Verifying the Implementation

This chapter discusses how to verify that your implementation is successful.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Use the Diagnostic Tests

After completing the implementation steps, run the entire suite of diagnostic tests available for the CRM Foundation application using the System Administration responsibility. You can run the tests from the Basic tab or the Advanced tab. In the Basic tab, you can run the following tests:

In the Advanced tab, you can modify the parameters used in the test.

Each test generates a report if a problem is encountered. The report identifies the problem and provides a suggested resolution to the problem.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Perform the tasks in this section to verify the implementation of the mandatory components of Oracle Advanced Collections.

Note: You must complete the prerequisites before performing the verification tasks.



    The following list describes the Implementation Verification tasks for Mandatory Components in detail:

  1. Create Accounts

  2. Create Invoices

  3. Create Delinquencies

  4. Verify Delinquencies

  5. Dispute an Invoice

  6. Adjust an Invoice

  7. Record a Promise to Pay

  8. Process a Credit Card Payment

  9. Process a Bank EFT Payment

  10. Verify Payment Processing

  11. Verify the Collector's Actions

  12. Verify Collector's Work Queue Navigation

  13. Verify Interaction Tracking

Create Accounts

Create some test accounts tied to existing customers.


You can also create accounts in Oracle Receivables using the Customer page.

You should create several accounts so that you can verify individual account information is reflected accurately in the Collections Header as well as in the Aging tab and Delinquency table on the Profile tab.

In order to test the Dunning and Fulfillment functions, enter your e-mail address as the Primary Bill To address. By doing this, once the Dunning Plan is executed, you will be able to verify that the appropriate dunning letter with the appropriate data is received.


  1. Using the Collections Agent or Collections Manager responsibility, navigate to the eBusiness Center.

  2. Search and select a customer.

  3. Navigate to the Account tab.

  4. Click New.

  5. Enter account information.

  6. Enter your e-mail address as the primary bill to address.

  7. Save. Keep a note of the customer name and account number.

  8. Repeat for two more accounts for that customer. Repeat steps to have multiple customers with multiple accounts. Add the customer names and account numbers to your note.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Create Invoices

Create invoices in Oracle Receivables complete with line items and amounts, and then make them due immediately or with 30/60/90 terms. Back date the creation dates so that the invoices will be flagged as delinquent when the concurrent program requests are submitted. Here is where you create the individual invoice lines, compute tax, and then complete the invoices. Then you are ready to request concurrent programs so that these invoices are aged and will become delinquencies.


  1. Using the Receivables, Vision Operations or comparable responsibility in a test or live environment, from the Navigator, open Transactions and choose Transactions.

  2. Enter a free form invoice number.

  3. Select Invoice type.

  4. Select Invoice class.

  5. For Terms select IMMEDIATE.

    This creates an immediate delinquency.

  6. Enter Invoice Lines using the following steps for each line:

    1. Choose Line Items.

      The Line window appears.

    2. Enter item, description, quantity, and unit price.

    3. Close Lines window.

    4. Click Tax.

    5. Click Complete.

    Tip: Make the line items on each invoice different and remember what the totals are so that you can verify amounts on the Collections Header and Profile tab.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Create Delinquencies


  1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, choose Requests from the View menu.

    The Find Request window appears.

  2. Click Submit a New Request.

  3. Select Single Request.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Run the following concurrent programs for Dunning Plans in this order:

    • IEX: Promise Reconciliation

    • IEX: Scoring Engine Harness: request a Transaction Scoring Engine to score invoices and then to create delinquencies

    • A second IEX: Scoring Engine Harness: request a Party Scoring Engine and an Account Scoring Engine

    • IEX: Send Dunning for Delinquent Customers

    • IEX: Create Dunning and Broken Promise Call Backs

      Each concurrent program must complete before any subsequent concurrent program is submitted, to ensure the accuracy of the data and programs.

  6. Run the following concurrent program to verify strategies:

    • IEX: Strategy Management

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Verify Delinquencies

Verify if delinquencies were accurately created and if all the dependent processes occurred.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, go to Collector's Work Queue and see if the delinquent accounts are listed under the Delinquent Accounts node.

  2. Verify that there are callback tasks in the Task node for the delinquent accounts.

  3. Navigate to the Collections window.

  4. Can you find all of your delinquencies in the Collections Header? Switch account views to verify delinquent amounts, number of invoices, and the collections score.

  5. Select the Transactions tab and verify delinquencies are listed. Switch between Customer, Bill To, and Account views to see data in all views.

  6. Select the Aging tab and verify aging information. Switch between Customer, Bill To, and Account views in the Collections Header.

  7. Click the customer's name (Organization) in the Collections header.

    The eBusiness Center displays the customer information.

  8. Select the Collections tab and make sure the information is the same as on the Profile tab.

  9. Return to the Collections window and navigate to the History tab.

  10. Select the Dunning History.

    You should see the dunning events that have occurred. These are the dunning letters that should have been e-mailed to you when the concurrent programs were run.

  11. Check your e-mail. Did you receive a dunning e-mail for each delinquent account? The dunning letter should list all of the delinquent transactions for each account.

  12. If you use strategies, go to Collector's Work Queue and verify that Strategy Work Items are displayed.

  13. Select a work item to open the Strategies tab in Advanced Collections.

  14. Verify that an Open Strategy is displayed in the parent table and one Open Work Item is displayed in the child table.

  15. Select Work Item Details and review the work item.

  16. Click Complete Work to complete the work item. Verify that a new Open Work Item appears.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Dispute an Invoice

Verify that a collections agent can record a dispute for an invoice.

Tip: Keep a record of your dispute for later verification.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the customer.

  2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

  3. Click Transaction Details.

  4. Enter a dispute reason.

  5. Enter a dispute quantity or amount.

  6. Enter a note.

  7. Click Submit.

    Oracle Advanced Collections calls the Oracle Receivables Credit Memo Workflow.

  8. Click Send Copy.

    A copy of the transaction is e-mailed to you.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Adjust an Invoice

Verify that a collections agent can adjust an invoice.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the customer.

  2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

  3. Click Adjustment Processing.

  4. Create a new row in the Adjustment Processing region and enter the required adjustment details: activity name, type, amount, date, line number, and note.

  5. Click Adjustment.

    Oracle Advanced Collections reviews the approval limits defined in Oracle Receivables before processing the adjustment.

    If you set up the appropriate profile options, then a copy of the adjustment is e-mailed to your customer.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Record a Promise to Pay


  1. Select the customer.

  2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

  3. Click Payment Processing.

    The Payment Processing window appears.

  4. Enter a payment amount.

  5. Enter three promise to pay lines, each with a different due date. Make one due date today's date. Enter three different amounts.

  6. Enter a note.

  7. Click Submit.

    Note: Alternatively, you can process a Mass Promise to verify broken promise functionality.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Process a Credit Card Payment

Oracle Payments processes the credit card information and applies the cash in Oracle Receivables.



  1. Select the customer.

  2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

  3. Click Payment Processing.

    The Payment Processing window appears.

  4. Enter a payment amount.

  5. Enter the bogus credit card number such as 4111111111111111 (4 followed by 15 1's).

  6. Enter the amount to be charged against the credit card. Keep a note of the payment amount for later verification.

  7. Enter a note for the payment.

  8. Click Submit.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Process a Bank EFT Payment

The final type of payment processing is Bank Electronic Funds Transfer or EFT. Collectors use this type of money transfer to take payments immediately.

Similar to credit card payment processing, Oracle Advanced Collections calls Oracle Payments to verify the bank information and to obtain the authorization for the funds transfer.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the customer.

  2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

  3. Click Payment Processing.

    The Payment Processing window appears.

  4. Enter a payment amount.

  5. Enter bank numbers and amounts.

  6. Enter a note for the payment.

  7. Click Submit.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Verify Payment Processing

At this time, you can verify if the payments and disputes that were attributed to the delinquencies were accurately processed by Oracle Advanced Collections and Oracle Payments, and ultimately posted within Oracle Receivables.


If all points do not verify, check the following:


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, go to Collector's Work Queue and check the following:

    1. Are the counts of delinquent transactions by Account a smaller number now that some are paid?

    2. Is the broken Promise to Pay now represented in the Account Level Promise node? Check the count of the broken promises by Account.

    3. What is the status of the delinquency that is in Dispute?

  2. Navigate to the Collections window and verify the following:

    1. Can you find these delinquencies in the Collections Header: switch account views, verify delinquent amounts and number of invoices. Have the cured delinquencies been removed?

    2. Move to the Profile tab and verify the delinquencies can be seen in the Delinquency View. Are all of the delinquencies there?

    3. Move to the Transactions tab. Switch between each account and see if the delinquent invoices are there. What is the status of the disputed invoices?

  3. Click the customer's name (Organization) to navigate to eBusiness Center. Check the data on the Collections tab.

  4. Check your e-mail. Did you receive an e-mail for each payment, promise, adjustment, or dispute processed with the appropriate payment, promise, adjustment, and dispute information included? Did you receive a copy of the invoice as per the request?

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Verify the Collector's Actions

At this time, you can verify what the collectors have done and if all of their actions have been recorded in the various histories, if all notes have been saved, and if all payment processing transactions appear in reports.


If all points do not verify, check the following:


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the History tab of the Collections window, go to Payment history and verify your credit card and bank EFT payments, including your notes.

    Go to the Promise to Pay history and verify your recorded promises and related notes.

  2. Go to the Dispute history and verify the details of the dispute and your notes.

  3. From the Navigator, choose Reports.

    The Collections Reports page appears in a separate browser window.

  4. Check the Reconciliation Report to see if the broken promise is noted.

  5. Check the Collector Report to see if all payments, promises, and disputes are noted, if invoice information is accurate, and if accounts are noted.

  6. Go to the Collections header and look for the information that is on the Collector Report. Switch account views and verify delinquent amounts and number of invoices. Have the cured delinquencies been removed?

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Verify Collector's Work Queue Navigation

At this time, you can verify if the flows from Collector's Work Queue (UWQ) are mapped to the correct tab within Oracle Advanced Collections. You should check each flow to ensure the collector can efficiently navigate through the application.


If the verification fails, review your selections in the Collections Questionnaire and Checklist. See: Display Collector's Work Queue Nodes.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, from the Navigator, choose Collector's Work Queue.

    The UWQ window opens.

    From UWQ Account Level Delinquency node select a delinquency and click Get Work.

    Does the Collections Transactions tab appear with the selected delinquent invoice highlighted and the appropriate data level set in the Collections Header?

  2. From UWQ Account Level Promise node select a Broken Promise and click Get Work.

    Does the appropriate customer appear in Collections and the right Promise record appear on the History tab?

  3. From UWQ customer level strategy work item node, select a work item and click Get Work.

    Does the appropriate strategy and work item appear on the Strategy tab?

  4. From UWQ Task node, find a callback and click Get Work.

    Does the Collections Dunning History appear with selected dunning and invoice highlighted?

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Verify Interaction Tracking

Interaction Tracking can be manual or automatic. Manual interaction tracking requires the collector to start and stop interactions using the traffic lights on the tool bar. The actions and action items columns are automatically filled in based on where the collector navigates within the application. Automatic interaction tracking begins as soon as a collector selects a record from Collector's Work Queue or queries a record (both are based on profiles).


Other profile options affect how interaction history behaves. See: Set Up Oracle Additional Advanced Collections Profile Options for more information.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, query and view a Customer in the Collections window.

  2. Click the first traffic light to start the interaction.

  3. Process a payment and make a note of the details of your transaction.

  4. Click the second traffic light to verify actions and to end the interaction.

  5. Navigate to the History tab and verify that Interaction History has this new interaction.

  6. Change the profiles to automatically start the interaction.

  7. In Collector's Work Queue, select a work item and click Get Work.

  8. In the Collections window, note that the first traffic light is grey.

  9. Process a payment and make a note of the details of your transaction.

  10. Return to UWQ and select another record.

  11. Navigate to the History tab and verify that the Interaction History has this new interaction.

  12. To change to manual interaction tracking, change the IEX: Automatically Start Interactions profile option to No.

  13. Query and view a Customer in the Collections window.

    Click the first traffic light to start the interaction.

  14. Process a payment and make a note of the details of your transaction.

  15. End the interaction.

  16. Navigate to the History tab and verify that the Interaction History has this new interaction.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components

Verify the implementation of any optional components of Oracle Advanced Collections, if installed.

Determine if your implementation includes any of the following optional components.

Be sure someone on your implementation team has expertise in the optional components you are implementing. Also make sure the components have been installed. Then refer to the Implementation or User Guides for each module for verification and validation steps related to each module.

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Verifying Integration with Oracle Lease and Finance Management

After you have configured Oracle Advanced Collections to integrate with Oracle Lease and Finance Management, verify the following:

Collections Header

Confirm the following calculations and resulting data are specific to Oracle Lease and Finance Management:

Related Topics

Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components

Implementation Tasks for Mandatory Components