Credit Management Application Workflow

This appendix describes the workflow in Oracle Credit Management.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Credit Management Application Workflow

The Credit Management Application workflow manages the process flow of gathering and analyzing account or prospect credit data, and making and implementing credit decisions.

The workflow always attempts to automatically make and implement credit decisions without user intervention. If the workflow stops due to conditions such as missing data, then the workflow routes notifications to the appropriate credit analyst for resolution.

To determine if credit recommendations require approval, the workflow checks the automation rules that you previously defined. If approval is required, then the workflow uses the approval rules that you defined in Oracle Approvals Management (AME).

Oracle Approvals Management is a self-service Web application that you can use to define business rules that govern who must approve transactions in other Oracle applications. Once you define the rules for a given application, the Oracle Approvals Management rules engine manages the approvals for that application's transactions.

See: Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide.

This section describes the unmodified workflow program.

Related Topics

Setting Up the Credit Management Application Workflow

Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities

Processing Credit Reviews

Setting Up the Credit Management Application Workflow

To set up the Credit Management Application workflow:

  1. Install and set up Oracle Approvals Management (AME).

    In AME, you define the rules that Oracle Credit Management should use to determine who the appropriate approvers are for a credit decision.

    If you use HR hierarchies to generate your lists of approvers in AME, then you need to provide logic so AME can identify the starting approver. For Credit Management, the starting approver is always the credit analyst's supervisor.

    For information on defining rules in AME, see: Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide.

  2. Install the Oracle Workflow Builder client component program if you want to modify the Credit Management Application Workflow. For more information on workflow installations, see: Overview of Setting Up, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

  3. Set up Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer.

    You can set up Notification Mailer so the Credit Management Application Workflow can use e-mail, and your system administrator can grant approvers access to view notifications from the Oracle Workflow Notification Worklist web page.

    See: Setting Up Notification Mailers, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

  4. (Optional) Complete additional Oracle Workflow setup steps.

    Credit Management does not specify a timeout value for notification responses. Specify a timeout value if you want to set the time period in which an approver needs to respond before sending a reminder notification, or escalating the request to the approver's manager.

  5. (Optional) Modify the Credit Management Application Workflow.

    For example, you can modify the message text that appears on your notifications.

  6. Set up a designated person who receives notification of workflow errors through the Oracle Workflow Default Error Process.

    For example, the person who receives AME error notifications could also receive Oracle Workflow process error notifications.

  7. From the Submit Request window using the System Administrator's responsibility, schedule the Workflow Background Process concurrent program to run on a regular basis:

    • Choose the AR Credit Management Application Process item type.

    • In the Process Deferred field, enter Yes.

    • In the Process Timeout field, enter No.

    The Workflow Background Process launches the Credit Management Application Workflow.

    If you schedule this process to run more frequently, then upon the submission of credit applications, the resulting case folders will be created more quickly.

    See: To Schedule Background Engines, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

Related Topics

Credit Management Application Workflow

Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities

Processing Credit Reviews

Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities

This section provides a description of each activity in the main process, listed by the activity's display name.

Receive Credit Request (Node 1)

When a credit request is generated, either by the submission of a credit application or by the Credit Request API, the workflow starts.

The workflow continues to Node 2.

Create Case Folder (Node 2)

This function creates the case folder, which stores all analysis data and recommendation(s) for the credit review, whether the analysis is performed automatically or by a credit analyst.

The workflow continues to Node 3.

Check Automation (Node 3)

This function checks for the existence of automation rules based upon the combination of credit review type and customer credit classification:

Send Recommendation for Approval (Node 4)

This function calls the Approval subprocess to send a recommendation, either from a credit analyst or automatically generated, for approval.

See: Approval Subprocess.

Implement Recommendation (Node 5)

A recommendation has two sources:

Credit Management provides the following recommendations that can be implemented without user intervention:

  1. Remove Order from Hold

  2. Adjust Credit Limit

    Credit Management can increase or decrease a credit limit, based on the outcome of the review.

  3. Set up Credit Limit

    Credit Management can assign a new credit limit to the account or prospect.

  4. Put Account on Credit Hold

    Credit Management uses this recommendation if the outcome of the credit review indicates that too much risk is associated with the account. This recommendation prevents the acceptance of additional orders.

Inform Credit Analyst (Node 6)

This function sends a notification to the credit analyst if the Implement Recommendation function fails for any reason.

That function could fail if, for example, the order to be released from hold does not exist, or if a credit limit already exists for an account that you are granting a new credit limit to.

The workflow continues to Node 8.

Inform Sysadmin (Node 7)

This function sends a notification to the system administrator if the Implement Recommendation function fails for any reason.

That function could fail if, for example, the order to be released from hold does not exist, or if a credit limit already exists for an account that you are granting a new credit limit to.

The workflow continues to Node 8.

Retry Recommendation (Node 8)

If the source of the failure is determined and corrected, then this function allows the credit analyst or system administrator to resubmit the recommendation for implementation.

If the resubmission is successful, then a Success notification is sent to either the credit analyst or the system administrator.

The workflow successfully ends at Node 9.

Related Topics

Credit Management Application Workflow

Manual Subprocess

Automation Subprocess

Approval Subprocess

Processing Credit Reviews

Manual Subprocess

Check for Credit Analyst (Node 1)

This function checks whether a credit analyst was assigned to the credit application. If the workflow can identify a credit analyst, then the workflow continues to Node 3.

If not, then the workflow continues to Node 2.

Notify the Credit Scheduler Role (Node 2)

This function sends a notification to the Credit Scheduler role, if the workflow cannot identify a credit analyst for assignment to the credit review.

The workflow continues to Node 3.

Notify Credit Analyst (Node 3)

This function sends an assignment notification to the assigned credit analyst.

The workflow continues to Node 4.

Perform Analysis (Node 4)

Once the credit analyst is notified, the credit analyst conducts a manual analysis using the case folder. The workflow continues to Node 4, Send Recommendation for Approval, listed in the Main Process Activities section.

See: Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities.

Related Topics

Credit Management Application Workflow

Processing Credit Reviews

Automation Subprocess

Build Checklist & Gather Data (Node 1)

This function selects the data points and values on the associated checklist, according to the credit review type and credit classification combination, and stores the results in the case folder.

The workflow continues to Node 2.

Calculate Score (Node 2)

This function calls the scoring engine to calculate the credit score.

The workflow continues to Node 3.

If no credit scoring model exists for the associated checklist, or if a scoring model exists but data points are missing, then the workflow routes this function to a credit analyst for further processing.

This function calls the Manual Subprocess. See: Manual Subprocess.

A manual credit analysis does not require a credit scoring model.

Recommendation Generation (Node 3)

This function generates a recommendation(s) based upon the automation rules.

For example, an automation rule indicates that a calculated credit score of 75 has a credit limit of $100,000 USD. Credit Management will assign a credit limit of $100,000 USD to the account if a credit limit does not yet exist, or will update the existing USD credit limit to $100,000.

The workflow continues to Node 4, Send Recommendation for Approval, listed in the Main Process Activities section.

See: Credit Management Application Workflow Main Process Activities.

Related Topics

Credit Management Application Workflow

Processing Credit Reviews

Approval Subprocess

Approval Engine (Node 1)

This function calls the Approvals Management Engine (AME) and routes the recommendation through the approval hierarchy. For information on how to set up the approval hierarchy, see: Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide.

If approval is not required, then the workflow continues to Node 2.

If approval is required, then a call is made to the Approvals Engine for routing:

See: Manual Subprocess.

Update Case Folder with Approval Status (Node 2)

This function updates the case folder with the status of the approval request:

The workflow successfully ends at Node 3.

Related Topics

Credit Management Application Workflow

Processing Credit Reviews