Budget Account Codes Setup


The budget account is an administrative or functional subdivision of a budget agency and must have at least one federal account symbol associated with it. The Define Budget Account Codes window defines and updates an agency’s budget account code information.

The federal account symbol must be established before defining the budget account because a budget account must be associated with a federal account symbol.

In the Define Budget Account Codes window, specify these values to describe the budget account:


Before setting up budget account codes you must establish the federal account symbol to be associated with the budget account code.

Related Topics

Federal Account Symbols Setup.

Defining Budget Account Codes

To define budget account codes, navigate to the Define Budget Accounts window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Define Budget Accounts window.

Define Budget Accounts Window Description
Field Name Description
Budget Status Indicator Budget status; includes on budget, off budget, financing account, government sponsored enterprise
Borrowing Source Borrowing source; includes treasury, public, both, and federal financing bank
Function Function; includes defense and non-defense
Federal Accounting Symbol Name Federal account symbol title
Treasury Account Code Federal account symbol account code; populated when federal account symbol entered