Federal Report Definitions Setup


In the Federal Report Definitions windows, you can customize reports by specifying report definitions and entering report data. Report definitions provide additional information to meet federal government reporting requirements.

Federal report definitions setup is required for the following reports:

FMS Form 224 Setup

In the 224 and Reconciliation Report Definitions Setup window, you can define the SGL accounts to report on the FMS Form 224. In addition, the Account Type and Agency Location Code (ALC) are assigned to the SGL accounts for default reporting. The Account Type determines the placement when it cannot be derived from the transaction or the FMS 224 Type of the treasury symbol. The transaction is reported to the ALC indicated for the SGL account when the ALC of the bank account cannot be determined.

FMS Form 1219/1220 Setup

In the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Definitions Setup window, you can define the Accounting Flexfield values to report on the FMS Form 1219 and FMS Form 1220. In addition, the ALC is assigned to the accounting flexfield for default reporting. The Account Type determines the placement when it cannot be derived from the transaction or the FMS 224 Type of the treasury symbol. The transaction is reported to the ALC indicated for the SGL account when the ALC of the bank account cannot be determined.

Funds Availability Setup

In the Funds Availability Report Definitions window, you can perform these tasks:

Funds Available - Funding Distributions

The columns in this report represent amounts distributed not including activity against these amounts. For example, the Total Apportioned column represents amounts apportioned for a given period. This amount should not be reduced for amounts allotted. Agencies define a separate account to store initial balances, including transfers, and another account to store activity against the initial balance. This enables agencies to easily segregate initial balances from activity that reduces that balance as described in this example.

The following table describes the agency activity for Example 1:

Example 1: Agency Activity
Account Total Apportioned
Account 4510 - Apportionments (5,000,000)
Account 4610 - Allotments (2,000,000)

The following table describes the entry to record the initial Apportionment for Example 1:

Example 1: Initial Apportionment
Credit/Debit Account Total Apportioned
Debit 4450 5,000,000
Credit 4510 (5,000,000)

The following table describes the entry to record the Allotment for Example 1:

Example 1: Allotment
Debit/Credit Account Total Apportioned
Debit 4510 2,000,000
Credit 4610 (2,000,000)

The following table describes the Balances for Example 1:

Example 1: Balances
Account Total Apportioned
Account 4510 - Apportionments (3,000,000) = (5,000,000) - 2,000,000)
Account 4610 - Allotments (2,000,000)

In this example, the Total Apportioned column cannot be determined because both initial balance and activity are stored in the same account.

This example is the same as the previous example but with a separate account to store the initial apportionment.

The following table describes the entry to record the initial Apportionment for Example 2:

Example 2: Initial Apportionment
Debit/Credit Account Total Apportioned
Debit 4450 5,000,000
Credit 451001 (5,000,000)

The following table describes the entry to record the Allotment for Example 2:

Example 2: Allotment
Debit/Credit Account Total Apportioned
Debit 451002 2,000,000
Credit 4610 (2,000,000)

The following table describes the Balances for Example 2:

Example 2: Balances
Account Total Apportioned
Account 451001 - Apportionments (5,000,000)
Account 451002 - Apportionments Activity 2,000,000
Account 4610 - Allotments (2,000,000)

In this example, the Total Apportioned column is easily determined by the 451001 account while activity is segregated in the 451002 account. This logic applies to all remaining columns in the Funds Available - Funding Distributions report.

Funds Available - Spending Activity

For the Funds Available - Spending Activity Report, agencies should follow the same logic as described in the previous example in the Funds Available - Funding Distributions section for the Budget Authority column only. This column represents the beginning budget balance not including activity. In order to capture the initial budget balance, agencies should consider defining two accounts, one to store the initial balance and another to store activity. For example, these accounts could be defined:

SF 133 Setup

In the SF 133 Report Definitions Setup window, you can define the lines and the Accounting Flexfield values as well as the balance type and attributes for each detail line to report on the SF 133. The window is also used to define the sequence number for placement on the report and on the line label that is printed.

The SF 133 Report Definitions window includes the ability to define the report line calculations. The Report Line Calculations window for the SF 133 is similar to the Report Line Calculations window that is used for the Statement of Financing, Statement of Custodial Activity, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Net Cost. The examples described for those statements also apply to the SF133.

The SF 133 Report Definitions window includes the ability to define Footnotes.The Footnotes window for the SF 133 gives the ability enter a note. The note appears at the end of the financial statement as a footnote. Footnotes can be added for individual Treasury Symbol.

Agency Location Code (ALC) Setup

In the Agency Location Code Addresses window, the agency location code address details are entered and used in the FMS Form 224 report.


Define US SGL Accounts Window

The Define US SGL Accounts window captures all valid US SGL accounts as defined by the Department of Treasury, which includes the account attributes for prior year adjustments (PYA). Also, the Define US SGL Accounts window captures the criteria to perform many of the FACTS II edit checks.

The SF133 Outlays tab captures criteria to perform Edit Check 8 - 133 Proof Edit as a quarterly edit in FACTS II.

The Cash Position tab designates the appropriate cash accounts for use in the calculation of the G/L Cash Balance in the Cash Position Detail Report.

The Closing Validations window captures the criteria to perform Edit 13 – Closing Validation as a quarterly edit in FACTS II.


FACTS II Processing, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials User Guide.

Cash Position Detail Report Procedures, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials User Guide.

Define FACTS Attributes Window

In the Define FACTS Attributes window, you can enter and associate attributes that pertain to specific US SGL accounts. The check box attributes indicate that the attribute must be reported for the US SGL account. However, the attribute is derived from values already captured in the system. Attributes defined using a list of values data entry field are reported as defined on the Define FACTS Attributes window.

You can add, change, or delete records using the Define FACTS Attributes window. The Define FACTS Attributes Table setup procedure populates the Define FACTS Attributes window with the US SGL account, balance type, and applicable attributes. Accounts may need to be added or modified for these reasons:

Define Other Authorization Codes Window

The Define Other Authorization Codes window defines authorization codes, which are also known as record type 7 (RT7) codes. These authorization codes are an extension of the treasury symbol. Each authorization code has corresponding US SGL accounts that are used to record and report the different transaction types.

The US SGL accounts associated with each authorization code are used in the edit checks to reconcile account balances to the Fund Balance with Treasury Account, US SGL Account 1010.

Reporting Codes Window

In the Reporting Codes window, you can perform these tasks:

Note: The Reporting Codes window lets you define the segment at the treasury symbol and fund level.

Financial Statements Setup

In the Financial Statement Report Definitions window, you can enter or update financial statement reports.

Report Lines Window

The Report Lines window is applicable to all reports. This window defines the entire line by identifying such attributes as line type, name or label, or sequence number.

Report Line Details Window

The Report Lines Details window is different for each report and defines the attributes of the detail line data that makes up the line.

Report Line Calculations Window

For each report, a Report Line Calculations window enables the calculation type (sum, minus, or plus) necessary to calculate report line balances.

The Calculations button in the Report Lines window opens one of these windows depending on which financial statement is selected:

Calculation Examples

This section describes report line calculation examples.

  1. Subtract Line 1 from Line 2

    The following table shows the first example of the report line calculation.

    Report Line Calculation Example 1
    Calculation Sequence Number Operator Low High
    1 - (Minus) Line 1 Line 2
  2. Sum Lines 6 through 9

    The following table shows the second example of the report line calculation.

    Report Line Calculation Example 2
    Calculation Sequence Number Operator Low High
    1 S (Sum) Line 6 Line 9
  3. Calculate (10-11-12-13-14)

    The following table shows the third example of the report line calculation.

    Report Line Calculation Example 3
    Calculation Sequence Number Operator Low High
    1 - (Minus) Line 10 Line 11
    2 - (Minus) Sequence 1 Line 12
    3 - (Minus) Sequence 2 Line 13
    4 - (Minus) Sequence 3 Line 14
  4. Calculate ((3+16)-17)

    The following table shows the fourth example of the report line calculation.

    Report Line Calculation Example 4
    Calculation Sequence Number Operator Low High
    1 + (Plus) Line 3 Line 16
    2 - (Minus) Sequence 1 Line 17
  5. For the Statement of Changes in Net Position, there are three check boxes for All Other Funds, Earmarked Funds, and Eliminations to indicate which calculation for a given line is applicable to which column on the statement. A calculation may be applicable to one column or multiple columns. For example, the calculation on Line 3 is applicable to All Other Funds and Earmarked Funds columns.

    The following table describes the format for Line 3 of the Statement of Changes in Net Position.

    Report Line Calculation Example 5, Line 3
    Calculation Sequence Number Operator Low High All Other Funds Earmarked Funds
    1 + (Plus) Line 1 Line 2 X X

    However, Line 16 may consist of two different calculation sequences, one for each column.

    The following table describes the format for Line 16 of the Statement of Changes in Net Position.

    Report Line Calculation Example 5, Line 16
    Calculation Sequence Number Operator Low High All Other Funds Earmarked Funds
    1 + (Plus) Line 6 Line 15 X  
    2 + (Plus) Line 4 Line 7   X
  6. The column logic for the Statement of Changes in Net Position applies to the Statement of Budgetary Resources as described in Example 5. There are two check boxes for Budgetary Column and Non-Budgetary Financing Account Column. A calculation may be applicable to either column or both.

Footnotes Window

The Footnotes button in the Report Lines window opens the Footnotes window where you can enter a note associated with a given line. The note is numbered by line and appears at the end of the financial statement as a footnote.

All notes are ordered by line number when printed. If you want to set up a report footnote, use Sequence number of zero and enter the text in the Footnotes window. This footnote is printed first before any line footnotes.

Reimbursable Activity Setup

In the Funds Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions window, you can perform these tasks:


Before setting up federal report definitions, you must:

Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Setup Overview.

Define Bank Accounts.

Setting Up Funds Availability Table Procedure.

Setting Up SF 133 Report Definitions Procedure

Setting Up the Financial Statement Tables

Report Line Details for Statement of Budgetary Resources Window Description

Setting Up Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions

Setting Up US SGL Accounts Tables

Setting Up FACTS Attributes Tables

Setting Up FMS Form 224 Report Definitions

To enter or update federal report definitions for this report, navigate to the 224 and Reconciliation Report Definitions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the 224 and Reconciliation Report Definitions window.

224 and Reconciliation Report Definitions Window Description
Field Name Description
Account Type Account type

Note: Default value is Disbursement. The values used in the FMS 224 process are Disbursement and Receipt and determines the placement on the FMS Form 224 when it cannot be derived from the transaction or from the FMS 224 Type of the Treasury Symbol.

Account Natural account segment of Accounting Flexfield
Agency Location Code Default ALC that is to be reported if an ALC from a bank account cannot be determined for a transaction; values include the ALCs defined for internal account use bank accounts in Payables or Receivables

Setting Up FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Definitions

To enter or update federal report definitions for this report, navigate to the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Definitions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Definitions window.

FMS Form 1219/1220 Report Definitions Window Description
Field Name Description
Accounting Flexfield Defined segments of Accounting Flexfield. At least one segment must be entered.
Description Describes the selected Accounting Flexfield values
Agency Location Code Agency Location Code. Default ALC reported if an ALC from a bank account cannot be determined for a transaction; values include the ALCs defined for internal bank accounts in Payables or Receivables.

Setting Up Funds Availability Report Definitions

To set up funds availability report definitions, navigate to the Funds Availability Report Definitions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Funds Availability Report Definitions window.

Funds Availability Report Definitions Window Description
Field Name Description
Report Report name
Column Column; not displayed in the Fund Availability reports
Column Name Column name; displayed in the Fund Availability reports
From Account from which to begin reporting for this column
To Account to end reporting for this column

Setting Up SF 133 Report Definitions Procedure

To change or update federal report definitions for this report, navigate to the SF133 Report Definitions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the SF133 Report Definitions window.

SF133 Report Definitions Window Description
Field Name Description
Sequence Number Report sequence number
Type Line type; Detail(+), Detail(-), Label, Total, or Footnote

Note: If you select Label, the Report Line Details region is not enabled for data entry. If you select Total, calculations must be entered in the Calculations window. If you select Footnote, you need to enter a note in the Footnotes window. The footnote appears at the end of the financial statement.

Line Number Report line number
Line Label Label corresponding to report line number
Natural Balance Account balance type; Debit or Credit

Note: For debit, if the sum of the line is a debit, a positive is displayed and if the sum of the line is credit, a negative is displayed. For credit, if the sum of the line is a debit, a negative is displayed and if the sum of the line is a credit, a positive is displayed.

Treasury Account Symbol Treasury Account Symbol for the Footnote record. If a Treasury Account Symbol is entered, the footnote will only be printed for that Treasury Account Symbol.
Account US SGL Account Number
Balance Type Type of balance; Beginning, Ending, Ending Debit Only, Ending Credit Only, End-Begin, End-Begin Debit Only or End-Begin Credit Only

Note: Beginning indicates the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year; Ending indicates the ending balance for the period requested; Ending Debit Only indicates the ending balance for the period requested and is only displayed if the balance is debit; Ending Credit Only indicates the ending balance for the period requested and is only displayed if the balance is a credit; End - Begin indicates ending balance for the period requested less the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year; End – Begin Debit Only indicates ending balance for the period requested less the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year and is only displayed if the balance is debit; End – Begin Credit Only indicates ending balance for the period requested less the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year and is only displayed if the balance is credit.

Direct or Reimbursable Code Associates account with appropriate Direct or Reimbursable Code value.
Apportionment Category Code Associates account with appropriate Apportionment Category Code value.
Category B Code Associates account with appropriate Category B Code.
PRC Code Associates account with appropriate PRC Code.
Authority Type Associates account with appropriate Authority Type.
Advance Code Associates account with appropriate Advance Code.
Availability Time Associates account with appropriate Availability Time.
BEA Category Code Associates account with appropriate BEA Category Code.
Borrowing Source Associates account with appropriate Borrowing Source.
Transaction Partner Associates account with appropriate Transaction Partner.
Year of Budget Authority Associates account with appropriate Year of Budget Authority.
Prior Year Adjustment Associates account with appropriate Prior Year Adjustment.
TAFS Status Associates account with appropriate TAFS Status.
Availability Type Associates account with appropriate Availability Type.
Expiration Flag Associates account with appropriate Expiration Flag.
Fund Type Associates account with appropriate Fund Type.
Financing Account Code Associates account with appropriate Financing Account Code.
Calculations Opens the Report Line Calculations window.
Footnotes Opens the Footnotes window for the selected report and enables you to enter a footnote applicable to a specific line or report.

Report Line Calculations Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Calculations window for SF 133:

Report Line Calculations Window Description
Field Name Description
Calculation Sequence Number Calculation sequence number; You can only access this window if the type is Subtotal or Total.
Operator Calculation type; plus (+), minus (-), or sum
Low Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for low range. You can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. You must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. Also, you cannot delete a record where the calculation sequence number is in another Low/High range. You must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.
High Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for High range. You can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. You must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. You cannot delete a record where the sequence number is in another Low/High range. You must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.

Footnotes Window Description

If required, enter note description associated with the SF 133 that appears as a footnote at the end of a financial statement in the text box.

Setting Up Agency Location Code

The following table describes the Setting Up Agency Location window.

Field Name Description
Agency Location Code Only agency location codes associated with internal bank accounts for the ledgers are displayed.
Multiple bank accounts may use the same ALC but each ALC is only displayed once.
Business Activity The valid business activities are as follows:
  • CA$SHLINK Only

  • IPAC Only

  • TDO Payment Only


  • IPAC and TDO Payment

  • TDO Payment and CA$SHLINK

  • IPAC, CA$SHLINK and TDO Payment

GWA Reporter Category The valid business activities are as follows:
  • IPAC Only

  • CA$SHLINK Only

  • TDO Payment Only


  • IPAC and TDO Payment

  • TDO Payment and CA$SHLINK

  • IPAC, CA$SHLINK and TDO Payment

Start Date List of valid effective start dates. The start date can only be entered as the first day of the month for each period.
End Date List of valid effective end dates. The end date can only be entered as the last day of the month for each period.

Note: All agency location code addresses must be entered in the Agency Location Code Addresses window otherwise a warning will be generated when the reports are run listing the ALCs with missing address details.

Setting Up US SGL Accounts

To set up US SGL accounts, navigate to the Define US SGL Accounts window and enter the data as described for each tab.

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description
Field Name Description
US SGL Acct US SGL account number
Description US SGL account name
Normal Balance Normal balance; includes debit, credit, or either
FACTS Reporting FACTS reporting type; includes I, II or I and II
Closing Validation Opens Define Closing Validation window

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Total Resources Tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Total Resources Tab
Field Name Description
Begin/End Balance to be included in as total resource in resource vs. status of resource edit
Debit/Credit Balance type to be included as total resource in resource vs. status of resource edit

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Status of Resources Tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Status of Resources Tab
Field Name Description
Begin/End Balance to be included as status of resource in resource vs. status of resource edit
Debit/Credit Balance type to be included as status of resource in resource vs. status of resource edit

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, SF 133 Outlays tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, SF 133 Outlays Tab
Field Name Description
Obligations Incurred Includes accounts that require both the beginning and ending balance amounts for the calculation; balance type derived from the Status of Resources tab and Total Resources tab, respectively
Spending from Coll and PYA Spending from collections and PYA; includes accounts that require both the beginning and ending balance amounts for the calculation; balance type derived from the Status of Resources tab and Total Resources tab, respectively
Obligations as of 10/1 Uses only beginning balances for the selected accounts
Obligations Transferred Report ending balances only for the selected accounts
Obligations Period End Report ending balances only for the selected accounts

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Year End Closing tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Year End Closing Tab
Field Name Description
Anticipated Items Selected for accounts that report anticipated items
Resource/Equity Account type; includes resource or equity
Begin/End balance type to include in resource or equity edit; includes beginning or ending
Fund Balance with Treasury Indicates which account to include in edit check for Fund Balance with Treasury

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Cancellations tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Cancellations Tab
Field Name Description
Cancelled Items Selected for accounts that report must have a zero balance for the Cancellation edit

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Footnote Explanations tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Footnote Explanations Tab
Field Name Description
General If selected, indicates that footnote entry is required if balances exist in account
Negative Receivables If selected, indicates Receivables US SGL accounts that require footnote entry if account reports a negative balance
Negative Payables If selected, indicates Payables US SGL accounts that require footnote entry if account reports a negative balance

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, FMS Form 224 Validation tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, FMS Form 224 Validation Tab
Field Name Description
Disbursements If selected, indicates disbursement account is used in the net outlays calculation
Collections If selected, indicates collections account is used in the net outlays calculation
Balance Type Balances to be included in outlays edit

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Prior Year Adjustments tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Prior Year Adjustments Tab
Field Name Description
Anticipated If selected, indicates account used to determine if downward adjustments for reimbursable funds are anticipated

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Cash Position tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Cash Position Tab
Field Name Description
Cash Position if selected, indicates that the US SGL account is available as a Cash Position account

The following table describes selected fields on the Define US SGL Accounts window, Reclassification tab.

Define US SGL Accounts Window Description, Reclassification Tab
Field Name Description
Summation Account If selected, indicates that the US SGL account is a summation account for the 4123 reclassification edit; ending balance amounts are used for the calculation
Control Account If selected, indicates that the US SGL account is a control account for the 4123 reclassification edit; ending balance amounts are used for the calculation

Note: 4123 should be selected as the Control account

The following table describes selected fields on the Define Closing Validation window.

Define Closing Validation window
Field Name Description
Closing Group Closing group assigned to the US SGL account for the closing validation edit
Authority Code Authority type of the US SGL account assigned to the closing group for the closing validation edit; if an authority type is indicated only balances with that authority type will be used in the closing validation edit
Expired Unexpired Indicates expired or unexpired value of the Treasury Symbol; if a value is indicated only balances for treasury symbols with the corresponding expiration status will be used in the closing validation edit
Closing Account Indicates the accounts in this closing group are closed to this account as part of year end closing; the ending balance in the previous year for all the accounts in the closing group should equal the beginning balance of this account

Defining FACTS Attributes Procedure

To define FACTS attributes, navigate to the FACTS Attributes window.

The following table describes selected fields on the FACTS Attributes window, FACTS I tab.

FACTS Attributes Window Description, FACTS I Tab
Field Name Description
Account Number Account number
FACTS Reporting FACTS reporting type; I, II or I and II
Beginning Beginning balance type
Ending Ending balance type
Both Beginning and ending balance types
Custodial/Non-Custodial If selected, indicates that the Custodial/Non-Custodial value must be reported for account number
Budget Subfunction If selected, indicates that the Budget Subfunction value must be reported for account number
Exchange/Non-Exchange Associates account number with appropriate Exchange/Non-exchange value; includes Either Exchange or Non-exchange, Exchange, Non-exchange, or Not Applicable

Note: If the value is set to Either Exchange or Non-exchange, the account is identified as an exception until the appropriate value is selected for the account.

Federal/Non-Federal Associates account number with appropriate Federal/Non-Federal value; includes Either Federal or Non-Federal, Federal, Non-Federal, or Not Applicable

Note: If the value is set to Either Federal or Non-Federal, Federal Financials determines the value from the supplier or customer record or the Journal Trading Partner descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes selected fields on the FACTS Attributes window, FACTS I tab.

FACTS Attributes Window Description, FACTS II Tab
Field Name Description
Public Law Code If selected, indicates that public law code must be reported for account number
Reimbursable Flag If selected, indicates reimbursable flag must be reported for account number
Availability Time Associates account number with period of availability
BEA Category If selected, indicates that Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) category must be reported for account number
Apportionment Category If selected, indicates that apportionment category must be reported for account number
Transaction Partner Associates account number with transaction partner code
Borrowing Source If selected, indicates that borrowing source must be reported for account number
Definite/Indefinite Flag If selected, indicates that definite/indefinite flag must be reported for account number
Authority Type Associates account number with appropriate authority type
PYA If selected, indicates that PYA must be reported for account number
Advance Flag If selected, indicates that advances for appropriations must be reported
Function If selected, indicates that function must be reported for account number
Transfer Indicator If selected, indicates that accounts that report transfer account information must be reported

Defining Other Authorization Codes

To define additional authorization codes, navigate to the Define Other Authorization Codes window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Define Other Authorization Codes window.

Define Other Authorization Codes Window Description
Field Name Description
Authorization Code Authorization code
Borrowing Source Borrowing source type; include treasury for Code 951 or public for Code 962
Borrowing borrowing type authorization code
Contract Contract type authorization code
Other Other type authorization code
US SGL Account US SGL account that corresponds to authorization code
Description US SGL account name
Beginning/Ending Balance type; beginning or ending; corresponds to values entered for the US SGL account in Define FACTS Attributes window
Transaction Partner Transaction partner

Defining Reporting Codes

To define the reporting codes, navigate to the Reporting Codes window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Reporting Codes window.

Reporting Codes Window Description
Field Name Description
Code Type Reporting code type; includes Apportionment Category B Code and Program Reporting Category Number
Treasury Symbol Treasury symbols for the ledgers. The value All includes all the treasury symbols in the ledgers.
Fund Fund values including All, All-Category A, All-Category B, or funds assigned to the treasury symbol selected. The combination of treasury symbol and fund must be unique.
Segment All segments except the natural account segment of the Accounting Flexfield for the ledgers
Use Reporting Code Mapping Indicates if the values of the segment selected must be mapped to reporting codes. If the segment is intended to capture the Reporting Code, then this check box should be set to No.
If the check box is selected, the Report Code Mapping region is enabled.
Segment Value Segment values of the segment selected
If the value All is entered, then there is only one record in the detail region for the Treasury Symbol/Fund combination.
Reporting Code Three digit numeric reporting code
Reporting Code Description Defaults from the initial Segment value selected

Setting Up Financial Statement Report Definitions

To view or edit the Financial Statement Report Definitions window, navigate to the Financial Statement Report Definitions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Financial Statement Report Definitions window.

Financial Statement Report Definitions Window Description
Field Name Description
Report Type Financial statement name
Open Opens the report lines region for the selected financial statement
Sequence Number Report sequence number
Type Line type; includes Label, Detail (+), Detail (-), Subtotal, Total, or Footnote.
If users select Detail (+) or Detail (-), the Report Line Details region is enabled for data entry. If users select Detail (-), a minus sign is displayed in front of the amount.
If users select Label, the Report Line Details region is not enabled for data entry.
If users select Subtotal or Total, calculations must be entered in the Calculations window.
If users select Footnote, they must enter a note associated with the given line. The footnote appears at the end of the financial statement. If users want to set up a report footnote, they must use sequence number of zero and enter text in the footnotes window. This footnote is printed first before any line footnotes.
Line Label Shows the line exactly as it should appear on the report. For example, if the line should be indented three spaces, the user places three spaces at the beginning of the Line Label before typing in the description for that line.
Natural Balance account balance type; Debit or Credit
For debit, if the sum of the line is a debit, a positive is displayed and if the sum of the line is credit, a negative is displayed.
For credit, if the sum of the line is a debit, a negative is displayed and if the sum of the line is a credit, a positive is displayed.
GL Balance Applies to Statement of Budgetary Resources only. If selected, the accounts on the line are not reported on FACTS II. Since the line cannot be determined from the FACTS II tables the line is determined from GL Balances.
By Recipient Applies to Statement of Custodial Activity only. If selected, the process displays the line amounts broken down by vendor or customer as applicable. This applies specifically to Line 11 of the Statement of Custodial Activity. The process displays Line 11 amounts by customer or vendor name on the report.
Suppress Applies to Statement of Changes in Net Position only. If selected, the line will not be printed on the report. This is to accommodate adding the details for the lines from the Statement of Net Cost. These lines would be suppressed and then Line 15 is added as a Total line type with the calculation coming from the suppressed lines.
Details Opens the Report Line Details window for the selected report
Calculations Opens the Report Line Calculations window for the selected report
Footnotes Opens the Footnotes window for the selected report and enables users to enter a footnote applicable to specific line or report

Report Line Details for Balance Sheet Window Description

To view or edit the report line details for a balance sheet, navigate to the Report Line Details for Balance Sheet window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Details for Balance Sheet window.

Report Line Details for Balance Sheet Window Description
Field Name Description
Accounting Flexfield Defined segments of Accounting Flexfield
Balance Type Balance type. Only ending balance can be selected for Balance Sheet.
Fed Non Fed Federal or Non-Federal
Flexfield Needs Further Definition Indicates users must define a further breakdown of the Accounting Flexfield so that the account balances are not overstated.

Note: For those accounts that are on multiple lines and require additional flexfield breakout which could not be seeded, the account is loaded in the Financial Statement Report Setup process with this field selected. Unless this check box is deselected, the report displays 0 (zero) for the flexfield balance.

Report Line Details for Statement of Budgetary Resources Window Description

To view or edit the report line details for statement of budgetary resources, navigate to the Report Line Details for Statement of Budgetary Resources window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Details for Statement of Budgetary Resources window.

Report Line Details for Statement of Budgetary Resources Window Description
Field Name Description
Account US SGL Account
Balance Type Type of balance; Beginning, Ending, Ending Debit Only, Ending Credit Only, End-Begin, End-Begin Debit Only or End-Begin Credit Only

Note: Beginning indicates the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year; Ending indicates the ending balance for the period requested; Ending Debit Only indicates the ending balance for the period requested and is only displayed if the balance is debit; Ending Credit Only indicates the ending balance for the period requested and is only displayed if the balance is a credit; End - Begin indicates ending balance for the period requested less the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year; End – Begin Debit Only indicates ending balance for the period requested less the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year and is only displayed if the balance is debit; End – Begin Credit Only indicates ending balance for the period requested less the beginning balance for the first nonadjusting period of the fiscal year and is only displayed if the balance is credit.

Treasury Account Symbol Treasury Account Symbol for the Footnote record; If a Treasury Account Symbol is entered the footnote will only be printed for that Treasury Account Symbol.
Bud Col. Indicates the report detail line is applicable to the Budgetary column on the Statement of Budgetary Resources.
NBFA Col. Indicates the report detail line is applicable to the Nonbudgetary Financing Account column on the Statement of Budgetary Resources.
Direct or Reimbursable Code Associates account with appropriate Direct or Reimbursable Code value.
Apportionment Category Code Associates account with appropriate Apportionment Category Code value.
Category B Code Associates account with appropriate Category B Code.
PRC Code Associates account with appropriate PRC Code.
Authority Type Associates account with appropriate Authority Type.
Advance Code Associates account with appropriate Advance Code.
Availability Time Associates account with appropriate Availability Time.
BEA Category Code Associates account with appropriate BEA Category Code.
Borrowing Source Associates account with appropriate Borrowing Source.
Transaction Partner Associates account with appropriate Transaction Partner.
Year of Budget Authority Associates account with appropriate Year of Budget Authority.
Prior Year Adjustment Associates account with appropriate Prior Year Adjustment.
TAFS Status Associates account with appropriate TAFS Status.
Availability Type Associates account with appropriate Availability Type.
Expiration Flag Associates account with appropriate Expiration Flag.
Fund Type Associates account with appropriate Fund Type.
Financing Account Code Associates account with appropriate Financing Account Code.

Report Line Details for Statement of Custodial Activity Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Details for Statement of Custodial Activity window.

Report Line Details for Statement of Budgetary Resources Window Description
Field Name Description
Accounting Flexfield Defined segments of Accounting Flexfield
Balance Type Balance type. Ending indicates the ending balance for the period being processed; Beginning indicates the beginning balance for the fiscal year; and Ending - Beginning indicates the ending balance for the period being processed minus the beginning balance
Cust/Non-Cust Custodial or Noncustodial
Flexfield Needs Further Definition Fund status; Expired, Unexpired, or Both
Flexfield Needs Further Definition Indicates users must define a further breakdown of the Accounting Flexfield so that the account balances are not overstated.

Note: For those accounts that are on multiple lines and require additional flexfield breakout which could not be seeded, the account is loaded in the Financial Statement Report Setup process with this field selected. Unless this check box is deselected, the report displays 0 (zero) for the flexfield balance.

Report Line Details for Statement of Changes in Net Position Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Details for Statement of Changes in Net Position window.

Report Line Details for Statement of Changes in Net Position Window Description
Field Name Description
Accounting Flexfield Defined segments of Accounting Flexfield.
Balance Type Balance type. Ending indicates the ending balance for the period being processed and Beginning indicates the beginning balance for the fiscal year.
Fed/Non-Fed Federal or Non-Federal
Exch/Non-Exch Exchange or Non-Exchange
Cust/Non-Cust Custodial or Non-custodial
Flexfield Needs Further Definition Indicates users must define a further breakdown of the Accounting Flexfield so that the account balances are not overstated.

Note: For those accounts that are on multiple lines and require additional flexfield breakout which could not be seeded, the account is loaded in the Financial Statement Report Setup process with this field selected. Unless this check box is deselected, the report displays 0 (zero) for the flexfield balance.

All Other Funds Indicates that the report detail line is applicable to the All Other Funds column in the Statement of Changes in Net Position.
Earmarked Funds Indicates that the report detail line is applicable to the Earmarked Funds column in the Statement of Changes in Net Position.
Eliminations Indicates that the report detail line is applicable to the Eliminations column in the Statement of Changes in Net Position.

Report Line Details for Statement of Financing Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Details for Statement of Financing window.

Report Line Details for Statement of Financing Window Description
Field Name Description
Accounting Flexfield Defined segments of Accounting Flexfield
Balance Type Balance type. Ending indicates the ending balance for the period being processed; Ending - Beginning indicates the ending balance for the period being processed minus the beginning balance for the fiscal year; and Credit Ending-Beginning indicates the ending balance for the period being processed minus the beginning balance for the fiscal year if the balance is credit; Ending (CR only) indicates the ending balance for the period being processed if the ending balance is a credit balance; Ending (DR only) indicates the ending balance for the period being processed if the ending balance is a debit balance; Net Increase indicates the ending balance for the period being processed if the ending balance matches the natural balance of the line (natural balance is a debit and the ending balance is a debit or the natural balance is a credit and the ending balance is a credit); Net Decrease indicates the ending balance for the period being processed if the ending balance does not match the natural balance of the line (natural balance is a debit and the ending balance is a credit or the natural balance is a credit and the ending balance is a debit).
Fed Non-Fed Federal or Non-Federal
Exch/Non-Exch Exchange or Non-Exchange
Flexfield Needs Further Definition Indicates users must define a further breakdown of the Accounting Flexfield so that the account balances are not overstated.

Note: For those accounts that are on multiple lines and require additional flexfield breakout which could not be seeded, the account is loaded in the Financial Statement Report Setup process with this field selected. Unless this check box is deselected, the report displays 0 (zero) for the flexfield balance.

Report Lines Details for Statement of Net Cost Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Details for Statement of Net Cost window.

Report Line Details for Statement of Net Cost Window Description
Field Name Description
Accounting Flexfield Defined segments of Accounting Flexfield
Balance Type Balance type. Only ending balance can be selected for Statement of Net Cost.
Fed Non-Fed Federal or Non-Federal
Exch/Non-Exch Exchange or Non-Exchange
Cust/Non-Cust Custodial or Non-custodial
Flexfield Needs Further Definition Indicates users must define a further breakdown of the Accounting Flexfield so that the account balances are not overstated.

Note: For those accounts that are on multiple lines and require additional flexfield breakout which could not be seeded, the account is loaded in the Financial Statement Report Setup process with this field selected. Unless this check box is deselected, the report displays 0 (zero) for the flexfield balance.

Report Line Calculations Window Description for Balance Sheet, Statement of Custodial Activity, Statement of Financing, and Statement of Net Cost

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Calculations window for Balance Sheet, Statement of Custodial Activity, Statement of Financing, and Statement of Net Cost

Report Line Calculations Window Description for Balance Sheet, Statement of Custodial Activity, Statement of Financing, and Statement of Net Cost
Field Name Description
Calculation Sequence Number Calculation sequence number; can only access window if type is Subtotal or Total
Operator Calculation type; plus (+), minus (-), or sum
Low Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for low range
Users can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number.
At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type.
Users must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row.
Users cannot delete a record where the calculation sequence number is in another Low/High range. Users must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.
High Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for High range Users can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. Users must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. Users cannot delete a record where the sequence number is in another Low/High range. Users must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.

Report Line Calculations for Budgetary Resources Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Calculations for Budgetary Resources window.

Report Line Calculations for Budgetary Resources Window Description
Field Name Description
Calculation Sequence Number Calculation sequence number; can only access if type is Subtotal or Total
Operator Calculation type; plus (+), minus (-), or sum.
Low Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for Low range Users can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. Users must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. Users cannot delete a record where the calculation sequence number is in another Low/High range. Users must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.
High Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for High range Users can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. Users must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. Users cannot delete a record where the sequence number is in another Low/High range.
Budget Col. Indicates that the calculation for the report detail line is applicable to the Budgetary column in the Statement of Budgetary Resources
NBFA Col Indicates that the calculation for the report detail line is applicable to the Non-Budgetary Financing Account column in the Statement of Budgetary Resources

Report Line Calculations for Changes in Net Position Window Description

The following table describes selected fields on the Report Line Calculations for Changes in Net Position window.

Report Line Calculations for Changes in Net Position Window Description
Field Name Description
Calculation Sequence Number Calculation sequence numbering only access window it type is Subtotal or Total
Operator Calculation type; plus (+), minus (-), or sum
Low Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for Low range Users can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. Users must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. Users cannot delete a record where the calculation sequence number is in another Low/High range. Users must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.
High Report line numbers and calculation sequence numbers for selected line for High range Users can select a mix of report lines and calculations sequences. For example, select a Low range that is a Report Line Number and a High range that is a Calculation Sequence Number. At least one Low-High range must be given for each line that is a Subtotal or Total type. Users must save each calculation sequence record before entering the next row. Users cannot delete a record where the sequence number is in another Low/High range. Users must first delete the record where the sequence number is in the Low/High range.
All Other Funds Indicates that the calculation for the report detail line is applicable to the All Other Funds column.
Earmarked Funds Indicates that the calculation for the report detail line is applicable to the Earmarked Funds column.
Eliminations Indicates that the calculation for the report detail line is applicable to the Eliminations column.

Footnotes Window Description

Enter note description associated with a given line that appears as a footnote at the end of a financial statement in the text box, if required.

Setting Up Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions

To set up funds availability report definitions, navigate to the Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions window.

Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions Window
Field Name Description
Column Column; not displayed on the Reimbursable Activity Report
Column Name Column name; displayed in the Reimbursable Activity reports
Natural Balance Natural balance of the column; if natural balance is debit, debit amounts display as positive and credit amounts display as negative. If natural balance is credit, credit amounts display as positive and debit amounts display as negative.
Receivables SLA Detail Indicates balances should be retrieved from Receivables Subledger Accounting journals
From Account from which to begin reporting for this column
To Account to end reporting for this column

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