassignment, and reports.

    • Collections Administrator: This responsibility has access to implementation setup pages, reports, creating and maintaining strategies and collections work items, creating scoring components, creating scoring engines, enabling or disabling scoring engines, creating dunning plans, setting customer status priorities, and setting up directory assistance.

  5. Click Save in the toolbar.

    Note: Although the responsibilities you assign have the same names as the roles you will assign in the next step, they perform a different function. Responsibilities are a general feature of all Oracle applications and control what features of the application a user can access. The roles you set up in Resource Manager control what collections information users can view and modify.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections

Set Up Notes

Oracle Notes is a CRM Foundation component which comes with a set of predefined Oracle Advanced Collections note types. You can choose whether or not you want to use the predefined set of note types. You can also create customized note types of your own.

Notes created in Advanced Collections are always associated to the organization and person, if identified. Additionally, notes can be associated with other objects related to the activity during which they were created, such as a payment, a dispute, or a promise to pay.

Note Types

Adding Note Types

  1. Using the CRM Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Application Object Library: Note Types Lookups window.

  2. Define the code, meaning, and description as desired. You are only required to define a tag for a new, customized note type.

  3. Save the record when you are finished.

Disabling an Existing Note Type

Assign an end date to an existing note type to disable it.

Mapping Note Types to a Source

When you map a note type to a source object, you limit the visible note types for that source to the defined subset of note types.

See also: Implementing Notes, Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Set Up Tasks

Oracle Tasks is a component of CRM Foundation and has predefined task types. If you use dunning plans with callbacks, Oracle Advanced Collections creates tasks for the assigned collectors using the available callback task type. Run the IEX: Create Dunning And Broken Promise Call Backs concurrent program to display dunning callbacks in the Collector's Work Queue.

Refer to the Implementing Task Manager section of the Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide. Oracle Advanced Collections functionality is limited to the following:

  1. Defining Task Status (Status Transition and Rules is not supported)

  2. Defining Task Priorities

  3. Defining Task Types (Resource Requirements and Workflow are not supported)

  4. Defining Task Templates (Dependencies and recurrences are not supported)

When setting up task types, you must map all task types.

Tip: Map the task types you want to use to Collections. Map all unwanted task types to another application, such as Sales. This will remove all unwanted task types from the drop down list in Oracle Advanced Collections.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Set Up Oracle XML Publisher

You must use Oracle XML Publisher to deliver collections-related correspondence to your customers. Oracle XML Publisher generates correspondence for both strategies and dunning plans; confirmation letters for payments, promises, adjustments, reversals and disputes; and copies of invoices.

Note: Customers who previously implemented Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment must now use Oracle XML Publisher.

XML Publisher uses a template and query model to generate and send correspondence. The template provides the form and text for the correspondence. The query supplies the customer-related data that appears in the form letter.

Set up your internet printing protocols, such as CUPS, to be used by Oracle XML Publisher. Then enter the fax and printer names and other required XML options in the Setup Checklist in Collections Administration. See: Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide for setup instructions.

Note: If you use the XML Publisher Configuration file to control your XML Publisher delivery settings, then any information entered in the Setup Checklist for the XML Publisher Integration category profile options that are part of Oracle Advanced Collections will be ignored. For more information see: XML Publisher Configuration File, Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide.

Related Topics

Create XML Publisher Templates

Overview of Setup Process

Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates


Related Topics

Set Up Oracle XML Publisher

Set Up Correspondence

Overview of Setup Process

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I need to create new templates?

If the preconfigured Oracle XML Publisher templates available in Oracle Advanced Collections do not suit your business process, you can create new templates. It is recommended that you review and test the preconfigured templates before creating new ones.

Who can create XML Publisher templates?

A functional business user, with knowledge of how correspondence should be worded, creates the text for a template and saves it as a rich text format file (RTF) or as a portable document file (PDF). A DBA with knowledge of the database schema as well as SQL programming creates and registers the queries for the templates.

How do I create a new XML template?

Using your XML Publisher Administration responsibility, create a new template and template ID code. See: Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide.

The new template and its ID code are stored in the XDO_TEMPLATES_B table.

How can I create or update a query for an existing template?

Use the following steps to create or update a query for an existing template:

How many characters are allowed in a XML query?

The STATEMENT column in the IEX_XML_QUERIES table provides up to 4000 characters. This can be extended to 20000 characters by using the ADDITIONAL_QUERY column and leaving the STATEMENT column blank.

Correspondence and Bind Variables

Oracle Advanced Collections sends correspondence using Oracle XML Publisher from Payment, Promise, Invoice Dispute, Invoice Send Copy, and Strategy Send work items. Oracle Advanced Collections identifies the contact, address and contact point details, (fax, e-mail, or print ) from the Collections relationship or Dunning Contact preferences from customer standard form.

While sending the correspondence, the bind variables are passed from the application to the queries whose results are merged with templates. Letter templates are stored in XDO_TEMPLATES_VL table. Template names are determined from the system profiles corresponding to the activities. Activity can be Payments, Disputes, Promises, and such.

The following table describes the bind variables passed from the application by a functional activity.

Activities Bind Variables List Seeded Query ID
Invoice Send Copy               INVOICE_ID, ACCOUNT_ID,  PARTY_ID 39
Strategy (Customer) PARTY_ID, LOCATION_ID,  CONTACT_ID, RESOURCE_ID 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29
Strategy (Account) PARTY_ID, ACCOUNT_ID, LOCATION_ID,  CONTACT_ID, RESOURCE_ID 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30

Enable Customer Interaction Tracking

Enable interaction tracking if you want to automatically capture all interaction touchpoints that a collector makes while working with a customer. Tracking interactions saves collectors' time and improves efficiency. Interaction information can be viewed on the History tab.

Set the following profile options to Yes:

In Collections Center toolbar, there are traffic signal buttons (green to start interactions and red to wrap up) which indicate the status of interactions. This can also be accessed from the Tools menu.

Refer to the Activity Tracking profile options to enable interactions in IEX.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options and Profile Categories Overview

Set Up Additional Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options

Set Up Oracle Customer Interaction History

If you want to track all customer interactions in your collections process, you must set up Oracle Customer Interaction History to enable automatic customer interaction tracking.

Advanced Collections records the actions and action items, listed in the table below, for interactions in Customer Interaction History. You can amend these values in Customer Interaction History.

Action Action Item
Payment Reversal
Payment Credit Card
Payment Bank Transfer
Payment Promise to Pay
Payment Terms
Dispute Invoice
Dispute Debit Memo
Dispute Send Copy of Invoice
Directory Assistance Dial New Number
Case Create Case
Strategy Create Strategy
Strategy Modify Strategy

Note: Customer Interaction History does not track correspondence sent by strategy work items. To view a record of this correspondence, go to the History tab in Advanced Collections and select Correspondence History.

See also: Implementing Tasks, Oracle Customer Interaction History Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Enable Oracle Interaction Center

If you want to leverage Oracle Advanced Collections functionality in a call center environment, follow the instructions in Oracle Advanced Outbound Telephony Implementation Guide and Oracle Advanced Inbound Telephony Implementation Guide. If Advanced Outbound Telephony is installed, then set the OTS: Advanced Outbound Installation profile option to Yes.

See also: Oracle Interaction Center Server Manager Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Set Up Legacy Calls for Oracle Receivables

If you want to display all history, both past and future dated, created in Receivables calls screens, you must set up the AR Legacy Calls option in the History tab. Migrating customers will be able to display Receivables legacy calls if desired in the LOV. By default, the option is not enabled. You must enable the option using the setup steps.

Note: AR Legacy Calls will not be included in ALL view because the view is from a separate table.

  1. Navigate to Receivables responsibility.

  2. Navigate to System > Setup > Quick Code > Collections.

  3. Query the IEX_HISTORY_TYPE type.

  4. Navigate to the RECEIVABLES_CALLS code and enable the checkbox.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Set Up Call Wrap-up Administration

Refer to the instructions in the Oracle TeleSales Implementation Guide to set up the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Implement Oracle Trade Management

If you want to allow collectors to access trade claims and deductions in Oracle Advanced Collections, you must implement Trade Management. See: Oracle Trade Management Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Install Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture

If you want to allow collectors access to customer invoices presented online, you must set up Bill Presentment Architecture (BPA). For information on how to implement BPA, see Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User Guide.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Install Oracle Lease and Finance Management

If you want to use Oracle Advanced Collections for collections on leasing contracts, you must install Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

For information on how to install Oracle Lease and Finance Management, see the Oracle Lease and Finance Management Implementation Guide.

In addition, this guide and the Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide have additional information about installing and using Lease and Finance Management with Advanced Collections.

If you are using an earlier version of Advanced Collections that does not consolidate invoices originating in Oracle Receivables and Lease and Finance Management, then you must use the following procedure to convert all existing lease case delinquencies to invoice delinquencies.

Convert Case Delinquencies

  1. Manually run the iexupdst script to close all delinquencies that have a case ID. The script updates the delinquency status to Closed. The script is located at $IEX_TOP/patch/115/sql/iexupdst.sql.

  2. Disable the Case Scoring Engine and remove it from the Scoring Engine Harness.

  3. Run the IEX: Strategy Management concurrent program to close the strategies for the delinquencies updated in Step 1.

  4. Run the IEX: Scoring Harness concurrent program for all invoices to create delinquencies. Select the Delinquency Status Determination scoring engine as the parameter.

  5. Create new strategies using the new data level and then run the IEX: Strategy Management concurrent program to use the new strategies.

    Important: It is STRONGLY recommended that you run strategies at the Customer, Account, or Bill To level. Do not run strategies at the Delinquency level.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process

Configuring Oracle Advanced Collections for Oracle Lease and Finance Management

Install Oracle Loans

If you want to use Oracle Advanced Collections for collections on loans, you must install Oracle Loans.

For information on how to install Oracle Loans, see Oracle Loans User Guide.

In addition, this guide and the Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide have additional information about installing and using Loans with Advanced Collections.

Related Topics

Overview of Setup Process