Working in Oracle Marketing

This chapter covers the following topics:

Users and Responsibilities

You can create different users and assign them responsibilities based on their role in Oracle Marketing. The table, Users, Responsibilities, Roles, and Accessible Tabs in Oracle Marketing, lists these details as well as the functionality available to a particular user responsibility in the application.

Users, Responsibilities, Roles, and Accessible Tabs in Oracle Marketing
Responsibility Role Functions and Tabs
Marketing User Marketer, Marketing Manager (Brand Managers, Specific Product Marketing Managers) All Campaign Workbench functions without the administration access.
Marketing Administrator Marketing Administrator All Campaign Workbench functions and administration access.
Audience Super User
  • Establishes and manages the internal list selection process for marketing

  • Manages all lists from affiliates and vendors

  • Develops and manages processes for data quality of lists

  • Ensures data enrichment and data integrity of list data

The Audience Administration Dashboard is the home page. Shortcuts available are:
  • Create Query Template

  • All Query Templates

  • Create Data Source

  • All Data Sources

  • Fatigue Rules Setup

  • Audience Workbench

  • All Suppression Lists

  • Contact Preferences

List Manager Creates and manages lists for marketing campaigns and events The Audience Dashboard is the home page. Shortcuts available are:
  • Create List

  • My Lists

  • Search Lists

  • Segments

  • Imports

  • Discoverer

  • Organizations

  • Persons

  • All Lists

  • Campaign Workbench

Oracle Marketing Super User   Home tab and sub-tabs, Offers, Event, Deliverable, Budget, Administration, Calendar
Oracle Marketing Administrator Creates and manages profiles
Creates and manages lookups
Runs concurrent requests
Oracle Forms Application opens. The following Setups are available:
  • Profile

  • Lookups

  • Concurrent Requests

The Campaign Dashboard

The Campaign Dashboard is the home page for the Campaign Workbench and enables you to perform precampaign analysis and acts as an entry point for the process of planning, creating, and executing Campaign Activities.

Table Elements of the Campaign Dashboard provides brief descriptions of the bins, charts, shortcuts, and links on the Campaign Dashboard.

campaign dashboardelements ofElements of the Campaign Dashboard
UI Element Description
Campaigns Gantt Chart Bin Lists campaigns along with their timelines. The campaign hierarchy expands to display activities with their timelines. You can select one of the following views:
  • My Campaigns: Displays all campaigns owned by you with statuses up to Active.

  • My Team's Campaigns: Displays all campaigns for which you are the owner or are on the team, and with statuses up to Active.

  • My Team's Active Campaigns: Displays only campaigns with Active status where you are the owner or on the team.

Campaigns Bin Personalized views of campaigns for which you are the owner or a team member, and have access to financial data for the campaigns. Canceled or archived campaigns are not included unless you search for them. It includes a trend chart for the first five listed campaigns.
Recently Updated Campaigns Bin Lists the five campaigns for which you are the owner or a team member and have most recently updated header information. The Full Lists button takes you to the Campaigns List.
Activities Bin Personalized views of campaigns for which you are the owner or a team member, and have access to financial data for the activities. Canceled or archived campaigns are not included unless you search for them.
Recently Updated Activities Bin Lists the five campaign activities for which you are the owner or a team member and have most recently updated header information. The Full Lists button takes you to the Activities List.
Open Tasks Bin Displays all of your open tasks sorted by due date.
Triggered Monitors Bin Displays all monitors for initiatives you can access as the owner or a team member, including financial data access. Only monitors in triggered status display. The most recently triggered monitors are on top.
Shortcuts Contains links that you can click to navigate to perform specific marketing functions. Administrators can add and remove links.

Home Page Calendar

The Oracle Marketing Calendar on the Home Page provides administrative users of a marketing organization with the ability to publish execution objects and their details to all marketing users through the calendar functionality. These objects can be selected for display based on a selection criteria or by manually selecting individual objects to be displayed.

The marketing calendar is set up by the administrator. The administrator decides on the set of objects that will be displayed on the calendars of every user within the organization. However, if you do not wish to view any of the marketing objects set up by the administrator, you can use the user profiles functionality to turn off the views.

Related Topics

For information on setting up the marketing calendar, refer to the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.

For more information about the JTT Calendar, see the Oracle Common Application Calendar User Guide.

Understanding User Profiles

Oracle Marketing has some attributes that you can modify based on your individual preferences. Clicking the Profile link available on most pages displays a profile page where you can set preferences for the various tabs in the application.

Apart from setting preferences for the tabs, you can change your password and specify navigation, display, and calendar preferences.

Access to many of the tabs and dashboard shortcuts is controlled by a responsibility. Each user's responsibility determines the tabs and shortcuts that are displayed and the access rights a user may have. See Section 2.1, "Users and Responsibilities" for information on marketing responsibilities.

Setting General Preferences

Using this functionality, you can set your preferences for how you would like to view and work with the different tabs available in the application. You can also set the country and time zone that will be applicable for you. The preferences you set here will be applicable to the Campaign Workbench, Audience Workbench, and all the tabs in general.

Navigation: Profile > General

Setting Preferences for the Tabs

Using this functionality, you can set your preferences for the individual tabs for the different functionality in the application. You can select a Saved Search to display as the default view for the summary page for the individual tabs in Oracle Marketing.

The navigation varies based on the tab that you choose.

Navigation: Profile > <tabname>

Working with Teams and Approvals

Marketing teams associated with marketing objects (campaigns, events, and so on) represent users or a group of users with access privileges to these objects.

When you create a marketing object, you can define it to be confidential to restrict access to the object to the owner and associated team members. You can choose to provide limited read access to initiatives, including higher-level programs, to non-team members by marking those initiatives as not confidential.

To manually add other teams and users to a specific marketing object, navigate to the Access tab associated with the object. To add users to a marketing object, you should either be the owner of a marketing object or a member of its marketing team.

When you add a user to a marketing object (only the object owner and super users can add team members to an object), the user immediately has access to the marketing object. However, if you add a Team to a marketing object, then you need to run the AMS - Team Access Refresh concurrent program to refresh the access privilege for users within the Team. For additional information about the concurrent program, refer to the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.

Once a team is added to an object, team members gain access to the marketing object. This access can be restricted by using the Financial Access function. If a team does not have access to financial information, its members will be unable to view the associated Budgets, Costs and Revenues, or Metrics navigation links for this object. Marketing team members can have full access (read/write) either with or without the Financial Access (Budgets, Costs and Revenues, and Metrics) for the marketing object. By default, the owner of a marketing object has full access to the marketing object.

Related Topics

Adding Security to a Marketing Object

Overview of Approvals

Using Initiative Approvals

Adding Security to a Marketing Object

The following procedures demonstrate how you can make a campaign confidential and associate teams or individual users to a campaign. You can perform similar procedures for other marketing objects, such as programs or events.

Setting the Confidential Flag

In the Access tab of the Campaign Workbench, you can select to restrict access to a campaign to team members only (confidential). Alternatively, you can select to provide read only access to all marketing users. Until the campaign becomes Active, access to the campaign is restricted to the owner and associated team members only.

Adding a Team or User to a Marketing Object

You can add an individual user or a team of users to a campaign (or other marketing objects) to allow them access to it.

Use the following navigation to add a user or team to a campaign. Similarly, you can add a user or team to other marketing objects.

Navigation: Campaign > Campaigns

Overview of Approvals

Approvals are needed for most objects created in Oracle Marketing (campaigns, campaign activities, events, event activities, one-off events, offers, and deliverables). Objects are approved according to your organization’s business rules and approval processes. The administrator sets up the different types of approvals needed for an object as part of the custom setup for the object. For example, the custom setup for a campaign activity may define that only the budget allocated must be approved. Refer Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for more information on setting up approval rules.

There are, primarily, two types of approvals, theme approval and budget approval.

Theme Approval

You may plan a marketing event or campaign around an idea. For example, during the Christmas season, a clothing manufacturer may plan fashion shows in major cities. Once the idea is conceived, it must be approved. In our example, this means that the theme of having a set of fashion shows is approved. At this stage, you may provide only brief details of the campaign and the costs to be incurred.

Budget Approval

Once the theme has been approved, you will build a detailed plan, also including all the costs involved. For example, the clothing manufacturer in our example will create event activities with details such as the location for the show in each city, the dates for the events, cost and revenue details that must be tracked, and so on.

Once you have planned and entered activity details, you will request funds (budget line requests) to execute these schedules. The budget lines requested must be approved by an approver based on the approval rules setup. After the budget lines are approved, the object itself must be approved based on the approval rules setup. Depending on the approval, the object’s status will go to Active or Rejected.

If the object moves into the Rejected status, after modifying its details, you may once again request approval for it.

Approval Requests

If an object needs approval, the Submit for Approval button is displayed on the object details page. You can initiate approvals for the object using the Submit for Approval button. Once you have submitted an object for approval, the Submit for Approval button is rendered as a View Approval button on the details page, which you can use to view the approval status. When the authorized person confirms the approval, the status of the object will move to Active.

There may be times when you need to bypass the approval process for an object. The object will then go from the New status to the Active status directly. If you choose to waive approval for specific marketing activities, you can request your administrator to create a campaign template, activity template, or custom setup (for events) with the theme approval and budget approval waivers defined. You then must click the Activate button on the details page. The object status changes to Active.

Other than the owner, only those users who have financial access can request approval for an object. An owner is automatically assigned financial access for an object.

Previewing Approvals

When you click the Submit for Approval button, you are taken to the Preview Approvals page. If you are the approver, you can view the different details of the object, such as about its request status and budget sources before you confirm the approval. You can also select the status of the object after it has been approved - do you want the object to be Active or Available.

Viewing Approvals

As the owner of an object awaiting approval, you can view the status of the approval before using the object for marketing activities. Clicking on the View Approvals button will navigate you to the View Approvals page, where you can view the last approval process initiated for the object.

For budget lines (the method in which the money and expense associated with an object is approved) approval, you can view the line level details by clicking the Details icon in the Budget Sources region. A user who does not belong to your team must have financial access to view these details.

Approval Notes

As approvers approve objects in an approval hierarchy, they can maintain notes. These notes are visible to users with financial access to the objects. However, the notes are not direct communication between approver and requestor or between the approvers within a hierarchy. You can access these notes from the View Approval Details page. The note could contain information such as any condition for the approval, the reason for the rejection, and so on.

Using Initiative Approvals

After creating an initiative (for example, a campaign activity), you may need to submit the initiative for various types of approval (depending on the object approval requirements specified by your application administrator in activity and campaign templates).

All approvals in Oracle Marketing happen through the AMS Marketing Workflow process. The logical flow for approvals is as follows:

  1. When you create an initiative that needs approval, a Submit for Approval button is displayed. Approvals are initiated when this button is clicked. Users who do not have financial privileges will not be able to view the Submit for Approval button.

  2. Clicking the Submit for Approval button takes you to the Preview Approvals page. This page contains details of the approval type (Theme or Budget), request status, budget sources, and approver details. You can modify the request status for the object and select the appropriate user status for the system status that you have selected. Note that your administrator can set user-friendly user statuses corresponding to a system status. For example, you may want the system status Canceled to have the user status Not Available. System statuses are used internally by the system and the corresponding user statuses are displayed when you view the object details.

  3. Once the request status is selected, you can click the Confirm button. This initiates the approval process. The status returned upon approval is the request status you selected.

  4. The initiative then changes the status to Pending Approval based on the approval initiated. A notification goes to the approver defined in the approval rule. If there is no approval rule defined, the notification for approval goes to the default marketing approver.

  5. When an initiative is pending approval, the View Approval button is displayed on the details page. Clicking it takes you to the View Approval Details page that provides information about the status of the approval and the approver with whom the approval is pending.

  6. Depending on what settings the submitter used and on whether the initiative is approved or not, the initiative’s status will go to Active, Available, or Rejected. If rejected, you can modify the details of the initiative as necessary and request for a fresh approval. When the status of an object is Active, to change it to any other status you must update it manually.

    For objects not requiring approvals, you need to click the Activate button in the object details page to activate the initiative. If the activity is approved, the Activate button is no longer visible. The system performs all the necessary validations for the approval process.

Working with Common Components

This topic covers the following common component information:

Overview of Notes

You may need to record information about various marketing activities, such as creating campaigns, events, lists, activities, and so on. You can do so using the Notes functionality available across the applications in the Oracle E-Business Suite. A note is descriptive information that you can record and reference later, such as directions, special instructions, or reminders. In Oracle Marketing, you can associate notes to most objects: programs, campaigns, events, activities, deliverables, and so on. When you attach a note to an object, it becomes a part of that object.

The following are the key features of notes:

For more information on notes, refer Oracle Common Application Calendar User Guide.

About Attachments

Attachments are documents, URLs, or text that can be associated with marketing objects in the JTT application. The typical use of attachments is for sharing and storing information about events. For example, you can attach a presentation for an event or the hyperlink for your organization’s Web site. When attachments are uploaded to a marketing object, they can be accessed and downloaded by all the team members associated with the marketing activity.


Related Topics

See "Using Attachments" in the Oracle Applications User's Guide

About Tasks

A task is a unit of work for any marketing activity. A task may be a follow-up action, a reminder, or a daily work assignment. Tasks are usually scheduled events and have defined start and end dates. For example, a support manager of a company may create a task for a telemarketing executive stating, "Please call back customer by 9:00am tomorrow".

A task may include information relating to actions such as resources, appointments, references, dates, contacts, recurrences, and events. You must assign a task to an individual or object. You can find tasks in the Collaboration mid tab for campaigns and activities.

For more information on tasks, refer Oracle Common Application Calendar User Guide.

Using Calendars

You can view appointments for a campaign on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis on the Oracle Applications Framework calendar.


Related Topics

See the Oracle Applications Calendar User Guide for more information about the OA Calendar.