Workload Management

This chapter describes managing credit analyst assignments.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Credit Analyst Assignment Rules

If, after the submission of a credit application, the Credit Management workflow cannot successfully proceed through the analysis phase, then Oracle Credit Management assigns a credit analyst for manual processing.

How does Credit Management determine which credit analyst to assign? Credit Management uses the Rules Engine, a component of the E-Business Suite, to let you define rules that control the correct credit analyst assignment.

On the Credit Analyst Assignments page, use the Rules List tab to:

Use the Create Rule page to create your credit analyst assignment rules.

On the Create Rule page, enter the matching criteria for the rule. Then, in the Result region, enter the credit analyst who will be assigned when the rule criteria is met.

When a credit analyst is required, the appropriate assignment is determined using the following sequence:

  1. The assignment rules that you defined using the Rules Engine are executed.

  2. If no credit analyst is identified, then the default credit analyst, selected on the Rules List tab, is used.

  3. If no default credit analyst exists, then Credit Management uses the default credit analyst on the assigned customer profile class.

If, after the above steps, Credit Management fails to identify a credit analyst, then Credit Management automatically routes the credit review to the Credit Scheduler. A credit manager must log on using the Credit Scheduler responsibility to manually select a credit analyst.

Testing Your Assignment Rules

Use the Test Cases tab to confirm that the rules behave as expected. This is especially helpful if your assignment rules are complex.

To create a test case, enter the parameters that you want to test credit analyst assignment for, and click Get Results to have the Rules Engine evaluate the rules and automatically supply the result. Or, manually enter the expected results.

You can save the test case to run again later, which you should do whenever the rules are modified.

Reassigning Credit Reviews

Use the Reassign Credit Reviews page to move selected credit applications and case folders among credit personnel. Reassignment might be necessary to rebalance workload between credit analysts. You can also use this page to assign credit analysts to unassigned credit applications.

Tip: This process is different from the Reassign Credit Analyst program, which moves the entire work queue of one credit analyst to another. See: Reassign Credit Analyst Program.

Reassignments made through the Reassign Credit Reviews page do not modify credit analyst assignments in the customer profile classes. As a result, the assigned credit analyst from the profile will default on subsequent case folders or credit applications submitted for the customer.

To change the credit analyst default for future credit requests, manually update the customer profile classes. Or, submit the Reassign Credit Analyst program.

Access the Reassign Credit Reviews page using the Credit Scheduler responsibility. Enter search criteria, then select one or more reviews for reassignment. Reassigned reviews appear in assignees' queues without additional notification.

Reassign Credit Analyst Program

Over time, personnel changes might require a change to the credit analyst who is assigned to an account, credit application, or case folder. For example, a credit analyst might take a personal leave of absence, or leave the organization entirely.

Use the Reassign Credit Analyst concurrent program to specify the required analyst changes. This program executes a mass update on a batch basis, moving a credit analyst's entire work queue to another credit analyst's work queue. This program also updates the credit analyst assignment in the related customer profile class, so that future credit reviews automatically reflect the new credit analyst assignment.

Tip: This process is different from using the Reassign Credit Reviews page, which selectively moves credit applications and case folders between credit personnel, and does not affect the customer profile class. See: Reassigning Credit Reviews.

The Reassign Credit Analyst concurrent program makes permanent changes. To accommodate temporary changes, such as vacations, run this same program when the temporary period has ended to reinstate the original credit analyst.

Access the Reassign Credit Analyst concurrent program from the Run Credit Management Programs and Reports window, available from any Oracle Receivables responsibility.

Selected Parameters

Credit Analyst From: Select the credit analyst that you want to remove from assignment.

Credit Analyst To: Select the new credit analyst that you want to use for this reassignment.