Implementing Oracle Financial Services Applications

This chapter describes the implementation steps common to Oracle Financial Services applications.

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications in Release 12 are based on Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation (EPF). EPF belongs to the Oracle Corporate Performance Management (CPM) product family, which is a part of the Oracle E-Business Suite Unified Data Model. EPF uses the product prefix FEM and is the central data depository that OFS applications are built upon. See: What is Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation?, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

This implementation guide provides information about setting up these Oracle Financial Services applications:

Before users can use these applications, you need to:

  1. Assign appropriate responsibilities to each user of the application.

  2. Set up profile options.

  3. Define value sets and global value set combinations.

  4. Set up dimensions and hierarchies.

  5. Set up and populate data structures to load data to the application.

  6. Define application preferences.

  7. Set up data set groups.

  8. Enable currencies.

  9. Configure iSetup and map instances for extracting and loading rules.

  10. Administer data.

  11. Define data processing methods.

  12. Configure reporting.

  13. Customize the home page.

  14. Configure Workflow.

  15. Set Up Security Folders.

In addition to these general setup steps, you also need to perform the product-specific steps. See:

Related Topics

Oracle Transfer Pricing Implementation Overview

Oracle Profitability Manager Implementation Overview

Assigning Responsibilities to Users

These responsibilities are available for assignment to users of Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications:

The following table lists the user privileges for different responsibilities that can be assigned in the OFS applications:

Responsibilities and User Privileges
Responsibility Menu Access Menu Exclusion
Enterprise Performance Foundation Administrator Enterprise Performance Foundation Menu Home, Data Rule, Configuration Rules, Process Management, and Administration tabs None
FTP User FTP Menu - Supervisor Home, Business Rule (Calculation, Dimension, Condition, Data Inspector, Patterns, Interest Rate Codes, Currency Rates), Process Management, and Documents tabs Administration tab
FTP Supervisor FTP Top Level Menu Home, Business Rule (Calculation, Dimension, Condition, Data Inspector, Patterns, Interest Rate Codes, Currency Rates), Process Management, Documents, and Administration tabs None
Profitability Manager Profitability Manager Menu Home, Business Rules (Mapping, Customer, Dimension, Condition, Data Inspector), Process Management, and Documents tabs Administration
Profitability Manager Administrator Profitability Manager Menu Home, Business Rules (Mapping, Customer, Dimension, Condition, Data Inspector), Process Management, Documents, and Administration tabs None
Profitability Manager Administrator with Activity-Based Management Profitability Manager Menu Home, Business Rules (Mapping, Activity, Customer, Dimension, Condition, Data Inspector), Process Management, and Documents tabs Administration
Profitability Manager with Activity-Based Management – Administrator Profitability Manager Menu Home, Business Rules (Mapping, Activity, Customer, Dimension, Condition, Data Inspector), Process Management, Documents, and Administration tabs None


See: Users Window, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security.

Related Topics


Setting Profile Options

Set a value for each profile option to specify how the Oracle Financial Services application controls access to and processes data.

The prefixes in the profile option name indicate the application that the profile belongs to:

See: Oracle Financial Services Applications Profile Options.


See: Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

Related Topics

Oracle Financial Services Applications Profile Options


Oracle Financial Services Applications Profile Options

The following table displays the profile options for Oracle Financial Services applications such as Profitability Manager and Transfer Pricing. The profile options in Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation are applicable to Oracle Financial Services applications.

Profile Name Profile Description
FEM: Application Code Displays the application defined for the user.
FEM: Attribute Interface Table Date Format Mask Currently, when users enter start and end dates for calendar periods with the user interface, they are not allowed to enter the "time" portion of the date, and this always is defaulted in the database to 00:00:00. However, in some situations, users may need to create what is called an "intra day" period. This is the case where a start time or end time represents less than a whole day. To do this, you must specify the "date" and the "time" for that period, and this is provided as a feature in the dimension member loader. To create an "intraday" period, the user must specify the date format mask in the "FEM: Attribute Interface Table Date Format Mask" profile option, and load the calendar period members into the appropriate loader table, and then run the dimension member loader program. By default, this profile option is set to exclude the time portion.
FEM: CCE Debug Trace Reserved for support, the profile option enables debug reporting for the common calculation engine (CCE) in the concurrent manager log.
FEM: Currency Conversion Type Used to specify the currency conversion type when translating currencies. The domain for this profile option is defined in the E-Business Suite, and includes options such as Corporate, Daily, and Spot.
FEM: Currency Type The domain for this profile option is either Entered or Translated. Profitability Manager processes only those rows indicated as Entered. Rows indicated as Translated are primarily for reporting purposes.
FEM: Data Set Group Specifies the default dataset group. This option is set on the Application Preferences menu and should not be set on the Profile Options setup screen.
FEM: Dataset Specifies the default Dataset. This option is set on the Application Preferences menu and should not be set on the Profile Options setup screen.
FEM: Default Actuals Dataset Specifies the default actuals data set used when setting up General Ledger Balances Rules to leverage actual balances in Enterprise Performance Foundation.
FEM: Default Effective Start Date Specifies the start date default for rule versions. If not specified, the system will default to 1/1/1900.
FEM: Default Effective End Date Specifies the end date default for rule versions. If not specified, the system will default to 1/1/2500.
FEM: Effective Date Specifies the default effective date. This option is set on the Application Preferences menu and should not be set on the Profile Options setup screen.
FEM: FEM Top Specifies the location of the FEM_TOP file system directory in the Oracle Applications file system. Used by the Enterprise Performance Foundation Refresh Engine.
FEM: GL Advanced Mapping Flag Determines if line items and financial elements are associated with natural accounts when leveraging balances from Oracle General Ledger in Enterprise Performance Foundation. When the profile option is set to Yes, users should set up the Financial Element and Line Item attributes for the Natural Account dimension.
FEM: Ledger Specifies the default ledger. This option is set on the Application Preferences menu and should not be set on the Profile Options setup screen.
FEM: Loader Dimension Grouping Size Number of dimensions to process at a time when validating the dimensions in the interface data. See the "Logging" topic under Running the Detail Client Data Loader, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide for further information.
FEM: Period Specifies the default period. This option is set on the Application Preferences menu and should not be set on the Profile Options setup screen.
FEM: Result Rounding Flag Controls the output from a Oracle Profitability Manager (PFT) Mapping Rule calculation when results do not meet a specific threshold. If the flag is set to ‘Y’, then results less than .000001 do not get written on output. If set to ‘N’, then all results, no matter how small are written on output.
FEM: Rule Migration Access Set by the system administrator to enable or disable migration functionality. If the profile option value is set to "N", the Migrate icon is disabled on the rule home page; otherwise, the icon is enabled. Can be set at the Site, Application, and Responsibility levels, but not at the User level.
FEM: Rule Set Depth Limit Controls the depth of the nested rule sets within a rule set.
FEM: Security Folder Specifies the default security folder. This option is set on the Application Preferences menu and should not be set on the Profile Options setup screen.
FEM: Signage Methodology Identifies the signage methodology used for calculations that write to the FEM_BALANCES table and data written to Enterprise Performance Foundation as part of Oracle General Ledger integration. The available methodolgies are:
  • Absolute Value - Loads the account types Assets and Expenses with no signage adjustment, but reverses signs for all balances with the account types Equity, Liabilities, and Revenue

  • Standard General Accounting Principles - Makes no signage adjustment

  • Reverse General Accounting Principles - Reverses signs for all balances

FEM: Track Event Chains Supports the ability to remove a chain of processing runs. If this flag is set, and you remove a rule, any other rules that are dependent upon the removed rule are also removed.
FND: View Object Max fetch size Sets the maximum number of rows displayed in lists of values and on pages in the user interface by restricting the number of rows that the view object fetches from the database. The default value is 200.
FTP: Engine Debug Trace Reserved for support, this profile option enables debug reporting for the Transfer Pricing engine in the concurrent manager log.
FTP: Option Cost Precision Factor While calculating the static spread for option cost calculation, you can control the convergence speed of the algorithm by adjusting the value of the FTP: Option Cost Precision Factor profile option. The default value is equal to one. A lower precision factor results in more accurate results but increases the processing time. A precision factor equal to one usually results in an error of less than half a basis point (on the static spread and OAS).
FTP: Process Errors - Per Item Specifies the number of times you want to see each unique error message. For example, if you type in 10, the concurrent manager log will hold 10 rows for each unique error message that results from running your Transfer Pricing Process rule.
FTP: Process Errors - Total Specifies the total number of error messages you want to output. For example, if you type in 100, the first 100 error messages that result from running your Transfer Pricing Processing rule will be written to the concurrent manager log.

Defining Value Sets and Global Value Set Combinations

A value set consists of a list of members for a dimension. A global value set combination consists of a group of value sets, in which there is one value set for each dimension in the system.

A global value set combination becomes active when you select a Ledger on the application preferences menu. You must associate a global value set combination to each Ledger dimension member.

See: Working with Value Sets and Working with Global Value Set Combinations.

Note: Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications are seeded with a default value set for each dimension and a default global value set combination. Use the seeded default value sets unless you have a specific requirement that dictates creating additional value sets. If you plan to use the seeded default value sets skip the steps described in these sections.

Related Topics

Working with Value Sets

Working with Global Value Set Combinations

Standard Navigation Paths


Working with Value Sets

There can be multiple lists of values for a dimension. By defining value sets, where each value set represents a particular list of values, you can distinguish these lists of value from one another. Value sets are useful when there are two systems that use the same dimensional identifier for different purposes.

For further information, see the following topics:

Creating value sets

Use the following procedure to create a new value set:

  1. On the Value Sets page, click the Create button.

  2. On the Create Value Set page, specify the following:

    • A short identifier for the value set in the Code box

    • The full name for the value set in the Value Set Name box

    • An optional text description for the value set in the Description box

    • The dimension to which the value set is to be assigned in the Dimension box. Click the search icon to search for and select a dimension.

  3. Click the Apply button to create the value set.

Updating value sets

Use the following procedure to update an existing value set:

  1. On the Value Sets page, search for the value set that you want to update. You can refine the search by value set name, dimension, or both. When you have specified the desired search values, click the Go button to display a list of value sets that meet the search criteria.

  2. Click the Update icon for the value set that you want to update.

  3. On the Update page, update the value set name and description, as desired.

  4. Click the Apply button to apply the updates.

Deleting value sets

Use the following procedure to delete a value set:

  1. On the Value Sets page, search for the value set that you want to delete. You can search by value set name, dimension, or both. When you have specified the desired search values, click the Go button to display a list of value sets that meet the search criteria.

  2. Click the Delete icon for the value set that you want to delete. Note that some value sets cannot be deleted; the Delete icon is disabled for these value sets.

  3. On the Delete page, confirm that you want to delete the value set.

Working with Global Value Set Combinations

After you have created value sets, you can create global value set combinations. A global value set combination is a defined combination of value sets in which there is one value set for each dimension in the system. Through a ledger attribute, global value set combinations are associated with ledgers for processing.

Through the Global Value Set Combinations page, you can manage global value set combinations.

For further information, see the following topics:

Creating global value set combinations

Use the following procedure to create a global value set combination:

  1. On the Global Value Set Combinations page, click the Create button.

  2. On the Create Global Value Set Combination page, specify the name for the new global value set combination and a value set for each dimension. For each dimension, you can use the default value set, or you can choose a different value set from the list in the Value Set box.

  3. Click the Apply button to create the global value set combination.

Updating global value set combinations

Use the following procedure to update a global value set combination:

  1. On the Global Value Set Combinations page, search for the global value set combination that you want to update. When you have specified the desired search value, click the Go button to display a list of global value set combinations that meet the search criteria.

    For each global value set combination displayed in the Results section, you can view the component value sets by expanding the global value set combination. To expand a global value set combination, click the Expand icon immediately preceding the global value set combination.

  2. Click the Update icon for the global value set combination that you want to update.

  3. Make any desired changes to the global value set combination name. Note that you cannot make any changes to the value sets assigned to dimensions for existing global value set combinations.

  4. Click the Apply button to update the global value set combination.

Deleting global value set combinations

You can delete a global value set combination, providing that the global value set combination has not been assigned to a ledger. Use the following procedure to delete a global value set combination:

  1. On the Global Value Set Combinations page, search for the global value set combination that you want to delete. You can search by global value set combination name, dimension, or both. When you have specified the desired search values, click the Go button to display a list of global value set combinations that meet the search criteria.

  2. Click the Delete icon for the global value set combination that you want to delete.

  3. On the Delete page, confirm that you want to delete the global value set combination.

Setting Up Dimensions and Hierarchies

You can set up the following dimensions or use the default values provided by the application before processing the application. In addition, you must set up a Line Item hierarchy before processing. You can elect to set up hierarchies for other dimensions as necessary for reporting purposes. See: About Dimension and Hierarchy Management, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Note: You need to associate the Calendar Period hierarchy with the Ledger dimension. There are several interfaces in the UI that request you to input both the ledger and calendar period data. You will only be able to select calendar periods, which are part of the Calendar Period hierarchy associated with a given Ledger.

You can load the dimensions using the loader programs manually through the user interface, or within an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the Create From Spreadsheet option. See: Setting Up and Populating Data Structures.

Related Topics


Setting Up and Populating Data Structures

To set up data structures:

  1. Populate the data from legacy source systems to interface tables in the Enterprise Performance Foundation (EPF) data model using the EPF interface architecture. See: Populating the Interface Tables.

  2. Move the verified data to the permanent tables in the EPF database to be used by the Oracle Financial Services application. See:

Related Topics

Populating the Interface Tables

Populating the Data Model Using the Data Loaders

Populating the Data Model Manually


Populating the Interface Tables

EPF Interface Architecture provides a set of interface tables for each type of information. An interface table acts as a staging area for your business data.


You can load account data extracts using SQL scripts. Use the data dictionary as the definitive representation of each table structure, to load the source data to the defined interface tables. See: Oracle Financial Services Data Dictionary (Note 333726.1 on My Oracle Support).

For a new implementation, all the source data is extracted, modified, and loaded into the tables. For an existing implementation, incremental data is extracted, modified, and added into the account tables.

Related Topics

Setting Up and Populating Data Structures

Populating the Data Model Using the Data Loaders

Enterprise Performance Foundation (EPF) interface architecture also provides an easy and automated way to move the data from interface tables to the EPF database using a set of loader engines.

EPF interface architecture enables you to load the following types of information:

EPF provides a separate engine or loader to load each type of business information.

Important: EPF system does not require any particular order for the loading except that you need to always load dimension members first.

See: Interface Tables and External Data Loaders, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.


The following is an example of an automated loading process using data loaders:

  1. Load new dimension members using the Dimension Member loader. You would need to define new dimensions for Product, Company Cost Center Organization, Geography, and Industry.

  2. Load new hierarchies using the Dimension Hierarchy loader.

  3. Load generic fact data using the Detail Client Data loader.

  4. Load general ledger data using the External General Ledger Data loader.

  5. Load the detail client data using the Detail Client Data loader.

Using the Dimension Member Loader

  1. Identify the dimensions for loading.

  2. Populate the Dimension Member loader interface tables. See: Populating the Interface Tables.

  3. Select the loader operation for the Dimension Member loader. The Dimension Member loader supports the following loader operations:

    1. Create new levels.

    2. Update level names and descriptions.

    3. Create new members.

    4. Update member names and descriptions.

    5. Update existing attribute assignments.

    6. Create new attribute assignment versions.

  4. Run the Dimension Member loader.

See: Dimension Member Loader, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Using the Dimension Hierarchy Loader

  1. Identify the Hierarchy dimensions.

  2. Populate the Dimension Hierarchy loader interface tables. See: Populating the Interface Tables.

  3. Select the loader operation for the Dimension Hierarchy loader.

  4. Run the Dimension Hierarchy loader.

See: Dimension Hierarchy Loader, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Using the External General Ledger Loader

  1. Define the processing key metadata for the FEM_BALANCES table.

  2. Create a unique index on FEM_BALANCES that includes all the columns included in the processing key definition.

  3. Create a unique index on the FEM_BAL_INTERFACE_T table that includes all the columns listed for it in the External General Ledger Interface Table section, including all the display code columns that correspond to a FEM_BALANCES processing key column, and set these columns to NOT NULL in the interface table.

  4. Load balances data into FEM_BAL_INTERFACE_T.

  5. Run the External General Ledger loader.

See: External General Ledger Data Loader, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Using the Detail Client Data Loader

  1. Populate the Detail Client Data loader interface tables. See: Populating the Interface Tables.

  2. Run the Detail Client Data loader.

See: Detail Client Data Loader, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Note: The DataX Loader program, which was earlier used to load generic fact data, has been phased out. The Detail Client Data Loader program provides all of the functionality of the DataX Loader program as well as additional capabilities. Use the Detail Client Data Loader program instead of the DataX Loader for loading data into data tables.

Related Topics

Setting Up and Populating Data Structures

Populating the Data Model Manually

In addition to populating the data model using the loaders, you can also manually set up data structures in a Oracle Financial Services application through the Dimension and Hierarchy Management feature. See: About Dimension and Hierarchy Management, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.


To create a dimension member, such as a Company Cost Center Organization, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Dimension Members page.

  2. Select the appropriate dimension from Switch Dimension and click Go.

  3. Click Create Member.

  4. Enter the dimension member details.

See: Creating members, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Related Topics

Standard Navigation Paths

Setting Up and Populating Data Structures

Populating the Data Model Using Data Loader Rules

Enterprise Performance Foundation allows dimension loading rules and account, ledger and client data loading rules to be created as stored rules with scope, and run any time with or without modifications. You can use these rules to load the data model using rule based data loaders such as the Dimension Member Loader and the Detail Client Data Loader. See:

Related Topics

Setting Up and Populating Data Structures

Defining Application Preferences

Application preferences are a set of global options specific to each user, which you can set as parameters to be used while processing and reporting. These parameters are also used as default values for running a Oracle Financial Services application's process rule, but those defaults can be overridden at runtime.

You can set any of the following five options as the default set of parameters.


  1. Navigate to any page in the application.

  2. Click Preferences on the global menu.

  3. Click Application Preferences on the application preferences menu, and set the preferences.

Related Topics

Standard Navigation Paths


Setting Up Data Set Groups

A data set is a data management dimension that is used primarily to group data for processing and reporting. All data that resides within the Enterprise Performance Foundation data model must be assigned to a data set code. Although the Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications use only one dimension for each data set, the applications segment data sets into one of two categories, input data sets and output data sets. The OFS applications can process various input data sets at once but only produce results to one output data set.

The data set group acts as a wrapper associating all data sets to a group for reporting or processing. A data set group tells the engine what combination of input and risk data sets to process, which output data set identifier to write to results tables, or what combination of input or output data sets to view for reports.

See: About Data Set Groups, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide and Creating Data Set Groups.

Related Topics

Creating Data Set Groups

Standard Navigation Paths


Creating Data Set Groups

Use the following procedure to create a new data set group and version:

  1. On the Dataset Groups page, click the Create Dataset Group icon.

  2. On the Create Dataset Group: Step 1: Dataset Group Details page, do the following:

    1. In the Folder box, select the folder in which you want to save the data set group.

    2. In the Dataset Group Name box, specify the name for the data set group. The name you specify is also used for the associated version.

    3. If you want to provide a text description for the data set group, type the description in the Description box.

    4. Specify the access rights for the data set group. If you want all users other than yourself to have read-only access rights, so that they can view the group but cannot duplicate, update, or delete it, select Read. If you want all other users to have read and write access rights, so that they are able to view, duplicate, update, and delete the group, select Read/Write.

    5. Click the Continue button to display the Create Dataset Group: Step 2: Dataset Group Definition page.

  3. On the Create Dataset Group: Step 2: Dataset Group Definition page, do the following:

    1. In the Output Dataset box, select the desired output data set.

      The data set that you specify as the output data set is automatically defined as an input data set, which ensures that all data currently in the specified output data set is preserved.

    2. Specify any additional input data sets. To specify an additional data set, click the Add Another Row button.

      For each input data set, you must either select a specific calendar period in the Calendar Period box or select the Offset box, select the desired period type for the offset in the Period Type box, and specify the desired offset in the Period Offset box.

      If you are using an offset, specify a number in the Period Offset box that defines the desired number of offset periods for the type selected in the Period Type box. Use a positive number to specify an offset subsequent to the input date for a calculation, and use a negative value to specify an offset prior to the calculation date. You can also specify an offset of zero (0), which indicates that the calendar period specified in the run parameters is to be used.

      For example, to specify an offset that is two months after the calendar period for a calculation, select Month in the Period Type box and specify 2 in the Period Offset box; to specify an offset that is two months prior to the input date for a calculation, select Month in the Period Type box and specify -2 in the Period Offset box.

      If you want to use the same period type as the type specified for Output Calendar Period when a calculation is run, select Same as Output Calendar Period.

    3. After you have defined all of the desired input data sets, click the Finish button to complete the data set group and version definition.

Enabling Currencies

Use an Oracle General Ledger (GL) responsibility, such as General Ledger Super User, to enable or disable currencies for Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications.


  1. Navigate to Setup: Currencies, and select Define.

  2. Search and select a currency.

  3. Select Enable.

See: Defining Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User Guide.

Related Topics


Configuring iSetup and mapping instances for extracting and loading rules

Use an Oracle iSetup responsibility, such as Oracle iSetup, to configure iSetup and map instances for extracting and loading rules.

Procedure to configure iSetup

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. For the remaining steps, see:

    • Instance Overview, Oracle iSetup User Guide.

    • Using Oracle iSetup, Oracle iSetup User Guide.

Procedure to map instances

  1. Navigate to Administration: Instance Mapping.

  2. For the remaining steps, see: Instance Mapping, Oracle iSetup User Guide.

Related Topics


Administering Data

You can administer the data in the Enterprise Performance Foundation tables for usage in a Oracle Financial Services application by:

Related Topics

Setting Up Data Inspector Rules

Performing Table and Column Registration Tasks

Performing Dimension Administration Tasks

Standard Navigation Paths


Setting Up Data Inspector Rules

See: About the Data Inspector and Data Inspector Rules, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide and Creating Data Inspector Rules.

Related Topics

Creating Data Inspector Rules

Standard Navigation Paths

Administering Data

Creating Data Inspector Rules

Use the following procedure to create a new Data Inspector rule and version:

  1. On the Data Inspector Rules page, click the Create button.

  2. On the Step 1: Select Table page, do the following:

    1. In the Folder box, select the folder in which you want to save the rule.

    2. In the Data Inspector Name box, specify the name for the rule. The name you specify is also used for the rule version.

    3. If you want to provide a text description for the rule, type the description in the Description box.

    4. Specify the access rights for the rule. If you want all users other than yourself to have read-only access rights, so that they can view and run the rule but cannot update or delete it, select Read. If you want all other users to have read and write access rights, so that they are able to view, run, update, and delete the rule, select Read/Write.

    5. In the Table box, select the table that you want to access through the rule.

      Only tables that have been registered with Enterprise Peformance Foundation are available for selection. For information about registering tables, see Performing Table and Column Registration Tasks.

    6. If you want to include a condition in the rule definition, select the condition that you want to use in the Condition Rule box.

    7. you can also switch to the Condition Creation page, create a new condition for the Data Inspector rule.

      Refer to Creating Conditions During Data Inspector Rule Registration, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide for more information.

    8. Click the Continue button to display the Step 2: Select Columns page.

  3. On the Step 2: Select Columns page, do the following:

    1. Select the columns that you want to display by moving them from the Available Columns box to the Columns Displayed (In Order) box.

      Columns denoted by an asterisk (*) are required columns; if you attempt to create a new row when you run the rule, you will only be able to do so if you have selected all of the required columns in this step.

    2. Specify the order in which you want to display the selected columns when you run the rule. The column at the top of the list in the Columns Displayed (In Order) box will appear as the farthest column to the left when you run the rule version; the column at the bottom will appear as the farthest column to the right.

      To move a column in the Columns Displayed (In Order) box, thereby changing its placement in the display order, select the column and use the up and down arrow buttons in the Columns Displayed (In Order) box to move the column to the desired position.

      Tip: Select the ledger to be the first column displayed, because the ledger selection controls the value sets of all remaining columns on the selected table. When the ledger is selected, all other dimension columns are reset, so the ledger should be selected first.

    3. If you want to make one or more columns editable, so that you can change the values in them when you run the rule version, click the Enable Editable button and select the columns that you want to be editable on the Enable Editable Columns page. Note that not all columns can be designated as editable.

    4. Use the Sort Settings section to order the data that the Data Inspector displays when you run a Data Inspector rule. You can specify as many as three columns on which to sort.

      For example, if you have specified the Calendar Period column in the Balances table as the First Sort column name in ascending order, the Balances table will be sorted by calendar period in ascending order when you run the rule.

    5. Click the Finish button to complete the rule and version definition.

Performing Table and Column Registration Tasks

The core metadata for Enterprise Performance Foundation consists of table and column definitions and properties. Before tables and columns can be recognized and used by related applications, these tables and columns must be defined and registered within the system. Through the table and column registration facility, you can register tables and columns for use by user interfaces and concurrent programs.

Prior to using the table and column registration facility in Enterprise Performance Foundation, the database administrator for the E-Business Suite must do the following:

  1. Determine which tables and columns are to be used for processing.

  2. For each table in the system, there must be a unique index and a related interface table. It is necessary to alter the unique index for each table to include the columns to be used for processing. In addition, it is necessary to set each column included in the unique index to NOT NULL on the physical table; this must be done for both the base data table and the interface table.

After the unique index has been set for each base data table and interface table, the database administrator must use the Enterprise Performance Foundation table and column registration facility to do the following:

  1. Register the new tables (this step applies only for tables that have not previously been registered).

  2. Synchronize each of the base data tables.

    Note: Synchronization is necessary whenever new tables are to be registered or there have been changes to a previously-registered table, and must be performed before defining or updating registration information. Newly added columns in a table will appear first in the Updating table display names and descriptions page after a synchronization.

  3. Define the registration information for each of the base data tables (interface tables do not need to be registered).

Enterprise Performance Foundation supports the definition of user-defined tables. To be available for use, a user-defined table must have a synonym included in the APPS schema, and it must include the appropriate columns to be eligible for specific table classifications. Use the following SQL statement to define a synonym, where USER_DEF_TABLE represents the name of the table:


It is also possible to register fully updateable views.

With the exception of customer account tables, seeded tables cannot be modified. This means that you cannot add or remove columns from the FEM_BALANCES or the FEM_DATA1-20 tables.

For more information, see the following topics:

Registering new tables

You can register tables through the Table Registration Wizard. Click the Register New Table button on the Table Registration page to open the Table Registration Wizard.

Important: You must complete all of the steps in the Table Registration Wizard to register a table. If you do not complete all of the steps, the table registration is incomplete, and the table may not be recognized by other applications.

The Table Registration Wizard consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Register New Table

In the Register New Table step, do the following:

  1. In the Schema box, use the search icon to select the schema that contains the table that you want to register.

  2. In the Table Name box, use the search icon to select the name of the table that you want to register.

  3. In the Table Display Name box, specify the display name for the table (the name for the table that is displayed application user interfaces).

  4. In the Description box, specify a text description for the table.

  5. Click the Next button to display the Table Column Display Names step

Step 2: Table Column Display Names

In the Table Column Display Names step, you can specify display names, data types, and descriptions for columns. Use the appropriate fields to specify these values, noting the following:

When you have finished, click the Save and Next button to display the Table Processing key step.

Step 3: Table Processing Key

In the Table Processing Keys step, use the drop-down box to select the unique index that represents the processing key for the table.

When you have finished, click the Save and Next button to display the Interface Table Column Mappings step.

Step 4: Interface Table Column Mappings

For user-defined tables, you must specify the mappings between the columns in the base tables and the columns in the interface tables (the mappings are already defined for seeded tables). In the Interface Table Column Mappings step, specify the mappings for user-defined tables as follows:

  1. In the Schema box, specify the schema that contains the interface table for which you want to provide column mappings.

  2. In the Table Name box, specify the name of the interface table for which you want to provide column mappings.

  3. Click the Go button to display a list of column names.

  4. For each base table column listed in the Column Name field, specify the interface table column that you want to map to that base table column by selecting the appropriate value in the Interface Column Name field.

  5. Click the Save and Next button to display the Table Classifications step.

Step 5: Table Classifications

Table classifications determine how tables are used in Enterprise Performance Foundation. Use the Table Classifications step to specify classifications for tables.

Move the classifications between the Available Classifications and Selected Classifications boxes as needed, so that only the classifications that you want to specify for the table are listed in the Selected Classifications box. You can move classifications between boxes by selecting one or more classifications and clicking the Move and Remove buttons, or you can move all classifications at once by using the Move All and Remove All buttons.

Note: The list in the Available Classifications box contains all of the valid table classifications. At a minimum, select the classifications that are pertinent to your purposes, based on the types of calculations to be performed on those tables. You must select at least one classification to successfully register the table, and additional classifications might be needed, depending on the features that will be used in the application.

If you want to specify a certain classification for a table but that classification does not appear in the Available Classifications box, do the following:

Note: For a table to qualify for the table classifications of ACCOUNT_PROFITABILITY, FTP_CASH_FLOW, FTP_NON_CASH_FLOW and FTP_OPTION_COST, the processing key must only have the columns of CAL_PERIOD_ID, DATASET_CODE, SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE, ID_NUMBER defined. If extra columns are included, the table will not qualify for these classifications.

  1. Click the Other Classifications button to display the Other Classifications page, which provides a list of all classifications.

  2. On the Other Classifications page, find the desired classification and expand the entry so that you can see which classification requirements are missing, thus preventing the table from appearing as an available classification.

  3. Return to the Table Classifications step and complete the Table Registration Wizard.

  4. Correct the problem by supplying any missing classification requirements.

  5. Synchronize the table registrations.

    For further information, see Synchronizing table registrations.

  6. Run the Table Registration Wizard again and specify the desired classifications in the Table Classifications step.

When you have finished your work in the Table Classifications step, click the Save and Next button to display the Table Column Property Assignments page.

Step 6: Table Column Property Assignments

In the Property box in the Table Column Property Assignments step, do one of the following:

Use the Add Columns button to add additional columns.

To delete a column, click the Delete icon for that column.

When you have finished, click the Finish button to complete the Table Registration Wizard.

Viewing table registrations

You can search for and display existing table registrations through the Table Registration page. To display an existing table registration, specify the name of the table in the Table Name box and click the Go button.

Synchronizing table registrations

Whenever you make any changes to a registered table, you must synchronize the registration for the table (that is, reread the table so that Enterprise Performance Foundation can recognize and incorporate the changes) before making any updates related to the table.

Use the following procedure to synchronize a table registration:

  1. On the Table Registration page, display the table for which you want to synchronize the registration.

  2. Click the Synchronize icon for the table.

Updating table display names and descriptions

Use the following procedure to update the display name and description for a table:

  1. On the Table Registration page, display the table that you want to update.

  2. Click on the name of the table to display the Update Table Display Name page.

  3. Make any desired changes to the table name and description.

  4. Click the Apply button to apply the updates.

Updating table registrations

Use the following procedure to update a table registration:

  1. On the Table Registration page, display the table that you want to update.

  2. Click the Update icon for the table to open the Update Table Registration Wizard.

    The steps in the Update Table Registration Wizard are the same as Steps 2 through 6 in the Table Registration Wizard. For further information, see Registering new tables.

Removing table registrations

You can remove the registration for a table so that the table is no longer available in Enterprise Performance Foundation.

Important: If a rule refers to a table for which you remove the registration, the rule will no longer be valid.

Use the following procedure to remove a table registration:

  1. On the Table Registration page, display the table for which you want to remove the registration.

  2. Click the Remove Registration icon for the table, then choose Yes in response to the confirmation prompt.

Performing Dimension Administration Tasks

Through the Dimension Administration page, you can display a list of dimension maintenance tasks for a specified dimension. For each task, the Dimension Administration page shows when and by whom the last update was made, and indicates the status. The status icons are as follows:

For further information, see the following topic:

Specifying dimension and column display names

You can make changes to the display names for dimensions and columns to make the names more user-friendly.

Use the following procedure to specify dimension and column display names:

  1. In the Dimension box on the Dimension Administration page, select the dimension for which you want to specify display names and click the Go button.

  2. Click the Go To Task icon for the Dimension Display Names task.

  3. On the Dimension Column Display Names page, make any desired changes to the dimension display name and the column display names.

  4. Click the Apply button to apply the changes that you have specified.

Specifying dimension properties

You can change the dimension properties for a dimension, as follows:

  1. In the Dimension box on the Dimension Administration page, select the dimension for which you want to specify properties and click the Go button.

  2. Click the Go To Task icon for the Dimension Properties task.

  3. On the Dimension Properties page, make any desired changes to the dimension properties, as follows:

    • Select Line for the dimension type if you want to associate the dimension with particular predefined attributes in an application.

      For example, if the dimension is to be used in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting and you want to be able to specify which members are to be loaded or defined in calculations in business processes, select Line as the dimension type (no more than one dimension can have Line as the dimension type within a single business area in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting).

    • Select Other for the dimension type if you do not need to associate the dimension with particular predefined attributes in an application.

  4. Click the Apply button.

Defining Processing

You can define the conditions and different sets of tuning options for rules in an Oracle Financial Services application. These conditions and tuning options are used by the processing engines.

Related Topics

Setting Up Conditions

Creating and Updating Tuning Options


Setting Up Conditions

A condition is an object that is used to select data for use as input to a business rule. See:

Related Topics

Creating Conditions

Standard Navigation Paths

Defining Processing

Creating Conditions

Use the following procedure to create a condition:

  1. On the Conditions page, click the Create button.

  2. On the Step 1: Condition Rule Details page, do the following:

    1. In the Folder box, select the folder in which you want to save the condition.

    2. In the Condition Name box, specify the name for the condition.

    3. If you want to provide a text description for the condition, type the description in the Description box.

    4. Specify the access rights for the condition. If you want all users other than yourself to have read-only access rights, so that they can view the condition but cannot update or delete it, select Read. If you want all other users to have read and write access rights, so that they are able to view, update, and delete the condition, select Read/Write.

    5. Click the Continue button to display the Step 2: Condition Definition page.

  3. On the Step 2: Condition Definition page, do the following:

    1. In the Version Details section specify the name, start date, end date, and (optionally) a text description for this version of the condition.

    2. If you want to specify a dimension component, click the Dimension Components button.

      For further information, see Working with Dimension Components, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

    3. If you want to specify a data component, click the Data Components button.

      For further information see Working with Data Components, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

    4. Click Finish to create the condition or version.

Creating and Updating Tuning Options

The Process Tuning Options page displays sets of multiprocessing options, or rules, that affect the manner in which the processing engines function. You can use these rules to tune the performance of the engines, according to the tuning options that you define for the rules or rule types.


  1. Navigate to the Process Tuning Options page.

  2. Click Create Tuning Options.

  3. In the Tuning Option> Assignment Level page, select the options and click Continue to open the Update Tuning Options page.

  4. Click Update to open the Multi-processing: Parameters page, if you want to update the tuning parameters, else click Return to Selector to return to the Process Tuning Options page.

    1. Select the options and click Next to open the Multi-processing: Data Slicing Columns page.

    2. Select the columns. Click Add Another Row, if you want to set up a new column for processing, else click Apply to return to the Update Tuning Options page.

See: Working with Process Tuning Options, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Related Topics

Standard Navigation Paths

Defining Processing

Configuring Reporting

Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications use the Oracle Discoverer application to run reports. Oracle Discoverer's powerful and intuitive user interface enables you to find data that you know is in the database, access data quickly without waiting for the computer to search through the entire database, and view data in a familiar spreadsheet-style format that is easy to read and understand. Configuring reporting involves the following steps:



Related Topics


Oracle Financial Services Reporting Administration Guide

Customizing Home Page

You can access the home page in a Oracle Financial Services application by clicking the home page tab. The home page provides you the facility of customizing names and other such information as well as giving links to other files.


  1. Navigate to the Customize Home page.

  2. Enter the system name. The system name is displayed in the Ownership area of the Home Page.

    Note: The system name you enter updates the FEM: Application Code profile option at the site level, so the given system name applies to all OFS applications. If you have multiple OFS applications that use Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation (FEM), then you must set the profile option at the application level for each OFS application. See: Setting Profile Options.

  3. Enter heading text.

  4. Enter informational content. You can use standard HTML commands or plain text.

  5. Click Add New Heading or Link in the Shortcuts Area to create links to files.

    1. Select the heading or link type.

    2. Enter the heading or link name.

    3. Enter the URL location.

Related Topics

Standard Navigation Paths


Configuring Workflow

Oracle Transfer Pricing and Profitability Manager use Oracle Workflow for notifications. Workflow can be used to notify users about changes to system parameters such as modifications made to processing keys. For a list of notifications to which users can subscribe, see: About Workflow Notifications, Oracle Profitability Manager User's Guide.

For more information, see the Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide and the Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

Related Topics

Standard Navigation Paths


Setting Up Security Folders

Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications, such as Transfer Pricing and Profitability Manager, administration includes a function to create security folders and grant users access to them. Folders provide security by hiding rules from users who lack access, or blocking edit from users with read-only rights. The Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications are seeded with two folders: Default and Data Integration. You can define additional folders.

You must give access to both of the seeded folders to Database Administrators who will be using dimension loader and hierarchy loader concurrent programs. The administrators must be added to the folders before they submit the concurrent programs.

You must also give all Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications users access to the Default folder, as well as to other folders that they will share.

For information about working with security folders, see: Working with Security Folders, Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation User's Guide.

Related Topics

Standard Navigation Paths
