Implementing Marketing Intelligence

This chapter covers the following topics:

Marketing Intelligence Overview

Oracle Marketing's marketing intelligence is displayed as home page bins, reports, and charts that provide summary information about key marketing activities, along with links to recently accessed campaigns and events.

Marketing intelligence displays the following:

For more information on using Bins, Reports and Charts see the Oracle Marketing User Guide.

Implementing Marketing Intelligence

This section describes how to implement Marketing Intelligence functionality displayed on the homepage of the Oracle Marketing. This includes the Bins, Charts and Reports. Displaying the following marketing objects is covered in this section:

See the following procedures to implement Marketing Intelligence:

Setting System Profile Options for Marketing Intelligence

Set the following system profiles for Marketing Intelligence.

Marketing Intelligence Profile Options
Option Required Level Setting
BIM Month Period Type Yes System Select the month period type corresponding to the Marketing Calendar.
BIM Quarter Period Type Yes System Select the quarter period type corresponding to the Marketing Calendar.
BIM Year Period Type Yes System Select the year period type corresponding to the Marketing Calendar.

Implementing Lookups for Marketing Intelligence

This procedure is only necessary if using the Web response interface public APIs: AMS_RESP_REJECT_REASON and AMS_RESP_GRADE.

See the table below for lookups, types, values, and meanings:

Lookups for Marketing Intelligence - Web Responses
Key Type Values Meanings
AMS_RESP_REJECT_REASON User User Defined Organization defined rejection reasons.
AMS_RESP_GRADE User User Defined Organization defined response grades.

Defining Exchange Rates

Exchange rates need to be defined between the transaction currency and the default currency code associated to the profile AMS Default Currency. The rates must be defined between the currencies, from the date the transactions will be loaded.

For example, if loading all the campaigns which started on or after 01/SEP/00 where the minimum approval date is 01/Mar/00, the currency exchange rates need to be defined from 01/Mar/00.

All the transactions amounts will be converted to the default currency code associated to the profile AMS : Default Currency. All currencies used in transactions must have a conversion rate defined with the conversion rate type specified in the profile AMS : Currency Conversion Type.

To define exchange rates, log into Forms for General Ledger Super User responsibility.

Navigation: Setup > Currencies > Rates > Daily > Enter by Date Range


Loading Marketing Facts for a Request Set

You can load marketing facts to execute a request set by following the procedures in the sequence listed below:

Loading Marketing Facts for a First Time Build

Execute this Request Set only for the first time load. The Request for a first time build consists of 8 concurrent programs.

To run a request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run


Creating Initial Build of Materialized Views

Execute this Request Set only for the first time. This prepares the pre-built tables for all materialized views. This program has to be run only once and should not be run during subsequent loads.

If for any reason, a user intends to re-run this request set again, execute the Concurrent Program, BIM: Truncate all facts, before running the Concurrent Manager Program, BIM: Load Marketing facts for the first time.

To run the request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run


Loading Marketing Facts From a Previous Refresh Date

This request set will load all the marketing facts from the previous refresh date. Execute this Request Set on a daily basis. This program has to be run each time facts are loaded or refreshed.

Prerequisites: Marketing facts are properly implemented

To run a request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run


Refreshing Materialized View for Campaigns, Events, and Budgets

The Request set: BIM: Refresh Materialized Views, builds the materialized views for Campaigns, Events, Budgets, Key Performance Indicators and Marketing Activities.

This Request Set should be run only after the facts are loaded, either by the Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing facts for the first time or by Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing facts from the previous refresh date.

This program has to be run each time after facts are loaded or refreshed.

To run the request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run


Defining Marketing Calendar Periods

The calendar periods must be defined for the Marketing Calendar for the fiscal year containing the date one year prior to the start date. The Start Date is the first date for which data in the Bins, Charts and Reports should be displayed. Also define the periods: Month, Quarter and Year.

Identify the Calendar associated with the profile AMS : Marketing Calendar and define Periods on this calendar for the Fiscal Year, which contains the date one year prior to the start date of the first time facts load, to the current Fiscal Year. It is required that periods of type Month, Quarter, and Year should be defined.

For example, the Fiscal Year starts from 1st June of every year. To load the facts from 01-SEP-00, it is required to define the periods for the Marketing Calendar starting with the Fiscal Year containing the date 01-SEP-99 to the current Fiscal Year.

To define marketing calendar periods, use the following procedure.


  1. Log into Forms with System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Profile > System.

  3. Use Find to locate the profile AMS: Marketing Calendar and note the calendar entered in this profile.

  4. Switch responsibility to General Ledger Super User.

  5. Navigate to Setup > Financials > Calendars > Accounting.

  6. Locate the Calendar noted above and verify the required periods of Month, Quarter and Year are defined.

Implementing Lead Intelligence

This section describes how to implement Lead Intelligence functionality that is displayed on the home page of the Oracle Marketing. This section covers how to display the following marketing objects on the home page:

See the following procedures to implement Lead Intelligence:

Creating Initial Build of Materialized View for Lead Intelligence

Execute this Request Set only for the first time. This prepares the pre-built tables for all materialized views for Lead Intelligence. This program has to be run only once and should not be run during subsequent loads.

To run the request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run


Refreshing Materialized Views for Lead Intelligence

Builds the Materialized views for Leads, Lead Import and Web Responses. This Request Set should be run only after the facts are loaded, either by the Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing facts for the first time or by Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing facts from the previous refresh date. This program has to be run each time facts are loaded or refreshed.

To run the request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run


Loading Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date

This request set will load all the marketing facts from the previous refresh date. Execute this Request Set on a daily basis.This program has to be run each time facts are loaded or refreshed.

To run a request set, log in to Oracle Marketing as Marketing Intelligence Collection Manager.

Navigation: Requests > Run
